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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Demonstration - Group Processing (2ACC-26) - L531128A
- Special Session - Experimental Group Process (2ACC-27) - L531128B

CONTENTS Demonstration: Group Processing

Demonstration: Group Processing

A lecture and Group Processing session given on 28 November 1953

This is Saturday, November the 28th, a Group Processing session for the Second Unit.

Now what we're going to run today is gradient scale of attention.

We use the motto here that said, "Look, don't think." It would also be, "Look, don't feel." It would be, "Feel, don't use effort." It would be, "Don't use effort, think." See, that's your gradient scale.

And these characters — pardon me, I didn't mean to call them characters — these bums, these dogs (audience laughter) that will sit there telling you they've got a vague idea that they're doing something, will fool an auditor every doggone time, because they'll go on for some time like this. And believe me, it's a waste of time. No kidding — no kidding, guys. It's just a waste of time to go on and try to do anything.

Now, you saw an example of this. I went on and had him get the idea and get the idea and get the idea. And I — all they're doing is getting the idea. Well good, they got the idea, so what? We want them to look at something. That's what we want. That's what we want to have happen. We want them to look at something. I don't care what they look at. If they can't look at something, they can feel something.

Now there's a method of getting people out of their heads called tin-cupping. You have them find four points in the body that they can feel and put some pressure on, and then find four points they can't feel, and then find four points they can feel, and they can't feel. And you would just be utterly amazed. Of course, when you say "feel" in that sense, you mean effort. Where are four points of effort or pain or discomfort — you don't mean emotion. Now, where are these four points of effort and so on? Because these characters are down the line on the subject of effort.

Nobody ever thought his way out of the body, although that's the easiest way to get out of a body. It's the only way to get out of a body, but they — when they're completely sold on effort, completely sold on lookingness, completely sold on the rest of these things, you have to backtrack — and all processing does this. You backtrack the track of agreement. See, you just backtrack it.

Well, you have to find out where you can enter this case on a basic certainty. The word "certainty" hasn't been used too much with this unit, but we'd better be using it. We'd better be using it.

There are processes which are thought processes, which are very good processes, and which very often have to forerun looking processes. And looking processes have to forerun knowing processes.

Now these thought processes are pretty well down the line. And you can actually unlock a whole concatenation of thought and get somebody up to knowingness, but you can only do that on the track of certainty.

And if he's gone down scale to where he's thinking in the eighteenth basement — you know, he's doing a thinking machine job — why, he's having a hard time of it.

So, let's realize what people are doing there. All right. Certainty hasn't been used enough.

I hate to say this, because a chap here I processed yesterday, a boy — he'd been processed five times by people who should have known what they were doing. Five times! And not one of them had ascertained if he was sure he was out of his head. And yet all the drills he was getting were drills out of his head.

The first auditor that audited him said, "Can you get a picture of your body in front of you?" as the first step. In other words, he did Step II before he did Step I. He was actually working a Step I.

So the Step I accommodatingly says, "Why yes, I can."

And he — the auditor said, "Fine," and went on operating from that point.

Now, each successive session, it was taken for granted that when somebody said to him, "Be three feet back of your head," and he said, "Uh-huh," that he knew he was three feet back of his head. As a matter of fact, he had a picture of himself three feet back of his head. And although he was doing mock-up — although he was getting some benefit from it, for he was doing Mock-up Processing, he was just doing a slow freight. Of course, because he was doing it all with Creative Processing. He wasn't doing it exteriorized.

All because an auditor didn't say, "Are you sure you're back of your head?" We — immediately that I asked him this, we got into a big argument. Enormous argument, immediately.

And that was just this. Well, was he a body? Yeah, he was a body. He knew he was a body. Yeah he was in his feet. Sure, everybody's in their feet. You have to be in your feet if you're a body. And we got into this and I finally — I just bluntly said to him, "Well, to hell with it. I'm not going to argue with you any further. You're not a body. Be three feet back of your head and take a look at it, and reach the four upper corners of the room."

And he said, "Okay" — did.

I said, "Is that any different from what you've been doing for the last five, ten hours you've been processed?"

"Well, yeah, I've never been here before."

"Well, you know you're there, huh?"

"Yes, I do."

"Well, all right. Reach and withdraw from the corners of the room several times till you can feel them."

"Okay." He did. So he took a look around and so he got up on the roof and he says, "Well what do you know, ha-ha!" And this guy was being processed as somebody who had been exteriorized, five times, by auditors who should have known better. Shame on them. Shame on them.

