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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Anatomy of the Genetic Entity (PDC-33) - L521210e
- Flows - Basic Agreements and Prove It (PDC-31) - L521210c
- Flows - Dispersal and Ridges (PDC-32) - L521210d
- Flows - Pattern of Interaction (PDC-29) - L521210a
- Flows - Rates of Change, Relative Size, Anchor Points (PDC-30) - L521210b

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CONTENTS Flows: Rate of Change, Relative Size, Anchor Points

Flows: Rate of Change, Relative Size, Anchor Points

A Lecture given by L. Ron Hubbard on the 10 December 1952

This is the second hour, December the 10th, afternoon.

Now in the… in the whole action of flows, you will find quite a dissertation on this subject in Technique 88 — some more data on it, Technique 80. You’ll find a lot of stuff on this. And there isn’t any reason why I should go into this stuff again and break it all down one way or the other, but I probably ought to give it a rapid sketch.

When we say ‘Flow’, we mean a change of position of particle in space. That’s all it is. The speed that it changes has a great deal to do with its relationship to the space. As you well know, you do not change a big particle in a small space in a rapid time — because a big particle in a small space is a stretch of time itself.

Now your big particle could be the Woolworth Building, or the Empire State Building; you can just treat that as a composite particle — an object. You don’t have to worry about calling — whether this thing is the size of an atom or the size of an electron. We’re not interested in size. We’re only interested in how big you think it is.

Now you think the Empire State Building in a space would be a large particle. Actually, you could theoretically make up a flow which would be a good, fast flow of Empire States Buildings, changing position in space.

Or you could have a good fast flow — see, particle — this… what… what… what do you agree the relationship is? It’s relative — relative size. You think you’re this big. And therefore you think that’s that big, and you think you are capable of lifting a pound weight, or a ten pound weight — some human beings could even lift a twelve pound weight. Uh… you… you say, well therefore that is relatively light, you say. But a 200, 500, a 1000 pound weight, these things are relatively heavy. What you’re saying is… is not light or heavy, you’re not even saying the action of gravity upon this. What you’re saying is, „My concept of what I can handle.“ If you had a concept that a hundred thousand tons was a light weight and pocket-size, of course, your amount of SPACE would have to be quite large. And your concept of yourself would have to be quite big. And sure enough, you could use it. for a pocket charm.

You see, we… you could put this planet in your vest pocket. Really, uh… if your… if your… if your idea of size…

Now, therefore, we could say here is a pa… a particle flow, and each particle in it is the size of Jupiter. And it’s going like hell in this little light flow and we would go on and talk about it there. Or maybe if we’re in some other universe, maybe we would be saying that. You’d say, „This is a little place named the MEST universe. You can look in there sometimes. But you sort of have to get down on one knee, and then you see this vague blur of stars.“

There isn’t any reason why you, personally, couldn’t have that viewpoint. You see, there’s nothing blocking you from having that viewpoint. You go through these techniques, you’ll ATTAIN viewpoints something to that direction.

One day you’ve got a speck in your cereal; you’ve decided in your universe to eat cereal or something so that you can read the boxes. And uh… you’re… you have this… this speck there. And there’s that speck, and you pick up that speck and you don’t know quite how it got there, but you flip it off on to the floor and stamp on it. That was the MEST universe! Now Man can get some very funny ideas about this. A fellow can… a fellow can sit down and think of himself as being just this tiny — oh boy, this is what they try to do! Oh, this is the control operation beyond control operations. They get you to sit down and think very hard about how utterly insignificant you must be to be crawling on the face of a very small planet which is running around a very small star, which is in one of the smaller galaxies, and all of these galaxies and so forth, and then your infinite smallness is almost incomprehensibly small, and that says your power is incomprehensibly small. And therefore, you’re a slave. You can’t throw off your chains because the chains, then, are infinitely heavy, see? Question of size.

Now if we started talking about, „Now please — please give me your…“ — if I… I talked to you this way day after day — you… just… just the idea of inflow of relationships of sizes, is… is, „Please uh… please uh… come somewhere near Philadelphia in your contact with your body while you’re listening to these lectures. And uh… be rather careful about the farms — don’t step on any of the farms around here because we don’t want a commotion in this little place,“ and so on. And we went on talking along in this line as though you were a flock of giants, you know, just marching across the countryside with a thunderbolt in each uh… hand.

You know that that alone — that alone would serve to help you get some kind of idea of size. Size is largely, „What do you want to do?“ You see, that’s very silly. Size depends on what you want to do. You want to go around here and… and push change across a grocery counter, you don’t want to be bigger than the grocery store. And uh… if you want to go around and push around planets, and uh… make ‘em and break ‘em and so forth, you don’t want to be smaller than the planet. And the guy that started to run Earth would, of course, not exist, probably, in Earth space. He would be too big. He wouldn’t be standing someplace between Earth and the Moon. He just wouldn’t be there. He would be existing in his own space with a… an attack or communications point somewhere coincident.

Now how do you… how do you get your space, and how do you get Earth space? Well you’d be sitting there amongst your own anchor points. You wouldn’t be sitting there with Earth anchor points. In the first place it would be too confusing to keep track of Earth on its own anchor points; it’s much easier to keep track of Earth on your anchor points.

