When this bulletin was first issued in 1970, the Recovery Program included:
which comprised the program to recover full use and results of Expanded Lower Grades.
(With the revision and reissue of this bulletin in 1980, LRH EDs 106R INT and 107R INT have been updated and reissued. A new Classification and Gradation Chart is being issued and the full Keeping Scientology Working Series is being released, all of which are to be used to again recover and maintain full use and results of Expanded Lower Grades.)
What was called a «Repair Program» on the first issue of the C/S Series (HCOB 24 May 70, now HCOB 23 Aug 71, C/S Series 1, Auditor's Rights) has since been renamed a Progress Program. It has been found that case gain which has not been earlier achieved can be consolidated by a Progress Program. It can take 25 hours or more, and can be done by any Classed Auditor who is qualified to run the needed processes, as long as it is C/Sed by a qualified C/S who has also starrated the C/S Series and the HCOBs referenced at the beginning of this issue. The Progress Program is quite a technical development in itself. It is the answer to a pc who had «Quickie Grades» and didn't actually reach full abilities in earlier Scientology auditing. It is followed by an Advance Program which follows below.
This is what was called a «Return Program» in the first issue of C/S Series 1. The name has since been changed from «Return» to «Advance» as more appropriate. It gets the pc really up to where he should be. It may take 50 hours or more.
Pcs won't like being told they «have to have their lower grades rerun». Actually that's not a factual statement anyway. The lower grades harmonic into the OT Levels. They can be run again with full 1950-1960 to 1970 processes as given on the Saint Hill courses all through the 1960s. These are now regrouped and sorted out and are called Expanded Lower Grades. See also HCOB 5 Apr 77, Expanded Grades and HCOB 22 Jun 78R, New Era Dianetics Series 2R, NED Full Pc Program Outline. There are no Dianetic or Scientology single or «Quickie» lower grades anymore.
The state of Clear can be achieved on Dianetics.
It is not however attained by feeding people cognitions; Clears are made through auditing.
A Dianetic Clear must not be run on engrams, R3RA or any version of R3R or Dianetics.
After Dianetic Clear, you can and must run Grades 0-IV if the pc has not yet had Scientology Grades. You do not run the pc on the R3RA section of the new Service Fac handling, however. He can be given Touch or Contact Assists (as can Clears and OTs), but not a Dianetic Auditing Assist nor any Dianetic auditing.
A Dianetic Clear does the Purification Rundown and the Survival Rundown if he has not had these. He is given the Scientology Drug Rundown (unless he has previously completed a full NED Drug Rundown or other Dianetic Drug Rundown). He is run on Expanded ARC Straightwire and Expanded Grades 0-IV, to full Ability Gained for each Grade not previously standardly declared.
When each Grade has been fully handled to Ability Gained, the next step is the Solo Auditor Course at a Saint Hill or Advanced Org.
A Dianetic Clear is not run on Power, R6EW or the Clearing Course, but, upon completion of the Solo Auditor Course, goes directly onto OT 1.
This chart «Classification and Gradation Chart» has been reissued many times. All issues are more or less valid. All the processes listed in the Processes Run Column and more are used in Expanded Lower Grades. The chart is valid.
Persons were too demanding to be done quickly. On many cases these grades as given were valid but a large number of cases needed Expanded Lower Grades. 20 minutes from Grade 0 to IV and 5 minutes Power was far more than many could stand up to. These and all others who haven't fully made it need a Progress PGM and an Advance PGM «to pick up all the latent gain they missed».
Dianetic pcs should be audited on New Era Dianetics until no somatics, then go up through… Expanded Lower Grades to Power, R6EW, Clearing Course and OT Levels.
Any pc who has trouble needs training and the amount of time required in Expanded Lower Grades and so on makes it cheaper to be trained.