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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- TV Demo - Listing Assessment for Engram Running, Part I (SHSBC-307) - L630626



An auditing demonstration given on 26 June 1963

Here we are in the upstairs studio here. This is the 26th of June, 1963 and I’m going to give you an auditing demonstration of an assessment for engram chain and will give you several of these demonstrations as we go along here in the coming weeks.

But what I want you to pay attention to, basically, is simply the simplicity of the auditing, the uncomplex nature of auditing. And you’ve been given so many rules in auditing about all the things you must do and so forth — of course, one must do all of these things but they’re in their right place and one does these things only in their right place.

Now, the difficulties which you run into in doing this are absolutely minimal. And if you’ll notice the exact auditing skills of 2-12 are used here in this assessment for engram running. The rules of listing apply and so on.

The keynote of any fairly high-level case of what makes an incident an incident is protest. And to that degree we’re not on terribly solid ground because I don’t know that these other buttons will uniformly produce the type of engram that protest will. You see, by protesting the individual shoves his face toward something and resists it, which of course makes a very heavy mass of energy and it makes a heavy enough mass of an engram to cause that engram to be very plain and to persist. So therefore, you get a much better engram under protest than otherwise. Nevertheless, a lot of people are not up to protest, so we’re going to do an 18-button assessment and use the standard 18 buttons. And then we’re going to do a list — a short list — to see if on that list we find anything — we will of course — to assess for the type of engram the pc should be running.

LRH: Okay. All right. Your chair’s all right there. Pick up the cans. And your chair’s all right?

PC: Yes.

LRH: Is it all right if we audit in this room?

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. Very good. All right. Squeeze the cans. All right. Your havingness is a bit down here, isn’t it? Huh? Very good. All right. Thank you. Now, what we’re going to do in this session is I’m going to do an assessment of these buttons, omitting Create…

PC: Uh-huh.

LRH: … because that’ll land somebody in the middle of a GPM.

PC: Right.

LRH: If we don’t get anything that is banging enormously, why, we will take protest just as a matter of course. And then I’ll go on and I will do a short list and assess that list and we’ll see what is your proper engram chain.

PC: Right.

LRH: I’ve been wanting to do this with you anyway.

PC: Thank you.

LRH: All right. Is it all right with you if I begin this session now?

PC: Yes.

LRH: Very good. Start of session. Has the session started for you?

PC: Yes.

LRH: Very good. What goals would you like to set for this session?

PC: To work well.

LRH: Right.

PC: And feel the benefit of the session at the end of it. To find out what it is on this chain, what the assessment is. That’s it.

LRH: That it? All right. Thank you. All right. We’re going to go into this immediately here and find out what we’ve got. And we’re just going to assess these 18 buttons, less created. Okay?

PC: Right.

LRH: I’m just going to read these off to you rapidly and see what we have here. All right. Okay?

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly suppressed things?

In this lifetime, have you mainly invalidated things?

In this lifetime, have you been careful of things?

In this lifetime, have you mainly suggested things?

In this lifetime, have you mainly withheld things?

In this lifetime, have you mainly protested things?

In this lifetime, have you mainly protested things? All right.

In this lifetime, have you mainly hidden things? Have you mainly hidden things?

In this lifetime, have you mainly revealed things?

In this lifetime, have you made mistakes? All right.

In this lifetime, have you mainly asserted things? In this lifetime, have you mainly asserted things? All right.

In this lifetime, have you mainly changed things?

In this lifetime, have you mainly damaged things? In this lifetime, have you mainly damaged things? All right.

In this lifetime, have you mainly withdrawn from things? All right.

In this lifetime, have you mainly destroyed things?

In this lifetime, have you mainly agreed with things?

In this lifetime, have you mainly ignored things?

In this lifetime, have you mainly decided things? Have you mainly decided things? All right.

Now we have a few left in here. I’ll go over this rapidly.

Now, anything you’d care to say or have you thought of anything with regard to this you’d like to tell me?

PC: I just thought when you were going — started, I was thinking blimey, I’ve done all these things.

LRH: Oh, I see.

PC: But…

LRH: Yes.

PC: … nothing else.

LRH: All right. Now let’s go over this list again. In this lifetime, have you mainly suppressed things?

In this lifetime, have you mainly invalidated things?

In this lifetime, have you mainly been careful of things?

