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  1. Affluence Attainment - P721113
  2. Amend Population Surveys (BPL) (PR-15R-1) - P72R-10125
  3. Chinese School (STS-4, ESTO-17, LANG-4) - P720513
  4. Correct Comm (EXEC-10) - P720229
  5. Correct Danger Condition Handling - P720409
  6. Course Supervisors - P720307-2
  7. Creating Survey Questions (BPL) (PR-14R) - P720107-2R75
  8. Creating Survey Questions (PR-14) - P720107-2
  9. Dev-T and Unhattedness (ESTO-3, DEVT) - P720309-3 (2)
  10. Dev-T and Unhattedness (ESTO-3, DEVT) - P720309-3
  11. Doing Work (ESTO-13) - P720403 (2)
  12. Doing Work (ESTO-13) - P720403
  13. Effective Hatting (ESTO-27) - P720821 (2)
  14. Effective Hatting (ESTO-27) - P720821
  15. Establishing - Holding the Form of the Org (ESTO-26, EXEC-16, ORG-32) - P720728 (2)
  16. Establishing - Holding the Form of the Org (ESTO-26, EXEC-16, ORG-32) - P720728
  17. Establishment Officer (ESTO-1R) - P720307 (2)
  18. Establishment Officer (ESTO-1R) - P720307
  19. Esto Failures (ESTO-22, EXEC-14, ORG-30) - P720714-2 (2)
  20. Esto Failures (ESTO-22, EXEC-14, ORG-30) - P720714-2
  21. Ethics (ESTO-14) - P720404 (2)
  22. Ethics (ESTO-14) - P720404
  23. Ethics and Executives (EXEC-12) - P720503
  24. Ethics and Executives (EXEC-12R) - P720503R77
  25. Ethics and Study Tech - P720404-3R75
  26. Exec Esto Hatting Duties (ESTO-4) - P720310
  27. Executive Intention (EXEC-6) - P720206
  28. Files (ESTO-10) - P720318
  29. Files Accuracy (ESTO-21) - P720628
  30. Follow Policy and Lines (ESTO-7) - P720314-2
  31. Form of the Org (ESTO-24) - P720725
  32. Form of the Org and Schedules (ESTO-25) - P720727
  33. Full Product Clearing - Long Form (ESTO-11) - P720323
  34. Handling - Policy, Plans, Programs, Projects and Orders Defined (DATA-24) - P720229-2
  35. Handling - Policy, Plans, Programs, Projects and Orders Defined (DATA-24R) - P720229-2R77
  36. Handling PTS and Out-Ethics Personnel (ESTO-28R) - P721004R74
  37. Handling of Bounced Checks and Refunds (FIN-3-1) - P720705
  38. Hatting the ESTO (ESTO-2) - P720309-2
  39. Hatting the Product Officer of the Division (ESTO-16) - P720424
  40. High Crime, What Is a Course - P720316-5
  41. How to Handle Black Propaganda (PR-18) - P721121
  42. Income Flows and Pools, Principles of Money Management (FIN-11) - P720309
  43. Income Flows and Pools, Principles of Money Management (FIN-11R) - P720309R83
  44. Injustice - P720224
  45. Learning to Use Data Analysis (DATA-25) - P720319
  46. Length of Time to Evaluate (DATA-26, ESTO-18) - P720612
  47. Look, Dont Listen (ESTO-8) - P720316-1
  48. Making an Executive (ESTO-12, EXEC-11) - P720401
  49. Not-Dones, Half-Dones and Backlog (AKH-29, EXEC-05) - P720126
  50. OK to Be a __ System (PERS-24, PPS-11) - P720114
  51. OK to Be a __ System (canceled) (PERS-24) - P720114
  52. PR Area Control - Three Grades of PR (PR-11) - P720615
  53. PR Area Control - Three Grades of PR (PR-11R) - P720615R83
  54. PR Personality Addition (canceled) (PERS-11, PR-4) - P720411
  55. PR and Causation (PR-17R) - P720807R
  56. PTS Personnel and Finance (EXEC-13, FIN-12, PERS-25) - P720512
  57. PTS Personnel and Finance (EXEC-13R, FIN-12R, PERS-25R) - P720512R82
  58. PTS Type a Handling - P720405-1
  59. PTS Type a Handling - P720405-1RC78
  60. Payment of Flag Bills Incurred Locally (FIN-14) - P721103RA75
  61. Population Surveys (PR-15) - P720125
  62. Population Surveys (PR-15R) - P720125R74
  63. Product Correction (ESTO-15) - P720406
  64. Production and Establishment Orders and Products (ESTO-5) - P720313
  65. Program Drill (ESTO-19) - P720613
  66. Promotion Allocations (FIN-13) - P720603
  67. Promotion Allocations (canceled) (FIN-13) - P720603
  68. Proper Format and Correct Action (DATA-23) - P720217
  69. Routing (EXEC-9) - P720227
  70. Sequence of Hatting (ESTO-6) - P720314-1
  71. Stuck In (ESTO-9) - P720316-2
  72. Supervisor Tech (ESTO-20) - P720626
  73. Survey Buttons and Promo (PR-16) - P720713
  74. Survey Buttons and Promo (canceled) (PR-16R) - P720713R75
  75. Targeting of Divisional Statistics and Quotas (EXEC-7) - P720208-2
  76. Targeting of Divisional Statistics and Quotas (EXEC-7R) - P720208R80
  77. Top Triangle (EXEC-8) - P720218
  78. Vital Necessity of Hatting (ESTO-23R, EXEC-15R, ORG-31R) - P720723
  79. Vital Necessity of Hatting (ESTO-23R, EXEC-15R, ORG-31R) - P720723R78
  80. Vitamin and Glandular Deficiency - P720207-3
  81. Why Is God (DATA-22) - P720131