You probably could actually center Earth over some place or another and it sounds strange, but give it and influence it into having your anchor points, and it would then be part of your universe. You want to know how your universe got taken over? Somebody gave it an anchor point, made it a big present of a nice big shiny anchor point. And it says, „Now look. Your dimensions can get smaller, your dimensions can get larger, and isn’t it interesting what you can do with these two anchor points. Now you put your anchor points convergent with our universe’s anchor points, and then these two universes will be co-visible and we will be all set then.“ And all of a sudden there was a dull flash and a boom and your anchor points and their anchor points went in total coincidence, but your universe wasn’t rigged to stand that. And then ever since you’ve been going around saying, „I wonder what happened to my universe? It’s here someplace.“

Looking for that universe is a silliness beyond silliness, because you can make it all over again without any trouble whatsoever. You also had to get the idea that you could lose something which you would not be able to create again, before you could lose a universe. The only way you could ever lose anything, you see, was to get the idea that you couldn’t create it again.

Now you want to know where your Grandma is. „She’s dead.“ No she’s not. She just lost the same anchor points. Once upon a time you and she had identical anchor points. Now you don’t have identical anchor points. She’s got some other set of anchor points. Well, because you’re still in the MEST universe, you have a… find a great difficulty in getting into anchor points with her, because you’d probably have to find some kind of proximity MEST universe anchor points.

Well, that’s a terrific limitation. Now if you could just find Grandma, who’s probably a little kid now in pigtails, if you could just find Grandma, someplace or another, by pervasion — you just look around and find out what’s the wave length of Grandma. You’d probably finally spot her. She’s in East Podunk or someplace or other, or North Keokuk, and uh… uh… as a little kid, why her ideas are this way and that way.

You could probably talk with her the second that you established some sort of coincidence of anchor points. But if you were existing in your own universe time, you could throw a couple of anchor points in there and just get her to accept those two anchor points and you could talk to her. This would probably be very disturbing to her parents; they’d think she was going around associating with some spirit, or something.

Some spirit? Well, that would be somebody who was a… an auditor in Scientology and… and he… he has an office… he has an office on Park Avenue or some place or another; that would be all there was to that.

Uh… it’s really very simple, when you come down to it.

Now having accepted MEST universe anchor points, you wonder what happened to your memories, ‘course, you’re only willing to see what memories the MEST universe gives you if you will only accept MEST universe anchor points — hah! You get that? Do you get that nice little trick?

The MEST universe says, „Now look. Here’s some anchor points, and we’re going to give you these MEST…“ — oh, it’s lovely at giving you things — it says, „going to give you these anchor points,“ and now — and what do you know? You can’t seem to remember the time that — just a few years ago — mostly because you don’t know where you were.

Have you ever been in a churchyard or passed by a public building or… or something like that and had the strange sudden feeling, „You know, I’ve been here before? I’ve gone up this road before, I’ve done this before. I belonged here before? I could swear that I’d know there’s a house right around the curve — turn down there and there’s such and so in it.“ Of course, you’re not permitted to think that because you haven’t been given these anchor points.

If you were to just search a neighborhood until something looked unquestionably familiar to you, your entire past life… that life would come back — FLASH! Because it requires MEST universe anchor points. You haven’t got the anchor points, so the facsimiles are just no place as far as you’re concerned. How can you read something that isn’t any place. As long as the MEST universe gave you the anchor points, then you’d have to recover those anchor points in order to have a complete reality.

What is reality? First thing about REALITY you would say is, „Is it agreed upon in this MEST universe?“ But let’s get a better definition for reality — a little bit better definition for reality — one that you’ll accept. This isn’t the final definition of reality, but one that you’ll accept is, „What can I perceive with clarity?“ „What can I perceive with clarity?“ would say, „What’s your reality, what’s my reality, yap-yap-yap.“ I mean, that wouldn’t have any basis on it, but you… you say, „The thing is real because I can perceive it with clarity. Or because it’s mine,“ all of these things, really, could come under the heading of Reality.

We’ve… we’ve narrowed this word ‘reality’ however, to mean the MEST universe, and uh… but we’re not having too much more with it, you see, because it’s so corrupt. It is slimy and dripping with confusion. But a little bit better definition for ‘reality’ is, „What can I perceive with clarity?“ That’s just a clarification definition, it’s clearer.

So when you get your… get your anchor points, you can look through those facsimiles and find out what anchor points you ought to have, but don’t try to find anchor points in the facsimile, you dope! Don’t do that! There aren’t any there! How can there be an anchor point in a facsimile. Well, there can’t be anchor points in the facsimile, really, but there are pictures of anchor points in a facsimile. But if you haven’t got the anchor points to tie them down to you, then do not think that facsimile belongs to you or is yours. You don’t feel then that you — quote, „remember it“, unquote — because you don’t know, because you’ve seen a picture of an anchor point and yet you don’t have the anchor point. If you were to go find the anchor point, that whole life would go, ‘whirrr-crack’ and it’d be into full view. The MEST universe gave that anchor point.

How do you cure this and how do you recover past lives? Well, I can give you a very lengthy dissertation on that. So what? They are the complete importance of Zero. Your time for action is Now and Will Be. Your time for action is Now and Will Have — not ‘had’. You haven’t got it anymore. All right, so you haven’t got it anymore.

Now you think there’s a lot of experience and a lot of thought and a lot of this and that and so forth. And you go back and you dig up one of these past lives and there’s such a thing as — like, „Let’s see: it is… it is page 72 or page 73 — how I find out how I round Cape Hatterus. Let me see, is it page 72 or is it page…“ Good important data — on a coast pilot that was printed a couple of hundred years ago after the sand banks… the sand banks have since shifted and everything else. So your page 72, page 73 — that publication isn’t published anymore. You wouldn’t have the publication anyway.

Or, „Am I going to get paid this Saturday,“ or, „Is she true to me?“ And of course it doesn’t matter whether or not you got paid that Saturday, and on the subject of „Is she true to me?“ — of course not!