In this lifetime, have you mainly suggested things? All right.

In this lifetime, have you mainly hidden things?

In this lifetime, have you mainly damaged things?

In this lifetime, have you mainly decided things?

All right. We have two left in here. In this lifetime, have you mainly invalidated things?

In this lifetime, have you mainly decided things?

All right. I have to ask those two again. Any thoughts with regard to them?

PC: No, I know you’ve always said um — you once said to me, „Decide“ is your button, rather heavily. I do — am inclined to decide. This seems more real than the other one, anyway, to me.

LRH: All right. Very good. Any protest on the other one? Little bit.

PC: Well, what I thought of, I just wondered whether there’s any protest on it; and, of course, there would be. But then in that case I would have thought the protest button would have stayed in as well, that was the thought I had.

LRH: Oh, all right. Very good. Thank you. All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly invalidated things? Have you mainly invalidated things? Still there a tiny bit.

In this lifetime, have you mainly decided things? Well, Decided is really — really staying with us a bit here.

PC: Uh-huh.

LRH: Now let me sort these out, again. In this lifetime, have you mainly invalidated things? Latent.

In this lifetime, have you mainly decided things? All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly decided things? Yes sir, that’s your button. Very good. All right?

PC: Yes, well, your adjudication must have been very good.

LRH: Well, is it just because of my adjudication?

PC: No, no, no.

LRH: Doesn’t read. All right.

PC: It’s very good.

LRH: I just didn’t want anybody to think that I had simply evaluated you into that position.

All right. Decided. Now we’re going to do a little list here.

PC: Uh-huh.

LRH: You’re accustomed to these. [LRH is writing down for around 35 second some notes.]

All right. We’ve got a question here. Let’s see if it reads. In this lifetime, what have you decided? Doesn’t read very good. In this lifetime, what have you decided? That’s got a little tick. Anything wrong with that question?

PC: Just the things I have decided — um — I think this goes back to when — on the boat, when you said something about decisions, that there was no — I was asking you — self-determined changes that you — and, you know, we sort of came up with you wouldn’t — you couldn’t really decide these things, you know. There’s very little we decided. I think I’m on the right button here; I may have got it mixed up.

LRH: Oh, well, all right.

PC: Something like that.

LRH: All right. Very good. In this lifetime, what have you decided? All right. Let’s see if we can’t get a slightly better question here.

PC: Can I just say one thing here. It’s possible — I’m just wondering whether I use the word „decided“ as „emphasized.“ It’s a decided change, you know? People use this word „decided“ in that way, or I — in my circle, it’s been used quite a lot.

LRH: Oh, I see.

PC: Instead of to make a decision. It’s used, you know…

LRH: Hm.

PC: … it would be an emphatic or quite distinct change.

LRH: All right. All right. Okay. Well, we’re going to use this question anyway.

PC: Uh-huh.

LRH: In this lifetime, what have you decided?

PC: All right.

LRH: All right. So just answer the question. In this lifetime, what have you decided?

PC: I decided to get married.

I decided to change a job.

I decided to join the scouts.

I decided to leave school.

I decided to go into business.

Um — I decided to — um — leave home — I meant my childhood home as it were, parents home.

LRH: Uh-huh.

PC: Just a little cognition here, that a lot of MY decisions are made as a result of a — of an ARC break of some sort. Um– you know, there’s been an upset and then I’ll decide to do something. Normally I just go along placidly. But then when I’m stirred up then I’ll make these decisions.

LRH: Uh-huh.

PC: Um — decided to go to camp once, that came up, with the scouts. Um — decided to gamble on occasion. Decided to invest money. Decided to buy a car. Here’s a big decision: decided to — uh — get a commission in the army. Decided to join the army.

LRH: All right.

PC: Well, there’s the old goal come up: decided to leave my wife.

LRH: Uh-huh.

PC: Um — decided to have — um — children.

Decided to go into business on my own account.

Decided to come into Scientology.

Um — decided on people’s characters.

I’ve decided people’s motives.

I realize I use intuition a lot for decisions, what I call intuition.

LRH: Uh-huh.

PC: Um — conclusions and so on. Yes, that’s another meaning of the word „decision“ is a — is a conclusion, rather than something to do– an action.

LRH: All right.

