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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Additional Remarks - Space, Perception, Knowingness (2ACC-29) - L531130B
- Space, Perception, Knowingness, Part I (2ACC-28) - L531130A
- Space, Perception, Knowingness, Part II (2ACC-30) - L531130C

CONTENTS Additional Remarks: Space, Perception, Knowingness

Additional Remarks: Space, Perception, Knowingness

A lecture given on 30 November 1953

The data that I should append to that processing of God and space is the fact that a boil-off is an automaticity. I should mention that again if I haven't mentioned it before, which I haven't. And that a preclear who boils off is out of space. Unconsciousness is being out of space. People go unconscious when their anchor points are driven in too hard — that's out of space.

So you start spotting space around and saying, "God put it there" and so forth, your preclear is liable to boil off, and your preclear should not boil off. But — two ways to handle it: one is reverse the flow. It's pretty hard to reverse the flow, though, when you're doing a 360-degree periphery of mock-ups, so the flow is all coming in.

Well now, he starts to boil off — well, you have him put up a duplication process. Just handle boil-off as an automaticity. And this opens up to you another thing which has been kicking around since 1938 as far as I was concerned.

It's quite obvious that the world is hypnotized. It's under a spell of some sort or another. And it should show you — there are two processes there, immediately, that demonstrate themselves to you.

You remember when we were running emotions in barriers — either putting up barriers and putting emotion in them, or taking mest universe barriers and putting emotion in them. Well, that process, of course, you see, by duplication, is best done by repeating, repeating, repeating, making it appear and disappear — making the emotion appear and disappear, appear and disappear, appear and disappear.

You take somebody who's chronically in grief — you make this appear and disappear. Make grief appear and disappear in the wall; appear and disappear in the ceiling; appear and disappear in the floor; appear and disappear here, there and so forth. And then make it appear and disappear in pieces of his own space. You know, he makes up a piece of space and has it full of grief, and then he makes it disappear. And you go on and on and on with this disappearance and appearance process on this chronic emotion, and he'll come right out of it. Now, it'll take quite a little while, but he will come right out of it.

Now, you take boil-off, let's take that as an example, and we get appearance and disappearance of unconsciousness, then. So we have unconsciousness, dopiness — whatever else he wishes to describe it — appearing and disappearing, appearing and disappearing, appearing and disappearing, appearing and disappearing. And we'll find that the boil-off will vanish.

Now, this tells you more than that. We are on the conquest of awareness, and we are on a conquest of awareness and redeeming awareness from a depth of unconsciousness on the part of the individual. We've gone over this many times, that individuals are not as aware as they should be.

Now awareness and perception are the same thing. You see that? A person mechanically perceives something of which he is aware. Well, his awareness, of course, is superior to his mechanical perception of something. So we have knowingness and awareness being right there together, and when his agreement is, is that everybody should be dopey — that's actually — that's his agreement, that everyone should be relatively unconscious or that everyone should be in a state of relative disbelief or belief about something, we have the same thing as unconsciousness.

Unconsciousness and hypnotism are very closely allied. An individual believes to the degree that he is unaware. An individual believing, then, that he is unaware, will take what he considers to be "superior awarenesses" and will substitute, then, other-determinism for his own determinism.

Thus, if one were to handle awareness like he would handle boil-off — you know, we put unawareness of various kinds into bulkheads, and into mock-ups that the person is making, into pieces of space which we have him create, and we duplicate that. We put unawareness and then make it disappear, and we put it in there and we make it disappear, and we put it in and we make it disappear, and we put it in and we make it disappear — his perception of course will markedly increase.

There is a, you might say, and not to make a pun out of it — but that's been a "sleeper" in all duplication. A little piece of unawareness is in every duplicate you make.

Now, awareness is necessary to competence. Observation is necessary to competence — you can see that easily. But awareness being necessary to competence, and awareness not depending upon perception, is knowingness. Knowingness can be defined as awareness not depending upon perception. That would be a complete knowingness.

Now, this hypnotized state in which people find themselves is a very easy state to resolve — if you take it on the basis of duplication.

We find that a hypnotist is in the worst condition of all of our preclears next to a psychiatrist. A psychiatrist, of course, has been up against the unawareness and so forth of insane people and so on, for a long time. But he hasn't been making any real big effort of will like the hypnotist makes. And the hypnotist, the faith healer, these people are consistently and continually passing in their awareness. They're putting awareness into other things continually and getting back unawareness.

So if all we had to work with was one definition — we can do this many times with this subject at this time, but if all we had to work with was one definition, there are many definitions in Scientology today with which we could succeed. We'd just have that one definition, then we could succeed with it. And it would be this: The world is in a relatively comatose or hypnotized state. It is hypnotized into unreasonable beliefs.

The resolution of the problem, then, of this hypnotized state, would be paramount in processing. This would be processed by causing a duplication of this hypnotized beingness in walls, floors, in nothingness, in space, in mock-ups, in other people's universes, until one had resolved it. This takes much less time to resolve than one would immediately suppose. One must only be careful in running it that he does not too often and too continually validate the same barriers. In other words, he must get an assortment of barriers to have hypnotized, you see.