But these things are curiosa and they are amusing and they are very interesting and when a preclear cannot handle force and establish his own anchor points, they are very aberrative. That’s why they’re important. But they’re not important as subjects or facsimiles; they’re merely important because they have force on him.

A guy goes around — gimp, gimp, gimp, gimp — and you say, „For heaven’s sakes! Why can’t that fellow walk straight?“ — gimp, gimp, gimp, gimp, gi… There’s nothing wrong with him, he’s been to all the doctors and all the doctors said, „Nothing wrong with him,“ and everybody agrees. Oh, the hell there isn’t something wrong with him! He’s got a facsimile about two hundred years old, probably somewhere down around the Nile or something, and the head hunters or somebody, or the ‘Nilists’ jumped him and cut his leg off.

And uh… this keyed in the unfortunate fact that he once amused himself by sawing the leg off of a vestal virgin. And all of a sudden you’ve got these old force images are impacting against him because he knows he can’t handle force, and he knows force exists. Knowing those two points for sure, it of course can influence him and because he’s using a given body — not a body he created — anything can influence that body because he stole it, didn’t he?

By the way, you want to find one of these young preclears that goes around the whole family, „Excuse me,“ the whole family, „excuse me — excuse me — pardon me — excuse me for living. Yes, I’ll do anything, no matter how irrational it is. Excuse me. Yes, could I do something for you? Oh, please walk on me. I’m lying right down here.“ They’re going around to this family and you say, „For Gods sakes! What’s wrong with this guy?“

Well, two things are wrong with him. One thing I’m going to mention in a moment has to do with communication flow lines, and flow lines in general; and the other thing is they stole that body. There is an incident known as the Assumption which takes place at birth and which you run by a mock-up of grabbing babies — just… just… just mock-up a baby and have it grabbed and put some place else. And then mock-up a baby and have it grabbed. And then have the baby grabbing and… and so on. And shift this baby all around and change it to a baby monkey and a baby giraffe and a baby umbrella, and a baby tank. And then mock it back up into a baby again. And the guy will be getting the strangest feelings. He’ll be getting to get a somatic that sort of is making him go ‘crunch’ through the matter as he took his left hand and his right hand and he came in on this little baby uh… before, during or after birth, and went ‘skronk!’ And smacked the GE flat from a control mechanism or knocked anything else out that was there in the way of a thetan — this has happened to preclears, you see. Happened to thetans, see. They’ve… they’ve had the baby and then they’ve been knocked flat.

And goes ‘scrunch!’ and uh… that’s you! And you walk around all after, through the family, and you know damn well that this isn’t their kid. And you say, „Excuse me, excuse me,“ and, „I’m sorry I stole the baby.“ And then horrible touching stories about little things happening to babies and babies being stolen and all of that sort of thing… these terribly touching things that you read and you feel so sad about them. The little lost orphan and all that sort of thing. The lost child and gosh, you feel more propitiative. You think you’re feeling thankful toward the family? You’re not feeling thankful toward the family? You’re trying to say, „Gosh, you know, if I act meek enough and mild enough and pleasant enough, and enough like a child should be to them, they’ll never suspect that I stole their kid.“

That’s the Assumption. That incident.

All right, that has to do with memories, acquisition of. Any time anything gives you something and then more or less keeps hold of what it gave you, you’re gonna have trouble. So if you’re gonna get back all the anchor points of the past, you’ll have to make better anchor points yourself. And then you could have the anchor points back of the past.

Why? You could actually reach out and pervade any part of the universe to such a degree that the old MEST universe anchor points would show up, but what a terrific degree of certainty it would take on your part to be able to put out your anchor points in contest with the MEST universe anchor points, so that the MEST universe anchor points would suddenly be junior — all these memories would come back. All these past lives would come back. They would come back as memories should — by pervasion or cross havingness — not by a flock of facsimiles.

You can pervade an area and know what you’ve done in it. You’re still there to some degree. A man is a composite of his own experience, but that does not mean that a man is… has to be, have inflicted on him all the force he accumulated while having experience and sensation. He is a composite of experience. But he can know, you understand, without carrying facsimiles.

The thetan has an upper level of knowingness that has nothing to do with facsimiles. It’s by pervasion and approximation. He can pervade time. He actually has five ways of travelling on the time track; that’s right. I mean that’s incredible enough. He has five ways of travelling on a time track, and you often wonder why some preclears look rather strange doing what he was doing. It’s one of these five ways he’s using — let’s see if I can remember these offhand.

It’s relatively unimportant, but I’ll just sketch them for you.

There’s first, the facsimiles — the track mapped and marked and outlined and shaped by the facsimiles — the pictures he’s taken of the track. Then there is the track of the area in which he is; that is to say, you could go back in this room, you could take this spot on this planet, and theta-wise you could simply scan this track. You could pick this room up at the first moment it was ever built, for instance, and carry it on through to the day it was destroyed. You can scan that whole track — past, present, future. You can look at the total havingness of this room all in an instant, because there’s no other time than that instant, you see? There’s just the havingness of the room with the altered condition therein.

You say „It takes time to alter a condition?“ No, no. It takes a condition to alter conditions.

You could scan the track called ‘this room’, and you would actually be looking at ‘this room’. You would not be looking at a flock of facsimiles sitting in space. You would be looking at this room in all periods of time, so don’t be too surprised if one day you’re coming out of a session and you find yourself standing there on the beach with a… with a flock of cross-bows, cross-bowmen repelling these invaders, or something. And there’s guys swimming up through the surf. And you KNOW you’re standing there; you can feel that darned crossbow. And you say, „Wooo! I didn’t know that the invasion from Mars was going to take place. And certainly, why are these guys walking up the beach in morions?“ You’ve just grabbed off the instant momentarily; you’re near a beach. And you just picked up the scene of the beach — it didn’t happen to you at all.

