“How to start a family up that had some bad auditing in the early days.“
Well, lot of things you could do, but it’s mainly a communication problem. Very probably, if I were really interested in this problem — actually these things don’t solve in the absence of a great deal of interest because if you want to solve any problem in this universe, you have to put out effort. Takes effort to solve any of these things — real effort And if you just want to sit around and get a thought solution and you go bap and that goes into the machinery again — no.
But you take real effort, find a friend of theirs and explain the problem to the friend of theirs and then audit the friend of theirs and bring him up Tone Scale and demonstrate that this happened, and that brings them back in again. That’s establishing communication by picking up a communication relay point of theirs, making it yours and through that point shared, communicating.
Oh, yes, this is wonderful: „Athletic directors require their athletes to exercise. Can Scientology reduce the time requirements for their physical training?“
Well, yeah. Physical training is laughingly called, of athletes… You ever around a bunch of athletes? Well, honest Have you ever been around a bunch of athletes? You’ve seen them on the screen in the movies and so on, but have you ever really been around them? Boy, they’re always all bunged up. They’re in horrible shape. Every time I run into a bunch of athletes, why, this guy’s got his foot all taped up and fingers are all taped up here, and he’s got a strained muscle.
And they’re like racehorses. They’ll get out there and they’ll really pitch, but they kind of like to hold up that sore fetlock, too. Very interesting, but they are quite delicate. You’d think they were; they are quite delicate. And they’re valuable, and they’re aware of this. And I think right there you have the answer to an athlete: The mock-up is too valuable. And they go around and start damaging it and this becomes terrific.
For instance, one day I saw an athlete — the only one who really got a tremendous ovation (talk about acceptance level) got a tremendous ovation from the crowd, was one who was damn fool enough to get spiked. And then bravely went back to bat with beautiful sadness. That was athletics.
Now, how would you reduce their physical training by… If anything, you’d push it, an athlete’s physical training, up above where it is. And as far as your own physical training is concerned, gee, don’t be afraid of knocks and bumps now. It doesn’t matter how many knocks and bumps and muscles you build now.
Many of you, in handling Effort Processing and so on, have gotten kind of leery of packing in that much effort Actually, you’re effort hungry. You have to waste a lot of effort before you can have any. It really doesn’t matter how many knocks and bumps you get.
You ought to do something in life that is rough on you physically-rough to do. Oh, anything — go play handball once in a while or go swimming. That’s the accepted method of doing it I’ve taken up all sorts of things. One of the things I’ve been doing lately is ride muddycycles — murdercycles, they ordinarily call them. And they’re quite a fistful — and various things.
The best thing I know of in terms of sheer labor is a yacht, a sailing yacht. I was handling a sailing yacht for a little while. But some years ago, when I was really handling sails and so forth, I used to have a very, very delicate little hand; the beautiful sadness of hand. I was very careful of my hands. I was a writer, you see, and if I bunged up my hands, I couldn’t write. They were a couple of athletes that had to be kept in blankets or something of the sort.
And one day I said, „The dickens with this!“ and I went out and started in again, picked up something — I’d done a lot of motorboating earlier, but never any yachting with hawsers, you know, and ratlines and halyards and — gee-whiz.
About three weeks of this and I looked at my hand, what was left of it — rope burns, calluses, and the palm had broadened out almost one finger width. You talk about an unexercised pair of hands, I really had a pair. A bellboy one time — I gave him a tip or something of the sort, and he looked at my hands and he said, „Well, haven’t you ever worked at anything?“
I had worked at a lot of things, but I’d just never done any hard work with my hands. Just three weeks of yachting and I got another finger width on the palm.
Well, a motorcycle — it’s never gotten any wider, but real tough. And after that, I never had any trouble with my hands typing — never. Just — I just forgot about it and my hands never got tired anymore. I had wasted them, you might say, enough in the body. You can waste in the body, like wasting energy in exercise and banging yourself around and so on. It works, because you’re mocking up the waste every time. You’re getting the same amount of energy back into it again; you’re actually building it up.
