And this is the afternoon of the 8th of October. And we want to take up here some material. And I'm going to give you a demonstration this afternoon. People have been overly worried about many things in cases, if cases are very, very easy to break one way or the other.
And do you mind if I mention this?
Male voice: No.
In Dianetics we knew the velocity of the grief charge and I said even now you can run them out. It doesn't matter, but we knew the velocity of this grief charge. Okay.
In Theta Clearing we are doing a different proposition. It is not grammatical to say - say this, but most people - the second sentence here is not grammatical. The first sentence is - it's not, "What are you afraid of?" Most people say that, "What are you afraid of?" They go around looking at each other and say, "What are you afraid of? What are you afraid of?"
This is like that "fighting nothing" deal, see, "What are you afraid of?" That will never get anyplace. That is a complete dead end because there is no what to be afraid of.
It's "Where are you afraid of?" "Where are you afraid of?" And although that isn't grammatical, Scientologically speaking, you'd certainly better alter your grammar, because the grammar in this case is wrong. It's "Where are you afraid of?"
I think we just saw a practical example of this, didn't we?
We started out with a person in a situation. And all this as soon as we'd gotten to the vicinity of the locale, which was brought up as the happening locale, the locale was awfully occluded. And we worked mainly upon geographical locale and so forth. And I catered to the case a little bit and audited longer than I should, merely because I got interested. Auditors just never really should be interested, but I happened to be interested. And I'm generally very fascinated with a lot of the data that comes up, so I sometimes wander around in my auditing.
But in this particular case, the solution of the thing was just to blow up Massachusetts and get Massachusetts blowing them up and admire Massachusetts and get it blown up. Not go in for any specific thing at all. But I thought I'd - we'd unearth a little more data concerning this and get a little more alive.
But this particular run was interesting because it had a number of occlusion moments. We had an occluded state and we had an occluded this and we had an occluded that. And after we'd do a certain exercise for a very short time, such as run a concept or run an idea on something or other, why, we would get occlusion. The thetan, although exteriorized very, very well, very certainly, nevertheless where he was would get occluded and then he'd get unoccluded.
Now, what did that occlusion unocclude on? What did I tell you to do that unoccluded it every time?
Male voice: It was if something was done to me, it occluded and then one day… This is the frailty of asking a preclear what happened.
Male voice: Yeah, that's right!
That's right. I'll just give another example here. Who happens to have some small degree of occlusion at the moment?
Male voice: Small degree?
LRH: Bring your chair up here. Sit down.
PC: Thank you.
LRH: You're welcome. Which is the easiest direction to look?
PC: Straight ahead.
LRH: Straight ahead is the easiest direction to look. Is it black?
PC: Yep.
LRH: Okay. Start having somebody behind you throwing explosions at you. Quite a distance away - enormous distance away from you. Just get the idea of somebody throwing big explosions at you.
Continue it. Watch the explosions - somebody throwing explosions at you. You doing that?
PC: I'm doing it but …
LRH: Okay.
[to audience] Did you get the confidence in that voice? "I'm doing it but…
PC: I was going to tell you something.
LRH: Mm-mm.
PC: That I have to keep putting them out there a long ways because if he gets closer - it's not that I care…
LRH: Oh, well, we don't want them to get closer. Get them out there a ways. Not that you care.
PC: They're out about sixty miles, that way.
LRH: All right. Put them out there and keep - keep throwing those big explosions. Use atom bombs if you like, but get a lot of flash to them.
PC: Yeah. Yes.
LRH: Okay. Keep them blowing. Use up the Russian stock. Lots of them. Getting that?
PC: Yeah. Mm-hm.
LRH: They still coming closer to you fast?
PC: Well, the explosions are always close.
LRH: Okay.
PC: And I was having - he'd keep getting closer if I didn't put him back out.
LRH: Oh, I see.
PC: It's all right.
LRH: Well, get him - get him blowing it up - blowing you up.
PC: Mm-hm. Blowing the body up?
LRH: Blowing you up as a thetan.
PC: Oh, okay.
