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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Stages of Release (SHSBC-428) - L650727



A lecture given on 27 July 1965

Thank you. Thank you. Well, I’ve missed you too. But I had somewhere between forty and fifty case folders on my plate every day and I’m getting some help on those now, so all is well. And now I hope I don’t have to put in all the extra time because I’m not doing it all, having to get in and patch it all up. I’m sure I won’t do that — where is he? But I will say, I’m still curious about what’s happening to some of them, you know? It’s like a continued story, processing people on the Power Processing. What happened today, you know? Was Little Nell saved?

All right, now, after all that, what I’ve been up to is nothing more serious than figuring out the various aspects of releasing people. And one of the interesting things about Releases is that we’ve been making them for years and years and years and years and years and the auditors have just been passing right over the top of those floating needles and going right on their way, process, process, process. And I suppose that I shouldn’t mention it but Org Secs in charge of getting in income in orgs haven’t been paying any attention to those free needles, either. Because you’d have to end processing, don’t you see? And with all this — with all this, it has made a rather catastrophic situation in that the earliest Releases that we’re checking out, and so on, are back in 1951. And if we dug around amidst the old-time Dianeticists, why, they were probably in there by the ton.

In other words, we were making this condition all the way along the line. In the earliest days there was some excuse for it: we weren’t processing on a meter. But after 1958 there had been no excuse for it at all. When I made that tremendous rash of Clears on an ACC one time, they were Keyed-Out Clears but those needles were floating gorgeously. From that time on, people should have been alert on the situation because — I think it was about 57 — all those things were — all those rules about meters and so forth were released, what a free needle looked like, what a floating needle was, you know? And how it all behaved. This — and how one and all just seemed to be able to sit there and watch those needles float and the thing at Clear read and keep right on auditing, I don’t know. Because they actually, up — from that point there on, were cleaning a clean, as far as the state of First Stage Release was concerned.

And they just went on cleaning that clean for years. And the longer they cleaned it, why, the more upset people became. You see? We were up to our ears with success and didn’t even know it. Now, the thing which we didn’t know, in some exoneration of all of this, is that you cannot and must not run a process beyond a free needle. You just must not! And that rule extends right straight on up to Clear. It goes all the way through. Don’t you run something which has already went.

Now, you’d have to get the whole aspect of processing backwards in order to do this. You’d have to get the idea that something else happened, the pc spouted fireworks out of his ears or something like this occurred at the — as the end product of the process.

But it doesn’t matter — and now nail this one down in brass, please, because this rule is all the way from BS on up. And even applies to Self Analysis. We’ve got people who went Clear on — what we were calling Clear — on Self Analysis in 1952. Book’s out, they all of a sudden went free needle on the subject.

Well, that meant that any recall process from there on was verboten on that person. See, you might have run some upper-level process and then cleaned that up. Do you follow? But you can just crudely group all lower-level processes as just one type of process. So there’s the objective, there’s the subjective, there’s this, there’s that, there’s the other thing. We know all about that. But all of those processes, of course, are just skimming the top of the case. Cases go to many levels.

And the first level off of it is, “Is there a room?” you know? Where am I? You know, that kind of thing. Just a recognition of the environment. So if you just ask somebody to look around and spot where he was, you have more or less gotten rid of the Objective Processes.

Now, if the individual was asked to look around to find out where he was and that needle at that moment floated, you’ve had it! As the auditor you’ve had it right then! You can’t run any CCHs. That’s it. All Objective Processes are now ffftt! Gone! You follow? That whole class of processes 15 now null and void. Now, it isn’t that it isn’t nice to run them. It’s that you’ll practically kill the guy if you run them! Do you understand? Because you’re cleaning a clean.

Now, I don’t know if you’ve ever sat across from an auditor who is industriously prepchecking and who was reading the meter with a periscope from down in the — some implant period. He sits there and at that moment that you ask him this question, “Do you have a present time problem?” — at the moment that he asks this question, you get a slight twitch or something like that. A fly lights on you, you know, something like that. And the needle goes “tick.” And it’s set at a sensitivity 128, see. And over here at 32 and it’s all gunned up and new batteries and everything, you know? And this fly lights on you, and it goes “tick.”

