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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- HCO Cable Designation System (DIV1.TELEX) - P660104-2
- Office of LRH - Sec EDs and HCO Exec Ltrs (DIV1.DEP2.HCOB-PL-ED) - P660104-4
- Personnel - Staff Status (DIV1.DEP1.STAFF-STATUS) - P660104-5
- Personnel Staff Status (DIV1.DEP1.STAFF-STATUS) - P660104-5
- Scientology Organizations Communications System - Dispatches (DIV1.DEP2.COM-SYS) - P660104-3
- Sec EDs and HCO Exec Ltrs - P660104-4
- Staff Meeting (0.STAFF-ORIENT) - P660104

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Персонал Статус Штатного Сотрудника (ц) - И660104-5RA89
- Система Коммуникаций Саентологических Организаций - Послания - И660104-3
- Система Коммуникаций Саентологических Организаций - Послания (ц) - И660104-3
- Система Связи в Саентологических Организациях, Послания - И660104-3
- Системы Коммуникации Саенто Организаций - Послания - И660104-3
- Системы Коммуникаций Саентологических Организаций - Послания - И660104-3
- Собрание Персонала - И660104-1
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue V
Remimeo All Staff Hats A copy given to each new person employed


(This is a Policy Letter. The basic law of this organization and its rules are found only on letters such as this one, printed as this one is, green ink on white paper and signed as this one is.)

A Staff Status is a number giving the value and promotion eligibility of a staff member in this organization.

The number appears after a person’s name on the organization board in the Communication Centre.

The numbers run from zero to ten. They designate the type of post to which a person may be promoted or the status of the person.

It is important to have a higher status number. Therefore do all you can to increase yours.

The status numbers most important to a new staff member are 0 (zero), 1 and 2.

0 = Temporary

1 = Provisional

2 = Permanent

Above that are the promotional numbers which must be earned by study and experience in the organization.

There are also technical status numbers. These are not necessarily required of personnel in non-technical departments and are elsewhere described.

If you do your job in this org and study how to be a better staff member you will advance and will be secure.

The first three status numbers and the states follow:


A staff member who is newly hired is designated 0 (zero) status after his or her name on the organization board. The person is classed as TEMPORARY until he or she has been to Review after a few weeks on post. The TEMPORARY must obtain a slip from their immediate senior saying they are doing fine on post and present this to Review. Review may require they have a knowledge of the org board and comm lines and their own department before passing them. Review may give the person who bears a recommendation several interviews to pass the exam but after the 3rd exam is failed, must dismiss. If they have no recommending slip, Review notes their name and tells the person to get one from their senior and come back. Review keeps a close record of all persons calling on it. Review, when a recommendation slip is presented, then may examine the person concerning the org board, etc, as per current “provisional” check sheet.

If the TEMPORARY is recommended and passes, Review assigns the person a

PROVISIONAL Staff Status and advises Org Board and Personnel Files by sending them chits attesting the fact. The staff member also gets a copy.

While TEMPORARY a staff member may be dismissed with or without cause by his immediate superior or by Review or a Secretary or anyone senior to a Secretary.

If Review does not pass the Temporary, Review dismisses the person. However, if the person is to be dismissed, Review must inform the person what he must do to make himself more employable, get the person on a PE Course and processed, etc.

When Review tells a Temporary he or she did not pass or is dismissed, the Review also informs Dept 1, Personnel Officer.

Any temporary, dismissed, may apply again to the Personnel Officer for employment in another section or department of the org. Pay ceases while under dismissal. Therefore when Review dismisses a TEMPORARY, Review —

1. Tells the person he has not passed and no more chances will be given.

2. Tells the person how to become more employable.

3. Puts the person in the files for possible future employment if the conditions are met (2 above).

4. Informs Dept 1. Dept 1, being advised of a dismissal:

(1a) Informs Accounts at once.

(2a) Makes a note of it in the person’s file noting also accounts is informed.

(3a) Notifies the person’s immediate superior whether the superior is otherwise informed or not.

If a temporary dismissed is upset about it, he or she is sent to the Chaplain.

The Chaplain, on any dismissed person coming to him should ascertain if the above lines were followed properly, that no ethics policy or order was violated by superiors or org officers and that the person follows the advice to become more employable if the dismissal is in good order. If the Chaplain finds a gross irregularity in a dismissal he should bring the person to Ethics.

TEMPORARY is designated as 0 status on the org board.

Every quarter the HCO Exec Sec of an org must dismiss all persons who have Temporary Status and have not become Provisionals. Such persons are sent to Review for dismissal.


A staff member given a PROVISIONAL rating may have recourse to Ethics and have an Ethics hearing if dismissed. He may be transferred to other divisions without a hearing if his division is over-manned.

A person, after one year, may apply for permanent status.

A PROVISIONAL is designated as “1” on the org board after his or her name.

To obtain permanent status a PROVISIONAL must obtain his or her Basic Staff Certificate. This has a check sheet for which the HCO EXEC SEC is responsible for compiling. This is covered in earlier Policy Letters.

The certificate is examined for by Review and issued by Certs and Awards. The requirements are relatively elementary but are quite firm.

Ethics chits issued while the person was employed are taken into consideration.

The Secretary of the person’s division must recommend permanent status in writing to Review before an exam may be given.


A PERMANENT STAFF MEMBER may not be demoted, transferred or dismissed without a full Committee of Evidence being held. The person may himself request a change of status or another post or may resign without a Committee of Evidence being convened. (The Evidence and findings of a Committee of Evidence are taken by a Committee composed of one’s co-workers and to be valid and put into effect must be passed by LRH personally.)

No person may be paid as permanent or posted until the person’s name appears in a SEC ED. LRH Executive Director may not at his own discretion wish to make the permanent award and if not included in a Sec Ed it is not awarded.

PERMANENT status is then designated on the Org Board by the numeral “2” after a person’s name.

Certs and Awards issues the Permanent Certificate, but only after a SEC ED so declaring has been issued.

Review, passing a person for permanent must advise Dept 1 Personnel, and the AdCouncil to prepare a SEC ED for LRH Exec Dir issue.

The SEC ED advises Accounts and Org Board, and no pay may be changed or the permanent status posted until the SEC ED is issued.

A person failing to get a permanent status remains provisional.

A person with PERMANENT status gets longevity pay according to the number of years employed, at so much for each year. This is backdated to first employment.


The higher status numbers are given to staff members as earned by passing check sheets. Gaining a higher status does not mean promotion but eligibility for promotion, said eligibility being in plain view on the org board with higher status number.

No one may have a higher status than 2 after his or her name on any org board without meeting all requirements up to the new status sought, and passing the check sheet for each status in sequence. Items already passed are credited on any future check sheet where the items occur on the check sheet and have been passed.

The HCO Exec Sec WW is responsible for all check sheets for staff status and the use and following of this Policy Letter via HCO Exec Secs in orgs.

Staff quotas for Divisions and Sections are set by the Advisory Council.

No hiring, promotion, assignment of status or appointments are made except as made above.