PC: Um — oh — decided — this was quite a big decision — decided never to have a dog again. That was following the loss of a dog.

I decided I was capable, but that wasn’t a decision — I don’t get the decision to be capable, if you see what I mean.

LRH: Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

PC: Um — decided to leave the scouts.

I’ve decided to eat.

LRH: Right.

PC: Decided not to drink. I might have tried not to drink much or not do it ever — but there were decisions on that.

Um — I decided to be honest.

I decided to be truthful.

I decided to be generous, I remember.

LRH: Uh-huh.

PC: And then — then on occasion I’ve decided to be mean.

Decided to grow sweet peas.

Decided I’d have an electric organ.

LRH: Very good.

PC: Decided to have — um — um — good clothes.

Decided to have a good appearance.

Decided to go to America — to visit.

LRH: Uh-huh.

PC: Decided to play tennis.

Decided to try to — to try my hand at golf.

Decided not to play cricket. That’s not in the colloquial phrase.

Uh — um — decided not to play team games — that’s interesting.

Decided to play cards.

Decided never to keep chickens.

LRH: Never to keep chickens.

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. Thank you.

PC: My mother used to keep them in the First World War and I used to have to feed these blasted things, and in the cold of the morning go down in the garden with flocks and flocks of the crazy hens. Ah, I decided…

Decided never to be poor.

Um. Oh, many a time as a boy I decided to give up masturbation.

LRH: , All right. Got it.

PC: I used to think I was the only boy who did it, you see. Nobody ever else — nobody ever told me.

Um — well, I decided to pull strings, particularly when I was in the army I used to do this.

LRH: Uh-huh.

PC: And with some success.

LRH: Uh-huh.

PC: Um — then there’s a decision somewhere that I would not like to — not to go to a tropical country. And a decision not to go to a very cold country. It flashes across here — I must have been very careful where I landed on this planet because the climate of England suits me very well. I must have, you know.

LRH: Uh-huh.

PC: Other people seem to be able to move around quite happily. But I like the English climate. Uh — at one stage I decided to take up politics. That’s a decision I didn’t carry out.

LRH: Uh-huh.

PC: I realize that many of my decisions I’ve — most of my decisions I’ve achieved. Whatever I’ve decided, I’ve carried out.

LRH: Uh-huh.

PC: And I was just looking through to see, well, there must be some, you know, that I haven’t. Probably suppressed them or something. But…

LRH: Uh-huh.

PC: … there don’t seem to be many.

LRH: All right. In this lifetime, what have you decided?

PC: Well, I decided to go to — I think you used to call it the clinic at — for auditing.

LRH: Uh-huh.

PC: Then I decided to go with Pearson privately afterwards.

I’ve decided to audit, on many occasions.

LRH: Uh-huh.

PC: Decided to be a preclear on many occasions.

Um — I’ve decided to drive a car carefully.

I’ve decided to sell a house.

I’ve decided to buy a new house.

I’ve decided to treat myself — um — to — um — well, luxury on occasions.

LRH: All right.

PC: Uh — this is possibly the one — decided not to bother on occasion. Decided, decided it wasn’t worthwhile. Decided it was no use.

An early decision not to get angry.

Somebody dislocated me arm on the one time I did get angry; that taught me.

LRH: Okay.

PC: Um — well, there was a decision early in life to make a lot of money. I — I remember making it. Um — there was a decision to be apathetic — I think I may have given you that already.

LRH: Hm?

PC: I think I gave you that one.

LRH: Uh-huh.

PC: Um — decided to tolerate things.

Uh — decided to look at things.

Oh — um — decided to know where to find out.

LRH: Okay.

PC: Um — decided never to be hasty — a point of judgment there. Decided to „look before I leap“ is the saying to cover that. I’ve decided not to bother with detail. Decided to have many things. Must be a decision knocking around not to sell — um — things I’ve used. Um — well, there’s — a very big decision was — to deci — I decided to disobey an army order. Which I did too — got away with it. Um — I suppose, really, that was in contradiction to the decision to obey in the army, there was — there would be a decision to obey that I’ve made. To be disciplined, in other words — decided to be disciplined. Uh — I decided to discipline. Uh — decided to control and decided to be controlled. Um — decided to laugh. Decided to cry. Uh — decided to ride a bike. Uh — and I think there was a decision not to ride a motorbike. I never got on with a motorbike. Uh — decided not to work — not to be a manual worker. Decided at one time to be a chemist, but it never came to anything. Oh, yes, and decided to be a policeman. Decided to get up early. Oh, yes, there’s a decision to be punctual. Just thinking I was writing a goals list, but it’s not a — it’s not the — it’s not quite the same as a goals list because this is something you can think about to do immediately rather than a goal is something that’s for the future.