And so he says, “What’s the problem?”

And you say, “Well, I don’t have any problem.” you see?

And he says, “Well, one reads here! I know my job, I’m supposed to clean this meter! What’s the problem?”

And you say, “Well, there isn’t any problem!”

“Well, I’m going to find this problem if it’s the last thing I ever do!”

Of course, there is a problem. There actually is a problem. It’s the auditor thinks he’s got one and he hasn’t.

Now, from that moment on, have you ever seen a session deteriorate? Well, look at that same circumstance. Look at that same circumstance on the broad picture of processing. The guy doesn’t have any more bank sitting there. It’s gone. And now the auditor tells him to run something. And the D of P tries to figure out this unusual case. Case can’t run on the CCHs. Can’t run on anything. Well, he’s oriented. He’s oriented in his environment. Poor guy has had it, don’t you see?

And from there on, processing him on anything even vaguely resembling an Objective Process would be a cruelty that makes war look innocent. This is the main thing that was missing. We didn’t have this datum that you must not process beyond it. See, that was the missing datum. And when I discovered that one, wow!

Now, it’s a funny thing that it still — it still carries on through, right up to the Power Processes. And your Class VII gets to know this with violence. Let’s say he’s running a process and the expected end phenomena has not occurred, of the process, but the needle floats. Even on a process of that magnitude, he’s got to quit. That’s it. Softly, quietly, however, that’s it, see? We don’t care why it floated. But we mustn’t run that process anymore.

Now, you don’t have the whole class of Power Processes go out, fortunately, simply because a needle floats on one of them. Each and every one of them, because of the difference of things they’re directed at, will now pick up more charge off the top of the bank, you see. They really — they don’t just sweep the road off lightly, with a kid’s toy broom, you know. They clean up the cement highway, too. And you can always find a little more bedrock. But on any one of those processes, when it goes free and floats, that’s it! Poof’ You’ve had it!

Now, our main problem then, from the most fundamental processing straight through to the most complex, is overrun. Overrun. Now, this happened to me along about… This has happened to me a dozen times. Two dozen times, three dozen times. I lost count. Auditor’s sitting there, saying “can’t get the — can’t get the…” And there I’d go again. Well, of course, I was doing research and I’d get plowed-in and so forth. And I think most of the time I must have been — the last half of all of my research and so forth, on lower-grade processing, I must have been running on other peoples’ banks!

And I used to catch myself mocking up somebody’s case and running it so that I could find out how it worked! I’m pretty good at that one. London one time sent me a telex. There was some kind of a pc in difficulties up there in London, and I told them to do some kind of a list on this pc and find the item on it, and I said, ”And when she finds the dog, why, run this process on the dog.” And London, next day sent a telex back, “The strangest thing — it was a dog!” What did they think?

Anyhow, the net action here with regard to all of this is you have to know when to quit. And when I came back from Las Palmas, why, Suzie was sitting back in the room and I was trying to run some R6EW, see? And she’s watching the needle. And it was falling off of Set. You couldn’t keep the needle on Set. You couldn’t set the meter, in other words. It didn’t matter how low you put the sensitivity, you couldn’t set the meter

And R6EW at that moment was flat. It had flattened somewhere along the line, I’d been running it when I was down south. And it had gone to floating needle.

Now, Phyll Stevens wrote me in today, and she’s found eight or nine hundred end words down in Australia and she’s in terrible trouble because they don’t seem to have any bypassed charge. I told them to do an L6. That’s all right. But they couldn’t seem to find any bypassed charge and the needle the last session had stopped being between 2.0 and 3.0 with the needle floating and now was up at 3.5 and so forth and the needle was stuck. They’d run R6EW to floating needle. You couldn’t go beyond it. Do you follow?

