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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Hatting the Product Officer of the Division (ESTO-16) - P720424

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Ошляпливание Администратора по Продукту Отделения (Серия ЭСТО 16) (ц) - И720424-1
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- Сделанное (ц) - И720424-2
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Remimeo Establishment Officer Series 16


Estos have been told “hat from the top down.”

Why? Because the head of a div or org or the Product Officer of the org is the one who gets other people to work.

If the Product Officer is not hatted to get people to work there will be no products, the stats will be very low and that Esto could be very mystified and look bad as an Esto.

For if he does not do this one thing first then whatever else he does will be wasted.

An Esto who gets drawn in and given orders by a div head or who cannot confront the div head will wind up withdrawing from the div or just being inactive.

The first major failure of an Esto would be a failure to hat the Product Officer of the org or div.

FIRST SITUATION: There is no head of div (or org). Correct action: Get a head of div (or org) fast and rapidly org board the div. The number of people in the div (or org) does not matter at this stage. First things first. Get a head of div (or org). And rapidly org bd the place.

SECOND SITUATION: You have a head of div (or org). Correct action: Hat him with HCO P/L 28 July 71 Admin Know-How No. 26. Tell him you will attend to the hatting IF he will get them producing. He is responsible for their production. Get him to know this P/L. (Method 4 WC.) Tell him he is in Phase I. So let’s see some production.

THIRD SITUATION: The head of div or org flies about, looks busy or just sits there. He is not getting out production. He will tell you all about “not being hatted,” “doesn’t know the tech” on and on, excuses excuses. But no production from him or staff. Correct action: He has to be made to understand that he isn’t doing his job no matter how busy he looks or how many reasons he has. He probably has not noticed and does not know that he is faking work. People with low confront don’t see. If he is really doing his job and getting out his products and forcing any staff to get out theirs, you have a pearl. Cherish him, and don’t consider doing this third action on him. But one is easily fooled. Only real products tell the tale. A busy exec or division is not necessarily a producing exec or div. So if no products from him or staff for whatever reason, he’s below Danger. You don’t have a head of div or org if you don’t have products coming off and exchange occurring. Only these, not excuses or motions, tell the tale. You can get “PR” and glowing (but false) reports. You can get all sorts of things. But where are the products? So you bait (tease) and badger (nag) the head of div (or org) to IMPINGE ON HIM (draw his attention) until he snarls or cries or screams AND SPITS OUT AN OUTPOINT. You don’t ask him like repetitive commands “Why aren’t you working?” You ask in many ways “Where are the products?” And he’ll eventually tell you an outpoint. Like “But I can’t get out any products because they aren’t products until they are back home telling people how good we are so how can I” Or “I just keep running around here and nothing happens.” Or some other nonsense that is nonsense. That’s his Why. So you tell him, “Look, you don’t get out products because you don’t think you can!” Or “You are just trying to look busy so you won’t be thought idle.” And if you’re smart and on the ball, that will be it. The exec will cognite and go into smooth 2WC at once and you got him out of the Esto P/L Series 13 state into a confront. This is “Bait and Badger” to get him broken out of nonconfronting. That’s all that’s wrong with him really. He doesn’t look.

SITUATION FOUR: The exec won’t let an Esto near him. Snaps, snarls. Don’t avoid him. Correct action: Bait and Badger. He’s already halfway through Situation Three above. Finish it up.

SITUATION FIVE: The exec goes into shock. This is a symptom of no confront. He won’t fight back. He will propitiate. But he won’t do anything either. Correct action: Get a new exec. Tame execs who won’t fight and can’t work will never get a staff to work. After getting a new exec, salvage the old one with processing. Do Steps One to Four on the new one.

SITUATION SIX: Having gotten the original or a new exec this far, you will find he is usually outpointy in his actions even if producing. Correct action: Run Confront in his area. Run Reach and Withdraw in his area. Then product clear him on every section and department he has as though he’s the head of it.

SITUATION SEVEN: Gets out volume but quality suffers. This is a general nonconfront. Correct action: Bring him personally up through each dynamic, through the conditions per Esto Series No. 14. Get him in normal or higher on each dynamic. Now do Dynamic Exchange, Esto Series No. 14.

SITUATION EIGHT: He is active, producing but isn’t forcing staff to produce. Correct action: Recheck him on HCO P/L 28 July 71 Admin Know-How 26 and look for a Why that he can’t pull himself out of Phase I into Phase II. Get this VGIed. Tell him, “Preach to them that dones come from effective doingness. If they don’t do things that are effective they will not get a done. Demand DONES.”

SITUATION NINE: He really doesn’t know his job. Correct action: Begin to hat him. Don’t start hatting him further than an instant hat before you have worked it up to Situation Eight. His confront will not be good enough to apply the material even if he knows it. So only at this stage do you start to really hat. And at this stage you hat by observing what he doesn’t know that he needs to know and you look up and select P/Ls that fit his current state of unhattedness and check him out on only these. You keep a log of what he’s checked out on so he gets credit for it.

