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  1. Ability to Accept Direction (2ACC-63) - L531221A
  2. Additional Remarks - Electronic Theory, Anchor Points (2ACC-22) - L531126B
  3. Additional Remarks - End of Cycle Processing (2ACC-18) - L531124C
  4. Additional Remarks - Energy Problems (2ACC-52) - L531215C
  5. Additional Remarks - Space, Perception, Knowingness (2ACC-29) - L531130B
  6. Agree -Disagree - Have-Have-Not (Continued) (PDC Sup 0-B) - L530112b
  7. Agree-Disagree - Have-Have-Not (PDC Sup 0-A) - L530112a
  8. An Assumption, Lines, Cords, Havingness (1ACC-33) - L531026b
  9. Anchor Points - Driving Them in and Out (PDC Sup 0-C) - L530112c
  10. Anchor Points and Space (1ACC-50) - L531103b
  11. Anchor Points, Justice (2ACC-24) - L531127A
  12. Anchor Points, Knowingness of Location (2ACC-16) - L531124A
  13. Anchor Points, Space, Games, Indicated Drills of Processes (1ACC-40) - L531028b
  14. Anesthesia in Bodies, Part III (1ACC-13) - L531013b
  15. Anesthesia in Bodies, Parts I and II (1ACC-12) - L531013a
  16. Appendix - SOP 8 (1ACC) - L531107
  17. Appendix contents (2ACC-app) - L531223
  18. Assessment, Memories, Ridges - Demo - Acceptance Level Processing (1ACC-36) - L531027b
  19. Assessment, Memories, Ridges - Demo - Acceptance Level Processing (Cont.) (1ACC-37) - L531027c
  20. Auditing by SOP 8-C - Formula H (2ACC-62) - L531220B
  21. Barriers, Occlusion (2ACC-37) - L531207A
  22. Beingness (2ACC-58) - L531218B
  23. Beingness, Agreement, Hidden Influence, Processes (Admiration 11) - L530327C
  24. Black Mock-ups, Persistence, MEST (2ACC-6) - L531118B
  25. Blackness (2ACC-32) - L531202
  26. Case Reports, SOP 8-C, SOP 8-L (1ACC-38) - L531027d
  27. Case Reports, SOP 8-C, SOP 8-L (Continued) (1ACC-39) - L531028a
  28. Cause and Effect - Assignment of Cause, GE (2ACC-49) - L531214B
  29. Cause and Effect, Automaticity, Ridges Processing (1ACC-46) - L531102a
  30. Cause and Effect, Automaticity, Ridges Processing (Continued) (1ACC-47) - L531102b
  31. Certainty (1ACC-57) - L531105a
  32. Certainty of Anchor Points Processing (1ACC-29) - L531020a
  33. Certainty of Anchor Points Processing (Continued) (1ACC-30) - L531020b
  34. Change Processes, Action (1ACC-28) - L531019c
  35. Comm Line - Overt Act-Motivator Sequence (2ACC-54) - L531216B
  36. Communication (2ACC-61) - L531220A
  37. Communication - ARC - Demonsiration (Continued) (1ACC-59) - L531105c
  38. Communication - ARC - Demonstration (1ACC-58) - L531105b
  39. Concluding Long Form of Step V - Admiration Processing (PDC Sup-11) - L530124
  40. Creative Admiration Processing (LGC-6) - L530110h
  41. Data on Case Level V (cont.) (Admiration 14) - L530407B
  42. Data on Case Level V, Step for Case V (Admiration 13) - L530407A
  43. Demonstration (Admiration 15) - L530407C
  44. Demonstration - Group Processing (2ACC-26) - L531128A
  45. Educational System, How to Group Process (Continued) (LGC-1) - L530110b
  46. Educational System, How to Group Process (Part 1) (LGC-1) - L530110a
  47. Effects, Reaching End of Cycle (2ACC-9) - L531119A
  48. Electronic Theory, Anchor Points (2ACC-21) - L531126A
  49. Elements - How to Run Matched Terminals (Admiration 05) - L530325a
  50. Elements - How to Run Matched Terminals (Cont.) (Admiration 06) - L530325b
  51. Elements of the Problem (ICDS-02) - L530930b
  52. Emotions in MEST (PHC-34) - L531231
  53. Energy Problems (2ACC-51) - L531215B
  54. Essence of SOP 8-C (2ACC-39) - L531208A
  55. Examples of SOP 6-C Patter (2ACC-42) - L531209B
  56. Exteriorization (1ACC-03) - L531007b
  57. Exteriorization (2ACC-23) - L531126C
  58. Exteriorization, Demonstration and Explanation (Admiration 16) - L530407D
  59. Exteriorization, Difficult Cases (1ACC-09) - L531012a
  60. Factors (Admiration 17) - L530424A