You’ve scanned up and you’ve hit a battle that had took place on this beach, and so on. And you… you’ve picked up one of the beingnesses of some of the people who were there — which is probably pretty strong. That sounds strange to you. It’s not strange and it’s nothing to worry about and it’s… certainly, you can differentiate like mad amongst these things.

And one of the trick ways of getting a preclear out of his head, is not even to ask him to step out of his head. There’s another method. You just… oh, there’s dozens of methods. But uh… all… all you tell him to do is, all right.

And by the way! You can do this right now. Just shut your eyes and take a look at the room. Now take a room when… look at that when it was built, the day it was built.

Now scan it on through to the day it will be dust… It’s very interesting, isn’t it? Now just reach back and find present time in this room, that’s all. Find its anchor points right at this instant. Just look around for the anchor points at this instant. You see? Now some of you could see that. And actually, if you’ll just ask the preclear — he may be blind as six bats — and you just ask him to close his eyes and take a look out from his head at the room. And at first he can’t see very much and the next thing he can’t see very much — and the next… and all of a sudden he sees a little bit better and he begins to pick up this room. And he says, „Aww, that’s darned peculiar. I am! I’m looking out through my head — where’s my head?“

You’ve selected his depth of perception and you’ve scattered him up and down in time. What’ll he do? He’ll find present time if he does this, and you can’t get him out if he’s in past time or otherwise, because this space occupancy with its points is a present time.

So, you can scan him up. And sometimes you’ll find a preclear isn’t in his head in present time. I mean, he’s standing way back there. And all of a sudden you’ve located present time and BONG! He’s looking at the room from outside, and he’s looking at it with perfectly clear perception. And he’s looking at his body and there he is! And he’s been so much in the future or the past or scattered up in time that he hasn’t been able to orient himself or orient the body or gets… of course, that’s all a question of anchor points. He hasn’t been able to select enough anchor points to find out what he was. He walked in the door and he thought he was sitting in the chair. And… and he isn’t sitting in that chair at all; he’s sitting there halfway from there to the door, because he thinks the anchor points are some other way. His space is all messed up.

You scan him through from the first moment the room was built; this room — not the number of the times he was in it. But you have him take a look at the WHOLE track of this room right straight into the future.

Now the odd part of it is, you get variations from preclear to preclear on this. Why? Because things could vary the pattern of this room. It isn’t that some great designer has come along and designed it all in advance, which you are then permitted to perceive. You’ve looked at this room and you’ve looked at the general level of agreement of what is the history of this room. And that’s all this room is. You think you’ve looked at anything peculiar? Look to the general level of agreement of what is the history of this room, and you’ve got that, and you’ve buttoned that all up, and you’ve said, „That’s fine. That’s fine.“

Now supposing you as a crew suddenly decided to change the agreement about this room. Let’s have it become the throne room of the Bowderyap Dynasty in the year 22 — hundred. And uh… you decided that. Then you’d better be prepared to agree upon the Bowderyap Dynasty and why it was called that, and all sorts of interesting speculation, because you’re changing an agreement clear across the boards. It’s fascinating.

But as long as you’re in a stream of agreement that had to do with this room, you’re more or less picking up the designer and planner of this room and what he felt about the design and plan of the room. And it’s still here. And its alterations, and so forth, as you agree they have been altered and as you agree they will be altered, and so forth.

Of course, somebody with a higher level of agreement named force — force is not higher than agreement — but you’ve also agreed to something else; you’ve agreed that force can inexplicably and suddenly be applied to MEST objects for their destruction. And when you’ve agreed to that, you’ve agreed to alter the structure of all things, suddenly. Without your — permission or without your consent. And when you agreed to that, you agreed that force could affect and influence you without your consent.

Somebody demonstrated to you one time — probably was stage magic — that something could go forward without your agreeing upon it, and made you an effect from that moment straight forward. Something would go forward. The truth of the matter is that if you’re batting like you ought to be batting, nothing could go forward without your agreement. And you’d simply, th… the… the brakes would go on and the walls would crash and the universe in which you’re existing, or you’d move out to your own universe or something of the sort. You’d just… just… this thing would go ‘Creak-krak! Bang!’ Because it just wouldn’t fit. You’d step outside of the screen of agreement, and that’s what I say about hitting that button suddenly about the screen of agreement.

All right, that’s wandering enough on the subject.

Oh, well, I’ve given… haven’t given you the rest of those. Uh… the… you scan the room and then there is a track called the ‘Imaginary Track’. The preclear’s track of what he imagines could happen to him. And he can get that. He can mock that up — the whole distance.

And uh… then there is the track by geographical location in time. Instead of scanning where he is in viewing facsimiles, he simply looks at the places where they are as they were. In other words, as he comes up the time track he scans through having been in Charleston, South Carolina in 1726. He looks at Charleston, South Carolina, 1726, and he flicks over then, and when he went from Charleston to New York, he flicks over and gets Charleston uh… he t… he gets New York, uh… two years later. You see? But he gets it in its proper space location. He’s actually flipping all around. Maybe it’s a benefit to scan all these things, I don’t know. Never scanned a preclear through all of these things.

And then there’s the track of how he imagined these places should look, but he looks at them in geographical location. You see, there’s this immediate track right here in this room of where his location is, his imagined track, the agreed track, his facsimile track — you get these various things? So it really breaks down into just TWO things, pardon me, three things: It’s as it was — really looking at it as it was. That’s available. That’s beautiful visio too, by the way, because it’s uh… it’s uh…

And then as he imagined it was, or should be, as it was, and then there’s his facsimile content on the whole thing. In other words he can do a mock-up on the whole track or he can look at it in its actual position and its actual time year, or you can do a mock-up on it.

