Continuing this October 16th demonstration on this E-Meter.
LRH: Two mothers. Did you blow them up?
All right. Have two more babies…
PC: Do you want the mothers blown up too?
LRH: No, no. Let them slide. Have two babies…
PC: Yeah.
LRH: …hold up two thetans, each one.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Now have the mothers blow the thetan up.
PC: Yep.
LRH: How's that feel?
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Evidently getting a slight reduction on this ridge. It hasn't been - it isn't as flagrantly over these areas. Fascinating.
Okay. Have two babies.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: And have the baby's father grabbing the baby by the upper lip and the guts.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Now have the baby blow the father up.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Okay. Now throw that into yesterday.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Okay. Have two babies…
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: … two thetans.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Have the babies blow the thetans up.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Okay. Have two babies.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Have them make two thetans.
PC: Have them make them?
LRH: Mm-hm.
PC: Yeah, all right.
LRH: And have the thetans now make two babies.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: And have those two babies make two thetans.
PC: Okay
LRH: Now have those two thetans make two babies.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Now blow them all up.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Okay. Did - any change there to your lip feeling?
PC: Um - yeah. There's also a feeling as though the back of my head was trying to blow out over here.
LRH: Hm.
PC: That what you're hearing here isn't the lip; it's a cut I had.
LRH: Well, we're getting - getting nulls now on areas which were - which were crying before.
All right. Let's put these two babies behind you.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Put the two thetans jumping them.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Have the two thetans rush away with them.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: And as they rush away, have them blow up.
PC: Okay. Ouch!
LRH: Two babies behind you.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Two thetans grab them.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Babies - thetans rush away.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Have them blow up.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Two more babies.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Two thetans.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Have the babies blow the thetan up.
PC: Okay.
LRH: Two more babies.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Two more thetans.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: This time have a black explosion.
PC: Okay. Wiped out the boy.
LRH: Okay.
PC: Whew!
LRH: Now put - you still hot?
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Now down underneath you put two babies.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Two thetans.
PC: Under my feet?
LRH: Yeah.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: And have the babies blow the thetan up.
PC: Okay.
LRH: Above your head.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Two babies.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Two thetans.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Blow them all up.
PC: Okay.
LRH: Blow up all the debris.
PC: Oho, gee! Yeah.
LRH: Yeah, all right. Now, is there any change of feeling in yourself?
PC: Yeah. I've got a hell of a pain in my left leg
LRH: You have? Marked narrowing of this ridge on the upper lip.
PC: Down - down to about this much.
LRH: Yeah. Fascinating. All right. Two babies.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Two thetans.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Blow them up.
PC: Okay.
LRH: Two babies.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Two thetans.
PC: Anywhere you want me to put these particularly?
LRH: No.
PC: Okay
LRH: Where are you putting them?
PC: Mm, I was alternating.
LRH: Where?
PC: That one - that one was in front.
LRH: You putting them in front and back?
PC: I had two babies and two thetans in front. I was planning to put the next one in back, the next one down and the next one up.
LRH: Blow up anything you got there now.
PC: Pow!
LRH: Mm-hm.
PC: All right.
LRH: Now let's see what that lip-ridge is like.
PC: Changing. This thing down here - ooh - flashed around this way and right across the lip.
LRH: Mm-hm.
PC: When you said, "Blow up anything you got back there now," there was this big black mass over here of energies.
LRH: Okay. Put a black explosion in it.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Have a ring of babies standing around.
PC: Okay
LRH: Have them keep putting black patches on the back of your head.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: And blowing them up.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: One right after the other.
PC: Okay
LRH: Okay. Blow them all up.
PC: Okay The somatic's gone.
LRH: All right. Put two babies and two thetans.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Blow them up.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Two babies. Two thetans.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Put together two delivery rooms.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Blow them up.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Two delivery rooms full of doctors.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Blow them up. Blow them up.
PC: Okay
LRH: Two more delivery rooms above your head.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Blow them up.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Two delivery rooms below you with big lamp globes.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Blow them up.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: A delivery room on each side of you full of babies.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Blow them up.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: A delivery room above you and below you, each one full of thetans.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Blow them up.
PC: Yeah. Mm-hm.
LRH: A delivery room on your right, delivery room on your left, both full of mothers.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Blow them up.
PC: Yeah!
LRH: Okay. Delivery room full of fathers.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Blow it up.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Two delivery rooms full of fathers. Blow them up.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Three delivery rooms full of doctors.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Blow them up.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Four delivery rooms full of doctors.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Five delivery rooms full of babies.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Six delivery rooms full of thetans.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Smash them all together.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Did they explode?
PC: No.
LRH: Hit them harder.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Okay.
PC: Ooh, what a flash!
LRH: Mm-hm. Now let's see what we've got there. Of course you know we're proceeding on the assumption that we are measuring a ridge.
Male voice: Maybe he just shaved close.
LRH: Hm? What?
Male voice: Maybe he just shaved close this morning there.
LRH: How do you feel?
PC: I feel fine.
LRH: Has the heat gone?
PC: Ah, there's still quite a heat radiating back this way.
