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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Third Dynamic De-Aberration (PERS-13, ORG-18) - P701206 (2)
- Third Dynamic De-Aberration (PERS-13, ORG-18) - P701206

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Деаберрация Третьей Динамики (Серия ОРГ 18, ПЕРСОНАЛ 13) - И701206
- Устранение Аббераций по Третьей Динамике (Серия ОРГ 18, ПЕРСОНАЛ 13) - И701206
- Устранение Аберраций Третьей Динамики (Серия ОРГ 18, ПЕРСОНАЛ 13) - И701206
- Устранение Аберраций Третьей Динамики (Серия ОРГ 18, ПЕРСОНАЛ 13) (2) - И701206
- Устранение Аберраций Третьей Динамики (Серия ОРГ 18, ПЕРСОНАЛ 13) (ц) - И701206
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Remimeo Dept 14 Hats Personnel Series 13
Org Series 18


The exact mechanism of 3rd Dynamic (group or organization) aberration is the conflict of COUNTER POLICY.

Illegal policy set at unauthorized levels jams the actions of a group and IS responsible for the inactivity, non-production or lack of team spirit.

Counter policy independently set jams the group together but inhibits its operation.

Out-Reality on org bds, hats, etc, is to a large degree caused by disagreements and conflicts which are caused by illegal policy.

If we had a game going in which each player set his own rules, there would be no game. There would only be argument and conflict.


At the start it must be assumed or effected that there is someone or somebody to set authorized policy for the group. Absence of this function is an invitation to random policy and group conflict and disintegration. If such a person or body exists, new proposed policy must be referred to this person or body and issued, not set randomly at lower levels or by unauthorized persons.

Policies so set by the policy authority must be informed enough and wise enough to forward the group purpose and to obtain agreement. Ignorant or bad policy even when authorized tends to persuade group members to set their own random policy.

When no policy at all exists random policy occurs.

When policy exists but is not made known, random policy setting will occur.

Ignorance of policy, the need or function of it, can cause random policies.

Hidden not stated random policies can conflict.

Correct policy can be relayed on a cutative basis — a few words left off or a qualifying sentence dropped which makes policy incorrect or null. “Children may not go out” can be made out of “Children may not go out after midnight”.

Altered policy can be limitless in error.

Attributing a self set policy to the authorized source can disgrace all policy as well as pervert the leadership purpose.

Policy can be excluded from a zone of a group that should be governed by it. “Pipe making policy does not apply to the small pipe shop.”

Such masses of unnecessary policy can be issued that it cannot be assimilated.

Policy can exist in large amounts but not be subdivided into relevant subjects as is done in hat checksheets.

Disgrace of policy can occur in a subsequent catastrophe and render any policy disgraceful, encouraging self set policy by each group member.


All authorized policy must be set or made available in master books and adequate complete policy files. This makes it possible to compile hats and checksheets and issue packs.

Group surveys of “What policy are you operating on?” can reveal random policy.

All bugged (halted) projects can be surveyed for illegal policy and cleaned up and gotten going again.

Other actions can be taken all of which add up to:

1. Get existing policy used.

2. Get areas without policy crisply given policy from the authorized source.

3. Debug all past projects of false policy.

4. De-aberrate group members as per the Organization Misunderstoods PL and other materials.

5. Educate the group members concerning policy technology.

6. Set up systems that detect, isolate and report out-policy and get it corrected and properly set, issued and known.

7. Monitor any new policy against statistics and include policy outnesses as part of all statistical evaluations.


I have developed a scale for use which gives a sequence (and relative seniority) of subjects relating to organization.


In short, for success all these items in the scale must agree with all other items in the scale on the same subject.

Let us take “Golf Balls” as a subject for the scale. Then all these scale items must be in agreement with one another on the subject of golf balls. It is an interesting exercise.

The scale also applies in a destructive subject. Like “Cockroaches”.

When an item in the scale is not aligned with the other items, the project will be hindered if not fail.

The skill with which all these items in any activity are aligned and gotten into action is called MANAGEMENT.

Group members only become upset when one or more of these points are not aligned to the rest and at least some group agreement.