You see, when I say, when he does five things, I’m saying there’s just five things in which an auditor gets interested, he can do about eight thousand things. It’s just endless what you can do with perception. You can actually take a look at Carthage the day it fell. Sitting right here. And you can see the way Carthage fell. And you weren’t there. Take a look at it. You can also get viewpoints all over. You’re just investigating the havingness which was Carthage which is in the stream of existence — which havingness still exists because the agreement existed and because time is simultaneous, but you have stretched out time in terms of havingness in order to have action.

If you’re confused about all that, just run Standard Operating Procedure and make Theta Clears. Nothing to it.

You can be, in other words, anywhere you want to be at any time. And you’ll find your preclear, when he regains this, is in very good shape. Boy this MEST universe becomes very alluring — fascinating. Lot of things been going on and this and that and he goes around and he says it’s like… like being suddenly given a ticket to all the motion picture shows, uh… wonderful.

Of course, he really isn’t satisfied to be a spectator. It’s maddening to him to see Carthage falling and he thinks he ought to pull the walls down and he’ll think it so hard that he ought to do a mock-up and he’ll throw a mock-up in there and pull a couple of walls down or something of the sort in an effort to change the havingness of Carthage. There’s a lot of people that were agreeing on that. Then if he wanted to pull the walls down of Carthage at the right moment so they’d fall on the right legion in order to win the battle for Carthage, he would have to be prepared to take the responsibility for the entire change of the Punic Wars. And if he was willing to take that responsibility, he would have to reach out then and take the responsibility for a complete alteration of the fate of Rome. That means that he would have to take responsibility for what he would then do by that consecutive action. He’d have to take responsibility for all of Christianity not existing. That guy just isn’t willing to take that much responsibility so he doesn’t change those agreements.

So when he pulls down the wall of Carthage he says, „I’m mocking it up.“ He’s actually very pleased about the whole thing. I don’t know, if we got somebody on the track right that minute, he’d probably develop a headache — he was part of that legion. A fellow gets very careful about this.

Because you see how much responsibility a person conceives he’s able to handle, how much detail he’s prepared to handle and so on — you can have the whole cockeyed universe if you want it, but you, I’m afraid, have to take responsibility for every alteration that would take place because of that. You can have the management of any part of this MEST universe. Its laws kind of run backwards, but you might even repeal and change those.

I’ll tell you a much easier one: Build one of your own and that… that way you can do anything you want to with it.

Now here we have, I… I’m very serious when I say there’s 80 thousand ways, or just thousands of ways of viewing tracks and viewing scenes, and there’s… you can… you can be here and view them there, you can be there and look forward in time and view yourself here. And so on. You see all these multiplicity of… of… all these com… complicated viewings and perceivings and so on, become possible because havingness regulates time, and when you decide to have the havingness of something in the past, you can have it. You can have it. But you don’t change it, you notice, and you’ll notice that you’ll have a terrible reluctance to even touch it. You don’t want anything to do with it. „That’s in the past,“ you’ll say. „That’s… that’s in the past,“ so you won’t touch anything in the past. Because if we do, we have to be responsible for the entire consecutive force reactions, clear on up to the — all this havingness will shift. It’s a simultaneous instant, as far as time is concerned, because it’s made by a postulate. Time occurs because of a postulate about havingness and about a particle shift.

So it doesn’t matter whether you’re moving the Empire State Building through your anchor points or moving an atom through your anchor points: they will look the same size if you have different concepts of your own size when you do it. Get that? Relationship.

So, when you see one of these little, puny, hundred thousand kilowatt flows and you mock this preclear up and you say, „Now let’s take… let’s take a small flow — let’s take a hundred thousand kilowatt,“ and he says, „Gulp, oh, I, hmm…“ You say, „Well, take a… take a searchlight and turn it on yourself,“ nice mock-up, that sort of translates electrical flows, and he says, „Ohhh — I’m nervous about that. It’d hurt my eyes.“ And you say, „Well, take this… take this flashlight.“ „Oh, I can’t seem to do it.“ „Well take this little lady’s handbag penlight and… and… and flash it on yourself from 200 yards away.“ And he can do that. See how big he thinks he is? He thinks that these photons contain so much mass that they would destroy him if you turned a searchlight on him — that the photons could destroy an illusion or something.

His idea, then, of his size is so puny that… that anything like that could knock him flat. Well, as you start to build him up, he’s just as happy to take a 100,000 kilowatt lightning bolt and shoot it through the mock-up. He’s just got the idea that he can handle that much size, that’s all.

And that’s what you’re doing by gradient scale and why you use gradient scales. Really a gradient scale of size — that is, how big a space is he postulating in which this is happening.

Now one of the strangest things you can do to a preclear is to tell him — uh… get him outside of himself and say, „All right, now think how big and powerful the body is, how much it helps you out.“ And he says, „Holy cats!“ And he starts looking up at this enormous body that goes about two or three hundred feet tall. It’ll happen every time. You say, „Think of how big and powerful and strong — how much you need this body.“ And here he is outside… this little… little thing and it looks up at this big body — ooohh! It’s scared stiff — that big!

„Now think how you handle this body,“ and the body goes „Neeeeeowwwmmm“ — gets about two feet tall, see. Just the difference of the thought. Think of that big, powerful body — 200 feet tall. Uh… now he says, „Big powerful me mauling that body around,“ — little tiny body. See, difference of particle size. How big does he think he is?