Well, an overt line of action which results in bumps and bangs for you in life is apparently desirable — not just tolerable, but apparently desirable. That’s the best way in the world to do mock-ups of action is to knock your body around because you’re in immediate contact with the state of the body. You could probably pick up other things the same way, if you were really good. You’d admire everything out before it hits.
The way I’d train a bunch of athletes is I would first make them waste bodies like mad until they got so bored with the idea of having to help this body that I would disabuse them of it That’s why they have to be retrained all the time. They become careful. Did you ever see a baseball team given new uniforms and immediately lose the game? Well, that’s the same thing.
„What are the chronic illnesses that form the 30 percent you mention as not psychosomatic?“
Well, I’m sure you’ve been asked this question, and you can refer it to the same place I’m going to. This statement is on the authority of Morris Fishcake — I beg your pardon, Fishtwine — Morris Fishtwine. And he has classified that and made that statement and it’s been made in many medical books, and it’s a fairly standard everybody-knows-that statement, see? And I just took it from there. I took it from authority. And I’ve never explored it because frankly it’s closer to 100 percent.
But it sounds good, and you’ve got to take a certain amount from the society if you want to agree with it And the doctors all agree with this. Everybody agrees with it I don’t know where they got the figure and I don’t know what the ills are that are chronic. I’ve never found one myself, except having one’s head removed. I would say that was chronic.
I suppose there’s other chronic illnesses. I don’t know whether parts of the body will rebuild or not Auditors have hazarded that and they’re working on it; they’re trying to figure it out Trying to get the third tooth to grow where a tooth’s been pulled, trying to get this to happen and that to happen and trying to get a finger to grow, something like that.
People’s limbs have lengthened two, three, four inches; their spines have lengthened, their height’s grown. And I’ve seen places on the body fill in where chunks had been pulled out But I haven’t seen a whole limb grow, or I haven’t seen half a limb grow, I mean, and complete itself and be a full limb again.
I don’t know. Possibly something to do with structural pattern or the bud or something has to be implanted along the line or something. One of these days we’ll find out what that is and then we’ll all have two heads.
„Should a Step V who needs energy and can mock up a flow of energy or generate a flow of energy coming in from the outside or a point use this source of energy continuously as long as it’s proving beneficial?“ (Which apparently is.)
Well, I don’t know. Any way you solve energy starvation, you solve energy starvation. Except I must say this is a mighty quiet way to do it And I frankly don’t think this Step V is mocking up this energy. I just think he’s pulling it out of the bank. Pretty soon there won’t be any left of the bank; then he’ll be a Step VI.
Oh, you sit down during a session — you don’t use the energy that comes in, you just sit down during a session and mock up energy.
„The dietitian recommending organic foods claim the function of the MEST body can improve measurably.“
Oh, sure, sure. You can fool the cells into thinking that MEST is important to them. You know, I was going to do this while I was here — I didn’t do this — I was going to show you that the MEST body had the same mechanical aspect as a motor by simply bringing a motor and a pretty girl up here and showing you the two. But I didn’t do this because I remembered that it wasn’t Los Angeles and… (laughter)
So, the fact of the matter is that you’re running a carbon-oxygen motor. And it runs at 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, and it has a certain requirement of water and a certain requirement of air, of course — carbon and oxygen. And it’s just a motor, and it happens to have a lot of living parts, which each one is a motor. And it just runs. And you pour the gasoline into the tank and you step on the starter — -pam. And when you’ve stepped on the starter, the motor turns over and the drives drive the rear wheel, and the rear wheel goes around and you put it in gear and away she goes.
Carbon-oxygen engine. Same thing as a motor vehicle. There’s nothing strange about either one of these except one’s a biological engine and the other is running on biology which occurred some millions of years ago. Remember that gasoline is a biological product — not a MEST product.