  61. Fixed Attention, Duplication, How to Audit Children (1ACC-35) - L531027a
  62. Footnote to Effects, Reaching End of Cycle (2ACC-10) - L531119B
  63. Force, Part I (2ACC-46) - L531213A
  64. Force, Part II (2ACC-47) - L531213B
  65. Forget and Remember, Good and Evil (1ACC-26) - L531019a
  66. Forget and Remember, Good and Evil (Continued) (1ACC-27) - L531019b
  67. Formula Phi, Creation of MEST (2ACC-14) - L531123A
  68. Getting Up Speed, Part I (2ACC-3) - L531117C
  69. Getting Up Speed, Part II (2ACC-4) - L531117D
  70. Group Process (PHC-21) - L531229
  71. Group Processing (PHC-31) - L531230
  72. Group and Individual Processing (PDC Sup-1) - L530114a
  73. History and Development of Dianetics and Scientology (ICDS-01) - L530930a
  74. How and When to Audit (Admiration 07) - L530326A
  75. How to Run Change Processing (1ACC-45) - L531030b
  76. Inverted Dynamics (1ACC-16) - L531014c
  77. Inverted Dynamics (Continued) (1ACC-17) - L531014d
  78. Inverted Dynamics Inflow-Ouiflow, Material, Time (Cotinued) (1ACC-61) - L531106b
  79. Inverted Dynamics, Inflow-Outflow, Material, Time (1ACC-60) - L531106a
  80. Knowingness (2ACC-43) - L531210A
  81. Knowingness and Certainty (2ACC-64) - L531221B
  82. LRH Questions the Class on Exteriorization (2ACC-36) - L531204B
  83. Lack of Space (2ACC-31) - L531201
  84. Liabilities of Being Processed (1ACC-31) - L531021
  85. Logics - Their Relation to Aberration and Space (1ACC-49) - L531103a
  86. Logics, Part II (1ACC-51) - L531103c
  87. Logics, Part II (Continued) (1ACC-52) - L531103d
  88. Looking, Definition of Static (1ACC-01) - L531006
  89. Mass (2ACC-60) - L531219B
  90. Mechanics of the Mind (LGC-3) - L530110d
  91. Missing Particle (Continued) (LGC-4b) - L530110f
  92. Missing Particle (LGC-4a) - L530110e
  93. More on Machines (2ACC-11) - L531119C
  94. Most Favorable Process (ICDS-04) - L531001b
  95. Occluded Case (1ACC-08) - L531009b
  96. Occluded Case Reports - Black Spot Processing, Certainty (1ACC-48) - L531102c
  97. Occlusion, Resolve of (1ACC-06) - L531008c
  98. Only One (2ACC-57) - L531218A
  99. Opening Lecture - Emotional Tone Scale (2ACC-1) - L531117A
  100. Outline of SOP 8-C (2ACC-38) - L531207B
  101. Plan of Auditing (2ACC-13) - L531120B
  102. Plan of SOP 8-C (2ACC-35) - L531204A
  103. Postulates (2ACC-66) - L531222B
  104. Present Time (Admiration 08) - L530326B
  105. Problems of Auditing (2ACC-40) - L531208B
  106. Process to Resolve Randomity and Automaticity (1ACC-55) - L531104c
  107. Process to Resolve Randomity and Automaticity (Continued) (1ACC-56) - L531104d
  108. Processes For Rough Cases (ICDS-12) - L531003c
  109. Processing and Its Goals (ICDS-03) - L531001a
  110. Processing of Groups By Creative Processing (LGC-5) - L530110g
  111. Psychotics, Classification of Cases (1ACC-07) - L531009a
  112. Question and Answer Period, Part I (Wasting) (ICDS-13) - L531004a
  113. Question and Answer Period, Part II (Effort) (ICDS-14) - L531004b
  114. Question and Answer, Step V (1ACC-02) - L531007a
  115. Randomity and Automaticity (1ACC-53) - L531104a
  116. Randomity and Automaticity (Continued) (1ACC-54) - L531104b
  117. Randomity, Control and Prediction, Part I (1ACC-14) - L531014a
  118. Randomity, Control and Prediction, Part II (1ACC-15) - L531014b
  119. Remedy of Havingness (2ACC-65) - L531222A
  120. Resistance to Effect (2ACC-12) - L531120A
  121. Restimulation of Engrams, Experiences (1ACC-32) - L531026a
  122. Review of Dianetics, Scientology and Para-Dianetics-Scientology (Admiration 01) - L530323a
  123. SOP - Step II (1ACC-10) - L531012b
  124. SOP - Step II (Continued) (1ACC-11) - L531012c
  125. SOP 5 Long Form Step I (PDC Sup-2) - L530114b
  126. SOP 5 Long Form Step II (PDC Sup-3) - L530116a