Now that’s i… important to you in auditing because you will watch this size relationship — and if you don’t know what it is — you’ll watch this preclear and you’ll have him… a body’ll start swelling up on him. The body gets bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger. His relative size is such…

„Now have that body eight light-years tall and reach one-sixth of the way up to the ceiling of the space you’ve postulated. Have it eight light — years tall and have it reach one-sixth of the way up to the ceiling you’ve postulated, and look at it.“ Boy, that fellow’s God right there, see. I mean, he’s sitting there looking at the body, and it’ll seem like that to him. You’ll say, „All right now, let’s mock-up some space and now, let’s put the Milky Way at one end of it — down there about a foot from your feet — that’s right. Now let’s put another galaxy up at the top of it. Now, let’s just lie there for a few minutes.“ And this guy starts to feel full of holes, he starts to get really airy, because he feels himself streching about halfway across the galaxy.

Sometimes you’ll get a fellow to toast marshmallows on the sun, and uh… look at Earth or the moon someplace or another nearby. If you’ve got him in a body doing this, he will even change his concepts and so forth of his body’s size and density. The body, then, becomes very undense when you do this — becomes very thin, very gaseous. Feels that way.

But if he’s outside and he’s a thetan doing this, you want to watch something. You want to watch something. He will go up and sit alongside of the sun, just that big. You can actually pa… put your hands forward and uh… feel… feel the heat of it — he will. And you can get a thetan so he feels that big. He’s sitting up there alongside the sun. That’s where you get the idea of this infinite and unlimited size of God, see. You think God must be an awfully big boy to have made this universe, and uh… there you get this idea, „And God is big and I am small, so therefore he’s important and I’m not.“

Aww, you can be bigger than this universe, without any trouble. You can REALLY be bigger than this universe. You start building up your size concepts and so on, and uh… after you’ve gone so far you… you’ll start to… getting a little bit chary, because you move over into an ability to control energy, and then you move over into bigger spheres of controlling energy, and larger spheres of controlling energy, it’s really no enormous trick to reach over and pick up a couple of asteroids or a couple of little planetoids and bang them together — there’s no trick in it. Or pick up Earth and give it a good hard shove into the sun — hmmm.

Of course, you have to be willing to take responsibility for what happens. A fellow ordinarily thinks that over. He gets way up scale or his relative size can be that big and he isn’t interested in doing such a thing. It’d be a strange day when he would get very interested in doing it.

You see, it’d be too easy… it would be too easy to amuse Earth by mocking up pieces of matter and tossing them into the sun, so it would make the sun burn uh… pink, you know, or shoot off sparklets. Everybody on Earth… and then come back and be sitting down at your office desk and get all these great big news reports, „Fantastic astronomic display greeted observers! Some people said the world was coming to an end! Thousands mob the River Jordan in… in order to sell their property because Earth was coming to an end!“

You’ll get all sorts of weird computations like that. But you see, that’s interesting, that’s funny. That has an in… an insouciance. It isn’t funny to pick up Earth and throw it into the sun. The guy would be just stupid to do that, because look at all the audience he’d lose!

When it boils down to the final line, you ask, „Why should I do this and, why shouldn’t I do this?“ It’s whether or not it’s interesting. It’s because you get up scale like that, it certainly doesn’t get very important.

Uh… now another thing is when you start working on punishment of MEST bodies or something like that it makes you feel kind of guilty. It makes you feel like you’re picking on two-year old kids. How would you feel, for instance, if you suddenly started a terrible vendetta on two-year old children because they cried? Wouldn’t that make you feel funny? And you made it your life’s work to go around to all the houses and find any two-year old who insisted on crying and being disobedient and at that moment you insisted on being granted the permission to throttle him and bash his brains out… That isn’t… isn’t sensible, is it?

Well, whenever… whenever a fellow who is a little bit up scale starts to think in terms of being a police force against MEST, uh… humans or homo sapiens or something like this, it kinda feels that way to him, you kinda feel that strange way — not because you have even affection for the little kids, it’s… it’s just — how come? Even… no matter the enthusiasm with which you will occasionally stamp on an ant’s nest and that sort of thing. The truth of the matter is it’s far, far more interesting to find out what they do. And i… it’s just considerable admiration you put into that sort of thing. I mean, you look at the ant’s nest and you… you… you could open a burrow or something of the sort and see the eggs and all these ants go tearing around rescuing larvae and the soldier ants start parading up and down and whipping these worker ants into line so they can repair this and boy, they’re really making a terrific effort — that reminds you of the US Government out there trying to get a war contract going or… or something like that. It’s very interesting — it’s fascinating. And it’s much more interesting to observe the behavior of something in action uh… if you have no comparative communication with it except just perceiving it, than it is for you to engage in destructive action toward it. That… that’s not… not comparable magnitude.

And this idea of comparable magnitude — hit somebody your own size and so on — as a matter of fact, it’s no compliment to do that. There’s no interest to do it. It isn’t bad or anything. It’s just no… not interesting. Going out and killing ants, of course, if you go out, there’s one place in South America that you could go down, it would be given to you by the Government if you could kill the ants in it. It is covered with soldier ants, and it’s an enormous area of land which ought to be very fertile. And these ant armies go rolling across it from one end to the other. And boy, one of those ant armies hits something in a body, hits a goat, let’s say, or something like that, it just flows over the goat and keeps going, and they’re the shiniest bones you ever saw. And you could pick them up and there isn’t the least marrow in them. You talk about sanitary. Those bones are hollow. They’re all cured, dried — completely, after about ten minutes of ant army.

