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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Crashing Mus Blocks to Finding Them (WCS-65, DEBUG-06) - B790823-1
- Product Debug Repair List (DEBUG-10) - B790823-2

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Технология Устранения Недостатков (Серия УНП 1П, ЭСТО 37R) - Б790823-1R84
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue II
Remimeo Tech Qual C/Ses Product Debug Series 10

Product Debug Repair List


The purpose of this list is to repair a messed up Product Debug (as covered in HCO PL 23 Aug 79 I Product Debug Series 1, Esto Series 37 Debug Tech and HCO PL 23 Aug 79 II Product Debug Series 2, Esto Series 38 Debug Tech Checklist).

In the event of somebody getting messed up because of faulty debugging, use this list to clean up the BPC and then get the person back to complete the debug actions.

This list is done in session by an auditor and is assessed Method 3.

Preface each line with: “On your Product Debug handling_____.”

Each reading line is taken to F/N per the instructions.

Any R/S turned on on this list must be immediately reported to the Ethics Officer.

Any such assessment sheet as this must be placed in the person’s pc folder.

PC’s NAME: ____________________ _____________________DATE: _______________

AUDITOR: _____________________ ______________________ ______________________


1A. Did you have an out-list?______________

(Handle per HCOB 11 Apr 77 List Errors Correction Of, section on “Use of L4BRA.”)

1B. Were you given a wrong item?______________

(Indicate and handle per HCOB 11 Apr 77 List Errors Correction Of and C/S Series 78.)

1C. Were you given a wrong why?______________

(Indicate and handle per HCOB 11 Apr 77 List Errors Correction Of and C/S Series 78.)

1D. Were you being debugged on the wrong product?______________

(Indicate and handle per C/S Series 78.)

1E. Was the wrong area addressed?______________

(Indicate and handle per C/S Series 78.)

1F. Were you assigned a wrong condition?______________

(Indicate and handle as a wrong item.)


2A. Did you have an ARC break?______________

(Fly the ARC break.)

2B. Did you have a problem?______________

(Fly the problem.)

2C. Did you have a withhold?______________

(Pull the withhold.)

2D. Did you have an overt?______________

(Pull the overt.)

2E. Did the person doing the debug miss a withhold?______________

(Pull the withhold.)

2F. Were overts or withholds restimulated but not blown?______________

(Pull the overts or withholds.)

2G. Was there an overt or withhold that was gotten off more than once?______________

(Indicate it and 2WC E/S to F/N.)

2H. Did somebody say you had an overt or withhold when you didn’t?______________

(Indicate it and 2WC E/S to F/N.)

2I. Was there some other kind of out-rud?______________

(Find out what and handle.)

2J. Were you using the debug as an excuse not to produce?______________

(Handle as a withhold.)

2K. Was there some kind of out-ethics?______________

(Handle as a withhold.)

2L. Did you have counter-intention?______________

(Handle as a withhold.)

2M. Did you have other-intention?______________

(Handle as a withhold.)

2N. Was there any invalidation?______________

(2WC E/S to F/N.)

2O. Was there any evaluation?______________

(2WC E/S to F/N.)

2P. Were there ignored originations?______________

(2WC E/S to F/N.)

2Q. Were you protesting?______________

(Indicate and 2WC E/S to F/N.)

2R. Did you have no interest in the action?______________

(Find out if it’s out-ruds, MUs or past failures and handle.)

2S. Was there a failed purpose?______________

(2WC E/S to F/N.)


3A. Did you resent the debug actions?______________

(Find out why and 2WC E/S to F/N putting in any out-ruds. If the debug was unnecessary indicate it and take it E/S to F/N.)

3B. Was there no inspection done to determine what to debug?______________

(Indicate and 2WC E/S to F/N. Program him to have the inspection done and then a proper debug.)

3C. Was the inspection misdone in some way?______________

(Indicate and 2WC E/S to F/N. Program him to have the inspection done properly and then a proper debug.