  127. SOP 5 Long Form Step II - Demonstration (PDC Sup-4) - L530116b
  128. SOP 5 Long Form Step III - Differentiation on Theta Clearing (PDC Sup-5) - L530119a
  129. SOP 5 Long Form Step III - Spacation (PDC Sup-6) - L530119b
  130. SOP 5 Long Form Step IV - Gita (Continued) (PDC Sup-8) - L530121b
  131. SOP 5 Long Form Step IV - Gita (PDC Sup-7) - L530121a
  132. SOP 5 Long Form Step V - Additional Techniques (PDC Sup-9) - L530123a
  133. SOP 5 Long Form Step VI (PDC Sup-10) - L530123b
  134. SOP 8 (2ACC-app) - L531223
  135. SOP 8 (Admiration 18) - L530424B
  136. SOP 8 - Short 8 (ICDS-08) - L531002b
  137. SOP 8 - Steps I, II and III (ICDS-07) - L531002a
  138. SOP 8 - Steps I, II and III (ICDS-09) - L531002c
  139. SOP 8 - Steps IV and V (ICDS-06) - L531001d
  140. SOP 8 - Steps VI and VIi (ICDS-05) - L531001c
  141. SOP 8-C - Formulas (2ACC-55) - L531217A
  142. SOP 8-C - General Discussion (2ACC-44) - L531210B
  143. SOP 8-C - Step V (2ACC-50) - L531215A
  144. SOP 8-C - Summary of (2ACC-20) - L531125B
  145. SOP 8-C Patter (2ACC-45) - L531211A
  146. SOP 8-C Step VIII, Definitions (2ACC-48) - L531214A
  147. SOP 8-G - First Lecture (2ACC-2) - L531117B
  148. SOP 8-G - General (2ACC-59) - L531219A
  149. SOP Issue 5 - Steps 1 to 7 (Admiration 03) - L530324A
  150. SOP Issue 5 - Steps 1 to 7 (Cont.) (Admiration 04) - L530324B
  151. SOP Utility (Admiration 09) - L530327A
  152. SOP Utility (cont.) (Admiration 10) - L530327B
  153. Scientology 8-8008 - STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE 8 (Admiration 00) - L530300
  154. Six Steps to Better Beingness (ICDS-10) - L531003a
  155. Spacation, Anchor Points and Attention (1ACC-41) - L531028c
  156. Space Opera (2ACC-56) - L531217B
  157. Space, Perception, Knowingness, Part I (2ACC-28) - L531130A
  158. Space, Perception, Knowingness, Part II (2ACC-30) - L531130C
  159. Special Session - Experimental Group Process (2ACC-27) - L531128B
  160. Step I of 8-C - Orientation (2ACC-5) - L531118A
  161. Step II - Automaticities (2ACC-7) - L531118C
  162. Steps V, VI, VII - Duplication, Unconsciousness (2ACC-17) - L531124B
  163. Steps V, VI, VII - Time (2ACC-19) - L531125A
  164. Study of the Particle (1ACC-42) - L531029a
  165. Study of the Particle (Continued) (1ACC-43) - L531029b
  166. Study of the Particle (Continued) (1ACC-44) - L531030a
  167. Subjective Processes (Continued) (1ACC-20) - L531016b
  168. Subjective Processes - Perimeter Processing (1ACC-19) - L531016a
  169. Summary - Failures on Exteriorization (2ACC-41) - L531209A
  170. Summary of Steps I, II, III of SOP 8-C (2ACC-15) - L531123B
  171. Symbols (2ACC-25) - L531127B
  172. Techniques Which Do or Do Not Assign Cause (2ACC-53) - L531216A
  173. Thetan Control, Part I - Handling Occlusion (1ACC-04) - L531008a
  174. Thetan Control, Part Il - Handling Occlusion (1ACC-05) - L531008b
  175. Thinking Action, Machines (1ACC-18) - L531014e
  176. Thinking Processes (1ACC-24) - L531017a
  177. Thinking Processes (Continued) (1ACC-25) - L531017b
  178. Time - Cause and Effect, Part I (2ACC-33) - L531203A
  179. Time - Cause and Effect, Part II (2ACC-34) - L531203B
  180. Time, Assumption Facsimiles, Overt Acts, DEDs (1ACC-34) - L531026c
  181. Tone Scale [1953] (2ACC-app) - L531223
  182. Types of Processes (Admiration 12) - L530327D
  183. Uses and Future of Scientology (ICDS-11) - L531003b
  184. Waste a Machine (2ACC-8) - L531118D
  185. What We Are Doing in Processing (LGC-2) - L530110c
  186. Whats Wrong With the Pc and How You Can Do Something About It (Admiration 02) - L530323b
  187. Why a Thetan Is Stuck in a Body, Part I (1ACC-21) - L531016c
  188. Why a Thetan Is Stuck in a Body, Part II (1ACC-22) - L531016d
  189. Why a Thetan Is Stuck in a Body, Part III (1ACC-23) - L531016e