Well now that’s… that’s quite a… quite an animal, because he’s a big animal and he’s a very strange animal and something like that. And you start to fighting an ant army you’re, by the way, going to find a central mind handling the army. These ants work from central direction. The ants don’t think, but it’s like some kind of a body directing cells in its operation. And that ant ‘mind’ is about on the order of a GE — I happen to know something about this. You’ll find a herd will attract to it a thetan of one kind or another who tends to take care of it and pull it together and so on. It’s fascinating.

You know what they used to talk about, they said, „Groups have got their own theta, seemed to attract theta,“ and so on. A group, quite normally, will get a… a patron saint or something of the sort. Somebody will suddenly elect himself and start taking care of a group. There’s all that theta, there’s all that motion, there’s all that ambition, and somebody will suddenly move in over the top of the group. That’s a fact. You can watch it happen. You can watch a group cohese.

And after you’ve created a group, don’t try to kill one. Oh, boy! You talk about tenacity to life! A group — even a bad one, even a sloppy one, even a weak one — resists death as thoroughly as any organism ever did.

Group Dianetics is essentially the study of an organism. It is not the study of a number of units.

Now your group, then, is how well they obey a central mind, or how well they act on their own initiative, determines the success of the group. So you have fascist type groups or you have individualistic type groups.

Where that group is solely on the basis of uh… individual minds, all these individual minds and they’re kind of grouping together and arguing it all out, you get instead of action, parliamentary procedure. You don’t get… you don’t get action, where a group is low-toned individuals. And that group is prey to and falls under the rein of your fascist.

But you get a group that’s higher in tone than that and each one of the group is capable of action, that group is most likely to attain to itself some sort of a directive influence. Now that directive influence is either a composite of the thinkingness done in the group, but that’s doubtful, because they don’t behave that way. And you take a group which is quite powerful, it develops somehow or other a patron. It’s a patron thetan of some sort here on Earth.

It’s a very interesting study; somebody ought to study that a little more closely because you’re not studying the supernatural, when you’re studying it, any more than when we clear you, we are b… de… delving into the supernatural. We happen to have solved the supernatural a long time back. And uh… it’s become very routine — we know about what its limits are.

But you get the idea?

Now… yeah, it’s there’s… there’s a lot of interesting stuff there — fascinating stuff. I mean, you want to get good and clear and take a look around at some of these groups and you’ll see them glow in different ways, and… and so on. You try to locate a beingness, you try to communicate, and all of a sudden you can communicate with a group — even… even a Kiwanis club or something like that has some kind of a low order, something or other hanging around.

But you can also tell when a group doesn’t have it. And it’s just a bunch of units — it’s just not running — not functioning, it’s not cohesed yet.

This doesn’t say that there’s a central intelligence that does the thinking for the group or anything of the sort. It’s just a fact that there is life there which is more than the composite life of the individuals in the group.

All this actually that an auditor has to know, rather than wander all around and speculate under the sun, moon and stars about this stuff, is simply on the basis of when you look at flows, you are looking at assumption of existence of; when you’re looking at pictures and perspectives, you’re looking at the energy resulting from postulates which have been agreed upon in some way or another.

The actuality of that energy becomes too real and is able to force itself upon the individual and affect him very seriously with flows when he has gone down scale on DEDs, DEDEXes, overts and motivators with flows, and he’s had to grant the reality of flows too often. And when he has granted the reality of these flows once too often, he can be seriously affected by them. IT’S TRUE ENOUGH THEY DON’T EXIST. It’s true enough THERE IS NO THING LIKE ENERGY. That’s true: But there’s a postulated particle, and to a fellow who is hit between the eyes with a bullet, no sir! That’s not the time to go up to this fellow as he’s lying there, hit between the eyes with a bullet, and explain to him that energy and matter really don’t exist. That’s the wrong time.

Uh… it isn’t either true that all is illusion and therefore is not existing. Uh-uh! Existence IS an illusion, and what do you know! For a person who is down in a level which is affected by flows, an illusion and a delusion and reality itself are composed alike of energy. They have that in common. Your preclear who cannot handle a good, solid mock-up is doing it because he’s not creating enough energy. He makes them out of energy. When he gets way up tone scale, he won’t make them out of energy ‘cause he won’t have to.

Why? Because he can park an agreement there that is so strong that — anybody who feels that agreement — I say, „So strong“ — it is such a clear, unalloyed agreement that anybody who perceives that there is an agreement there will actually, actively and immediately, perceive the object; they put the object there. That would be high tone scale essence of creation. You would simply say, „Here we have a beautiful maid — and now we don’t have one.“

People right there when I did that, got a… got a turn on and off of it.

Now you could put it there in such a strength that it doesn’t require MEST level communication. You could simply say, „Now at the corner of such and such a street, and such and such a street here in Philadelphia, will be a beautiful maid.“ And somebody who hasn’t even heard that will come walking along and say, „Excuse me, Miss,“ and walk on around her.