Alcohol is a biological product, not a MEST product. The only fuel they’ve run into which is apparently strictly inorganic is the atom bomb. And I’m afraid to look too close at that thing because I’m not real up Tone Scale enough to sit in the middle of one of those blasts yet. The government doesn’t tell me, too, when they’re going to set one of them off, so I can’t make the test. I’ll make the test with a preclear one of these days, but… (laughter)
„How do you help the preclear to determine what his goal is?“
Well, there is a process known as Future Processing where you merely have the preclear start mocking up horrible futures. And all of his goals will shake loose. Just have him mock it up in brackets.
This is the neatest little technique you ever ran into. There are lots of techniques, but you’ll find that the first time he says, „Well, I couldn’t think of anything in the future like that,“ you say, „Well, get yourself in the future sitting under a tree.“
„Ah, but there’s ants.“
So on. You’ll find he can’t go into the future. Anyway, you just keep mocking it up on gradient scales into the future until he’s better and better and better in the future.
And all of a sudden — pam. He’ll say, „What do you know? I used to be — want to be a Pullman car conductor; that was my prime ambition,“ and so forth. „I guess that’s why I’ve been trying to get you to run birth on me.“
Only reason I said that is because I just thought of it. But it’ll show up his goals.
If you wanted to orient somebody on goals and you started looking over an E-Meter, don’t look for logical goals. Look for the most ordinary and foolish articles such as automobile tires, wash pans, windows, houses, cats. Cats is even too logical. They’re MEST objects — most of them.
I don’t think there’s a preclear alive who does not have and who cannot give you on the E-Meter a MEST object It’s his goal to be a ____ (and some kind of a MEST object like a diamond ring or a brass spittoon or anything you can think of). The darnedest things.
Every once in a while a preclear will get a sudden startled picture-very, very brilliant, of this beautiful object, and then he doesn’t get it anymore. Oh-oh. You just ran into what — the thing that won — that he would be if he could. Oh, this is very interesting.
I ran into a preclear one time that couldn’t emanate, because he was trying to be a sun. And you’d think it was semantics, you know, semantically messed up — he was trying to be his mother and father’s son. This was not true.
He had just been boiled and baked so solidly and so hard by the sun that the sun had won and, when you ask him to put out flitter, all he could do was kind of try to go into the valence of the sun in order to put out sunbeams. And he didn’t have any idea whatsoever of flitter. And, as I say, he was trying to make his flitter do what sunbeams did. And of course it didn’t work at all That’s all right We just processed him some more on SOP 8.
„How do you help him determine what his goal is?“
Well, that’s what I say. You can start running just futures in brackets and his goals will show up — easiest way I know of.
„Please elaborate more on Child Scientology and special tricks you’ve picked up.“
Well, truth of the matter is that one of withdrawing from the child is very interesting. And special mock-ups for the child, as long as you’re not giving the child stories, is very interesting. You just give him separate mock-ups. You can process whole classes of children without anybody ever suspecting you’re processing them, just by giving them mock-ups. And it’s happy — pleasant sort of an undertaking, and they all get well.
As far as special tricks is concerned, the child follows through SOP 8, better, if anything, than an adult And he just runs beautifully on SOP 8 — just gorgeously. You don’t really need any special tricks, but just remember this: His attention span is so brief that you may have had his attention span while you are still trying to get his attention. You may have had it the first time.
And what do you do? You just skip it that day. You pick it up the next day. A child’s attention span is so tiny. It might go into two minutes, if you’re lucky. That’s a long attention span for a child.
In the schools, Self Analysis is normally given for about ten minutes. And the total period of processing is about twenty minutes. That’s — would be a few minutes to get the children quiet enough to give them the first mock-up, then ten minutes of mock-ups, and then a few minutes giving them the end-of-session processing — the last list in Self Analysis.