LRH: Let's not dodge it. You just pretend the body - just pretend, now - that the body isn't here and that you as a thetan are sitting there.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: And start getting these explosions heaved at you.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Lots of them. All right, now start in on two fellows back there - two fellows back there - and the other one is using up the US stock of atom bombs.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Russian stock and the - so on. Get them blowing - blowing… Lots of them.
What's the matter?
PC: Nothing.
LRH: Nothing the matter? Let's get some big noisy ones. They getting better? Explosions about the same as they were?
Well, make them a little bit worse.
PC: Worse?
LRH: Use some effort on them and make them a little worse.
Can you do that?
PC: Well, I'm putting more detail in them. Something like that.
LRH: Make them worse. Make your view of them worse.
PC: They don't seem any worse.
LRH: They don't seem any worse? Well then, make them better.
Put the concussion in them. Put just a…
PC: Yeah!
LRH: … a tiny little concussion.
PC: Yeah, I already got some.
LRH: Yeah?
PC: Quite a bit.
LRH: All right. Just start increasing the concussion with each one. Put a tremendous enthusiasm to the bomb.
PC: I mean, it sort of admires itself when it blows up.
LRH: Yeah.
See if you can get them a bit bigger and a little further away now.
PC: Farther away?
LRH: Mm-hm. Bigger and further.
PC: Sure.
LRH: Get them - get them with a terrific grandeur of violence now, see.
Now get each one heaving you up in smoke and explosion.
What's the matter?
PC: Oh, I like it.
LRH: Huh?
PC: I like it!
LRH: Why, sure.
PC: I just sit up on top of it as it goes up and smile and…
LRH: Okay. Get lots of it now. Now get the US, Russian and Martian stock all going off.
PC: Yeah. That got away from me that time. I mean, I couldn't go as fast as it did.
LRH: Okay.
PC: I sat still, in other words.
LRH: Yeah.
PC: Quite a bit of activity in this here black field. I can tell you that.
LRH: No! All right. Let's - we're not interested in that black field.
PC: No! Oh, no, no. I just thought I would mention it.
LRH: We're not interested in a black field at all. Let's just keep them bombs going.
PC: Yes.
LRH: Get them bursting now with enthusiasm.
A real enthusiasm going on?
PC: The bombs?
LRH: Mm-hm.
PC: Yeah uh…
LRH: The people throwing them with it; get them with enthusiasm too.
PC: Okay. Getting quite a big - an idea of quite a big flare and flash.
LRH: Mm-hm.
PC: And all that.
LRH: All right, what are you getting now on your - your mock-up there?
PC: Well, I just had a bomb come in and break right behind me in a big white flash. A kind of greenish white.
LRH: Mm-hm.
PC: All directions.
LRH: Mm-hm
PC: And then another one.
LRH: Mm-hm.
PC: Doesn't go much beyond that point …
LRH: Mm-hm.
PC: … about a big flare-up.
LRH: All right. Now let's reach for the two back corners of the room.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Just get interested in them.
All right. Now let's get a terrific number of these bombs coming in in front of you.
PC: Oh, that's easy.
LRH: Hm?
PC: That's easy. I could sit here and watch them all day.
LRH: Well, okay. Just see how much concussion there is in it.
PC: It seems like quite a time lag that I sort of sit here and look at it a long time after it happens before I go ahead and get another one.
LRH: Mm-hm. Start dropping them in there two at once.
Now start dropping them in there five at once.
PC: I just did.
LRH: Good.
PC: This just stinks of a continuous barrage of them.
LRH: Mm-hm. Getting any concussion wave?
PC: No, I have to remember to put that in all the time if I want it or l don't get it.
LRH: Mm-hm. Well, get very sharp concussion waves from it. When the bomb breaks have it - have the concussion waves going rat-a-tat on you.
Getting it better? Hm?
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: All right, have somebody on the other side of the burst getting terrific concussion waves.
PC: That's easy.
LRH: Okay.
PC: That's easy.
LRH: All right, keep them coming in there and somebody else getting these terrific concussion waves.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Get him getting the sound of it too.
PC: Yeah, he didn't like it.
LRH: Hm?
PC: He didn't like it.
LRH: Oh, well…
PC: He didn't like it at all!
LRH: But you're forcing him to have the sound wave?
PC: I got it. Don't worry.