That's why I usually start a session with: "Be three feet back of your head." I don't care who it is. "All right. Are you there?" Or, if I think the fellow's a little tippy, I say, "Well now, be three feet back of your head. Okay? Now are you in your feet?"






"Right shoulder?"


"Left shoulder?"




"Right ear?"


"Left ear?"


"Front of your forehead?"


"Back of your head? On the back of your head?"


"Are you back of your head?"

"Yes." He's there.

Well, now you get somebody who isn't certain, you start running this process, you get up to the point of:

"Are you in your right ear?"


"Left ear?"


"In the front of your head?"


"On the back of your head?"

"Well, yes I think I am."

But this boy is so sold by science and so forth, that he was a body, that it had just never occurred to him, you see. He wasn't educated in Scientology. He — somebody said, "Can you get a picture of your body?" He says, "Okay." Then he thinks "Be three feet back of your head." Well, he thinks that's just kind of silly patter, but he goes on getting pictures of himself as a body, standing behind himself as a body, from inside his head.

Viewpoint drill. He's just using remote viewpoints and mock-ups. Yet he was a — he's a case that just runs like nothing, and that's all right.

And the moment I did that, the despair which had been hanging over this case — this case had been in despair all this time. The case sat there, and I just took a look at this case, and I said, "There's something wrong with him. Nobody who's been exteriorized for five consecutive professional auditor sessions can certainly be sitting there in the depths of despair, period." Although he was very polite, and he was very cheerful and so forth. So I just went to work to find out what the hell was wrong with him. I found out in a hurry. An auditor had never asked him this question: "Are you sure you're back of your head?"

You know, there isn't any substitute for it. It's — you know, if you had an anvil lying on your chest, would you know it was on your chest? Hm? You suppose you would? Well, now that's the degree of certainty people have when they're completely certain they're exteriorized. I mean, they know there's an anvil on their chest or there isn't an anvil on their chest, see?

Now, you just have to work people's certainty up. Now, on the basis of perception, I find more people having a difficult time with how you pick up people's perception. But you duplicate it. You duplicate what they're perceiving.

In other words, you duplicate the room and make it disappear. And you duplicate it and make it disappear. And you duplicate it and make it disappear. And you duplicate it and make it disappear. And all of a sudden an automaticity shows up and the room turns over and goes backwards, so you say to him, "All right, now mock up the room and turn it over and make it go backwards. Now mock it up and turn it over and make it go backwards and throw it away. And mock it up and turn it over, make it go backwards and throw it away."

And they say, "Okay."

Now you say, "Duplicate the room."


"Duplicate the room. Duplicate the room."

"Yeah, I can see now."

I mean the answer to no perception, for your purposes, could be many, of course, but the answer to no perception is: duplicate it.

Now, I'm going to run a dirty trick on this group this afternoon in this Group Process. This is real mean, and I shouldn't do this, but I don't think that you individually have nerve enough to run it on each other, so I'm just going to run it on you as a group, and mess you all up and let you straighten yourselves out. You'll be better for it in the long run, but I've posted the names of hospitals and so forth for you after the session. So you want to brace yourself against receiving any effect from this. (audience laughter) And the main thing that we're interested in is a thinking process that does something that matches up with automaticity. And that's what I'm going to do.

Today I'm going to run the gradient scale of attention. And I'm not going to tell you about it first. I'm just going to run it on you. Period. All right.

I want you to waste a machine, a being, a gimmick, a gadget; now let's waste this machine — waste it now, and know you're wasting it — that worries about you. Waste a machine that worries about you.

Can't waste it all at once, waste a cog off of it or a bolt.

Make sure it's wasted.

Get this one wasted. A machine that worries about you.

Now let's get somebody else wasting a machine that worries about him.

Somebody else wasting a machine that worries about him. And get that one wasted. All right.

Now get somebody wasting somebody else's machine that worried about that somebody else.

And somebody wasting your machine that worried about you. Wasting your machine that worried about you. Have them wasting it real good.

Now let's get you wasting somebody's machine that worried about him. Okay.

Throw away any mock-ups you've made now, and get you wasting a machine that worries about you.

Somebody else wasting a machine that worries about him.

And somebody else wasting somebody else's machine that they use to worry about them.

Somebody wasting your machine that worries about you. Somebody wasting your machine that worries about you.

And you wasting somebody else's machine that worries about him. Okay.

Throw any residue away.

Now, give me hands: Who isn't sure he got one wasted? You haven't got one wasted yet?

