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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Organization Misunderstoods (PERS-12, ORG-15) - P701120i74
- Students Rabble Rouse Line - P701120

- Непонимание в Организации (Серия ПЕРСОНАЛ 12, ОРГ 15, ПрСл 18) (ц) - И701120
- Непонятые Слова, Относящиеся к Организации (Серия ОРГ 15, ПЕРСОНАЛ 12, ПрСл 18) (ц) - И701120
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Remimeo Personnel Series 12
Org Series 15


By Scientology study technology, understanding ceases on going past a misunderstood word or concept.

If a person reading a text comes to the word “Felix Domesticus” and doesn’t know it simply means HOUSE CAT, the words which appear thereafter may become “meaningless,” “uninteresting” and he may even become slightly unconscious, his awareness shutting down.

Example: “Wind the clock and put out the Felix Domesticus and then call Algernon and tell him to wake you at 10:00 A.M.,” read as an order by a person who didn’t bother to find out that “Felix Domesticus” means “house cat” or “the variety of cat which has been domesticated” will not register that he is supposed to call Algernon, will feel dopey or annoyed and probably won’t remember he’s supposed to wake up at 10:00 A.M.

In other words, when the person hit a misunderstood word, he ceased to understand and did not fully grasp or become aware of what followed after.

All this applies to a sentence, a book, a post or a whole organization.

Along the time track a crashing misunderstood will block off further ability to study or apply data. It will also block further understanding of an organization, its org board, an individual post or duties and such misunderstoods can effectively prevent knowledge of or action on a post.


The difficulties of an organization in functioning or producing stem from this fact.

Personal aberration is the cause of products that are in fact overt acts.

Scientology technology today easily handles the personal aberration part of the problem, IF IT IS USED AND PROPERLY APPLIED. Leaving an org unaudited or being unable to figure out how to run a viable org so that it can afford to audit its staff members is asking for post or org products that are overt acts.

Employing persons of the Leipzig, Germany, death camp school (psychologists, psychiatrists) to handle personal aberration is like throwing ink in water to clean it up. Governments stupidly do this and wonder why their final product as an organization is riot, war and a polluted planet. The point is not how bad psychology and psychiatry are, but that one does have to handle personal aberration in an organization and these schools were too vicious and incompetent to do so.

Those who are personally very aberrated are not about to produce anything but an overt act. They are difficult to detect as they are being careful not to be detected. Things “just sort of go wrong” around them, resulting in a product that is in fact an overt act. But these constitute only about 10 or 20 percent of the population.

The remaining 80% or 90% where they are nonfunctional or bungling are so because they do not understand what it’s all about. They have in effect gone on by a misunderstood such as what the org is supposed to do or the admin tech they use on their posts or where they are or what their product is.

Earth organizations like governments or big monopolies get a very bad repute because of these factors:

1. Personal aberration of a few undetected and unhandled.

2. Inadequate or unreal basic education technology and facilities.

3. Inadequate or unknown organization technology.

4. Noncomprehension of the individual regarding the activities of which he is a part.

5. Noncomprehension of the basic words with which he is working.

6. Purposes of the post uncleared.

7. Admin of the post not known or comprehended.

8. Technology in use not fully understood.

9. A lack of comprehension of products.

Out of these nine things one gets organizational troubles and the belief that it takes a genius to run one successfully. Yet all the genius in the world will fail eventually if the above nine things are not handled to some degree.

The common methods currently in use on the planet to handle these things are very crude and time-consuming as the items themselves are either dimly comprehended or not known at all.

1A. Personal aberration is met by torture, drugs or death when it is detected. Yet only the very serious cases who are obviously screaming, muttering or unconscious are singled out whereas the dangerous ones are neither detected nor handled at all and become with ease generals or presidents or dictators, to say nothing of lesser fry. Ten percent to 20% of any organization is stark staring mad, doing the place in so adroitly that only their actual product betrays them.

2A. Basic education as well as higher general education has become a mass- produced area crawling with bad texts and noncomprehension and used mainly by hostile elements to overturn the state or pervert the race and its ideals.

3A. Organizational technology is so primitive as to change national maps and leading companies many times a century, an extremely unstable scene for a planet.

4A. Very few individuals on the planet have any concept of the structure entities such as their country or state or company. Persons surveying the public in the US, pretending to advise acceptance of “new measures” already in the Constitution were threatened for being revolutionaries. Hardly anyone knew the basic document of the nation’s organization much less its rambling structure.

5A. The basic words of organization are glibly used but not generally comprehended — words like “company,” “management,” “policy.” Vocabularies have to be increased before comprehension and communication occur and misunderstoods drop out.

6A. Post purposes are often glibly agreed with while something entirely different is done.

7A. Administrative actions involving posts are often only dimly comprehended and seldom well followed but in this matter of communication, despatches, etc., the planet is not as deficient as in others except that these functions, being somewhat known can become an end-all — tons of despatches, no actual product. In some areas it is an obsession, an endless paper chain, that is looked on as a legitimate product even when it leads to no production.

8A. The planet’s technology is on the surface very complex and sophisticated but is so bad in actual fact that experts do not give the planet and its populations 30 years before the smoke and fumes will have eaten up the air cover and left an oxygenless world. (The converters like trees and grass which change carbon dioxide to oxygen are inadequate to replace the oxygen and are additionally being killed by air impurities coming out of factories and cities.) If the technology destroys the base where it is done — in this case the planet — it is not adequate and may even be destructive technology.

9A. The whole idea of “product” is not in use except in commercial industry where one has to have a car that sells or a washing machine that actually washes.


It is against this primitive background that one is trying to run an organization.

If it were not for improvements made on each one of these points the task could be hopeless.

I have gone to some length to outline the lacks in order to show the points where one must concentrate in (a) putting an org together and (b) keeping it viable.

In these nine areas we are dealing with the heart of it in running orgs.

Enthusiasm is a vital ingredient. It soon goes dull when insufficient attention is paid to resolving and getting in these nine points.

Bluntly, if they are not gotten in and handled, the task of living and running a post or an org will become so confused that little or no production will occur and disasters will be frequent.


The by-no-means-complete list of words that have to be fully cleared and understood just to talk about organization as a subject, and to intelligently and happily work in an org EVEN AS ITS LOWEST EMPLOYEE is

This is key vocabulary. One could draw up a whole dictionary for these things and no one studying it would be any wiser since it would become salted with other words of far less importance.

The way to do this list is sweat it out with a meter until one knows each can’t mean anything else than what it does mean.

Out of a full understanding of what is implied by each, a brilliantly clean view is attained of the whole subject of organization, not as a fumble but as a crisp usable activity.

Unless one at least knows these words completely so that they can be used and applied they will not buffer off confusions that enter into the activity.

Glibness won’t do. For behind these words is the full structure of an activity that will survive and when the words aren’t understood the rest can become foggy.

We do know all these needful things. We must communicate them and use them successfully.


[Note: The 29 August 1974 reissue corrected the word test to text in the second paragraph of this HCO PL.]