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RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Состояние Чрезвычайного Положения (ц) - И650430
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex


When an org or portion of an org has consistently down statistics (O.I.C.) or numerous non-compliances or offences, it is declared to be in a STATE OF EMERGENCY. This can be assigned to a unit, sub-section, section, department, division or the entire organization. It is not assigned to a person.

A small flag on a pin is placed on the org board at the end of the org board name of the portion or organization. The flag is bright red.

The condition is assigned only by the Office of LRH.

Flags are also used for other conditions assigned. These too are assigned only by the Office of LRH.

Conditions including Emergency are ended when a new condition is assigned or just ended. This is done only by the Office of LRH.

To end an Emergency condition the portion of Scientology to which it is assigned must follow closely the Emergency Formula. On any condition assigned, its formula must be followed scrupulously and the steps taken must be reported one by one by the most senior person in the portion. In the case of an org in Emergency the reports are made to the Office of LRH Saint Hill by the HCO Executive Secretary or HCO Area Secretary in the absence of an HCO Executive Secretary.

In addition to following the Emergency formula closely, the following policies apply to the portion in a State of Emergency:


1. A report of an error, misdemeanour or crime on any staff member in that portion counts as five reports in other conditions and is acted on by a Court of Ethics at once.


2. The credit of the portion is worthless and it may have only those bare things necessary to carry out the Emergency formula so that it can promote or deliver.


3. No personnel may be added to the portion in a State of Emergency. No new people may be hired on for the portion in a State of Emergency. No personnel may be transferred to a portion that is in a State of Emergency unless an incumbent is transferred off, and in such a way that the personnel of the portion does not increase in number.


4. Precedent and privilege are suspended for the officers and staff members of a portion in a State of Emergency.


5. No staff status may be increased in a portion in a State of Emergency.

If the State of Emergency is continued beyond the allotted time period, then these policies apply:

6. Deputy, Acting and Provisional assignments and appointments are cancelled throughout the portion.

7. The fact of having been part of a portion which did not recover is filed in the personnel files of each staff member present in that portion at the moment the State of Emergency was assigned, and the statement is made on a red sheet of paper.

8. The executive personnel will be ordered before a Committee of Evidence to the end of removing them from the portion or demotion. In the case of an org this is done by a senior org and in the case of Saint Hill by the Office of LRH.


The State of Emergency is a serious condition. For it takes a series of serious blunders to reduce statistics or bring about local infamy or a public or press smear campaign.

The State is not idly assigned and is assigned only after a steadily declining statistic or a series of non-compliances or offences resulting in overwork for seniors of the org or near catastrophe.


Persons newly transferred into a portion in Emergency or promoted in it are governed by these policies:

9. Persons newly transferred into a portion in Emergency are only affected by the State if they succumb to their working conditions and cease to do a normal job of work.

10. An executive newly transferred to a portion in a State of Emergency is not personally liable to Ethics unless he or she fails to submit Executive Reports on what is observed and new offences found in the portion.

11. Taking charge of a post in an Emergency portion by new assignment and bringing that post up to normal operation is credited in the Office of LRH personnel records on a white sheet with blue ink and counts heavily in new appointments from Saint Hill.

12. A person in the portion to which the State of Emergency has been assigned at the time it was assigned who is promoted, is only assigned temporarily, but if he or she succeeds in restoring the post's statistics in a reasonable time period, the fact is noted in the Office of LRH personnel records, but the fact is also noted that the person was already in the portion at the time of Emergency and must be cleared of any suspicion that the original Emergency was not traceable to him or her before the assignment can become an appointment.


13. Don't accept illegal orders from anyone that are contrary to policy.

14. Do not let the orders of a higher superior be changed by one's immediate superior. Always follow the higher superior's orders and request to see them in writing when in doubt.

15. Don't "cover up" for others. Report offences to Ethics in writing.

16. Report any immediate superior's illegal orders or alter-is as an effort to endanger one's job and statistics.

17. Do your post by the book.

18. When you actually can't apply a policy report it at once to the Office of LRH Policy Review Section with all data (not conclusions) so that it can be reviewed intelligently and meanwhile apply it as best you can.

19. Handle Dev-T (off-line, off-origin, off-policy) by sending it back to sender and reporting it to Ethics.

20. If you see people standing about loafing when they should be working report it to Ethics.

21. Report things that need improving to your Secretary or to your Executive Secretary.

22. Don't let technology slip for technology going out is the only basic circumstance in your portion of an org or the org that can put it beyond rapid recovery. Report all alter-is or technical omissions or offences to Ethics promptly.

23. Do your own job as well as you possibly can and aside from making required reports let the rest of your portion or org get on with it.

24. If you are not being permitted to do your assigned job by being pulled off it or by being given off-policy orders or by letting an immediate superior endanger your job with illegal orders or alter-is, report it to my office at Saint Hill as well as to your own Ethics Section, even if you have to go outside the org and off channels to get the report (with your home address on it) to me; for there is no surer way to bring about or continue an Emergency Condition than by failing to comply with the exact orders being issued in an effort to end it.


We have the whole world to handle now. We must set a high example of teamwork and dedication if we are to bring it off.

The scraggly militia usually go down before the regulars in any campaign. The regular is not even better, man for man, than the militia. The regulars know how to operate as a team. They have confidence in one another. And even when numerically inferior they bring off victory over a rabble by co-operation and discipline amongst themselves.

We are very very few in numbers compared to two and a half billion wogs. We can easily make it technically the world around IF we are a high precision team in a superiorly organized organization.

At the moment I write this policy letter, in the Case-Cracking Section at Saint Hill we are handling every case from psychotic or neurotic to release in 8 to 35 hours.

The technical impact of this alone is enough to tear Man's faulty organizations to ribbons.

To that fact (itself enough) add the actual attainment of real clearing. Once more there goes Man as he has known it.

To that add the upper structure of OT and there goes an aberrated Universe.

And only if we ourselves are a highly functional precision team can we hope to stand up.

We are just at the end of our Dissemination Phase and just at the beginning of our Organization Phase (the Third Phase as you can see on the Org Board). Our militia days are over.

We have no choice whatever except to become the best organized precision team that has ever been known.

Therefore we must be able to recognize, assign and handle any Emergency that arises in our midst.


Note: Man's organizations never recognized the need for statistics and the recognition of Emergency or its signs. Therefore, for instance, a government bureau, in a Condition of Emergency, is given the right to buy anything it wants (thus breaking the government, as Emergency type people always have to have before they can do) and is given the solution of putting in personnel and more personnel "to get the work done" when actually it was Dev-T of those already there that brought about their Emergency. Thus one realizes one must never pour in more and more personnel when a statistic goes down. One must change the situation, not multiply the numbers of those involved. It tells us at once that Man is, therefore, least efficient in his biggest bureaus! And that his least efficient organization must be his largest organization — you have it — the government. An organization should only increase in size as things get better and never when things get worse.