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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- CS - How to Case Supervise Dianetics Folders - B690628
- How to Case-Supervise Dianetic Folders - B690628
- How to Case-Supervise Dianetics Folders - B690628RA78

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Как Кейс-супервизировать Дианетические Папки (Серия КС, ДИАН) (2) - Б690628
- Как Кейс-супервизировать Дианетические Папки (Серия КС, ДИАН) - Б690628
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
(Replaces HCO B 26 June 69 Same Title)
Remimeo Class VIII Checksheet Dianetics Checksheet


It is very easy to Case Supervise a Dianetics Folder and pcs being handled by Dianetics.

One does the following:

On any new pc a Dianetics C/S 1 is ordered. If this was successful (almost always is) a Dianetics C/S 2 is ordered.

If this is successful one does DIANETICS C/S 3 which consists of “Reassess for longest read. If an item is found which also has pc’s interest, R3R. If no item, add to list, take longest read. R3R.”

The other C/Ses are those which call for Prior Assessment to drugs, alcohol or inability to get out of this lifetime, the remedy for pictures in past sessions and those C/Ses (which are actually Class VIII) that send the pc to review.

There is very little to Dianetic C/S work.

The Case Supervisor MUST be a Hubbard Dianetic Counsellor. There is no substitute for that. One who isn’t would hopelessly snarl up real HDCs or HDGs or students aspiring to those certs.

The Dianetic C/S should really be an HDG and a Class VIII. Even so he has to keep these techs completely separate.

One NEVER asks a Dianetic auditor in a Dianetic session to do anything except Standard Dianetics. There are no other actions.

The C/S, in correcting an auditor, should do it positively and refer to the Dianetic HCO B. Negative criticism, I have found, undermines auditors. One can as easily say the same thing in a positive way. Instead of, “You broke the Auditor’s Code,” one can as easily say, “Pcs must be rested before session. See Auditor’s Code.”

Only in Scientology does one run triple engrams, secondaries and locks.

One NEVER gets inventive in doing a Dianetic C/S. It is all very straightforward.

The C/S point of view in Dianetic C/Sing is that one is trying to get Standard Dianetics done. One isn’t, in Dianetics C/S, torturously laboring to solve some difficult case.

Therefore there are only four possible actions for a Dianetics C/S to take:


B. THE CASE THAT HAS HAD ALL POSSIBLE DIANETIC GAIN (and that is considerable, ranging from 10 to 50 hours or more) IS SENT ON TO SCIENTOLOGY.



It is the fantastic fact that the pc will ONLY get Dianetic wins when receiving Standard Dianetics. Non-Standardness only once in a hundred will give a case gain and that is a fluke. The Case Supervisor must have good subjective and objective reality on this fact. He must therefore be the ultimate in dictatorial martinet precision in requiring standard auditing and assigning standard C/Ses.

There are two types of cases only that come up.

1. The case as in A above who just goes on getting wins.

2. The case (who in life is usually chronically ill even if “up and about”) that requires a C/S to play adept Scientology Reviews against Dianetic auditing. Such a case is “solved” by now being sent to Review, now being sent to Dianetics, back and forth.

In D above, the pc who gets a non-standard session and is bogged at the Examiner’s is simply given a Scientology Green Form to F/N. He/she is then returned to Dianetic auditing. This is a very usual, easy action.

In C above, the “oddity” case is easily recognizable in the folder. The oddity consists mainly of getting Dianetic auditing, getting sick. Or in getting auditing but not being able to follow good standard commands.

Such a case also has a history of being ill. This case also can’t make any real headway in study and messes up pcs as an auditor and can’t seem to do standard auditing.

This C case, at first glance, seems to be hopelessly difficult and invites many to squirrel.

The case is more prevalent than one would think. It runs as high as 50% of voluntary pcs.

It could run much higher in the wog world. One spots the case ONLY BY THE CASE’S REACTION TO GOOD Dianetic Auditing, not by any opinion or test.

But this case isn’t any real challenge to the C/S or Scientology Review Auditor.

Underlying all this illness and inability to concentrate or study or audit or hold case gains there is a heavily burdened chain that makes things seem very different than they are.

There is no trick to resolving the C case.

The C/S, having seen that the person roller-coasters after Dianetic Auditing, or can’t study or can’t audit, orders the person to Review for:

“GF to F/N” “Assess No. 40 GF and handle.”

The Scientology auditor in Review does this. No. 40 GF is the “7 Resistive Cases”.

When the Scientology auditor has done the item found, the C/S then picks the next in line on the No. 40 GF list, then the next and, if any, the next and orders these handled too. This assessment list usually finds “one in”. But in addition to //// there were others that read ///X, //X and /X. THESE ARE ALSO HANDLED. All by

Standard Tech of course. And in dwindling order of reads.