LRH: Okay. Now, put bursts on the other side of him.
PC: Oh, no, he don't like that at all. I can see that.
LRH: Getting him in back of it.
PC: Mm-hm. He'd like to be anywhere else. Yeah. Flame on him. He's just sitting there now, waiting for me to quit. And mad.
LRH: All right. Have him jump up and start dropping them in front of and in back of you.
What's happening there?
PC: Well, I have to work at it. I mean, I have to keep - keep quite a bit of attention to get the explosions we're working on.
LRH: Okay, get it dropping in front of and in back of you now and get the - get a rrrr from this guy doing it.
PC: Get what?
LRH: Get that real rage from this guy doing it.
PC: Yeah, he's mad but I don't care. The way I feel right now, he's going to be a lot madder before he ever gets anywhere with it.
LRH: I'm going to insist on you getting the sound now.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: What's happening?
PC: Oh, I guess I'm listening to some of the noise outside.
LRH: Noise outside?
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Suddenly conscious of the noise outside?
PC: No, it's - there's a new one, it seems to me.
LRH: Mm-hm.
Now, as this is going on, get how depraved it is of you to enjoy it,
PC: I don't care.
LRH: Well, get how depraved the other guy thinks it is.
Okay, blow him up.
PC: Done.
LRH: Okay, let's reach for the two back corners of the room now.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Get interested in them. Now get interested in the nonexistence of those two corners.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Okay. Now let's open your eyes. How do you feel?
PC: Swell.
LRH: Feel good, huh? Okay, close your eyes and take a look at your black field. Same field?
PC: Yeah, it's not quite so black.
LRH: What's happened?
PC: Well, just before I took hold of the back corners, there was a lot of activity in it. Right now it's kind of quiet. It's quite black looking.
LRH: Is it as black as it was? Does it feel as heavy as it was?
PC: Mm. No, not quite.
LRH: Okay. Now let's get a tremendous number of explosions in front and back of you again, only this time let's get a guy out on the right side of you throwing them at you.
Now let's get him throwing a globe of explosions, that is to say, around a certain perimeter or distance from you.
PC: All around me?
LRH: Yeah, all around you, above and below.
PC: Individual explosions all around.
LRH: Yeah, but many at once…
PC: Yeah.
LRH: … and quite repetitive.
PC: Hey, he thinks this is great.
LRH: Hm.
PC: He's a fiend.
LRH: A fiend? Okay.
PC: How far out do you want them?
LRH: Well, how far out are they?
PC: Well, I've got them about - to make a pretty good-sized globe. I've got them out about - it's about a three-hundred-foot globe.
LRH: Well, good.
PC: And they're on the edges of it.
LRH: Well, get a fellow way over on the left side of you…
PC: Yeah.
LRH: … complementing the globe, throwing even more into it. Put one on the right and one on the left now.
PC: Both of them working on it.
LRH: Yeah. And get them insisting that you watch each explosion.
PC: Well, I'm more interested in this joker.
LRH: Mm-hm.
PC: It seems like this bird over here doesn't want to really do anything. He's kind of lazy.
LRH: Okay. How's it going now?
PC: Oh, okay. But it keeps me busy getting all these explosions going.
LRR: All right. Have a bunch of them now suddenly concentrate on a spot about three miles back of your head. Get the air back there well exploded.
PC: Sir?
LRH: Get the air back there well exploded.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Now be in the middle of it.
PC: I was, but I'm not.
LRH: Oh yeah? Well, get the air between you and it badly exploded - terrifically exploded.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Now be about three miles back of your head again.
PC: Maybe.
LRH: All right. Try not to be three miles back of your head.
PC: Okay.
LRH: Are you there?
PC: Sir?
LRH: You there? What's happening?
PC: I'm. sitting here.
LRH: Well, did you move out and go in again or how?
PC: Well, I didn't move out and there's nothing on trying not to be. But I kind of bounced once or twice the other way.
LRH: Which way? Out?
PC: No, when you just said, "Be three miles back there," I just kind of bounced out and back real quicklike.
LRH: Mm-hm. All right. Be about a thousand miles back of your head, straight out into space.
What happened?
PC: Sir?