3D. Did you feel the person doing the debug was acting out of revenge?______________

(Quad ruds and overts on the terminal.)

3E. Did you feel the person doing the debug was just trying to get even with you?______________

(Quad ruds and overts on the terminal.)


4A. Didn’t you understand what was being done?______________

(Handle his MUs and questions.)

4B. Were there word clearing errors?______________

(Assess and handle a WCCL.)

4C. Was an MU found that was not cleared?______________

(Fully clear the MU to F/N.)

4D. Was the word cleared not really a misunderstood?______________

(Indicate and 2WC E/S to F/N.)

4E. were you told you had MUs when you didn’t?______________

(Indicate and 2WC E/S to F/N.)

4F. Was your crashing Mis-U finding messed up?______________

(Assess and handle a Crashing Mis-U Repair List.)

4G. Was the crashing Mis-U found not fully cleared?______________

(Clear it fully to F/N.)

4H. Couldn’t you find the crashing Mis-U?______________

(Assess and handle the Crashing Mis-U Repair List.)

4I. Were you told you had a crashing Mis-U when you didn’t?______________

(Indicate and take E/S to F/N. Do a Crashing Mis-U Repair List if necessary.)

4J. Was your crashing Mis-U finding misdone?______________

(Assess and handle a Crashing Mis-U Repair List.)

4K. Couldn’t complete some cycle of action?______________

(2WC E/S to F/N. Send to the Word Clearer for handling with Crashing Mis-U tech.)


5A. Was there false data?______________

(2WC E/S to F/N. Send to the debugger for False Data Stripping on the area.)

5B. Was your false data handling messed up?______________

(Assess and handle the False Data Stripping Repair List.)

5C. Was the “false data” found not really false data?______________

(Indicate it and have him spot this. Take it E/S to F/N.)

5D. Was some false data uncovered but not blown?______________

(Handle the false data to a blow with the False Data Stripping procedure.)

5E. Did the person doing the debug give you false data?______________

(Indicate and strip off the false data per HCOB 7 Aug 79 Product Debug Series 8, Esto Series 36 FALSE DATA STRIPPING.)

5F. Was the true or correct data never found?______________

(Indicate and 2WC E/S to F/N. Program him to have this handled with False Data Stripping.)

5G. Did somebody say you had false data when you didn’t?______________

(Indicate and 2WC E/S to F/N.)

5H. Had the false data already been handled?______________

(Indicate and 2WC E/S to F/N.)

5I. Were you given any verbal data?______________

(2WC E/S to F/N. Program this to be handled with the “How to Defeat Verbal Tech Checklist.”)

5J. Are you operating off false or verbal data?______________

(Indicate and 2WC E/S to F/N. Program this to be handled with False Data Stripping and the “How to Defeat Verbal Tech Checklist.”)

5K. Have you given others false data?______________

(Pull as a withhold. Then strip off any false data he has in the area.)

5L. Have you tolerated false data being given you?______________

(Pull as a withhold. Then strip off the false data.)

5M. Have you concluded something without checking it out to obtain the full facts?______________

(Handle as a withhold. Then strip off any false data he has on the area.)

5N. Have you failed to do your homework in your subject?______________

(Handle as a withhold. Then strip off any false data he has in the area.)

5O. Have you just hoped something was okay and passed it on as okay when you didn’t know?______________

(Handle as a withhold. Then strip off any false data he has in the area.)

5P. Have you pretended knowledge and experience you did not have?______________

(Handle as a withhold.)

5Q. Have you given false data to get out of something?______________

(Handle as a withhold.)

5R. Have you ever lied about anything in this area?______________

(Handle as a withhold.)


6A. Was your ethics handling messed up?______________

(Indicate it and 2WC E/S to F/N. If necessary, assess the appropriate correction list to handle the BPC.)

