No org may accept any registered mail.
1. Long experience shows it comes only from psychos and governments.
2. It is a lot of trouble to obtain from the post office.
So just reject it.
There's no worry it may contain writs. It is just sent by nuts.
Phones are psycho. They have no memory.
Overseas phone calls are often incomprehensible and start mysteries.
One often has to hang about for 6 or 8 hours in a mystery trying to connect with a call coming in.
CABLE or TELEX is far better. Use it.
All overseas phone calls are turned down by orgs.
Inter-org phone calls even on one continent must be discouraged.
Use telexes and cables. Then we can find out what happened.
[Amended by HCO P/L 18 January 1970, Registered Mail, Volume 1, page 178, and HCO P/L 9 July 1971 Issue III, Communications — Telephone Usage — Daily Call In, in the 1971 Year Book.]