LRH: What happened?
PC: Soon as I - as soon as you said that I took a kind of pull around here and it made me laugh, that's all.
LRH: Okay. Well, now, let's get these boys going to work on you again - going to work on you real good - and just blowing the living daylights out of your body.
PC: Well, it don't last long.
LRH: Well, keep mocking up bodies out about three miles out in front of you now and get these boys blowing them up with enthusiasm.
Keep mocking them up and keep them blowing them up on you. This will be a contest who can mock up - if you can mock up the bodies faster than they can blow them up.
Got it? How's it going? How's it going?
PC: Fine. I mean, they're having a great picnic out there.
LRH: Okay.
PC: I mock them up sitting in a chair. Is that what you want?
LRH: Hm?
PC: Do you want them mocked up sitting in a chair?
LRH: Yeah, put them mocked up sitting in a chair out there. Get them blowing it up.
PC: Yeah, the chair…
LRH: As fast as they blow it up, you put an occluded sphere around the head of the mock-up.
Now, hide it.
PC: Sir?
LRH: Put a - keep putting an occluded sphere around the head of the mock-up.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Get it blown up next time. Got it?
PC: Yeah, I uh…
LRH: What happened?
PC: I almost shook loose once.
LRH: Oh, you're worrying about shaking loose?
PC: Don't know whether I'm worried about it.
LRH: Well, don't worry about shaking loose. We want you trapped. We don't want you free.
PC: Thanks!
LRH: You're too dangerous.
PC: Thanks, thanks. Yeah.
LRH: You're too dangerous.
PC: Thanks.
LRH: Now, let's keep putting those bodies out there on a chair.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Keep blowing them up. What's the matter?
PC: Well, every time there is any motion around this body, it makes me laugh.
LRH: Mm-hm. You getting any flashes with those explosions?
PC: No.
LRH: What are they like?
PC: I could.
LRH: All right, let's get the flash there. You been running all these explosions without the flash?
PC: Oh, not all of them. But I've kind of been forgetting about the flash there for quite a while. But I could try. I could get it.
LRH: Now let's get those flashes there. Let's get the big flash as the body goes up. Have your body there and have it blow up with a big flash.
Doing that?
PC: Yeah, I'm doing them pretty good.
LRH: Real good. Okay, let's contact the two back corners of the room.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: And just for variation, let's contact Union Station in Chicago as one corner and the Empire State Building as the other corner.
What happens as you do that?
PC: Well, I'm not sure where I am for just an instant. And then I know.
LRH: Where are you?
PC: Right here.
LRH: Is that so. All right. Pull the Empire State Building under you.
Now pull the Union Station under you.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Now put the Empire State Building back.
Let's put Union Station back.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Blow them both up.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Okay, move Montreal under you.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Move it back.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Move Phoenix under you.
PC: Okay.
LRH: Move it back.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Move Mexico City under you.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Move it back.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Let's move Earth under you.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Move it back.
PC: Hm. Where to?
LRH: Aha. Have it explode.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Have Mexico City explode.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Have Phoenix explode.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: All right. Have San - move San Francisco under you.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Have it explode.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Move it back.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Move the sun under you.
PC: Okay.
LRH: Stop it exploding.
PC: All right.
LRH: All right. Start it exploding again.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Okay. Now, move Paris under you.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Move it back.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Move Earth under you.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: All right. And after Earth, move a road under you.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Make the road explode.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Put an explosion all over the road.
PC: Sir?
LRH: Get the whole road exploding.
PC: Both ways?
LRH: Yeah.
PC: Okay.
LRH: Get the flash of it.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Okay, now just put flashes way down below you.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Put flashes above you.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: On the right side of you.
PC: Mm-hm. Do you want to keep them all going?
LRH: Mm-hm. Left side of you. Get yourself engulfed now in flashes.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Okay. Now, let's take hold of the two back corners of the room.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: All right. Let's be interested in those for a couple of minutes.
PC: They seem like quite a ways away.
LRH: They do? In which direction are they further away?
PC: In back.
LRH: Hm?
PC: In back.
LRH: Okay. Okay.
PC: I'm here.
LRH: Now out in front of you, blow up a whole flock of babies, one after the other, with a flash.