LRH: Mm.

PC: There are goals — there is an element of goals mixed up with this.

LRH: Mm.

PC: Oh, decided to make batteries at one stage in my life.

Um — decided to print a magazine.

Uh — decided to build a brick wall once.

Well, I’ve decided to go for a walk.

Decided to go to bed.

Decided to sleep.

Decided to write.

Decided to write a book.

Decided to organize things.

Decided to manage things.

Decided to be clean.

Oh, I decided to take a drink — first alcoholic drink — quite a decision on that.

LRH: Okay.

PC: Oh, I’ve decided to do crossword puzzles.

Decided to read the paper.

Decided to live.

Decided not to die.

Let me just blow my nose.

LRH: You betcha.

PC: Well…

LRH: Hm? Go ahead.

PC: I was — must have decided to — uh — sell, uh — um — hm, I forget the name — the sphinxes — they weren’t actually sph — big idols.

LRH: Yeah. All right.

PC: Um — decided to be obstinate.

LRH: Okay. In this lifetime, what have you decided?

PC: Sorry. I’d forgotten the question.

LRH: That’s quite all right.

PC: There’s only one — one that I’d missed out on there.

LRH: Yes, I got it.

PC: Well, I decided to sell insurance.

LRH: All right.

PC: Um — I decided to fly, I mean travel by airplane.

Um — oh, decided to be good.

Decided to be loyal.

Decided to be unselfish. That decision was for a selfish point of view because I realized that, even this — at a very early age, that if you’re unselfish you’re being very selfish, really.

LRH: Oh, yes.

PC: But I made that decision.

Decided to go and have me head examined; I once went to a phrenologist.

UM — oh, yes, decided to play the drums. Oh, you never heard of that. I once had a set of drums I used to play.

LRH: Is that so?

PC: I never got very good.

Um — decided to play the piano.

Decided to try to write a decent hand.

I say, this is very therapeutic. I feel very bright and pleased with myself. I mean, I realized what a busy bee I’ve been. Um — I can well see this is my button too. I was just — just looking this over, what would life be without, you know, decide things! That’s life, man, you go around — you go around deciding things, that’s what you’re supposed to do.

Um — I decided to buy a new tennis racket.

I decided to open a bank account.

I decided to close a bank account.

I decided to have a checkbook.

Uh — decided to have a blazer.

Decided to have a telephone.

Oh I decided to be extravagant.

Decided to forgive people.

Decided I hate people, some people.

Um — decided to be a teetotaler or a total abstainer.

Decided to be thorough.

Just remember running a preclear on decide and — uh — with this preclear, decision always — always carried with it a choice. You decided either to go home by bus or you decided to go home by car. You see? This was a decision, there was always a decision of that nature. There was always a choice, as we say. I found this rather strange. Well, didn’t you just decide to go home — was the decision that I thought was right. And — uh — I just had a quick look at that — I was wondering what was I screwy on this or was it a choice?

Um — I decided to put up a building. Started to make another building — add another building to it.

Decided to have — um — account-card equipment.

Decided to have a car. This was a specific car, it was quite a thing.

Oh, and on one occasion — this was after this phrenologist had worked me over a bit — decided to buy a book.

Decided to have a holiday.

Decided to go on a holiday.

Decided to come home from the holiday.

Decided to have glasses.

Decided to have teeth out.

Decided to have false teeth.

Decided to have drip-dry shirts.

LRH: All right.

PC: Um — decided to be — to pretend to be ill once.

Decided to talk to people.

Now, at one time, I de — no, that was a realization, it wasn’t a decision.

Well, I’ve decided to talk in public.

LRH: All right.

PC: Now there is a decision that comes on that has to do with the last one: it’s a decision not to talk in public. And this comes on just when I started to talk in public.

LRH: Oh.

PC: Now, let’s get out of there.

LRH: All right. In this lifetime, what have you decided?

PC: Decided not to go bathing.