6B. Were you not handled on your ethics when you should have been?______________

(Indicate and 2WC E/S to F/N. Program this ethics situation to be handled by the debugger.)

6C. Were you told you were out-ethics when you weren’t?______________

(Indicate and 2WC E/S to F/N.)

6D. Was there some out-ethics situation that was not detected?______________

(Pull this as a withhold. Then program for handling according to what comes up.)


7A. Were you trying to justify your actions?______________

(2WC the justifications E/S to F/N. Then check for and pull any O/Ws in the area of the justifications.)

7B. Were you trying to justify an overt?______________

(2WC the justifications E/S to F/N. Then pull the overt.)

7C. Were you trying to lessen an overt?______________

(2WC this E/S to F/N. Pull the overt.)

7D. Is there something that makes it ok for you not to get your product out?______________

(Have him tell you about it E/S to F/N. Then strip off the justification per HCOB 7 Aug 79 Product Debug Series 8, Esto Series 36 False Data Stripping.)

7E. Is there some reason why producing an overt product is all right?______________

(2WC it E/S to F/N. Then strip off the justification per HCOB 7 Aug 79 Product Debug Series 8, Esto Series 36 False Data Stripping.)

7F. Is there something that makes it ok for you not to be competent on your post?______________

(2WC it E/S to F/N. Then strip off the justification per HCOB 7 Aug 79 Product Debug Series 8, Esto Series 36 False Data Stripping.)


8A. Is there some idea you were using to make yourself right and others wrong?______________

(2WC him on this and get him to spot and tell you the service facsimile without getting into listing for it. What you are trying to do is get him to find and blow the service facsimile by recall. If he does not come up with the service facsimile complete the 2WC to F/N and program him for full service facsimile handling.)

8B. Were you trying to make yourself right and others wrong?______________

(Handle this as in 8A above.)

8C. Is there something you are doing to make yourself right?______________

(Handle as in 8A above.)

8D. Is there a method of making others wrong?______________

(Handle as in 8A above.)

8E. Are you concerned about being right or wrong?______________

(2WC this E/S to F/N. Program him for full service facsimile handling.)

8F. Was your service facsimile handling messed up?______________

(Determine if it is an L&N error or an incomplete list and if so, handle per HCOB 11 Apr 77 List Errors Correction Of and C/S Series 78. Otherwise clean up the BPC with an L1C and program him to have any incomplete handling on service facsimiles completed.)


9A. Was there bad cramming?______________

(Assess and handle a Cramming Repair List.)

9B. Were you not crammed when you should have been?______________

(2WC E/S to F/N. Program him to get the needed cramming done.)

9C. Was there something else wrong with your cramming?______________

(Assess and handle a Cramming Repair List.)

9D. failed to look over the materials of which you had false data or MUs on after you were cleaned up and were still blank on the materials because you hadn’t gone through them again?______________

(2WC E/S to F/N. Program him to re-cover and restudy the materials and send the Cramming Officer to Ethics.)

9E. The cramming officer just sympathize with you?______________

(2WC E/S to F/N. Send the Cramming Officer to Ethics.)


10A. Was there some personnel bug that was not handled. ______________

(2WC E/S to F/N. Program this to be handled with debug tech.)

10B. Was there some sort of trouble with personnel that was not found. ______________

(Indicate and 2WC E/S to F/N. Program for handling according to what comes up.)


11A. Is there some problem with your comm lines. ______________

(2WC E/S to F/N. Note for further handling with debug tech.)

11B. No orders. ______________

(2WC E/S to F/N. Note for handling with debug tech.)

11C. Cross-orders. ______________

(2WC E/S to F/N. Note for handling with debug tech.)

11D. Illegal orders. ______________

(2WC E/S to F/N. Note for handling with debug tech.)

11E. Some other trouble with orders. ______________

(2WC E/S to F/N. Note for handling with debug tech.)


12A. Are you unable to study. ______________

(2WC E/S to F/N. Program him for the M8 and M9 program and PCRD if necessary.)