Now, actually I could no more run R6EW today than fly to the moon on a washboard. That’s very embarrassing to me, because I’m fixing up sequences of end words. But I can only work with the actual GPMs now. And it — I just had a horrible — I was forty-four down the line, letter-perfect, no flaws, nothing, and I suddenly found that one of the GPMs right up at the top was a lock. And I had to go clear back up to the top of the bank to run this GPM. I was swearing like a pirate this morning.

Now, I suppose that that R6 GPM, my running GPMs by items, I suppose, in the R6 material, is the one thing of this that isn’t true. Because all of the things float on that and that is what you pull the pc out of. And when you go down the line on GPMs sooner or later your needle’s going to float. Sooner or later. But that doesn’t mean they’re all gone, it means you can’t contact them. And then you re in trouble. You follow? Because you wanted a total quitness of the bank.

Now, R6 is the only process which is dealing with a total erasure. All other processes are dealing with locks on R6. Now, if you look at your various levels of processing, then, it begins fundamentally with the R6 bank. There is just the guy, and I suppose the fundamental on that is the possibility that he could get aberrated. I suppose that’s the first possibility, and on top of that the R6 bank is built. And then on top of the R6 bank is built this tremendous accumulation that we know as end words and so on. And on top of those is erected a whole series of whole track incidents and other types of GPMs known as implants.

People wonder why you didn’t stay Release. Actually it was these implants that were done against the original bank restimulating the original bank that eventually cut people down to size. It’s just the repetitive restimulation. The later implants are nothing. But they restimulate the basic R6 bank and tie it up. And that’s how you less and less frequently were in a released state.

You understand that in your highest state in this universe there has been — you’ve never been any higher than Release, see? You’ve been a temporary key-out. Keyed in again by implanting or some experience. Well, on top of the implants and so on, a lot of engrams would build up. Whole track. The whole track type of engram is built up, and they’re sort of sandwiched amongst the implants. And then the next piece of the cake are secondaries, which is emo — misemotional experiences sitting on top of these engrams. The engram containing pain and unconsciousness, the secondary containing merely misemotion.

Now, on top of the secondary sits what we call locks. And locks are simply moments of restimulation of engrams and secondaries. Engrams are, in actual fact, restimulation of end words. End words are restimulation of the R6 bank itself. You can pull an awful lot of end words off of the R6 bank, you see, without actually going into the R6 bank and getting the actual words. That is the little spook that is here. So that if you get too much R6-ish type material into your R6EW, you’re liable to get into a bit of trouble, don’t you see? Don’t add those endings quite right, just get what you get. That’s the whole trick in running R6EW. Just get what you get! And then you’re actually running locks off the bank, you see?

Now, do you see what these various stratas are? Surrounding all this is a thing called the physical universe. Now, you may have noticed this around. If there’s any further bank than the R6 bank, it would be the physical universe as a bank, considering it a bank. It hardly is considerable as a bank, but you could, in a dim way, consider it such, don’t you understand?

Now therefore, what you’re doing with a pc from the moment of inception on down the whole line is carving away at this stack of stuff. Now, it consists of significance and masses. It also contains spaces and energies. It also is plotted against time. But that’s all there is in it. There isn’t anything else in it. Now, you say there — a machine. Yes, there can be a machine in it. There is a thing called a machine. And there can be a thing called a circuit. But these are actually specializations of what I have just mentioned.

You see some guy that’s being talked to by a circuit sometime and it’s a laugh. What it is is a valence. But it’s merely a combination of energy and significance, you see? And this comprises a mass that sits there, you know, and the net — it sits in its own made-up space, you see, and it’s plotted against the pc’s experiential track, known as time. That’s all there is in the bank.

If you think there’s anything else in the bank and so forth, why, God help you! So what you — what you got there is a — is a — some part of the bank is telling you something else is there, don’t you see? And this is long experience on this line, and every time somebody thinks he has something else in the bank besides the items I’ve just mentioned, why, he’s in trouble from there on.