Male voice: Well, I take the machine out and find night crawlers to go fishing, and I figure that's wasting it but I'm not sure.

You what?

Male voice: I take the machine out and find night crawlers to go fishing — angleworms.

Well, all right. Is that wasting it?

Male voice: It's just — I think it is but it don't sound right.

All right. Now, let's get you wasting a machine that worries about you. You, too. Have you wasted one yet?

Male voice: In brackets, six ways.

Hm, all automatically. You waste one and know you're doing it.

Now get somebody else wasting a machine that worries about him. Get it so you know you're wasting it, and he's wasting it and so forth.

Somebody wasting a machine of somebody else's that worries about him.

And somebody wasting a machine of somebody else's that worries about him.

And somebody wasting your machine that worries about you.

And you wasting somebody else's machine that worries about him or her.

And you not having a machine that worries about you. Just get the idea.

And somebody else not having a machine that worries about him.

And somebody not having somebody else's machine that does worrying for him.

And somebody not having your machine that worries about you.

And you not having somebody else's machine that worries about him or her.

And you wasting a person that worries about you.

And somebody else wasting a person that worries about him or her.

Male voice: I have to get a way to waste different.

Do it.

And somebody wasting a person who worries about somebody else.

And somebody wasting a person who worries about you.

And you wasting a person who worries about somebody else. Okay.

Throw any residue you have away there.

Now, who's getting factual incidents?

Male voice: I am.

Factual incidents?

Male voice: Well, do you mean just flat, kind of coming by and going on?

Yeah. Factual incidents. I mean real incidents — locks . . .

Male voice: No, no.

. . . that sort of thing.

Male voice: Wasting some real people.


Who's wasting real people?

Audience responses: Yeah. Yes.

In other words, some locks are coming up.

Audience responses: Yes. Yeah.

All right. Now you saving a person who worries about you.

And somebody else saving a person who worries about him.

And somebody wasting somebody else's person who worries about them.

And somebody wasting a person who worries about you. If you skip one, it's all right. I'm going to beat this to death, so it's no worry. Hm?

Female voice: Saving — don't you mean saving?

Saving, that's right. Beg your pardon. Somebody saving a person. Waste one and then save one.

And you wasting a person who worries about somebody else.

And you saving a person who worries about somebody else.

And somebody wasting a person who worries about you.

And somebody saving a person who worries about you.

And somebody not saving a person who worries about you.

And you not saving a person who worries about somebody else.

And you desiring a machine to worry about you.

And somebody else desiring a machine to worry about him. The motto of that, of course, is "if somebody would only care."

And somebody desiring a person who worries about somebody else.

And somebody desiring a person who worried about you.

And you desiring a person who worried about somebody else.

And you being curious about things which worry about you.

And somebody else being curious about things that worry about him.

And other people being curious about things which other people worry about.

And somebody being curious about things which worry you.

And you being curious about things which worry other people.

And you wasting a machine which gives you attention, at any price.

And somebody else wasting a machine which gives him attention.

And somebody wasting a machine that gives somebody else attention.

And somebody wasting a machine which gives you attention.

And you wasting a machine which gives somebody else attention. All right.

Throw any mock-ups you've got there — things done there.

Who am I going too fast for? Who am I going too slow for? Okay. Going too slow for you, huh?

Male voice: A bit.

All right. Who else am I going too slow for? All right.

All right. Now, any locks show up? Locks?

Male voice: Oh, yeah.


Male voice: Wonderful cartoons.

All right. Let's get you wasting a machine which worries about you.

Somebody else wasting a machine that worries about him.

Somebody wasting somebody else's machine that worries about them.

Somebody wasting a machine that worries about you.

And you wasting a machine that worries about somebody else.

And you wasting a person that worries about you.

Somebody else wasting a person that worries about him.

Somebody wasting somebody else's person that worries about that somebody else.

And somebody wasting a person that worries about you.

And you wasting a person that worries about somebody else.

And you wasting somebody that cares for you.

And somebody else wasting somebody that cares for him.

And somebody else wasting somebody else that cares for her.

And somebody wasting a person that cares for somebody else.

And somebody wasting a person that cares for you.

And you wasting a person that cares for somebody else.

And you saving a machine that worries about you.

And somebody else saving a machine that worries about him.

Somebody saving a machine that worries about somebody else.

And somebody saving a machine that worries about you.

And you saving a machine that worries about somebody else.

And you accepting a machine which worries about you.