LRH: Babies with thetans attached to their backs…
PC: They got… LRH: Babies with thetans attached to their backs…
PC: Yeah.
LRH: …and just pitching them into hellfire.
PC: The babies, the thetans or what?
LRH: The whole works.
PC: The whole works. All right.
LRH: Keep throwing them into hell. Get carloads full of them now and throw them into hell.
PC: Yeah. Got big delivery vans just going.
LRH: That's right. Just throw them all into it.
PC: Whole freight trains.
LRH: More.
PC: Rocketships full.
LRH: Good.
PC: Ocean liners full.
LRH: Good.
PC: Railroad trains full of them.
LRH: Lots of them.
PC: Whole worlds at a time full of them.
LRH: That's right.
PC: Have universes pitching them in.
LRH: All right. Now take all that fire that's had all that energy to it…
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Smash it in such a way as to blow it up.
PC: Wow! Yeah.
LRH: You get a somatic?
PC: Uh - no somatic, but I got a - unless you call that flash a somatic - I got a flash through the eyes of it.
LRH: Good. We still got that ridge real nice and active. There's probably a whole flock of ridges on the top of it there. I wish you were on an E~Meter besides this thing. Maybe I can make this into an E-Meter. How about babies?
PC: What about…?
LRH: … thetans?
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Babies.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: What about babies? Anything about babies?
PC: Well, I've got a beautiful visio of a black box shining with fluorescent light; purple fluorescent light.
LRH: Good. Oh, yes, this always turns up in an Assumption. You know, they come in there. Anyway, make a duplicate of it.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Blow it up.
PC: Whew! Yeah.
LRH: Make another duplicate of it and blow it up.
PC: Okay
LRH: Another duplicate of it.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Another one.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Another one.
PC: I'm blowing them up each time, though.
LRH: That's right.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: That's what you're supposed to be doing.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Another one.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Another one.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Another one.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Another one.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Fill the room full of them and blow them up.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Another one.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Another one.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Another one.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Another one.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Another one.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Another one. Okay.
PC: The last one blew up with a black explosion.
LRH: All right. Take and mock up in two masses all the auditing you ever had.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Duplicate the two masses.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Slam the four of them together.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Okay.
PC: Whew!
LRH: What's the matter?
PC: A lot of heat came off
LRH: Hm. Okay. Now let's take another feel with this. We're just testing to find out what it does. I'm not trying to show you what it does.
Jesus Christ! We just livened up his whole face, just like mad. Gee, no nulls.
Now tell me, is there a somatic on your face?
PC: Yeah. It extends from about here - it's faint - it extends from about here up across here…
LRH: Put another one on like it.
PC: … to about there. All right.
LRH: Put another one on like it.
PC: All right.
LRH: Put another one on like it.
PC: All right.
LRH: Another one.
PC: All right.
LRH: Another one.
PC: Okay
LRH: Another one.
PC: All right.
LRH: Another one.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Another one.
PC: This - there's a…
LRH: Put one back there, right there.
PC: … pain right here that's increasing as if it's…
LRH: Duplicate that.
PC: Okay.
LRH: All right. Put another set on.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Another one.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Another one.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Another one.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Another one.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Another one.
PC: It's stretched it out to about there.
LRH: Okay. Now while you've got all these on, start taking duplicates of it and throwing it in the fire.
PC: Duplicates of what? That…
LRH: Of this whole mass.
PC: Mass?
LRH: Throw it in the fire.
PC: Okay. Yeah.
LRH: A few more.
PC: Ow-wow! Yeah.
LRH: Okay. Now just take that whole mass from your face and shove it outwards hard enough to make it explode when it gets out there.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Okay. Somatics gone?
PC: Yeah. But the heat's flaring up more than ever.
LRH: All right.
PC: There - there's heat radiating up all around, to down about there.
LRH: Okay. Put on more heat.
PC: Okay.
LRH: More heat.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: More heat.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: More heat.
PC: Whew! Yeah.
LRH: Stuff it all in a black womb.
PC: Black womb?
LRH: In a black womb, that's right. Put it all in a black womb.
PC: Okay.
LRH: Blow up the black womb.
PC: Okay
LRH: Now take all this heat.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Get it more intense.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Now take a duplicate of it and put it in the black womb.
PC: Yeah. : LRH: Another duplicate of it and put it in another black womb.
PC: Yep.
LRH: Another duplicate and put it in another black womb.
PC: Yep.
LRH: Another duplicate and put it in another black womb.
PC: Yep.
LRH: Blow them all up.
PC: Yep. Yep. Put in one of them. Yep.
LRH: How is the heat?
PC: Subsided.
LRH: Subsided. Okay, let's put some more heat in the black womb.
PC: Okay
LRH: Put some more in the delivery room.
PC: All right.
LRH: Let's put some on Mars.
PC: Okay.
LRH: Let's put some in a room.
PC: This room?
LRH: Yeah.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: All right, let's take all that heat and turn it into frigid coldness.
PC: Okay.
LRH: Turn it into heat.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Turn it into coldness.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Turn it into heat.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Coldness.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: How is the heat of your hand there?