Now, Freud and the psychoanalyst actually had more popularity mostly because they had more R6 in their technology than anything else. In other words, they didn’t direct attention to it as bank but they had — they had some root and end words on which they were basing everything. But they actually recognized recovery in terms of “the release of affect.” Now, “release of affect” is a technical term in psychoanalysis. And I very often misexplain their technical terms, according to the modern psychoanalyst. But I’ve got a laugh on him. I had the original definitions, see?

Transference to him today is something very weird and is something very hokus-pokus. Well, originally what Freud meant by transference was he meant transference. And he meant the patient flipped into another valence, we’d say. And the optimum valence, according to the psychoanalyst, is the analyst. And all kinds of wild things, you know?

But now, this release of affect is interesting because they simply mean by that a misemotional discharge. You know, pc — their patient cried, see? But they frankly didn’t really — didn’t recognize that there were other emotions besides grief. Which is interesting, because there’s apathy, there’s fear, there’s hate, any one of those things could be the content of one of these secondaries. Now, a secondary depends for its force exclusively upon the pain and unconsciousness contained in a mental image picture called an engram. If you haven’t got any engrams you’re not going to collect any secondaries. So when you see — when you see somebody boo-hooing like mad and nothing has touched them, don’t be mystified about it. In similar circumstances someplace down the track they got shot to pieces in similar circumstances. So now this similar experiences makes them realize that they’re about to be shot to pieces, you see, so they cry. Do you follow?

But you’ll find that this — here sits an engram and that’s unconsciousness, pain and so forth, mental image picture of; and sitting right on top of it will be that secondary. I spotted this back in 1950. It was very interesting. We’ve — we got to a point where we’d start to run the secondary, and actually we could go on a little spur track, you know, and go right straight down through the engram, right underneath, and cut the secondary off the top of it.

Well, Freud got as far as grief of the secondary. But all anybody has ever been trying to do, when he was sincerely trying to help somebody with his mind, was reduce the effect — reduce the effect of this thing called the reactive mind, as for the unconscious mind or the subconscious or the re-conscious, or the — whatever it is — upon the individual himself. They’ve been seeking to reduce the effect of that upon the individual. That has been the main goal of decent and honest psychotherapy. See, where it has existed, that has been the object in view.

There were many therapies of this character on the whole track. Some people wonder if there was such a thing as Scientology on the whole track. Personally I doubt it very, very much. But you wouldn’t really know. Do you see? If some guy had discovered it all by himself I think you would know if somebody had discovered it while working with many other people because it would have kept on going on a wave basis. But if somebody discovered it all by himself you wouldn’t know about it at all, don’t you see? He would simply have freed himself and along about halfway through he would have said, “Well, the hell with the rest of the human race,” and taken oft don’t you see? That crude! “Ah, what am I doing around here?” Don’t you see? And would have gone.

So you wouldn’t really know. But as far as people’s banks is concerned, there has never been a trace of it. There has been a trace of people attacking their R6 bank, and you’ll occasionally find a GPM in a pc that the pc had gnawed on. He wishes he hadn’t, too! Because it’s something like stirring up the fire with a stick of dynamite, don’t you see? It’s not a good cooking implement. But you’ll sometimes find — you won’t find large stretches of track gone, don’t get that idea. Somebody trying to tell you, “Oh, well, my R6 bank went in eight…”

“What are you doing standing there in a body?” That would be your immediate question.

Somebody says, “Well, I got rid of my R6 bank eighty-nine trillion years ago and so forth and…”

“What you doing with a body?” You got him, see? He hasn’t gotten rid of any of it. But people have collided with it. And they’ve chewed an item or two out of a GPM. And you’ll sometimes find an item in one of the GPMs that’s got a big mouse hole gnawed in the side of it. Frankly that’s just that. Or it’s just squashed or crushed. You know, he just says, “What’s this? What’s this? I’m tired of this!” You know? And he took a couple of beams or something of the sort and he slapped it! And he wishes he hadn’t. That isn’t the right way to as-is one.

But as far as marks of psychotherapy on the track that actually go down to the fundamentals of the R6 bank, beyond that one I have mentioned of a thetan occasionally running into it one way or the other, all these things are tied up with pictures.

