The first thing to know about DEFINITION PROCESSES is that they are separate and distinct and stand by themselves as processes.
In The Book of Case Remedies we find on page 25 REMEDY A and REMEDY B.
These two remedies are A and B because they handle a primary source of worry to supervisors and auditors.
Each level has its own basic auditing style.
The Auditing Style of Level II is Guiding Style. The Secondary Style is GUIDING SECONDARY STYLE or Guiding S Style.
An assist is different from auditing as such in that it lacks any model session. Assists are normally short periods of auditing but not always. I have seen a touch assist go on for months at the rate of 15 minutes a day, two or three days a week. And it may take hours to do a touch assist on an accident victim. What characterizes an assist is that it is done rapidly and informally and anywhere.
“Coffee Shop Auditing” isn’t really an assist as it is usually done over coffee too casually to be dignified by the name of auditing. The pc is never informed at all of the existence of a session.
The pc, in an assist, is however informed of the fact and the assist is begun by “This is the Assist” and ended by a “That’s it”, so an assist, like a session, has a beginning and an end.
The Auditor’s Code is observed in giving an Assist and the Auditing Comm Cycle is used.
As an Auditor one sets out in an Assist to accomplish a specific thing for the pc like relieve the snivels or make the ache in the leg better. So an Assist also has a very finite purpose.
Every level has a different primary STYLE OF AUDITING. But sometimes in actual sessions or particularly in Assists this Style is altered slightly for special purposes. The Style altered for assists is called a SECONDARY STYLE. It doesn’t mean that the primary style of the level is merely loosely done. It means that it is done a precise but different way to accomplish assists. This variation is called the SECONDARY STYLE of that level.
A Remedy is not necessarily an Assist and is often done in regular session. It is the Remedy itself which determines what auditing style is used to administer it. Some Remedies, as well as being used in regular sessions, can also be used as Assists.
In short, that a process exists as a Remedy has no bearing on whether it is used in an Assist or a Model Session.
The essence of Guiding Style is:
1. Locate what’s awry with the pc.
2. Run a Repetitive Process to handle what’s found in 1.
In essence — steer the pc into disclosing something that needs auditing and then audit it.
Guiding Secondary Style differs from proper Guiding Style and is done by:
1. Steering the pc toward revealing something or something revealed;
2. Handling it with Itsa.
Guiding Secondary Style differs from Guiding Style only in that Guiding Secondary Style handles the matter by Steer + Itsa. Guiding Style Proper handles the matter with Steer + Repetitive Process.
Definitions Processes, when used as Remedies, are normally processed by Guiding Secondary Style.
Both Remedies of The Book of Case Remedies A and B are Guiding Secondary Style in their normal application.
One would expect them to be used by a Class II Auditor.
One would expect the Assist to last 10 or 15 minutes, perhaps more, but less than a regular session would take.
One would expect that any case in a PE class, any student that was getting nowhere, would be handled by the Instructor with Guiding Secondary Style using Remedies A and B as precision processes.
One would not expect the person or student in trouble to be turned over to another student for handling. It’s too fast, sharp and easy to handle that trouble oneself if one is Class II or above and far more certain. You can do it while you’d be finding another student to do the auditing. It would be uneconomical in terms of time not to just do it right then — no meter — leaning up against a desk.
The auditor’s patter would be something like what follows. The pc’s responses and Itsa are omitted in this example.
“I am going to give you a short assist.” “All right, what word haven’t you understood in Scientology?” “Okay, it’s pre-clear. Explain what it means.” “Okay, I see you are having trouble, so what does pre mean?” “Fine. Now what does clear mean?” “Good. I’m glad you realize you had it mixed up with patient and see that they’re different.” “Thank you. That’s it.”
In between the above total of auditing patter, the student may have hemmed and hawed and argued and cognited. But one just steered the pc straight along the subject selected and got it audited and cleaned up. If the student gave a glib text book definition after challenging the word preclear, we wouldn’t buy it, but would give the student a piece of paper or a rubber band and say ”Demonstrate that”. And then carry on as it developed.
And that would be Remedy A.
You see it is precision auditing and is a process and does have an Auditing Style. And it works like a dream.
You see this is Steer + Itsa as to its style. And that it addressed the immediate subject.
What makes A Remedy A is not that it handles Scientology definitions, but that it handles the immediate subject under discussion or study.
What makes Remedy B Remedy B is that it seeks out and handles a former subject, conceived to be similar to the immediate subject, in order to clear up misunderstandings in the immediate subject or condition.
Remedy B, run on some person or student, would simply be a bit more complex than Remedy A as it looks into the past.