What do you have?
PC: Motion around me.
LRH: Okay. Keep babies blowing up.
Now, let's get parents blowing you up because you've blown up babies, with a flash.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Get the babies getting up now and blowing you up with flashes.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Get everybody ringing you around now and blowing you up with flashes.
Got that?
PC: Yeah!
LRH: Okay. Now let's reach the two front corners of the room.
PC: Got them.
LRH: Let's withdraw from them.
PC: Draw from them?
LRH: Withdraw from them.
PC: Hm. Mm-hm.
LRH: Now let's have a radio set out in front of you and blow it up. As fast as it blows up - make sure it blows up with a flash - put another radio set there and have it blow up with a flash.
Got that?
PC: Yeah.
LRH: All right. Some little distance from your face now, just start striking matches and watching the flash and get sonic on the explosion of the match as it ignites.
PC: How far out?
LRH: It doesn't matter. Why?
PC: Well, I was just wondering how far you want them. I can get them right here and right out there.
LRH: Okay. Now strike a match and stick it in your right eye while it's still burning.
PC: Mm-hm. It didn't quite make it. It got out before it got in there.
LRH: All right. Let's strike another one and stick it while it's still burning.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Strike another one.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Another one.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Each time, why, try to thrust it in the eye.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: All right. Now let's start striking big kitchen matches and stuffing them into the center of your head while they're still burning.
PC: They're all burning now.
LRH: Okay.
PC: They're on fire.
LRH: Oh, they're all burning now?
PC: A campfire.
LRH: Good. Stick a whole box of them in the center of the head and touch the box off.
PC: Mm-hm. That's quite a flash.
LRH: Good fire?
PC: Pretty good.
LRH: Mm-hm. Okay, throw them all away.
PC: Uh-I hate to tell you this but …
LRH: But what?
PC: I used to catch a pretty bad time when I was a kid for playing with matches.
LRH: Yeah, yeah.
PC: Okay, I threw them all away
LRH: All right, let's shove a huge box of kitchen matches into your mouth.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: They're not lit now. Now strike one corner of this huge matchbox and have it all explode in your mouth.
PC: I had to do it twice. I forgot to put the flash in the first time.
LRH: Okay, let's stick another box in.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Have it flash.
PC: Yeah, I get the sniff of it.
LRH: Yeah? All right. Let's get some more boxes of kitchen matches and start stuffing them in your stomach and body.
PC: Mm-hm. Light them up?
LRH: Yeah, light them up now.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Okay. Now have way out in front of you out here - way out in front of you out there - mock up your body as it's sitting in a chair and look at it.
PC: Yes, sir.
LRH: Mock up the rest of the room.
PC: Mm-hm..
LRH: Okay, mock up the outside wall.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Got that?
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Mock up the window and tree and the building across the street. All right, let's be three miles back of your head.
What happened?
PC: Well, sir the first thing, I didn't reach the three feet - three miles back of my head. I'd think where my head was and then be three miles back of that, or try to, and I wind up here.
LRH: Oh, is that what's troubling you. Well, just mock up your body and blow its head off with a flash.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Mock up your body again and blow its head off with another flash.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Blow its head off with another flash.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: And another one.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Now get the suet and grease, and so forth, from the fat in the head.
PC: Who's a fathead?
LRH: … running down the shoulders after the explosion. Huh?
PC: Okay Okay.
LRH: Now put the odor of singed flesh in there after each explosion.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Real good?
PC: Hm?
LRH: That real, real good?
PC: The odor?
LRH: Mm-hm.
PC: No, I just sort of mocked it up.
LRH: Okay. Take now the body as a whole…
PC: With a head, huh?
LRH: Without a head.
PC: Okay.
LRH: And bury it.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: All right. Mock up another body and blow its head off with a flash and bury it.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Okay, have your body blow you up as a thetan and bury you.
PC: A tricky body, huh?
LRH: Mm.
PC: Okay.
LRH: Again, have your body blow you up as a thetan and bury you in another grave.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Have your body blow you up again as a thetan and put you yet in another grave.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Now, make - make the tombstones, and so forth, very artistic.