Pictures is about the — as high as they got, and Freud didn’t even get the pictures but he could touch emotion occasionally. Now, some of the psycho-therapies used — I won’t bore you at long length with some of these things — but what they’d do is take a photograph of the area where you had just had the experience and then hit it with a clapstick. Make two sticks come down (clap) like that, against (clap) (clap) as though they were exploding the photograph, do you understand? Actually they take a photograph of the area where you had the experience and — you weren’t in a body when they were using this kind of therapy — and they’d sort of get you dazed in there and then they’d show you this photograph and then they’d go (clap) like that with it, with a big clapstick in front of the photograph, and it’d look like the photograph was exploding. And after a while a thetan who was sort of anaten or goofed off or something like that — “Oh!” you know, even — they’d only use it when somebody was more or less comatose or something of that sort and they couldn’t get him up and so on. “Oh!”

So he’d take the picture of his own misemotional or engramic or painful experience and he’d hit it himself (clap) with a couple of beams. “Oh, that’s what you want!” Ppssswwww! See? And he’d snap out of it. And he’d be all right. That’s whole track psychotherapy. That’s about as high as they got. That is the practice of the Galactic Confederacy at this particular instant. That’s what they do. That’s what their psychotherapy is.

Now, there were many other technologies which came up that had no idea of helping anybody. Suppressive technologies. And these things tend to get confused with helpful technologies. They’re easily mistaken for one another because it is very simple to see that they have some similar words, phrases or points of view in them, don’t you see? But they go in two different vectors. One is trying to help somebody out. The other one is just trying to fix him up, but good.

Now, implanters learned quite a bit about thetans. They knew that they could freeze them into immobility, they knew they could do various things to them, they invented things like sleep lights and so forth. There are any number of things which have been developed to have an effect upon an individual. And when you get a suppressive and he tries to study Scientology, he studies it all from the viewpoint of trying to have an effect on people. Not trying to lessen the effect of the bank on the individual, but trying to get technology which will have an effect on somebody.

And he equates all of his processing on the basis of “Did it have enough effect on the pc?” Not “Did it make the pc better?” Well now, on some of these processes you do get a — quite an explosive effect on the pc, but immediately he comes out of it and is better. Do you understand? It isn’t the effect you’re after, it’s the betterness you’re after.

Now, the whole subject of alchemy was devoted one hundred percent to throwing into total restimulation the entirety of the R6 level and letting the guy cook thereafter. It had no other goal. Their original people that monkeyed around with it might have had some kind of an impulse in this direction. But certainly their books and writings and things they told you to do and how — what they told you to practice and so forth in this old field of alchemy, which we know today by the way as turning lead — transmutation of metals — it had nothing to do with alchemy. Transmutation of life was what they were talking about. There was the lead of human beingness to the gold of spirit. This was where they went — original — got their — their comparison.

And you read these long books on this particular subject, and boy, they’re just full of R6EW dichotomies. They don’t run them out. You just get in deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper. And you get one of these boys on the Power Processes that’s been into some such practice like that and he gets onto one of the Power Processes and nothing comes off but dichotomies. Boy, you have to get him out of that. He’s just been plowed into the R6 bank since time immemorial. And you have to pull him out of it and find the practice that got him in there and run the practice out. Otherwise you can’t fish the boy out. One of the tricks by which this is done.

But there are several of these things. There’s hypnotism. Hypnotism is nothing but to make people more suggestible or more compliant. Not to make them any better, don’t you see? And some hypnotist gets a hold of hypnotism, tries to make hypnotism then work in the field of healing or something like this. Well, he’s on a reverse vector because you have to wake people up to make them better, not put them to sleep.

