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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Staff Regulations - Auditing versus Job (0.STAFF-ORIENT) - P640221

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Правила Штата Одитинг Против Работы - И640221-1
- Правила для Штатных Сотрудников Одитинг и Работа (ц) - И640221-1

Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
CenOCon Sthil



It is an Academy maxim that if an auditor feels warm to the touch he or she can audit. There is no excuse of CASE. “I can’t audit today because my case ....” If this were not the maxim, a lot of auditing would never get done.

Now we are extending this to administrative staff members in Scientology organizations. Case is no excuse. If a staff member’s breath can be detected on a mirror he or she can do his or her job.

Further, Case is not to be used as an excuse for errors or transfers off post or retraining or being ordered to the HGC, etc. Case is no excuse. Case is not a point.

This gives rise to the following regulations which become effective on receipt and which cancel any conflicting earlier policies.

A staff member may not be absent from his or her job to give or receive auditing during working hours. Exception only staff members whose job it is to audit. Exception: Severe temporary illness or physical injury.

A staff member may not be ordered to training or processing as a disciplinary measure or as an effort to improve performance on the job.

A staff member may not be transferred to another post or dismissed because of ‘ Case Difficulties”.

All disadvantageous transfers, suspensions or dismissals shall be made only by reason of actual performance of duties and the usual and easily recognized sins of omission or commission.

The individual staff member’s preclear classification may be taken into account in appointments and promotions just as his or her auditor classification would be, but may not be taken into account as a cause for demotion, suspension or dismissal.

Whereas it is of interest that all Scientologists have their cases in good condition to the extent of conducting co-audits in the individual’s own time in instruction and auditing, it is also true that Scientology organizations are not huge HGCs for staff members and have their own functions.

A staff member may not use his working hours for being instructed or trained and aside from Academy personnel whose job it is to train students, a staff member may not employ his or her staff time to instruct. Exception: Technical officers may give staff auditors instructions about their preclears or students, but no course or conference may be held for the purpose.

The possession of a certificate carries with it the responsibility of knowing the skills covered by it. Constant retraining within a level for which the auditor has already been classified is forbidden.

Staff members aspiring to the next higher classification should become part of evening or weekend courses teaching those skills. Enrolment in such courses may or may not be at the expense of the organization according to the decision of the Association or Organization Secretary.

Co-audit training or processing may not be undertaken during working hours.

An organization should arrange at its own cost the management of a co-audit for its staff members, providing all such training or processing is done in the staff member’s own time.

Administrative staff members or executives may not audit during working hours unless specifically transferred temporarily or permanently to the HGC and no transfer shall be for less than one week, during which the duties shall consist exclusively of auditing and during which a minimum of 25 hours must be delivered.

A Director of Processing may not assign himself to audit individual pcs for full intensives.