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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Handling PTS and Out-Ethics Personnel (ESTO-28R) - P721004R74

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Что Делать с Сотрудниками, Которые Имеют Ситуацию ПИН или Являются Неэтичными (Серия ЭСТО 28) (ц) - И721004RA00
Revised & Reissued 9 July 1974 as BPL
(Revision in this type style)
Remimeo Establishment Officer Series 28R



*BPL 5 Apr 72 Issue I PTS Type A Handling

The handling of out ethics and PTS personnel is vital technology for an OO/Est O or others handling personnel.

No amount of hatting or training will be effective over PTS or out ethics.

The WRONG way to handle is by random transfers and wholesale dismissals. That only leads to overloaded posts resulting in further blows and eventually no staff. Another WRONG handling is to tie the Org up in witch hunts and endless comm-evs.

Although comm-evs and dismissals are sometimes required they can often be avoided by early and proper use of those issues referenced above. Those issues and their tech form a vital part of any 00/Est O’s hat and the know-how of executives.

Before handling by 3 May PL or PTS handling verify that a situation does in fact exist. Don’t handle a no-situation. The verification is primarily by STATISTICS. If the individual is producing with good stats don’t go using an ethics handling. Because the staff member has said or done something somebody doesn’t like is no reason to launch out on a 3 May PL if the person’s stats are up and not false.

One Org had their Well Done Auditing Hours and Student Points both rising and highest ever. At that point they did 3 May PL on the Tech Sec. Stats crashed the following week with Tech Sec now sick. Handling was to declare Tech Sec PTS and dismiss him from the Org! For some strange reason Tech stats then crashed further.

The time to use a 3 May PL is when the individual is non-productive, stats down. It is best done by listing and nulling per BTB 10 June 72 to BD F/N items. Even when not done by L&N (Listing and Nulling) one must be alert for an F/N Cog VGIs type statement on steps 3 and 4 which would indicate the person having cognited on his item. Let him have such an item.

A wronfj item, whether found in a formal session or not, can be very upsetting to the person and even result in sickness if not rapidly corrected. If a person does get upset or sick after a 3 May PL or PTS interview the correct item must be found and indicated. This is covered fully in HCO B 20 April 72, Issue II, C/S Series 78. That HCO B MUST be known by 00/Est Os and Executives.

Ideally an 00/Est O who is not a trained Auditor should do the “Social Counsellor Course” which covers the basics of auditing and Listing and Nulling. If an auditing action is required and you are not qualified to do it, and there is no other way to handle it, turn it over to someone who is fully qualified for that action and can do it as an auditing action.

If a staff member remains unproductive with continuous overts despite repeatedly trying to handle with 3 May PL, Justice and Ethics, then you are probably dealing with an SP who should be investigated further with a view to dismissal.


PTSs cause trouble. They get sick. SPs run a can’t have and an enforced have. Consequently PTS staff will dramatize the can’t have by refusing money, people, staff, etc.

The full data and tech on this are contained in the “SP, PTS and Havingness” checksheet which must be included in the training of Dept 1 and 3 personnel as well as Tech and Qual personnel and OO/Est Os.

The tech is for USE. Failure to apply it can result in many staff and public being thrown out of the Org who should have been handled. This has already happened far too often resulting in removal of staff on key posts who could easily have been handled by a fast accurate PTS interview per C/S Series 79 and handling per 5 April PL, “PTS Type A Handling”.

Full handling is done by following up with the PTS Rundown including the final “Can’t Have” steps. Those in charge of personnel should see that the full action is carried through and to its only EP which is “no longer PTS”. Simply locating the SP by C/S 79 and PTS Type A handling where applicable will normally get the staff member happily keyed out and producing until the full PTS RD can be done in session.

Any QO/Est O, D of P, or Ethics Officer must be capable of doing PTS interviews rapidly and accurately. All that is required is checkout and drilling in Qual of those issues listed at the top of this PL. USE IT.


Back of any out ethics, PTS, down stat situations lie overts. As man is basically good he will withdraw from those areas where he has committed overts or feels he will commit overts. Thus, when you have a staff member who just will not get involved with his post, backs off of doing, will not learn or apply what he has learned, you know that person has overts.

A 3 May PL will normally handle on the individual. But when a whole area is non-productive and enturbulative an effective method of handling is to have “Confessionals” done on all persons in the area concerned. It soon straightens out.

A Confessional is done in session and requires C/S approval so as not to interfere with a pc’s current program. It is always taken to F/N and an LCR “Confessional Repair List” used if person not very F/N VGIs at the end.


That much of this tech was issued in Technical Bulletins may have resulted in it not being known and used by Administrative personnel.

It is however VITAL tech which must be known and USED.

Without it you have Registrars who won’t sign up public or accept money, Div 6 people who just can’t have bodies flooding into the Org, D/Ps who won’t accept pcs, Ethics Officers who throw everyone out of the Org or just don’t handle at all, low GI and no Org expansion and lots of wasted effort by those staff members who do produce.

To have a happy, upstat, productive Org know and APPLY this tech.

Lt. Comdr. Brian Livingston
Revised & Reissued as BPL by Flag Mission 1234
I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow
Authorized by AVU for the