(For the first time Certainty magazine has the scoop on new material, beating out the PAB and Ability, the only other magazines in Dianetics and Scientology which have the goals of helping people.)
There are five items in Scientology which have been discovered which make the difference between slow cases and fast cases, failed cases and successful cases. These are:
NATIVE STATE: A thetan in his native state has the potential of knowing everything. If one knows everything he cannot have a game. To have a game one must make a postulate:
FIRST POSTULATE: I do not know about...... SECOND POSTULATE: I know about that item. THIRD POSTULATE: I have forgotten about that item. FOURTH POSTULATE: I remember that item.
The first postulate, because it is not perverted or denied, is the truth. The second postulate, since it denies the first postulate, is a lie. The third postulate is the not-is-ness of the second postulate. The fourth postulate is the alter-is-ness of the third postulate. Hence the act of continuous remembering brings about the changes in mass which we call ridges. The act of forgetting is putting aside and twisting something which is already a lie. The act of knowing about SOMETHING is not only an invention but a denial of the first postulate. The first postulate is a denial of the native state of a being. Hence we have the various conflicts of the mind.
CONFUSION: Random knowingness and not knowingness create when unaligned a confusion.
AXIOM 53: A Stable Datum is necessary to the alignment of data.
AXIOM 54: A tolerance of confusion and an agreed upon Stable Datum on which to align the data in a confusion are at once necessary for a sane reaction across the eight dynamics. (This defines sanity.)
ONE: Awareness of the auditor, the auditing room, that a session is in progress and that the preclear is being audited.
TWO: Two-way Communication on a casual basis. THREE: The delivery of the question.
FOUR: Communication Lag.
FIVE: The acknowledgement of the question. SIX: The duplication of that exact question.
Establish ONE of Rudiments.
Discuss any present-time problem. If there is one ask the preclear what he means to do about it often enough to as-is some of its confusion by injecting into it stable data or unbalancing it by deciding to make a forward motion toward it.
Follow remainder of Rudiments while doing so.
The object of Locational Processing is to establish a stability in the environment of the preclear on the subject of objects and people. It can be run in busy thoroughfares, graveyards, confused traffic or anywhere that there is or is not motion of objects and people. It is run in the auditing room itself to orient the preclear.
Commands: “Notice the (object).”
“Pick out some people who seem especially real to you.” “Spot a car.”
When a preclear is oriented and up in A-R-C, shift to:
The object of the Separateness version of Locational Processing is to establish and run out identifications. It is noteworthy that its opposite Togetherness does not run and is not a workable process.
Commands: “Select an object from which you are separate.” “Select an object which is separate from you.”
Run the first command only until the end of any given session or until the preclear “dopes off.” Then run the reverse command the next session until its end or until the preclear “dopes off.” If grogginess or “dope-off” occurs run the opposite command until pc is alert, then return to the “command of the session.” This method is used on all commands in LEVEL ONE only.
This is used to remedy valence difficulties, to establish identities and run them out, and to raise the tone level of the preclear on the third dynamic.
Commands: “Select a person from whom you are separate.” “Select a person who is separate from you.”
This process is utilized only when the earlier steps of Locational Processing have been completed and when the preclear is in excellent A-R-C with his auditor. This is the power-process of the group of processes we call Locational Processing. An extraordinary amount of two-way communication and in particular acknowledgement must be used to run this process. Run at least 15 hours in frequented places.
Commands: ”Tell me something you can NOT-KNOW about that (indicating or describing) person.”
“Tell me something that person can NOT-KNOW about you.”
kaliningrad-quv - тут.
To not-know is an ability.
This level is reached when the preclear is originating communications smoothly and, without coaching, acknowledging the auditor’s communications well.
There is no command, as such. There is a subject of communication: secrets. It is expected here that the preclear will now discuss freely his various problems.
This is the subjective level. Here the preclear is invited to inspect his own “reactive bank” or his own thought processes. All the processes of Dianetics and early Scientology were subjective processes; it is noted that these did not work on some persons since no homo sapiens can actually introvert safely with a very good auditor on the job unless he has already attained this level.
Definition Processing is done by asking the preclear over and over, smoothly and pleasantly, keeping good two-way communication, to define such things as ==Exteriorization, Problems and Solutions, Creativeness, etc. ==
Commands: “What is?”
This is done by having the preclear invent various ideas or considerations, by which he creates stable data to displace aberrated stable data.
Commands: “Invent some problems.”
“Invent some solutions.” “Assign some no-intentions.”
The resolution of only persistent engrams is done by Level Three Engram Running. It is only done when specific difficulties are apparent from obvious engrams. The name is also given and the process used on strange manifestations in the reactive bank such as “demons” and “hallucinations.” WARNING: This process is only done when lower levels are entirely flat.
Commands: “Tell me something you can NOT-KNOW about that picture.” “Tell me something that that picture can NOT-KNOW about you.”
These commands are run, a few of one, a few of the other, then a few of the first again, etc. The command can be varied when some other manifestation is being addressed.
Run “Things you NOT-KNOW about…” with the Expanded Gita List of SOP 8.
This is run exactly as given in earlier manuals. This is the upper harmonic of Locational Processing and accustoms the preclear to taking commands, discovering that these do not create new confusions, and making decisions.
This is done until the preclear can duplicate easily. The process is done with a book and a bottle as the two objects. It is done exactly as given in earlier manuals with the following command changes:
Commands: “Do you see that book?”
“Walk over to it.” “Pick it up.”
“Tell me something you can NOT-KNOW about its colour.” “Tell me something you can NOT-KNOW about its temperature.” “Tell me something you can NOT-KNOW about its weight.” “Put it down in exactly the same place.”
“Do you see that bottle?” “Walk over to it.”
“Pick it up.”
“Tell me something you can NOT-KNOW about its colour.” “Tell me something you can NOT-KNOW about its temperature.” “Tell me something you can NOT-KNOW about its weight.” “Put it down in exactly the same place.”
“Do you see that book?” Etc. etc.
Run with good two-way communication. Do not vary commands. Does not need to be followed by regular Opening Procedure by Duplication.
This is the level of the remedy of havingness and spotting spots. By modern processing these are done simultaneously in addressing the drilling of the exteriorized thetan.
The only change would be in using showers of hellos and okays or “things you can NOT-KNOW” on spots in the universe with which the preclear might have any difficulty.
By modern processes the preclear should have been exteriorized some time earlier in processing without much being done about it beyond recognizing the fact clearly.
Any preclear exteriorized earlier than this release should be started at Level One and carried through all steps.