You could get twenty minutes’ worth out of this. It’s just terrific, I mean, taking all the steps necessary in returning them to class or sending them out for recess afterwards. Twenty minutes, and that’s on children in the third grade.
So what do you expect the attention span of a little baby is? Actually, a little baby will give you quite a bit of attention, but in little brief spans. And the second you try to crowd the baby to give you more attention, it’s just-the baby can’t tolerate it. They just don’t have the ability to look at you any longer than they look at you.
And parents who will get impatient about this and they’ll sit a kid down and they’ll start talking to the kid. Well, their act of getting the kid to sit down has normally exhausted the kid’s attention span and the kid isn’t there all the time they’re talking. The kid is just gone; he just can’t fix on them. He just disperses all over the place or something.
You sort of have to get it in quick with a kid. You give him some kind of a snap of some sort or something that alerts them. You shake him by the hand — make a motion toward him and shake him by the hand and say, „Can you get a picture of a dog?“ Thuhhnt! And then he goes off playing with his toys. He’s had his processing for the day.
I’ve told you about cases that this answers: „How about techniques for processing individual who cannot communicate due to physical…“ (Hey, what do you know?) „… due to physical reasons such as cerebral palsy and mongoloid cases?“
I’ve told you how to do that In a little section in a recent issue of the Journal under a heading, „The Old Man’s Case Book,“ I think you’ve got the data on that.
It’s just withdraw — you withdraw from them slightly and make them — make them reach for you. Just wait for them to reach for you and then withdraw slightly, so on. That’s the technique. It just doesn’t look like much of a technique to you. I know it should be rigged up there with them big wheels run by that big robot But that’s the technique. And don’t think it isn’t effective.
„Do you plan to train auditors specifically for work with children?“
„Is there any material now available for work with children?“
Yeah, SOP 8.
No. I don’t plan to train auditors specifically for work with children, mostly because I would have a tendency to get auditors to process children so that auditors would understand auditing, because you can find amongst children, with great rapidity, all of the manifestations you’ll find in all older ages. And more than that, you get a great deal of action and you get considerable response and you get a considerable quantity of phenomena.
You ask this kid something or other and it just runs easily. When I use children on this course that’s just coming up, it will be for that reason — not to train them how to audit children.
You know there’s people think children are a different breed. They’re Homo sapiens. Except if their parents have really resisted their survival, they’re psychos. And everybody knows children act like that, so nobody pays any attention.
You go down the street here and you see more six-, eight-, ten-, twelve-year-old kids that are strictly batty. They’re just not there. They’re just not functioning. They’re out of coordination. And you say, „Good heavens! Out of a sanitarium, too.“ There’s this little kid going down the street and he’s just in a terrifically distracted, disassociated, agitated frame of mind. He’s — can’t make it.
And the parents say, „Well, if we just beat him up a little bit more, why, he’ll get over that nervousness.“
Well, the truth of the matter is the child has a physical imbalance and difficulty with physical controls, so on, up to the age of puberty. People say that puberty keys in all their engrams or something of the sort, and well, this is true, it does that, too, but it also keys in their controls. And it also, many times, will bring them back sanity.
How would you like to live for that many years without any androgen, no glandular extracts to amount to anything, body completely out of — imbalance; it’s just unable to function. It hasn’t grown up. It’s not formed. It’s like trying to cross bridges that are still built out of scaffolding. You get the idea. So they don’t hang together well.
And then people start punching them around because they don’t handle themselves well. They spill things or they fall down or something happens to the child, and then people got to punish the child and — to make them listen. And the child is in this world of giants, and he just goes crazy, that’s all. And they think, „Well, that’s the way children act. You see these kids out there playing, hitting each other over the head with dubs and so forth.“
And you look at these kids — and the parents say, „Well, that’s just the way they play. I mean, just like children. That’s normal.“ Well, it may be normal, but it’s not good.