Groups appear slow, inefficient, unhappy, inactive or quarrelsome only when these items are not aligned, made known and coordinated.

Any activity can be improved by debugging or aligning this scale in relation to the group activity.

As out-Reality breeds out-Comm, and out-Affinity, it follows that unreal items on the scale (not aligned) produce ARC Breaks, upsets and disaffection.

It then follows that when these scale items are well aligned with each other and the group there will be high Reality, high Communication and high Affinity in the group.

Group mores aligned so and followed by the group gives one an ethical group and also establishes what will then be considered as overts and withholds in the group by group members.

This scale and its parts and ability to line them up are one of the most valuable tools of organization.


When orders are not complied with and projects do not come off, one should DETECT, ISOLATE and REPORT and handle or see that it is handled, any of the scale items found random or counter.

If any item below POLICY is in trouble — not moving, one can move upwards correcting these points, but certainly concentrating on a discovery of illegal or counter policy. Rarely it occurs some old but legal policy needs to be adjusted. Far more commonly policy is being set by someone verbally or in despatches, or hidden, that is bugging any item or items below the level of policy.

So the rule is that when things get messed up, jammed up, slowed or inactive or downright destructive (including a product as an overt act) one sniffs about for random or counter policy illegally being set in one’s own area or “out there”

Thus in the face of any outness one DETECTS — ISOLATES — REPORTS and handles or gets handled the Out-Policy.

The detection is easy. Things aren’t moving or going right.

The isolation is of course a WHAT POLICY that must be found and WHO set it.

Reporting it would mean to HCO.

Handling it is also very easy and would be done in Qual.

This Admin tech gives us our first 3rd Dynamic de-aberrater that works easily and fast.


Well, look at the Admin Scale. Policy is just below Purpose.

Purpose is senior to policy.

The person who is setting random or counter illegal policy is off group purpose. He is other purposed to greater or lesser degree.

From 1960 to 1962 I developed a vast lot of technology about goals and purposes. If we define a goal as a whole track long long term matter and a purpose as the lesser goal applying to specific activities or subjects we see clearly that if we clean up a person’s purposes relating to the various activities in which he is involved and on the eight dynamics we will handle the obsession to set random or counter policies!

So it is an auditing job and the tech for it is extensive. (The African ACC was devoted to this subject. Lots of data exists on it.)

It happens however that around 20% (probably more) of any group’s members are actively if covertly anti-group and must be handled at a less profound level under Personal Aberration in the Org Misunderstoods Policy Letter before you can begin to touch purpose.

Thus any group member, since this tech remedy helps them all, would be handled with:

1. General case de-aberration (called LI Os on Flag).

2. Purpose handling for posts.

3. Org bd, hatting and training.

Those setting random or counter purpose later detected would get further no. 2 and no. 3. As the universe is full of beings and one lives with them whether he likes it or not, it would be to anyone’s interest to be able to have functioning groups.

The only way a group jams up and (a) becomes difficult to live in and (b) impossible to fully separate from is by random and counter purposes.

If one thinks he can go off and be alone anywhere in this universe he is dreaming.

The first impulse of a hostile being is “to leave” a decent group. What a weird one.

The only reason he gets in jams is his inability to tolerate or handle others.

There’s no road out for such a being except through.

Thus all we can do to survive even on the first dynamic is to know how to handle and be part of the third or fourth dynamic and clean it up.

Probably the reason this universe itself is considered by some as a trap is because their Admin Scale is out.

And the only reason this universe is sometimes a trial is because no one published its Admin Scale in the first place.

All this is very fundamental first dynamic tech and third dynamic tech.

It is the first true group technology that can fully de-aberrate and smooth out and free within the group every group member and the group itself.

Thus, combined with auditing tech, for the first time we can rely wholly on technology to improve and handle group members and the group itself toward desirable and achievable accomplishment with happiness and high morale.

Like any skill or technology it has to be known and done and continued in use to be effective.

The discovery, development and practical use of this data has made me very very cheerful and confident and is doing the same thing on the test group.

I hope it does the same for you.