PC: Gone.
LRH: Okay. How's your face feel?
PC: Fine.
LRH: How's the back of your head feel?
PC: There's a slight somatic still here.
LRH: There is?
PC: As a matter of fact, it's - it's going from here all the way down to here.
LRH: Oh, so?
PC: There.
LRH: All right. Put a thetan over you.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Another one.
PC: You mean put one over the body?
LRH: Yeah.
PC: All right. All right, I've got two of them. there.
LRH: Three.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Another one.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Another one.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Another one.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Another one.
PC: It is, huh? Okay
LRH: Another one.
PC: Yes.
LRH: Now start pulling them on over your feet.
PC: Pulling them on over my feet!
LRH: Yes.
PC: All right.
LRH: Another one.
PC: It's silly!
LRH: Another one.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Another one.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Another one.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Another one.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Another one.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Another one.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Put another one over your head now.
PC: Pull them on over?
LRH: Mm-hm.
PC: Okay.
LRH: Okay. Now take this whole mass and crush it in real tight.
PC: Oh! Yeah.
LRH: All right. Now just pick it up and throw it out the window.
PC: A pleasure. LRH: Okay. Still got that somatic?
PC: Well, it's still out the window there. I think I better blow it up.
LRH: Well, put about four more like it out the window.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Blow them all up.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Okay.
PC: Whew! Yeah, that did it.
LRH: Well, let's see here.
PC: That somatic's gone.
LRH: Let's see if we get any change of registry on the machine.
Male voice: Holy cats.
PC: I might as well tell you, this thing looks like a radioactive globe…
LRH: It's all of a sudden become 100 percent wired to this machine.
Male voice: How about a screen moving in - what would that do?
LRH: Hm?
Male voice: What would a screen moving do, you suppose?
LRH: I don't know. But listen - listen: You're monkeying around with machinery here. You're monkeying about with electronics which is: trying to find out the significance of; you see? Have you got that? And any time you go in for something which is trying to find the significance of why, you're having a lot of fun on the thing.
Your complexion has changed color.
PC: I'm not surprised.
LRH: And that's as good - that's good enough for … You feel pretty good, don't you?
PC: I feel wonderful.
LRH: Well, all right. This…
Male voice: I think it might have been backwards, Ron, that's reading…
LRH: That's what I was getting to. That's right.
PC: You were having me do that stuff…
LRH: It's very well that a pinched neurone on a dead normal - that is a person who is a normal, see - a pinched neurone might be the only thing which set up enough excitation to represent life.
Well now, we probably should continue with this…
PC: Oh, you wouldn't!
LRH: … probably should continue with this in order to establish what happened. But this whole man is in a very live state right now. I mean, any - we're getting a contact on the machine all over. It's fascinating.
By the way, the machine is registering on me on exactly the places where I dropped ridges to keep a body in brace. It's registering across those areas. And it's very easy to get a body to behave simply by putting a ridge on it. You don't need beams on bodies. You should drill preclears not to use beams on bodies. So don't use me for an example. But it's very easy to do because you don't have to think to do it. When I'm standing up talking to people, and so forth, it becomes very, very simple to do this because then all I have to do is activate the voice. The body is geared to make hand expressions and so forth - it does so automatically to vary with the force of the voice.
So this machine is registering on these ridges. There is no doubt about that. But it's registering in the areas where there's live energy.
So that just gives you an idea of what you're up against. I'm just showing you here offhand - we get something and it registers something or other. And then we have to go to work on it and find out. And there's a distinct possibility here - all of a sudden we turn up a distinct possibility that this machine may be alive - when - only the machine may be most alive when the person's most alive. That would be a good Q and A answer, which is the way it should be. See?
Let's stand up.
I said I wanted to go over some other things this afternoon. There isn't any real point in going over these things today. But there is this point - there is definitely this point: your auditing - your auditing is much too slow.
It is but horrible - slow - slow. Your preclears shouldn't be rushed, this is perfectly true. Shouldn't be - perfectly true. But you're - you shouldn't audit on a level of as little action as you're auditing.
Now this comes with speed. This comes with increase in speed in the person. And it tells one immediately what the index level is that has to be worked on. It has a lot to do with whether or not the auditor is alert. If the auditor is sitting there alert, the preclear just starts to speed up more or less automatically. You're auditing too slow. I don't mean that as a criticism, I mean this is downright libel for something.
If you want to, you can take a little tape recorder on your auditing and it'd go something like this: "Now let's put that over on the left side. Okay. Well, blow it up. Now let's put one over on the right side."
Your Step I practically spins in at this speed. He just sits there just dying. It's just plain murder.
But now you try to speed up a psycho who is really plowed in and you would audit much more slowly than that if you audited him at all. But when you did have his attention, go like hell.
Audit when you've got somebody's attention.
Now you'll get some of this taste of pace. And that's what it amounts to - a taste of pace.
Now, would you like to take just a little - a very short break and let me give you a little example of drill? Would you like that?
Audience: Yeah. Yeah.
Okay. Why don't you.