I suppose I’ve decided to get cross with people on occasion.

Decided to be persuasive on occasion.

Decided to have a nice office.

Decided to have a good looking secretary.

LRH: Okay.

PC: Um — well, I decided to sell a building.

I decided to buy and sell some land.

Decided not to sell some land immediately — not to immediately sell, some land.

Decided to be active.

Oh, decided to have a nice garden.

LRH: Okay.

PC: Um — there was a decision as a boy to be a very competent pianist. That was too hard work — that was a decision that I didn’t achieve.

Hah! I once decided to learn to play the cello.

LRH: Uh-huh.

PC: Forgotten about that one — I used to sit with the old cello between me legs, scraping away! Um — you — you see, all — the whole of your lifetime there you decide. You decide to go out to the car, you decide to open the door. And it’s just — life is just one — one damn decision after another.

LRH: All right.

PC: So it goes on. Um — decided to dig up the garden.

Um — there’s a decision not to be beaten — I don’t mean beaten physically — not to be beaten in a contest or anything, not to give way to adversity, in other words.

A decision to persist or be — no, not — to be persistent is the…

A decision to try to understand people.

Oh, I decide to take a bath. Um — to not take a bath. To stay at a hotel. To live in — on the Saint Hill Green. To be uh — good mannered on the road.

Some of these decisions sound, um — I want to say, goody-goody. I’m not apologizing for them. They — um — some are very selfish ones. I mean, you don’t get far by being angry when you’re driving on the road. I mean, you get much farther by being polite.

LRH: Uh-huh.

PC: At least I’ve found so. Ought to be polite.

This one will amuse you: to be a gentleman.

LRH: Well, okay.

PC: I think I’ve decided on occasions to be eccentric, but not very much or often.

Um — to run an efficient business.

To be efficient.

LRH: Okay.

PC: Hm. I know Je — Anne’s running me on a chain of „to be critical.“ But I can’t — I would have said the decision of this life was not to be critical.

LRH: All right.

PC: I — I probably am critical — I think the decision would be — sort of found meself that way — um — on occasions.

Um — to observe — could be I decided to observe.

To win. And I’ve decided to lose on occasions.

LRH: Okay.

PC: To be a man of integrity, I think, was one of my childhood decisions.

LRH: Okay.

PC: I once — I once — once, long — long — long while ago, I decided to put on weight and I was even drinking milk by the gallon for a long while. It had no effect. Uh — Decided to have a camera. Decided to take photographs. Golly, what a list.

LRH: All right. All right. Want me to check this off?

PC: If you’d like to.

LRH: All right. In this lifetime, what have you decided? Well, that seems awfully clean.

PC: It ought to be.

LRH: Well, it’s just gone clean in the last couple of minutes.

PC: Uh-huh. Good.

LRH: And it looks like the list is nullable. All right. Okay. Now we have completed the list, which is all we have any time for. How do you feel — how do you feel about all of this?

PC: Well, it’s fascinating. It’s — uh — I never thought I’d have got so many. It’s uh

LRH: All right.

PC: I feel very — I — I don’t know why, but I feel quite clean. It seems this is quite a cleansing operation.

LRH: All right.

PC: Uh — there you are.

LRH: All right. Well, we’ll nil — null this list or get it nulled.

PC: Uh-huh.

LRH: And everything will be fine. Okay?

PC: Right.

LRH: Anything you want to say here before we end the body of the session?

PC: No.

LRH: All right. Well, that’s the end of the body of the session. Okay.

Have you made any part of your goals for this session?

PC: What were they?

LRH: To work well.

PC: Yes. It worked very well.

LRH: All right. And feel the benefit of the session at the end of it.

PC: Certainly.

LRH: Yes. All right. And find out what is on this chain.

PC: Well, something I haven’t — we haven’t made a lot — we found out a whole — the whole list is on the chain of course, yes. All right.

LRH: All right.

PC: Yes, we completed that.

LRH: All right. Very good. Now, thank you for making your goals for this session.

PC: All right.

LRH: All right.

PC: Very good.

LRH: Any gains you’d care to mention?

PC: Well, as I say, I feel a lot brighter. It’s uh — an excellent scan over one’s lifetime and several cognitions, as you know, en route, which I told you about. And I’ve enjoyed doing it.

LRH: All right. Is that it?