PC: Oh, you want a tombstone?
LRH: Mm.
PC: Well, let's see. Well, all right, they're artistic.
LRH: Got it?
PC: Yeah, I reckon.
LRH: What's the matter?
PC: What's artistic about a tombstone?
LRH: Oh, have flowers growing all over the grave and nightingales singing sadly.
Now have the body blow the thetan up again.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Now, have the body throw the thetan now into a pauper's grave.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Okay, take two minutes of nothing.
Okay. Now find the two back corners of the room.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Open your eyes.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Now, get the feeling out in front of you that you're keeping preclears from being reached by noise and flashes. Have another preclear - keep him from being reached.
Another preclear. Another one. Another preclear.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Now have people wasting preclears - people that could have been audited but weren't. Namely you.
PC: Me wasting them too?
LRH: No, get people wasting you. They could have audited you and they didn't. They're getting your body and throwing it away. They could have audited, and so forth.
Now get you wasting preclears - people you could have audited. Get their bodies and instead of auditing them, throwing them away.
Now, put an unsolved preclear out in front of you.
PC: A mock-up?
LRH: Yeah.
PC: Okay
LRH: And put an unsolved preclear on as the answer.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: An unsolved preclear out in front of you again. Unsolved preclear on you as the answer.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Unsolved preclear again in front of you.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Put him on as the answer.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Now blow those mock-ups up, each one with a flash.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: All right? Grab the two back corners of the room. Got them?
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Okay. Look at me.
PC: Hm?
LRH: Look at me.
PC: Okay
LRH: And uh …
PC: With the eyes open or closed?
LRH: Eyes open. How are you?
PC: Fine. How are you?
LRH: Fine.
PC: Good.
LRH: Good. All right, now let's take a look at the field around you.
PC: Well, there's a lot of - I expect it's eyes. I mean, that light over there leaves an after-image a little bit. And then there's black and got a little motion over here.
LRH: Mm-hm. All right. Let's put a mock-up out there of a rabbit.
PC: A rabbit. Which side? Out in front?
LRH: Doesn't matter.
PC: Okay.
LRH: How far out is he?
PC: About five or six feet.
LRH: Five or six feet. Now have him eating a green carrot.
PC: A green carrot. Yes, sir.
LRH: Got that? Now get the sound as he bites down on it.
PC: Well, I can get an idea of it.
LRH: Well, have him explode each time he makes the sound.
Make it easier to hear?
PC: Well, I know what it sounds like. Let's put it that way.
LRH: Well, is he - is it easier to hear now that you're making him explode after he does it?
PC: No.
LRH: It isn't easier to hear?
PC: Uh-uh.
LRH: All right. Now, let's take a look at me again. Well, would you say your field has altered any?
PC: Alternating?
LRH: Altered any?
PC: Oh, yeah, it alters while you're - while I'm running.
LRH: It does, always, when you're running it?
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Does it alter the same way as it did this time?
PC: Mostly.
LRH: It does each time, huh?
PC: It's - sometimes during one run - sometimes there'll be circles that'll get bigger or smaller. Sometimes they'll be green, sort of greenish.
LRH: Mm-hm.
PC: …blobs of blue cross over and come up this way and go down that way. They sort of slide around easy like.
LRH: Mm-hm. And now as you look out, what do you have?
PC: Well, I've got a kind of a purplish spot out there somewhere.
LRH: Mm-hm.
PC: It's gone now. Varying degrees of blackness.
LRH: Is - is the field still black now?
PC: No, it's - it's bluish black, purplish black.
LRH: Oh, the field is purplish black. Well, mock up Mars.
PC: All right.
LRH: Blow it up with a flash.
PC: Okay.
LRH: Mock up Mars again.
Blow it up with a flash.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Mock up Mars again.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Blow it up with a flash.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Once more. And blow it up with a flash.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Once more.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Have it blow you up with a flash now.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Have it blow you up with another flash.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Have it blow you as a thetan up with another flash.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Have it do it again.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Okay. Now, let's reach out and grab the two front anchor points of the room.
PC: All right.
LRH: All right, let's open your eyes now. Now take a look at your field.
PC: All right. See, it's closing my eyes is all this after-image from that light over there.