And somebody else accepting a machine that worries about her.

And somebody else accepting a machine that worries about somebody else.

Somebody accepting a machine that worries about you.

And you accepting a machine that worries about somebody else.

And you desiring a machine that worries about you.

And somebody desiring a machine that worries about her.

And you building such a machine for them.

And somebody worrying about machinery that worries other people.

And somebody desiring machinery to worry you.

And you desiring machinery to worry others.

And you wasting a machine that stops you worrying. You wasting a machine that stops you worrying.

And somebody else wasting a machine that stops him from worrying.

And somebody wasting somebody else's machine that stops them from worrying.

And somebody else wasting your machine that stops you from worrying.

And you wasting somebody else's machine that stops them from worrying.

And you wasting a barrier — a protective barrier.

Somebody else wasting a protective barrier.

And somebody wasting somebody else's protective barrier.

And somebody wasting your protective barrier, by penetrating it, of course.

And you wasting somebody else's protective barrier.

And you desiring a machine to worry about you.

And somebody else desiring a machine to worry about him.

And somebody desiring somebody else's machine to worry about them.

And somebody desiring your machine that worries about you, such as an auditor.

And you desiring somebody else's machine that worries about them.

You being curious about a machine that worries you.

And somebody else being curious about an automaticity that worries him.

And somebody else being curious about somebody else's automatic worrying machines.

And somebody being curious about your machine that worries you.

And you being curious about somebody else's machine that worries them.

And you wasting a machine that gives you action.

And somebody else wasting a machine that gives you action.

And somebody else wasting a machine that gives him action.

And you wasting one that gives him action.

And somebody wasting a machine that gives somebody else action.

And get the idea of you having a worrying machine.

Somebody else having a worrying machine.

And somebody having somebody else's worrying machine.'

And somebody having your worrying machine.

And you having somebody else's worrying machine.

And you not having a person who worries about you.

And you having a person who worries about you.

And you not having a person who worries about you.

And you having a person to worry about.

And you not having a person to worry about.

And somebody else having a person to worry about.

And somebody else not having a person to worry about.

And somebody having a person that should be with somebody else.

And somebody worrying about people that belong to somebody else.

And somebody else not having anybody to worry about.

And somebody else having somebody to worry about.

And somebody else not having anybody.

And somebody else having somebody.

And you never being able to have anybody.

You always having to have somebody.

You never being able to have anybody.

You always having to have somebody.

Somebody else always having to have you around.

Somebody else never being able to have you around.

And other people always having to have other people around.

And other people never being able to have anybody around.

And you having to have somebody around.

And you not being able to have somebody around.

Somebody else having to have somebody around.

Somebody else never having to have anybody around.

You always being confronted with somebody.

Somebody else always being confronted with somebody.

And somebody else having a machine that confronts him with things.

And somebody else having a machine which inhibits things from con­fronting him.

You having a machine that confronts you with things.

And you having a machine that stops things from confronting you.

And you having a machine that confronts you with things.

And you with an automaticity that stops things from confronting you.

And somebody else having a machine that stops things from confronting others.

And other people not having such machines.

And other people having such machines.

You having no machines to worry about.

Other people having no machines to worry about.

The mest universe containing machines to worry about.

A universe which contains no machines to worry about.

You wasting something which does things for you.

Somebody else wasting something that does something for him.

Somebody wasting things that does things for other people.

Somebody wasting something that does something for you.

You wasting something that does something for somebody else.

You wasting something that gives you attention.

Somebody else wasting something that gives him attention.

Somebody else wasting something that gives other people attention.

Somebody wasting something that gives you attention.

That again. Somebody else wasting something that gives you attention.

You wasting something that gives somebody else attention.

And again. You wasting something that gives somebody else attention.

You desiring an automaticity which worries about you.

Somebody else desiring an automaticity that worries about him.

Somebody else desiring automaticities that worry about others.

You desiring an automaticity that worries about somebody else.

You desiring a machine which permits you to forget about worrying.

Somebody else desiring a machine that permits him to forget about worrying.

Somebody desiring machinery that will let other people forget about worrying.

Somebody desiring something that will make you forget about worrying.

And you desiring something that will make other people forget about worrying. Okay.

Now let's mock yourself up in the future worried to death.

Get yourself going on away to dust.

Get yourself in the future bored to death because you haven't anything to worry about.

Get that gone away to dust.

And somebody else dead in the future because they weren't permitted to worry.