PC: That’s it.

LRH: All right. Well, thank you for gains in this session.

PC: Right.

LRH: All right.

PC: Thank you.

LRH: Okay. We had a rather clear fall on havingness a little bit earlier. Let’s see what we’ve got here now. All right. Squeeze the cans. Ah, you’re having a time here on havingness. We’ll have to run a moment’s Havingness now. What is your Havingness Process these days?

PC: Touch.

LRH: All right. Thank you. All right. Put down the cans. Okay. Touch that sign.

Thank you. Touch the tablecloth.

Thank you. Touch that can.

Thank you. Touch that can.

Thank you. Touch the top of the telephone.

Thank you. Touch the table.

All right. Very good. Pick up the cans. Let’s see how we’re doing with this. All right. Squeeze the cans. Ah, yes, well, that’s increasing a bit. Squeeze them again. Yes, that’s increasing it a bit. All right. Put your cans down and let us run some more of it. All right. Touch that ashtray.

Thank you. Touch that telephone.

PC: This one?

LRH: That’s right. Thank you. Uh — touch the cord to the cans.

Thank you. All right. Touch that gold inky.

Thank you. Touch that ashtray.

Thank you. Touch your necktie.

Thank you. With your right hand, touch your left hand.

Thank you. With your left hand, touch your right hand.

Thank you. All right. Pick up the cans. All right. Squeeze the cans. Oh, that’s fine. That opened it up and your havingness is now more than it was at the beginning of the session. Okay?

PC: Good.

LRH: You all right?

PC: Yes. Feel fine.

LRH: All right. Is there anything you’d care to ask or say before I end this session?

PC: Yes, thank you very much.

LRH: All right. Is it all right with you if I end this session now?

PC: Yes. Thank you.

LRH: Okay. End of session.

PC: Right.

LRH: Right. Has the session ended for you?

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. Tell me I’m no longer auditing you.

PC: You’re no longer auditing me.

LRH: Very good.

PC: Thank you very much.

LRH: Okay.All right. Now, you’ve seen a listing demonstration. I wish to call to your attention that I just kept listing until I got something like a clean needle.

Now, some of you can exaggerate this and get your rudiments out or get an argument going with the pc and keep your needle dirty. But in actual fact, the needle ought to clean up in relatively few pages of listing. And as you saw it, this one did. Now, that might possibly require a few more items listed there, just to make sure — something like that. It all depended on how easy that list is to null. If that list is very easy to null, why, of course, you do — just go on and null it right on down. And it should null down rather easily.

Of course, when you get that list item, when you get the item on the list, well, you ask for engrams which decide so-and-so, or cause of such a decision and you run the chain and you find the pc would be able to run these things.

If you noticed, some of these items were fairly hot. You noticed also I was not looking for rocket reads. I wasn’t looking for rock slams. I wasn’t looking for any peculiar needle phenomena. You’d find most of that would pass away. These things will not continue to rocket read just because they are goals.

You also noticed the pc gave several goals out of the GPMs. Well, that’s all right, because if they did read as the final item on the list, I would simply do Routine 3N and clean it up. And it’s as simple as that.

All right. I want you to notice in particular the general lack of strain on the Model Session, the simplicity of it more than anything else. And notice the addition of the fact — this may be new to you — that the pc was carefully acknowledged when he made his goals — that was, after each goal was acknowledged, and then after he’d given me the gains, which were all acknowledged, why, he was then acknowledged for having made gains in the session.

Well, what if he hadn’t made his goals at all?

Well, I would have said, of course, I’m sorry you did not make your goals in this session and if he hadn’t given me any gains — I’m sorry you have no — had no gains in this session. That’s still an acknowledgment and you’d found-would have brightened the pc up in either case.

Well, what if he made some of his goals and didn’t make some others of his goals?

Well, I’d just say, thank you for making some of your goals for this session. I’m sorry you didn’t make the others. Similarly with gains if you have a mixed bag.

All right. Well there — there you have a demonstration of finding an engram chain on a pc using the 18-button Prepcheck list with „Created“ omitted, naturally, because it goes straight back to a goal and — possibly, you’d even get away with it, you know — what would you find? You’d just find the goal and you’d have to run 3N. And there we have a Model Session. And this, of course, is the first step of Routine 3R.

All right. Thank you very much.

Good night.