You’ll see a bunch of kids that are in good shape. If you can get a kid out of hysterical merry-go-round for a short time — just isolate him for a little while, give him some space and give him a little bit of comm — all of a sudden, he’ll heave a sigh of relief and he’ll start to get healthy and he’ll start to grow and he’ll get cheerful about life and he’ll get pleasant and he can handle his body. He stops falling on his face. But you leave him in hysteria and punishment and upset and being responsible for all…
How would you like to go around — supposing you were unable to carry a glass of water and you knew you would get beaten if you spilled it? And people made you carry it and you kept spilling it. And yet you had to be responsible for this glass of water, but you couldn’t manage it or handle it? You’d get pretty daffy after a while. Well, it’s that situation in all of its guises which is faced by all children and which has been faced by all preclears.
Children aren’t sane in the run. You have to be a pretty good auditor to audit children. You have to be a lot of person to handle kids. You can’t be any sissy to handle kids. They just don’t respond to it at all.
I don’t know how you do it. You just say, Tour attention, please.“ And they kind of come out that way. And then you suddenly say, „Pow, pow, pow,“ whatever you want them to do and so forth. And they do it. And they’re squared around. And you’ve audited them. And that’s about that. It’s terrifically fast results. But it’s like processing in an insane asylum, except it’s very, very pleasant and very cheerful, and they’re really not crazy. They just can’t get aligned. Boy, do they do weird things as thetans, too. Fabulous!
And then every once in a while this kid comes into the sudden realization that he’s sorry; his difficulty is just handling the body and he’ll look at you kind of embarrassed and he knows he’s not a kid. And he’s known that off and on all the time. You can spin almost any kid by asking him, „Who are you, really?“ And he’ll look kind of haunted. Because very early in life, they have straight recall, except nobody validates it. And they don’t think it’s odd and they never mention it.
One little girl walked up to a parson one day in the church, and she was five years old and she was carrying just a little bag, her doll in her other hand. And she says, „Sir, would you please call Townsend,“ (a town near there) „and find out if my husband and children are all right.“ And he did. The description she gave him, the names she gave him, everything is fine. She’d never been up there.
And he came back and told her, „They’re fine.“
„I’m so glad; I was so worried about them,“ and immediately became a five-year-old child.
They have a lot of these cases on record. This person just had a little bit of responsibility for leaving those eight kids behind and dying at the age of forty-five or something without raising all of them.
„How would you handle a displaced person who suffered severe trauma in concentration camps, but does not appear to be psychotic? Oh, they act with extreme hostility and aggression, have very low frustrat….“
Oh, you’ve got a case of terrific starvation and every other thing. Just enclosed space and nothing you can do about it. You might as well ask, „What do you do with a person who has been put in a penitentiary by the government?“ What do you do for them?
They’re in a situation of fixed space. So you’ve got to unfix the spatial situation. And how do you do that? Just get them to put out and pull in anchor points. SOP 8, Six Steps to Better Beingness, SOP 8-L.
„Please differentiate between anchor points, dimension points and terminals.“
Terminals is the end of a communication line or it’s a communication line potential. In other words, this is a terminal — this is a terminal because it’s — even though it weren’t connected, it would still be a terminal, because it has a communication potential, so on.
An anchor point — these pieces of paper which I have here, you might look on them at once as anchor points, your anchor points and terminals, because they’re talking — these pieces of paper. And when you get an anchor point — an anchor point is something which encloses an extremity of a certain space.
A dimension point would of course do the same thing, but you get masses of dimension points. Therefore you get form. But you could call, as I did in the Doctorate Courses, anchor points dimension points, because any point encloses an extremity of an individual space. That’s true, isn’t it?
Male voice: Viewpoint.
Well, a viewpoint is just a geographical location within space which does or does not have any physical point connected with it A viewpoint can be completely missing as far as anything with which to view is concerned. This is a viewpoint There’s no point there, but it could be a viewpoint. That isn’t tough.