Why? You’re putting a high order of agreement and making somebody else furnish the energy. Now when you can’t do that, you go out and hire a model and dress her up in clothes you buy from a store and all this. You buy these agreements. You get all these agreements, these combined, super — combined agreements that everybody’s agreed upon and you know everybody’s agreed upon and you’re sure they’ll agree upon this too and you put the girl on the street corner so the guy will step sideways and say, „Excuse me, Miss.“

You could put up a… an agreement or a postulate and you could hang it in one space. You could just say, „It’s there.“ Here’s some space and here’s a postulate. And it could exist there with strength. But what keeps it from being strong? Well, it’s the fact you didn’t know it was strong, that’s all. I mean, that’s very simple. Uh… you must… when you put up this thing, you say, „Now I guess this will work, and I’m not quite sure, and we’ll try this out, we will test it.“ That’s how people really cut their throats in this universe, saying, „Well, we’ll experiment with it.“

You have to have terrifically high generalized agreement all around before anybody will come off of that one: „We will experiment with it.“ If you experiment with it and everybody agreed on it beforehand, then they’d say, „Oh, yes. It’s true.“ But if you were to suddenly make a postulate… There’s some character or other, somebody said he was cleared. He’s about as Clear as muddy water. Uh… he said that uh… he keeps echoing one of our axioms, and uh… he keeps saying all you have to do is… is just uh… uh… generally agree with the postulate and it can become a reality. And by this he tries to make out, then, that you… anything you thought up could be true. I mean, that’s really… really a mucked-up line of thought. Then anything that you, for instance, as a group would state with great authority would be true. I’ll be damned if it would! You as a group and the space that you’re in could sit here all day and all night and say, „There are no trains running on the Pennsylvania Railroad tracks.“ And you could go down there and there they’d go! There they’d go.

And we’re dealing with that order of reality when we’re dealing with good, solid processes. Now it’s all right for guys to sit around in the back woods and say, „These processes don’t work. These processes don’t work. These processes don’t work. And the reason they don’t work is that if they worked, somebody’s liable to get ahold of me and audit me and I’d have to take some responsibility for my own actions — which I can’t ever permit myself to do. So, these processes don’t work.“

And that doesn’t affect it at all. You go out here, and you grab your preclear off the street and you sit him down in the chair and you say, „Now black and white, run.“ — You say to yourself, „Black and white running.“ –

„All right, get something white. All right. Get it black. Now get it white.“

Black and white running. You say, „Look for an engram.“ If he’s not too occluded, or if you pull another trick that I’m going to tell you about a little later today, uh… he can see his facsimiles going by. And by running them two or three times, erase them.

You grab a guy out there that’s just been hit by a streetcar, you give him an assist, he’d be walking in a few hours. If you hadn’t given him the assist, he’d be sick for three or four weeks. You get the idea? I mean, you’re not working with that same level of agreement.

You’re working with a composite agreed-upon agreement which is something on the order of Pennsylvania Railroad trains going up and down the track. The reason why, is… is there’s been all kinds of agreement on the fundamentals back of these operational functions. Oh, you’re just dealing with this horrendous mass of agreement; on every hand people agree to this. And agree to it all through the universe, not just here on Earth. That’s the universe. It’s sitting here and it works that way and that’s how minds work and that’s how thinking is done in this universe. That’s a different level.

But now let’s get you up along the line where you do not even vaguely have to think in terms of the MEST universe and yet you can firmly pick up and translate into your own an anchor point of the MEST universe. You can go down and you can say, „This fire plug in this street corner and this telephone pole on the corner of that store are now my space.“ Really say that, see. And you know it’s your space. Just to make sure you make the sidewalk go ‘zong-zong!’, and turn red, turn blue, turn into marble plated with gold — bang! „Yeah, that’s my space.“

Okay, you’ve got a piece of space nailed out. Now you simply say, „Anybody who comes along this street now is going to see a very beautiful girl standing in the middle of this space,“ and they’ll be able to walk through the space too. And you know that’s going to happen, that’s all. Complete certainty, and so on.

There is such… no feeling that you have to agree with the MEST universe just beyond that one point. You do have to agree with the MEST universe to the degree of making a coincidence of anchor points in space. Theoretically people could walk along the street and tip their hats to that — girl. And they would say, „My God! Where did this solid gold sidewalk come from?“ And they’re putting the sidewalk there all the time. They walk over the sidewalk and they put it there.

Now if you were really hot, they could really take a jackknife and take off pieces of the gold and take it down to the treasury and cash it in. But what would it take? You’d have to conceive yourself to be as big as the total agreement of the universe plus a little bit more. Interesting, isn’t it? Your… you’d have to be big, in your own mind and certain about what you were doing and completely unworried about whether or not it was going to happen. And if you could achieve that — like they say, „The way to make gold is to go on top of that mountain and sit down at midnight on the 2nd of August and do… go through this formula, but don’t at any moment think of the word ‘hippopotamus’, because at any moment you think of the word ‘hippopotamus’, the lead is not going to transmute into gold by this formula.“ Now, look at… there the guy goes!

But what do you know! That really is the test! Silly as it is, it is the test. A fellow has to have such supreme, cocky, self-confidence that he’d say, „You said not to think of the word ‘hippopotamus’? Hah!“ And he wouldn’t. See, no anxiety about it. When you can produce a thing of that anxiety, that stable frame of mind, you can make it stick. And if you can’t, you can’t. But the way to reach there is by a gradient scale.

And thus the reality of flows. People say flows exist, they all agree they exist. If your size is such and the particles of flow are such that they could destroy you, believe me, they can destroy you! You’ve agreed to the fact they existed, you’ve agreed to the fact that they destroyed you, you’ve agreed to the fact that they’re very, very dangerous to you and you’ve done all this. And now all of a sudden you’ve found out what you’ve agreed to. It isn’t the fact that you’ve found out again that they agree that it’ll destroy you. No. You haven’t agreed to that all over again. You agreed to that a long time ago. You’ve found out what you agreed to — and they start losing their punch.

The reason they start losing their punch is a very good reason: Is, you’re walking back up the track of agreement, and you’re hitting a higher and higher and higher level of power in order to make a differentiated agreement. Until you can stand completely different at 40.0 from the entire MEST universe, impinge yourself upon the MEST universe, and make an agreement TAKE PLACE. Different thing, see? Entirely different thing.

OK. Let’s take a break.