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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Planning by Product (ORG-13) - P701113

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Планирование на Основе Продукта (Серия ОРГ 13) (ц) - И701113
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Remimeo Org Series 13


One of the cycles or correct sequences of action is


This sequence is often altered in orgs and even in individuals. Be is first in the physical universe, Do is second, Have is third.

By getting it out of sequence a considerable confusion can be generated.

A lot of riddles of human behavior can be solved by realizing this goes out of sequence or gets omissions.

The Spanish peasant and the Spanish officials go to war at the drop of a straw. Their history is jammed with revolts. The peasant knows that if he is a peasant (be) and does his work (do) he should have. The Spanish official is stuck in BE. He has so he can be and he doesn’t have to do anything. Also a degree or title in Spain is a BE and there is no do. So there is no have unless it comes from the peasant. The two altered cycles collide.

Juvenile delinquency and shattered lives in the West stem directly from corruptions of this cycle.

Children in the West are commonly asked “What are you going to BE when you grow up?” It is a silly question and can drive any child up the wall. Because it’s the wrong question — hits the wrong end of the cycle. He can’t work out his personal org bd easily.

He is also asked “What are you going to DO in life?” That’s just as bad. It is quite difficult to answer.

You have to do an org bd backwards — establish the product (have), find out what to do to achieve it and only then really can you accurately discover what one has to BE to accomplish this.

A lot of people and businesses fail because they don’t do this. A beingness taken first all too often winds up in a doingness without any havingness resulting.

If we asked children, “What do you want to PRODUCE in life?” we could probably get a workable answer. From that he could figure out what he’d have to do to produce that and from that he could know what he had to BE. Then, with a little cooperation he would be able to lead a happy and valuable life.

Concentrating on BE, one finds him ready to BE all right but then he stands around the next 50 years waiting for his havingness to fall out of the sky or slide to him via a welfare state.

The above data, missing in society, contributes to juvenile delinquency, crime, the welfare state and a dying civilization.

It is a wrong personal org bd to BE only.

So it is with an activity or company.

What is the desired product that will also be desired by others? is the first question one asks in organizing. It must be answered before one can adjust or arrange finance or any org bd.

Then one asks what has to be done to produce that? And there may be a lot of dones figured out and put in sequence.

Now one can work on BE.

Thus you would have the basic ingredients of an org bd.

Here is a common altered cycle:

Mr. A has a truck — HAVE. He tries to figure out what to DO with it. He works it around to try to make money. He would usually go broke. As he supposes he already has a product — a truck, and he needs a product — “money,” he rarely backs it up to a

BE.Some people’s “think” gets all involved in altered sequences or omissions of the BE — DO — HAVE cycle.

An activity has several final products. All of them must be worked out and considered. Then one can work out the sequence of DOs (each with a product) in order to accomplish the final products. Only then can one work out the BE.

By omission or fixations on one of these points a person or an org can fail or perhaps never even get started.

Fixation on DO without any product in view leads to bored wandering through life.Mothers even know this one. “Mama, what shall I do?” is a long drawn refrain. Smart mamas often say “Make a cake” or “Make mud pies” or “Make a house.” Dumb ones say “Go and play and stop bothering me!”

Armies, with guard or death “products,” get obsessed with DO to a point where officers and noncoms will state, “Get those men busy!” No product. Meaningless, often frantic and useless DO.

It could be said that any developed traffic (dev-t) comes from people who have no product.

Immense bureaucracies can build up where there are no realized or stated products.

Target policies and practice are successful because they state the desired product.

Unless one organizes from the final product the organization can get unreal and useless.

Even Russia could learn this one. Their “workers” are all trying to get to the university where they can BE. The Russian government was recently pleading with young people to become workers. But of course that’s just another BE that implies DO. Russia has yet to realize her product was and is revolution. It’s no wonder their main problem is how to feed and clothe and house their people.

Unless an org or a person knows exactly what the final product is for the org or a post, there’ll be a lot of busyness but not very much havingness for anyone.

The answer is to figure out the final product and work back through the do of subprojects and you will then materialize a real org, a real beingness.