A person has a continuous confusion with policy or auditors, etc. So one runs B like this (the following is auditor patter only):
“I’m going to give you an Assist. Okay?” “All right. What subject were you mixed up with before Scientology?” “I’m sure there is one.” “Okay. Spiritualism. Fine. What word in Spiritualism didn’t you understand?” “You can think of it.” “Good. Ectoplasm. Fine. What was the definition of that?” “All right, there’s a dictionary over there, look it up.” “I’m sorry it doesn’t give the spiritualist definition. But you say it says Ecto means outside. What’s plasm?” “Well, look it up.” “All right. I see, Ecto means outside and plasm means mould or covering.” (Note: You don’t always break up words into parts for definition in A & B Remedies.) “Yes, I’ve got that. Now what do you think spiritualists meant by it?” “All right, I’m glad you realize that sheets over people make ghosts ghosts.” “Fine, glad you recalled being scared as a child.” “All right, what did the spiritualist mean then?” “Okay. Glad you see thetans don’t need to be cased in goo.” “All right. Fine. Good. You had Ectoplasm mixed up with engrams and you now realize thetans don’t have to have a bank and can be naked. Fine. That’s it.” (Note: You don’t always repeat after him what the pc said, but sometimes it helps.)
Student departs still cogniting. Enters Scientology now having left Spiritualism on the back track. Doesn’t keep on trying to make every HCO Bulletin studied solve “Ectoplasm”, the buried misunderstood word that kept him stuck in Spiritualism.
The purpose of definitions processing is fast clearing of “held down fives” (jammed thinking because of a misunderstood or misapplied datums) preventing someone getting on with auditing or Scientology.
Remedies A and B are not always used as Assists. They are also used in regular sessions. But when so used they are always used with Guiding Secondary Style — Steer + Itsa.
As a comment, people who seek to liken Scientology to something, “Oh, like Christian Science,” are stuck in Christian Science. Don’t say, “Oh no! It isn’t like Christian Science!” Just nod and mark them for a fast assist or a session the moment the chance offers if they seem very disinterested or aloof when asked to a PE Course.
There’s weapons in that arsenal, auditor. Use them.
As Remedies A and B stand as the first and second given in The Book of Case Remedies, so before a large number of potential Scientologists stands the confusion of definitions.
We have made Scientology definitions easy for them by compiling a dictionary, using words new to people only when useful.
But those that don’t come along at all, are so wound up in some past subject they can’t hear or think when that earlier subject is restimulated. And that earlier subject is held down only by some word or phrase they didn’t grasp.
Some poor pawn howling for the blood of Scientologists isn’t mad at Scientology at all. But at some earlier practice he got stuck in with mis-definition of its terms.
You see, we inherit some of the effects of the whole dullness of Man when we seek to open the prison door and say, “Look. Sunshine in the fields. Walk out.” Some, who need Remedy B say: “Oh no! The last time somebody scratched the wall that way I got stupider.” Why say, “Hey. I’m not scratching the wall. I’m opening the gate”? Why bother. He can’t hear you. But he can hear Remedy B as an assist. That’s the channel to his comprehension.
When a person can’t understand something and yet goes on facing up to it, he gets into a “problems situation” with it. There it is over there, yet he can’t make it out.
Infrequently (fortunately for us) the being halts time right there. Anything he conceives to be similar presented to his view is the puzzle itself (A=A=A). And he goes stupid. This happens rarely in the life of one being, but it happens to many people.
Thus there aren’t many such messes in one person in one lifetime that have to be cleaned up. But there are a few in many people.
The cycle of Mis-definition is:
1. didn’t grasp a word, then
2. didn’t understand a principle or theory, then
3. became different from it, commits and committed overts against it, then
4. restrained himself or was restrained from committing those overts, then
5. being on a withhold (inflow) pulled in a motivator.
Not every word somebody didn’t grasp was followed by a principle or theory. An overt was not committed every time this happened. Not every overt committed was restrained. So no motivator was pulled in.
But when it did happen, it raised havoc with the mentality of the being when trying to think about what seem to be similar subjects.
You see, you are looking at the basic incident + its locks as in a chain of incidents. The charge that is apparently on the lock in present time is actually only in the basic incident. The locks borrow the charge of the basic incident and are not themselves causing anything. So you have a basic misunderstood word which then charges up the whole subject as a lock; then a subject charging up similar subjects as locks.
Every nattery or non-progressing student or pc is hung up in the above 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 cycle. And every such student or pc has a misdefined word at the bottom of that pile. If the condition is new and temporary it’s a Scientology word that’s awry. If natter, no progress, etc, is continuous and doesn’t cease when all is explained in Scientology or when attempts to straighten up Scientology words fail, then it’s an earlier subject at fault. Hence, Remedies A and B. Hence Guiding Secondary Style. Hence, the fact that Definitions Processes are processes. And VITAL processes they are if one wants a smooth organization, a smooth PE, a smooth record of wins on all pcs. And if one wants to bring people into Scientology who seem to want to stay out.
Of course these Remedies A and B are early-on processes, to be audited by a Class II or above on a Level 0 or I pc or student. However, some in Scientology, as of this date, are studying slowly or progressing poorly because A and B haven’t been applied.
One expects that very soon, now that auditors have this data, there will be nobody at upper levels with his definitions dangling.