So you discover that there were innumerable practices on the whole track which were devoted to simply having an effect upon the individual, making him weaker, making him more compliant, making him more easily controllable by the state. You take some of these states that ran on the basis of a thought tower. They had a thought tower and if you had any hostile thoughts to the state, why, the thought tower was supposed to pick these up and record them and you instantly reported to the chief police’s office and had yourself brainwashed. This was one of the wildest swindles that ever heard of it, because they never have had a thought tower which ever did pick up anybody’s thought. But the person was implanted with the idea that if he had a hostile thought it would be picked up by the thought tower and he was under compulsion to go and visit the police office! Crazy stuff!

All sorts of control mechanisms of one kind or another. They used to take a (quote) “piece of a thetan” and keep it in — this is very early track — take a piece of a thetan and keep it in a laboratory or something, and if he escaped, why, they would then touch this with hot rods or something and this would hurt him, and he would have to come back. And of course he’s simply told this, on a compulsion, that this is what is happening. It doesn’t ever happen. So when he escapes he feels a pain, so he knows what’s happening, so he has to come back. You get the idea?

Do you notice the common denominator to all of these things, which merely try to have an effect upon the individual, is lies? Common denominator is lies. Falsehoods. There’s always a pitch. Now, the common denominator of things that set men free is truth. So these things are two opposite vectors. And they can be very easily confused. You’ll sometimes have a Rosicrucian suddenly stumble into a Scientology organization and start telling you all about when you grimace at yourself in the mirror a horrible apparition should appear over your shoulder, and yes, he’s been through all that, he knows about exteriorization because he’s been deep in his skull for a long time, and you try to straighten the guy out. Well, you’re never on any talking basis. You apparently are speaking about a similar subject, and what’s missing there is it’s going that-a-way and we’re going this-a-way. We’re going in two different, opposite directions. And one of the earliest rules about processing is when the pc was headed for succumb and the auditor was trying to get the pc to survive, there was insufficient agreement in the session to let a session run. And that rule still holds and you run into it today.

Pc’s tired of this life and he wants to be processed and exteriorized so he can kick the bucket. He’s got some heavy, heavy, heavy PT problem, he has no idea of confronting present time, all he wants to do is kick the bucket and drop down to the local maternity ward, see? And pick up another body. And there the auditor sits, trying to get the pc over his sciatica or lumbago or something like this, you see, and the pc is trying to acquire a lot of lumbago. If he could just acquire enough lumbago then he’d die and he could pick up a new body, you see?

So the auditor’s going up and the pc’s going down. Well, they can’t agree, you see? Now, you very normally then find yourself in an argument with somebody who is a hypnotist or something like that. And he can’t understand you and you can’t understand him, even though you appear to be talking in some tiny, similar points about the same mechanisms. Well, that’s because he’s going down and you’re going up. He wants to make people more suggestible; you want to make them more self-determined and aware. These are two different directions. And this is the main thing that you have to be alert for when you are studying philosophy or the field of the mind or anything like that, is. “Which direction are these guys going?” That’s the first thing you should ask. And there are many tests by which this can be done.

But the whole test of sincerity is: Is the fellow doing what he says he’s doing? Or is he doing something else? And it’s these two questions that have to be answered about any government or any movement or about any individual. Is this fellow doing what he says he’s doing? Is what he says he’s doing what he’s doing? Do you understand? Or is he doing one thing and saying he’s doing another, or is he saying he’s doing another and doing something different than what he is saying? In other words, the single test of this is therefore whether or not there is a falsity in the line.

All these downgrade subjects, implanting, hypnotism, electric shock, prefrontal lobotomy (to get very, very medieval about our modern practices) all have this pitch in them. They’ve got a falsity in the line. In other words, they sit there — they say they’re trying to make people well, but actually — that you understand, but they don’t understand this at all. They even explain to you glibly, “Well, a person would get out of the hospital three weeks earlier on — uniformly on the average if we didn’t use any shock at all.” And you in some horror look at the psychiatrist and you say, “Well — wait, why — well then why do you shock them?” And he looks at you like you’re stupid.

Well, of course you’ve assumed something, and so has the state, so have the parents of the insane person, or their wives or sisters or mothers; they’ve assumed that the psychiatrist is there to help the person out. And he isn’t. See? There’s the apparency. But the opposite action is: with psychiatry in charge, is the world saner? No! Their statistics are runaway. They’re not just down! Here’s a runaway down statistic, you see? It’s hitting the chute.