You just look at viewpoint of dimension and get those anchor points pinned out there and you’ll see then if you pushed them all together, you would have mass. And this mass, of course, you could say at that moment, was being made out of dimension points.
But every one of those things is a terminal, too, because it’s a point from which potentially you could communicate. But you know what I’m talking about It’s just a point. What are you doing? We’re just trying to classify classes of points. A point is a point A point doesn’t have mass or it does have mass. Well, that’s the critical description of a point A point either has no mass — which is, the most it could be would be a potential of mass. It’s not tough. Okay.
„How does an aberrated thetan arrive at the conclusion that he is nothing in the physical universe?“
I don’t know. Sometime run some Nothing, and that question would be immediately answered. That’s all. It’s just space is nothing, and that’s the first thing he’s run into, and that’s lots of it, and he’s space, and he just identified himself as nothing.
Actually, he is something in connection with the physical universe but he’s not what we have in the physical universe that we call a physical something. We call a physical something M-E-S-T and he’s not any one of these things. So therefore, he’s nothing. But he can be something; he can create something.
„What do you do exactly to establish what the pc will accept?“
Oh, you’re having an awful time with that. All you have to do — all you have to do is just start feeding him the most loathsome things you can think of, and at the moment when a pleased smile comes over his face, you’ve got it.
You can’t think of things loathsome enough to be acceptable to a lot of people that you’d run into down here in the street And they’ll just sort of boredly take them. Well, don’t think you’ve got to pep it up or make it more exciting; make it more dull, if anything, and just more gruesome.
For instance, you’ll find out that somebody couldn’t accept beer, but they might accept warm beer. Now they’re getting a little bit more interesting. And now they might accept warm beer with ground glass in it — vaguely acceptable. Beer with strychnine in it, and they start to smile.
Well, beer with strychnine and several unmentionable things in it, „Gee, that’s real good, yeah!“ I mean, how did they say it’s real good? You just get the fact that this mock-up moves in.
You see, they just accept the mock-up and they’re very pleased about it and they’re very — quite relieved about it. And they can keep mocking them up and they’re mocking it up, mocking it up.
All of a sudden they say, „I’m not interested in that anymore.“ Well, they’ve actually gotten bored with it They had a hunger for it.
But when I say, „for if — take alcohol. All right We get an alcoholic down the street We say, „All right Mock up some alcohol.“
„Well, let’s mock up some bad alcohol.“
„How bad?“
„Oh, denatured alcohol“ Well, he can accept it see, so on.
This fellow by the way is drinking, all the time, wine; or he’s drinking good, good gin; or he’s drinking perfectly good alcohol. That’s what he’s drinking. But we’re looking at what his acceptance level is. He can’t get his acceptance level because the society would frown at him and people are preventing him from actually taking what he would — what he would accept in the form of alcohol.
You finally get down to the line, and you say, „Well, get canned heat“ Yeah, he’s getting real pleased now. See, that’s poison, strictly.
„Canned heat. All right.“
„Now, let’s get canned heat and let’s put some unmentionable quantities in it“ That’s him. Tsk Boy, there’s where you get the entering wedge of his acceptance of alcohol.
And you just start running this for a while and he’ll get up to the point — and the next time he goes out — here’s what’s interesting: The next time he goes out to have a drink, something like mat why, he’ll look around and he’ll look at all this stuff he’s been drinking — that was not acceptable to him.
Well, now his acceptance level’s gone way up, and he’ll say, „Well, gee, don’t you have something special, something really special, something this way or something that way?“ He’ll be quite particular.
And he gets so he doesn’t care quite so much about who’s looking at him. But you can raise his acceptance level up.
What’s the acceptance level of alcohol for an alcoholic? Well, it’s certainly canned heat or lower because that’s all you can — all he’s got left that he’s trying to resist — is completely poison alcohol.
Okay. Let’s take a break.