And somebody else dead in the future because they worried too hard. That's one — man, it sweeps up — that was Mother. (audience laughter)

Now somebody dead in the future who solely desired to be worried about by others, and never worried.

Now get this person dead again. He only desired to be worried about by others and never did any worrying himself or herself.

Dead again.

Dead again.

Get that person dead another way now, more painful.

Get that thing worrying, now, in hellfire forever. The source of Christianity, I'm sure.

Now get that person worrying again in hellfire forever.

And get you worrying in hellfire forever.

And get you dead in the future because you couldn't solve it.

And you dead in the future because there was nobody to worry about you.

And again, you dead in the future. And let time make it disappear.

And you dead in the future. Let time make it disappear.

Again, you dead in the future. Make time make it disappear.

Let's get the idea now of waiting so that time will make it disappear.

Get you dead in the future because time caught up with you.

Get you dead in the past. And get time make that disappear.

And you dead in the past. Get time make that disappear.

And you again, dead in the past. Get time make that disappear.

And get you wasting a machine that lets you know you were dead.

And get you wasting a machine that keeps you from knowing you were dead.

And somebody else wasting a machine that keeps him from knowing he was dead.

And somebody else wasting a machine that lets them know they were dead.

Somebody else wasting a machine that keeps them from knowing they're dead.

Now let's get some kind of an idea or a picture, preferably a picture, of you being unconscious and trying to regain consciousness. All right.

Kill the mock-up. Make it disappear.

And get you, yourself — a thetan now — unconscious and trying to become conscious again.

And again, unconscious and trying to become conscious.

And again, as a thetan, unconscious and trying to become conscious.

And again, as a thetan, unconscious, trying to become conscious.

Now mock that up as perishing because you couldn't.

And again, perishing because you couldn't.

And again, perishing because you couldn't.

Now mock up your body unconscious and you trying to make it conscious.

And now other people trying to make it conscious and you knocking it off.

And you going happily on your way.

And the body — now get the body, now, unconscious — other people trying to make it conscious, and you going happily on your way and the body dying.

And some other body unconscious and you trying to make it conscious. Somebody else's body unconscious and you trying to make it conscious. And get the other person knocking it off. The other thetan knocking it off.

Now let's waste a machine that makes you unconscious.

Somebody else wasting a machine that makes him unconscious.

And somebody else wasting other people's machines that make them unconscious.

And you wasting a machine that makes somebody else unconscious.

And somebody wasting a machine that makes you unconscious.

Now mock yourself up in the future, dead because of this processing.

And the rest of the class dead in the future because of this processing.

And you dead because of this processing.

And me dead because I processed you.

And you dead because you didn't process properly. (audience laughter)

And me dead because I didn't process you properly.

And the rest of the class dead because they weren't processed properly.

And you dead because it was your fault.

And you dead again because it was your fault.

And you dead because you didn't do a good job as an auditor.

And somebody else dead because you didn't do a good job as an auditor.

And some other thetan crazy forever because you didn't do it right. (audience laughter)

And you as a thetan crazy forever because it wasn't done right.

And the rest of the class crazy as thetans forever because it wasn't done right.

And you dead because the communication system wasn't exactly followed.

Now translate that into "ritual": You dead because the ritual wasn't exactly followed.

And somebody else dead because the ritual wasn't exactly followed.

And somebody else dead because the ritual was exactly followed. (audience laughter)

And you dead because the ritual was exactly followed.

And you dead because the ritual was exactly followed.

Now get great admiration for the precision of rituals.

Get admiration for the precision of rituals which kill you.

And admiration for the precision of rituals which keep you alive.

And get you desiring no barriers on any communication system.

And you desiring close barriers on a communication system.

And you getting such close barriers that you're dead.

Now mock yourself up dead. Mock yourself up dead in the future. Mock yourself up again, dead in the future. Mock yourself up again, dead in the future. Mock the rest up — the human race — dead in the future. Everybody dead in the future. Earth dead in the future. Everything dead in the future. Everything finally finished. Get nothing persisting. Okay.

From wherever you are, exteriorized or interiorized, look all the way to the right.

First find the wall to the right.

Look through the wall and find nothing.

Look up.

Find the ceiling.

Look through the ceiling and find nothing.

To the left.

Find the wall.

Look through the wall, find nothing.

Look down.

Find the floor, through the floor and find nothing.

The front wall of the room — look through it and find nothing.

The back wall of the room — look through it and find nothing.

Sit there for a moment and know.

Take a deep breath.

Stand up and take a breather.