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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Lines and Terminals (ORG-23) - P710216-2

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Линии и Терминалы (Серия ОРГ 23) (ц) - И710216
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue II
Org Series 23


There is a scale concerning lines and terminals.

Any organization and any individual staff member thereof is somewhere on this scale.

The trick of the scale is the awareness factor. At a position on the scale, the being or org is NOT AWARE of the scale levels above him.

Thus an organization at “mysterious terminals” is unaware of “false significances” or anything else above “mysterious terminals.” Thus an org or individual at “mysterious terminals” is unaware of any falsity or any oddity in significances or ideas.

Any level is the effect of any level ABOVE IT.

Any level is slightly at cause over any level below it.

Thus a well-organized group is not at effect and can make an effect upon any group below it in awareness on the scale.


There are several causes for lower positions on the scale.

The first cause is degree of personal aberration where a personnel is willfully throwing the terminals, lines, particles and significances into disarray. Show me how he regards terminals, handles particles or routes and I will know how sane or crazy he is. The significances given to terminals, handling particles and lines is a direct index of sanity.

The second cause is unawareness. Drills on lines and terminals were once thought to improve awareness. This is no longer held to be true. Drills have to be done to BRING ABOUT awareness. People are not naturally aware of other people, lines, various particles or ideas. Due to a century of psychological instruction from childhood that they are animals and after thousands of years of the “upper classes” regarding them as such, people tend to favor a dangerously low or nonexistent awareness. A sort of jurisprudence has been in effect that it is safer to be unaware as then one is “not guilty.” A humanoid who has just run over a child has a first response of “I didn’t see him.” This is highly nonsurvival. If one never notices safes about to fall on him he is soon dead. And painfully so. Unawareness is a sort of blindness where the person looks like he is looking but sees nothing. Degrees of this exist. One can make a terrible lot of errors with this. Mr. A appears to the observer to be noticing, smelling things and hearing whereas he registers no sights, has a blind nose and tunes out all sound. “Did you read it?” “Yes.” “What did it say?” And you hear a lot of things then that weren’t on the paper. There are even degrees of registry. A person appears to see and yet doesn’t. A person appears to see and on being asked will say what he saw but can be unaware of seeing, registering or saying he saw! This drives teachers quite mad. One has the glib student who can parrot but cannot apply. This is a surface registry without awareness. Thus drills such as the Admin Training Drills or dummy runs on lines are needed to bring about awareness. A few very sane fortunate fellows can see, register, understand and handle correctly without any drills at all. Others need drills to bring about awareness below a superficial response. To unaware people, terminals, lines, particles and significances just don’t exist.

The third general category is delusion. One sees A and believes it to be G. This is a lower band of self-protection. Some workers (an awful lot of them) will only take jobs which are mechanical “so they can daydream.” Their concept of a terminal is an altered terminal. A line goes somewhere else. A particle is something else. And an idea is really another idea. Such people are incapable of duplication. Say “I see the cat,” they hear “Cars are dangerous.” They aren’t really crazy. They just register alterations of what they perceive.

The person who can attain the state of awareness of terminals as they are, lines as they should be, particles as they exist and significances that are the intended significances are very valuable people. An ideal group can be made up of such people.


An organization consists of terminals, lines, particles and significances.

An AGREEMENT factor has to be established and the group has to be aware of it and use it.

This agreement factor would consist of

1. Purposes of the group.

2. A list of the hats including a short statement of the purpose and function of each post.

3. A full list of the particles handled by the group and the changes expected at each point of flow.

4. The flow lines of the particles being handled and changed.

5. The significances (technologies) of the group to form, flow and change particles.

If an Org Officer does not compile these five things and make them fully known and agreed to by all in the group, no organization will form or work.

Thus the PLAN of the group has to be laid out and drilled and known or no organization will form.

One will just have a group of individuals colliding with each other with no production.

The greatest source of confusion in a group are intermediate seniors who knock hats off faster than they can be gotten on and lines out before they can flow, all simply out of ignorance of the general plan of the organization.

Those who cannot perceive one or more of the above five points or bodies of data have to be drilled into awareness of them and dummy run.

Those who are quite crazy will frantically fight the hatting, stringing of lines and changing of particles and will inject mad significances into it all.

So the answer to how to make a group into an organization is to handle the insane one, prepare the five layouts named above, drill and dummy run everyone in the group on its entire pattern and expertly hat the specialist actions required at each point of change.

Then one has an organization that can produce and be viable.
