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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Past Life Remedies - B750116
- Past Life Remedies - B750116R78

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Средства Исправления для Прошлой Жизни - Б750116
- Средства Исправления для Прошлой Жизни - Б750116R78
- Средства от Прошлой Жизни - Б750116R78
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Remimeo Dn & Ex Dn C/Ses IV and VI C/Ses Class VIII C/S


There are many remedies and considerable tech developed over the years on the subject of pcs unable to go earlier than this life. There was no full coverage bulletin which gave the full story on this.

The earliest was getting the pc to locate and run imaginary incidents. This is fully covered in Science of Survival, especially Book Two, Chapter Nine, “Imaginary Incidents”. The auditor clears the idea of imaginary incidents and running them, then persuades the pc to run them without forcing him.

Delusion tends to run off but the real incidents move into view as well. These imaginary incidents can be run R3R narrative or done as part of R3R procedure and running usual items and somatics. It can be incorporated into the AESPs run on the Past Life Remedy as part of the action of grooving in the pc.

One of the early Dianetic Remedies was simply “What Attitudes would make one unwilling to go Earlier than this life?” R3R Triple exhaust the list then do Emotions Sensations and Pains separately.

Where the pc is afraid of going earlier or seeing the pictures, AESPs that would make you not want to look at earlier lives can be listed separately and run.

Often the pc won’t go backtrack because he’s a druggie.

What has happened here is that he restimulated past lives with drugs, got into frightening pictures that he didn’t understand and now backs off from any bank content except drugs. That is handled with a full Drug R/D, including a full battery of Objectives and all reading items run including “no interest” items. The standard approach on any pc is to get a full Drug R/D done first.

Another reason could be the pc is in recent shock of having died. Such a case is overburdened and is destimulated with general auditing and then gets a Past Life Remedy if he hasn’t gone backtrack. You could even do a Prior Assessment to this life.

The subject of invalidation of past lives and people talking about them out of session or claiming to be famous people invalidates past lives for a pc and is actually related to suppression and PTS phenomena. If you suspect this you could ask “Has anyone been talking to you about past lives or famous people?” From this question possible suppression in the environment can be located and used in a PTS R/D, HCO B 9 Dec 71R, Revised 21 Oct 74.


Children are usually very burdened cases and can be hard to C/S on Dianetics as it hits this life only which will leave the pc wide open to key-in and at the age of 20 be found all keyed in “with all grades run”.

I find they are jammed into fiction stories, education, books and movies and run these like Engrams. These children speak of “remembering” all the time. They say they can’t go backtrack “because they don’t remember”. They don’t seem to take it from pictures. Contrary to psychology theories and popular belief I find children in very rough case shape, nervous, frightened, griefy, etc. They get stuck in the books and movies they see.

I have handled this in various ways. The easiest way to unburden cases is by Objectives (contact processes) and Recall (ARC S/W, Self Analysis). That is a general approach. You can list for mental image pictures pc has seen in life in movies or books then get the AESPs of the best reading one and R3R triple or quad. Unwanted feelings, attitudes, emotions, sensations and pains as a child can also be listed and run to unburden the case.

A direct approach is to ask “What book or movie were you particularly interested in?” You’ll usually find that the person had a stuck picture on it. Then ask “Did you ever have anything to do with that sort of thing?” Then they go into it because you’re asking for an E/S. You could then run out the earlier incident R3R triple or quad and you’d be away.

Where the pc is stuck in upsetting incidents from movies or books you can list for “Bad incidents you’ve seen or read about”, take the best reading one and R3R its reading AESPs. Be sure to accept stories, TV, movies or books as these are fully valid to run.


A Scientology Review action that can be done is to assess Auditors Auditing Past Lives Dianetics Scientology Time Preclears and Erasure. Then prepcheck in order of reads, reassess and prepcheck. This is a valuable action to do before ARC S/W triple and often by itself will handle those unable to go past track.

A further Scientology approach would be to assess the Past, Memory Pictures, Past Lives and prepcheck in order of reads. Then L & N “Who or what would have no future?” then L & N “Who or what would it have been awful to have been?” These items can be checked and used in a PTS R/D or can have their intentions listed and run as part of Ex Dn handling.


The technology on past lives is important for a C/S to know, especially the Dianetics C/S.

The subject usually resolves with a Drug R/D and general auditing but when it doesn’t you have these remedies to use.

Use them well.