SITUATION TEN: The executive skids back. He roller-coasters or gets ill. Correct action: Recognize this as a PTS situation. Get him interviewed by the D of P. Get the PTS situation HANDLED and don’t buy “It’s just the flu” or whatever. He’s PTS and that’s trouble. (See HCOB 17 Apr 72 C/S Series 76.)

SITUATION ELEVEN: The exec does not seem to remember what he’s been checked out on or apply what he knows. He is glib or he is foggy. Correct action: Get him word cleared Method 1. Then word clear him Method 4 on the materials he has covered. (See Word Clearing Series HCOBs.)


How much time do you spend with an exec?

Well, effective or not his time is valuable.

Do not use peak load post time or he’ll be going mad with the PTP of unhandled actions needing to be done. So you won’t get anywhere.

Try to do these actions on an exec during his study time.

Observe him on post to know what to do in his study time.

If he has no study time, you must get the Study Correction List (HCOB 14 Jan 72 Study Series 7) done on him and handled as in Situation Thirteen. An exec who can’t study can’t see either.

If this conflicts with your own study time, make other arrangements for that portion of yours. But get yours IN too.

SITUATION TWELVE: Has study time in addition to working hours but does not study. Correct action: See that study time is run per “What Is a Course?” HCO P/L 16 Mar 71 and “What Is a Course — High Crime” HCO P/L 16 Mar 72 and LRH ED 174 INT 72.

SITUATION THIRTEEN: Even though staff course exists does not study. Correct action: Have a Study Corr List HCOB 14 Jan 72 Study Series 7 done and properly handled.


What do you do with the rest of staff?

These thirteen situations cover as well any staff member.

You could do no worse than do these things on each one as beginning actions.

There are many Esto actions that can be done but if you don’t get these done you won’t get far.

But on staff below dept head, Situations One, Two and Eight do not apply.

SITUATION ONE STAFF: Major post not posted. Correct action: Force a Dept One into existence via the Exec Esto and get it producing staff and get the post posted. (Don’t do an incorrect action and use other parts of the org as personnel pools and dismantle working installations or rob tech.) Get the org bd up and the person on it.

SITUATION TWO STAFF: You have a person on the post. Correct action: Instant hat him. Get him programmed for training for post. Unbug his study time. See that he studies per pgm.

SITUATION EIGHT STAFF: He is active and producing but isn’t moving his products or is backlogging and/or gets in jams. Correct action: Volume 0 of OEC Course, get in its comm sections, drill him on org bd and show him the other terminals he is supposed to be in comm with. Make him follow his product physically through lines and then make him follow the routes of things that should come to him. While doing this you will Find bugs in the lines or in his own lines. Smooth them out. Drill the person further.THIS P/L AS A CHECKLIST You can use this P/L as a checklist.

Get a cardboard folder. Put the person’s name on it.

Write the person’s name in at the top of this P/L.

When each action is done, mark the dates it is being worked on in the margin beside the situation with your initial.

When fully done mark it DONE with date. Beware of NOT-DONES or HALF- DONES or BACKLOGS. (See Admin Know-How 29, Executive Series 5, both are HCO P/L 26 Jan 72 Issue I.)

Don’t skip about on this one.


Most beings are not there as a being as they are below existence. As a being plus body they have social responses and can do orders or will do at something when attention is called to it. Otherwise they are blind with their eyes wide open. They are not malicious. They just don’t SEE.

If they are not there they won’t have to be responsible for what they do, will they? They do not think they have lived before or will live again, which is why the population is fixed on a one life idea.

As a result the above situations do occur. And the handling has been tested and works.

Do not say, “Why haven’t you seen” this or that outness. Say, “Do you see this” outness. And they will look in that direction. But sometimes have to be shown further evidence. Then they see it. Until the above situations are handled, you are working with social machinery.

When you have handled these situations as above correctly as noted, you will get toward full application of HCO P/L 5 May 1959 “Policy on Sec EDs and Hats” page 64, Vol 0 of OEC. Call the above “correct actions” the modern processes plus many other Esto actions and you can bring the exec to CAUSE so that he CREATES his post.Until you have handled, using his social machinery as per the situation handlings above, he is not being bad, he just can’t see.

This is how you get an exec functioning.

It is no overt act to get him functioning as only until you do will he have any morale at all.

SITUATION FOURTEEN: An exec or staff member may try to use the Esto as an Org Officer or to get the Esto to get involved in the division’s products. BOTH are fatal Esto errors. Correct action: Explain Esto functions to them briefly so they know the Esto’s product is THEM.


[Note: The following data is taken from a Founder advice of April 1972.

“The Org Officer gets the CO’s programs logged and done. This is in addition to his FEBC Org Officer duties, less interviewing staff.

The first product of a Product Officer is an Org Officer but the first product of an Org Officer was the HAS and is now the Exec Esto.

The first product of an Exec Esto is a divisional Esto working on Products 1 and 3 in the division.” — LRH Further data on the above is given in the FEBC Tapes and Esto Tapes.]