We have this great distance hypnotized: "Get the feeling of hypnotism in this great distance," so on.

Hypnotism is a condition of too fixed attention and so forth. But that attention is mechanical, and we have mechanical perception immediately appraised with hypnotism.

Now, we could go about it this way: We could have the preclear get a hypnotized feeling in one corner of the room and make it disappear, and a hypnotized feeling in another corner of the room and make it disappear. And then just to vary our patter, "Get a feeling of complete, slavish belief in another corner of the room. Complete naivete, unquestioning belief, in another corner of the room." And we'd keep on just getting this, and we'd more or less get the same feeling every time.

We would get a feeling of enforced agreement. You could phrase it in various ways. But every time you phrased it in some other fashion, remember to duplicate that particular fashion until it is handled by the preclear.

This has the single liability of bringing up awareness to such a pitch that an individual becomes conscious of many of the pains — many of the pains — which he would otherwise be unaware of. And so the individual is quite often brought into a state of rather acute discomfort.

Myself, I have occasionally resolved this in a preclear by administering a great deal of B1 to him, which brought about a relaxation without drugging him.

I have often taken that nervous condition and used it as an automaticity. But remember that you have entered upon an almost endless process when you are going to handle all automaticities that there are, from one end to the other, in chain fashion.

So with this awareness processing, where you're processing — pardon me, this hypnotized state, trying to unhypnotize somebody — you should vary it with a technique which immediately invalidated all barriers.

You know, "Six directions and find nothing. Six directions and find the first wall. Six directions, find the second wall. Six directions and find the third barrier. Six directions and find space as a barrier. And then six directions and find nothing," as a gradient scale of that.

Now, "Six directions and find barriers of your own energy." You know, "Look up and find a barrier of your own energy there." And be — "Look through that and find a further barrier." And then finally, "Find your own distance as a barrier." And we'd have to vary such a process with the other process. We're handling right there some of the most remarkably effective processes.

When we're handling invalidation of barriers, taking down the fear of emotion and unconsciousness, reducing out of existence the feeling of "other-ownership of all space," and using the process of duplication — over and over and over — we're working there with a set of four things which are themselves tremendously effective.

The only fifth thing that you would really have to add to that, to make a complete victory in any preclear, really, if you wanted just to keep at it, would be exteriorization. And you just get him away from the body, and he becomes completely certain he's not a body. Then you actually, away from the body, could continue with these various steps just in that fashion and in that order, you see?

I would give you this to think about: You're dealing right now with theory and practice as a simultaneous maneuver. See, this is practice, this is theory. It isn't that we have all this theory, and then somehow or other, we've got to find some practices to go with it. We've collided.

All past research and investigation and all past processes had the liability of validating an other-determinism on emotion, unconsciousness, and in particular, barriers. We just found less and less effective barriers — oh, pardon me, more and more effective barriers, and tried to find less and less significance in them, until we emerge upon this plateau of a process which can be stated as easily and as swiftly as I have stated it in these last thirteen minutes.

Now, you have to solve that in one degree on the basis of "How do I audit?" That still puzzles some people. Been trying to do something about it.

If you're the least bit worried about your presence as an auditor, you just get ahold of little old Self Analysis and you just read it to the preclear until you feel very comfortable sitting there as an auditor. Now, that's the best way in the world to do it.

And if you want some variety on it — if he's expecting to get Self Analysis and this upsets him, something of the sort, the idea he's getting Self Analysis — pull out the old Handbook for Preclears, try its eleventh step.

Nobody ever goes up that deep in the book. Run these little simple processes on him and do it until you feel perfectly comfortable about it.

And then, if you are still disturbed about processing, for heaven's sakes, go off by yourself someplace and start putting into walls, and into walls of your own creation, and intermingling this with looking through walls at other walls, putting into walls "lack of confidence" and "ridicule." You just put these in until you feel perfectly competent.

Your competence comes about of course, most readily, under the type of processing which I have been describing to you in this little strip of tape here.


Female voice: Ron, Saturday afternoon I had the feeling of hypnotism. I was hypnotized.

Well, all right, you have — but you got out of it?

Female voice: Mm.

The reason you got out of it is because I finished off the process with processes which are relatively sharp in the invalidation of barriers.

Female voice: For some time, though, I couldn't — I couldn't handle the preclear when I went into the session.

Well. . .

Female voice: I was ill.

Yeah. You ever been hypnotized?

Female voice: No, not that I know of.

"Hypnotize" is a mechanical subject in this life. We have one preclear here who has been hypnotized; didn't prove to be ineffective either. But the hidden influence — the first hidden influence is what I want to give you mainly. And that is this trick of somebody comes along and they make something disappear, you see, and then they come around and they say, "The wo, the demons are besetting you, you poor fellow, because I see that you've just had something disappear. And that must have been a demon named Archon or a demon named God or a demon named Christ or" — any kind of a thing to suddenly set up a hidden influence to account for the nothingness which occurred when something should have been there. Or the something which occurred, when the nothingness should have been there.

And with this trick, we get off and find this to be, in essence, a religious universe.
