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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- HCO Cable Designation System (DIV1.TELEX) - P660104-2
- Office of LRH - Sec EDs and HCO Exec Ltrs (DIV1.DEP2.HCOB-PL-ED) - P660104-4
- Personnel - Staff Status (DIV1.DEP1.STAFF-STATUS) - P660104-5
- Personnel Staff Status (DIV1.DEP1.STAFF-STATUS) - P660104-5
- Scientology Organizations Communications System - Dispatches (DIV1.DEP2.COM-SYS) - P660104-3
- Sec EDs and HCO Exec Ltrs - P660104-4
- Staff Meeting (0.STAFF-ORIENT) - P660104

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Персонал Статус Штатного Сотрудника (ц) - И660104-5RA89
- Система Коммуникаций Саентологических Организаций - Послания - И660104-3
- Система Коммуникаций Саентологических Организаций - Послания (ц) - И660104-3
- Система Связи в Саентологических Организациях, Послания - И660104-3
- Системы Коммуникации Саенто Организаций - Послания - И660104-3
- Системы Коммуникаций Саентологических Организаций - Послания - И660104-3
- Собрание Персонала - И660104-1
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Remimeo All Staff Members


Staff Meetings should convene on the first Tuesday evening of any month at the Organization headquarters.

The Chairman of the Staff Meeting has always been and shall continue to be the Executive Director or his deputy, the LRH Communicator.

The business of the Staff Meeting shall be:

To gather agreement and permit staff origination on matters relating to personnel and duties. To suggest promotional, maintenance and organizational changes to the executives of the Organization.

For any staff resolution to be a staff resolution, a majority of staff members must be present, else there is no quorum. For any staff resolution to be passed or conclusively killed, a majority vote of those present is necessary. In case of a tie, only then does the Chairman vote.

Robert’s Rules of Order may be applied or not by the Chairman to the Staff Meeting as the need of formality may seem to be indicated but in no case should the business of Staff Meeting be unduly retarded by the introduction of Rules for that purpose.

Staff Meeting resolutions should be made into minutes. These are presented to the Advisory Council for information and the Executive Director for approval before they become law.

Special Staff Meetings not on a regular meeting date may be called, (1) by the Executive Director or his deputy the LRH Communicator, or (2) by a Staff Member on three days’ notice by posting a notice on the Comm Center Bulletin Board, stating the time (but not during business hours) and the exact business to be covered by the meeting and the meeting shall be convened only if a majority of staff then sign or initial such notice. Neither meeting shall have legal force if a majority of staff members are not present and if the Executive Director or his deputy the LRH Communicator is not in the chair. Resolutions of such meetings must proceed in the usual channels.

The Secretarial to the Executive Director shall take down and type all minutes of Staff Meeting.