12B. Was there some difficulty with hatting that was not found. ______________

(2WC E/S to F/N. Program for handling with debug tech.)

12C. Were you prevented from getting hatted. ______________

(Indicate and 2WC E/S to F/N. Program for handling with debug tech.)

12D. Was there some other problem with hatting or study. ______________

(2WC E/S to F/N. Program for handling with debug tech.)

12E. Is there no hatting course. ______________

(2WC E/S to F/N. See that a hatting course is established and that he studies meanwhile.)

12F. Are there no hats. ______________

(2WC E/S to F/N. Program him to compile his A-I Hat.)


13A. Was your product clearing messed up. ______________

(Assess and handle a Product Clearing Correction List.)

13B. Was your product invalidated. ______________

(2WC E/S to F/N.)

13C. Didn’t you know what your product was. ______________

(2WC E/S to F/N. Program for Product Clearing.)

13D. Was product clearing not done. ______________

(2WC E/S to F/N. Program for Product Clearing.)


14A. Was your clay table pts handling messed up. ______________

(Assess and handle the PTS Clay Table Repair List.)

14B. Are you connected to someone who is antagonistic to you. ______________

(2WC E/S to F/N. Send him to get routine PTS handling and program him for PTS Clay Table Handling.)

14C. Are you connected to someone or something that is suppressive to you. ______________

(2WC E/S to F/N. Send him to get routine PTS handling and program him for PTS Clay Table Handling.)

14D. Did someone say you were pts when you weren’t. ______________

(Indicate and 2WC E/S to F/N.)

14E. Accidents. ______________

(2WC E/S to F/N. Send him to get routine PTS handling and program him for PTS Clay Table Handling.)

14F. Are there lots of problems in your area. ______________

(2WC E/S to F/N. Program him and any other PTS personnel in his area for PTS handling including Clay Table De-PTSing.)


15A. Was there some exterior influence that was not handled. ______________

(2WC E/S to F/N. Program for handling with debug tech.)

15B. Is there something stopping your production which is out of your control. ______________

(2WC E/S to F/N. Program for handling with debug tech.)


16A. Was there some sort of organizational problem. ______________

(2WC E/S to F/N. Program for handling with debug tech.)

16B. Was there some organizational trouble that was not located. ______________

(2WC E/S to F/N. Program for handling with debug tech.)


17A. Were there false reads. ______________

(Indicate and take E/S to F/N.)

17B. Were there missed reads. ______________

(Indicate and take E/S to F/N. Program him to get what was missed handled with debug tech.)

17C. Were you handled on something that didn’t need handling. ______________

(Get what and indicate the unnecessary action. Take it E/S to F/N.)

17D. Was there something which should have been taken up that wasn’t. ______________

(2WC E/S to F/N. Program for handling with debug tech.)

17E. Was something quickied. ______________

(Indicate and 2WC E/S to F/N. Note for handling with debug tech.)

17F. Was something left incomplete. ______________

(2WC E/S to F/N. Program this to be completed per debug tech.)

17G. Was some part of the debug overrun. ______________

(Indicate and rehab to F/N.)

17H. Was something missed. ______________

(Find out what and 2WC E/S to F/N. Pull any M/W/Hs.)


18A. Was some part of the debug unnecessary. ______________

(Indicate and 2WC E/S to F/N.)

18B. Were you not having any trouble getting out your products in the first place. ______________

(If this is actually the case indicate to him that trying to debug his products when he was already getting them out was an unnecessary action. If necessary take it E/S to F/N.)

18C. Were your products actually being gotten out. ______________

(If this is actually the case indicate to him that trying to debug his products when he was already getting them out was an unnecessary action. If necessary take it E/S to F/N.)


19A. Was there something else wrong. ______________

(Find out what and handle with the appropriate correction list.)

19B. Were you in some sort of case trouble. ______________

(Assess and handle a C/S 53.)