Then the C/S sends the pc back to Dianetic Auditing for routine assessments and R3R.

It is a saddening event to a C/S when the Scientology Review Auditor lets him down. So an accomplished Class VIII on that Review Spot is worth his weight in blessings. Lucky is the C/S who has a fine Class VIII. When he doesn’t have he orders only one action done between C/Ses and watches like a hawk. Reviewing Reviews is a horrible waste of time, even though it has to be done when necessary.

This C type pc will now sail along for a while in Dianetics. But don’t be amazed to have the pc roller-coaster again.

When the C type pc does you simply order again a Scientology Review and GF to F/N and No. 40 GF and handle. And it will all come out differently this time. And then the pc is sent back for more Dianetics.

This is what is meant by interplaying Dianetics with Scientology Reviews for a C type case.

You will just be amazed at the eventual result in the pc. Really a cracked case, man !

Very sick pcs are sent directly to a medico of course. And Dianetic auditing is given along with medical treatment to get the pc off stuck points. This is all covered in HCOBs on Medical uses of Dianetics and includes touch assists.

The “insane” pc is given absolute rest, a secure environment and any needful medical treatment (but never shock or surgery of the brain or nerves, of course, since that’s only depersonalization treatment).

When in better physical health the “insane” pc is given just routine Standard Dianetics. But the sessions must be flubless and thoroughly within the Auditor’s Code as the “insane” can’t stand up to any goofs or overwhelm.

These “insane” pcs are most often simple cases of medically ill people — gallstones, malnutrition, deficiencies in certain vitamins, broken backs — the usual.

To undertake to audit an “insane” pc to sanity without complete attention to the above paragraphs is adventurous in our experience. But with these things given attention, the “insane” pc often responds amazingly. But do not be surprised to find that the “insane” pc turns into a C type as he comes up the scale.

The main trouble with the “insane” is that too many people around them are completely devoted to making them even more insane and they almost never respond to any treatment, medical or Dianetic, while kept in their same environment associating with the same people.

Also we could say that “Hell hath no fury to match that of a cured psychotic’s associates”. Usually the real crazy one is an associate, not the “insane” one.


In doing a C/S on a Dianetic folder, I usually inspect the following in the following order:

1. The Examiner’s Report to see if the pc thought it was okay and if the Examiner’s TA, needle and Indicator observation is all right.

2. The pre-session C/S to see what was previously ordered done.

3. The session to see if the C/S was done.

4. The 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 sequence and ABCD to see if it is Standard. I seldom read text if the session was okay at Examiner’s unless the session did not go well.

5. The F/N, Cog and GIs or VGIs at chain and session ends.

If all that is okay I give it a “well done”.

If it isn’t all okay I look for the 1, 2, 3, etc that was not followed by an ABCD but by a new 1, 2, 3, 4, etc instead.

I try to find where the session went off Standard and point out the Standard actions that should have been done.

If the pc came out of it okay, I order more Dianetic auditing.

If the pc didn’t, I send the pc to Review.

If it had lots of ABCDs and ground to a high TA session end I check to see if the auditor asked for an earlier beginning.

If the Dianetics folder is getting fat and the session was unsuccessful I look for a possible C type pc and handle accordingly.

If the pc is reported ill, I order medical, an assist and treat the pc thereafter as a C type.

The value of a C/S whether Dianetic or Scientology depends on his unfailing adherence to Standard actions.

A C/S that dreams things up to try to “solve a case” by squirrel processes is worse than no Case Supervisor at all.

The gain of cases depends on the Standard, unswerving adherence to Standard Dianetics, to C/Sing in complete standardness and a Scientology Review auditor who really is a flawless Standard Tech man.

The result is the result of a TEAM. To that team one also adds the Admin team of the rest of the group doing their jobs.

Given all that, one can straighten up whole population areas and activities and get the job done on the goal lines of Well and Happy Human Beings and a Well and Happy Society both with greatly increased survival potential.

C/Sing is a happy job itself. And blessed is a C/S who has good standard HDCs and good Review auditors on his lines and a good HDG making new good HDCs and a good AO somewhere making good new VIIIs, all backed with orgs whose staffs know their Org Exec Course and policy.

The C/S’s job only becomes unhappy and impossible when the auditors are non-standard or the Admin people never heard of lines or policy and he himself departs from the straight and narrow of Standard Dianetics and Standard Tech.

The purpose of Dianetics can be accomplished smoothly and easily only if the above are taken into account.

These C/S data are as thoroughly researched in practical application as tech itself and are derived from hard won practical experience.