LRH: Mm-hm. Oh, that light over there. Well, just have the light blow up.
PC: Okay
LRH: Okay, now let's take a look at the field. How is your field? Improved? Worsened? How?
PC: Hm. It's not any worse.
LRH: Well. No worse than it was?
PC: No. Right now it's kind of gray.
LRH: Gray. Drifting from gray to black. Is there a consistent and continual change there?
PC: Yep.
LRH: All right. Are we running into that?
PC: Sir?
LRH: Are we running into that?
PC: It's not a consistent, but there's always change.
LRH: Ah, always change. Now, how about getting this huge mob of people out in front of you.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: And get them looking up and admiring the way you study geography.
PC: You want them below, huh?
LRH: Mm-hm.
PC: Okay.
LRH: Yeah, I want them to be studious, you know.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Now have the geography in your lap.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Have it explode.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Put another geography in your lap and have it explode with a flash.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Now get how very nice it is - this book in front of you - feeling very fond of itself for moving your mind all over existence.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Get this book admiring you very much there in front of you.
PC: Admiring me?
LRH: Yeah, for having your mind shifted as you sit still.
PC: Okay.
LRH: Okay, have it admire your mind now very much for moving around as it tells you to.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Now, have this big mob of people down below you admiring you for letting your mind be moved all around by a printed page.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Get how happy this makes everybody. Get how happy it makes your parents.
PC: Okay, it makes them happy.
LRH: Okay, get this mob of women down below you admiring you for being able to read.
Get them admiring a fellow by the name of Johnny Jones for being able to read.
PC: Mm-km.
LRH: Do you like that?
PC: It's all right.
LRH: It's okay? All right, get them admiring you.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Okay, let's put all the mock-ups we've been using into last week.
PC: Yep.
LRH: Let's take a look at the field around you now. Do you have the same rate of change?
PC: Hm. No, it's not changing much right now.
LRH: Hm?
PC: It's not changing much right now.
LRH: Not changing very much right now. Well, have this tremendous mob of women behind you admiring you for changing your geographical location all the time now.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Now get a huge mob of you looking at Papa - looking up at Papa admiring him for moving too.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Get another mob of people looking up at Mama and admiring her for never liking where she is.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: You got that?
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Now, get a whole huge stadium full of people cheering you for being a member of your own family and being just like the family.
PC: Okay.
LRH: Did the seats empty? Now…
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: All right. Now let's put all the mock-ups you've been using in Tuesday.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Take a look at the field. Is it changing as much?
PC: Well, it's different again.
LRH: Hm?
PC: It's different again.
LRH: It's different again. Well, all right. But is it doing the flick, flick, flick?
PC: No, it's got a - let me see how this is. There's two lights go like this.
LRH: Two what?
PC: Two kind of lights.
LRH: Have them both explode.
PC: Hm. They're still there.
LRH: Put two more explosions there where they are. Have them there and have two explosions there too.
Got that?
PC: No, I get it from time to time.
LRH: All right, just keep putting explosions there.
Got it?
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Now have somebody else making you explode by putting explosions and the flash there.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: How is that?
PC: Well, they're really sailing now.
LRH: Hm?
PC: Seems like they're really sailing now.
LRH: Really sailing. Have you had this before?
PC: A similar thing to it; not quite like this.
LRH: Just different, huh?
PC: Just different.
LRH: Okay. Now, let's get this whole big mob of people down below admiring another preclear for being so terribly difficult.
PC: Okey-doke.
LRH: Now, let's get a mob of you admiring a mob of preclears for being difficult.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Now let's get another mob.
PC: Another mob of me?
LRH: Mm-hm. Now let's get a mob of you and Haskell…
PC: Ha-ha.
LRH: … a mob of you and Haskell admiring the gentleman from New Orleans as a…
PC: I got it! I got it!
LRH: You got that? Well, get you admiring him.
Now get a mob of him admiring you for having been cleared by you.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Now get him walking off into the sunset, completely cleared.
PC: Beautiful ending.
LRH: Yeah. Now get all of your pre clears walking off into the sunset, beautifully cleared. Get them all cleared on Book One.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Get them all cleared on Science of Survival.