Since psychiatry has entered the field of criminology New York Police Department and the British police have uniformly brought forward statistics showing you that law and order is on the decline and crime is fabulously on the increase. And it’s on the increase to such a degree that it’s out of control. It’s like a forest fire rolling.

And they criticize the sociological approach and other such approaches to the field of crime. They’ve been working too hard with those rather than law enforcement. So crime is a runaway. So under this type of thinking, are things getting better? Well, things are not getting better because there’s a falsity on the line. What you understand he’s doing is not what he’s doing. Do you follow?

Now, it — the test — the test of the thing is to this degree: is, is the individual doing what he says he’s doing? Now, you have a reality on that as an auditor. You know that you can sit there, and if you find the problem, you get a reaction, a discharge on the meter, and the individual feels better. You’ve got — you’ve got this. Well, why is that? Because as long as he is saying it’s some other problem, it won’t blow. Well, that’s because there’s a falsity entered into it.

So we get the sole crime that can occur in this universe is actually not making things, not doing things, actually not destroying things; these are not the basic crimes. The basic crimes are altering things. Masking or hiding purposes. Masking or hiding truth.

Supposing you had a research line going somewhere, where every time they found a datum that didn’t agree with their other datum they threw it in the wastebasket. That would be dishonest research wouldn’t it? Every time they found anything that — in variance with what they were doing they would threw it in the wastebasket. And yet I’ve now described, I’m afraid, psychological research the way it is practiced.

Now, it can’t be practiced that way in the field of engineering or no trains would run and no buildings would stand up and everybody could see they were false. But on some subject where somebody is telling you, “Oh, well, you have to be very learned before you know anything about this.” Field of art is one of these. You ever listened to a cubist painter? Maybe there is something in cubism. Maybe there’s even art connected with cubism, but it sure isn’t what they say it is. I got a couple of kids in here who can draw better abstracts than the abstractest abstractor! They do it very well. They undoubtedly mean something by it, too. They don’t tell somebody they mean something by it.

There you would have the same practice. There is such a thing as abstract art, which could go in two different directions. One, to mask the fact that the fellow didn’t know anything about art at all. And the other direction, that he was trying to express something that so far had not been expressed. Now, it’d be up to you to detect which one it was. If he was having any trouble with his art or any problems with regard to his art, then you would know there were just that many falsities in his art. Do you follow? Just that many lies on the line.

So it’s just a test of how many alter-ises. It’s always just a test of how many alter-ises there are. Any subject has a few alter-ises in it. Otherwise it would disappear. But to the degree that it has very, very few alter-ises in it, it will help people. And to the degree that it has many of them, it will hinder people. Do you follow that line of reasoning?

Well, this is what makes the north and south vector — the vector of survive, help people, what do we think of as the good things and so forth. Then there is a minimum of falsity in that line — a minimum of pretense, a minimum of falsity; the other direction of “Let’s do them in, let’s have an effect upon them, let’s produce a new gas which makes all men have purple faces!” Now, that would be a good contribution. You’ll find there’s tremendous falsities along that line. What we normally associate with the evil practices are actually designated or, that is, these are actually identified by the number of falsities in connection with them.

So you can almost define “good” on the basis of truth. Now, you’ll find out the worse off a pc is, the more he thinks he’s got in his mind. It’s quite an interesting index. You can get somebody finally that’s got old tin cans and broken bottles and so forth in his brain. He will accumulate, like a junk man, any past psychotherapy, Aesculapian or religious practice or something like that, and he’s got all of these. If they’ve got a complex of some kind or another and he stumbles across it anyplace, he’ll collect it. Like a pack rat. Looking for boojum. He’s trying to find it. He’s — it’s something. But he’ll just add it. He must have that, too. It’s like a young doctor studying in a hospital or a young nurse studying for her nursing certificate, and so on. They pick up — some of them — pick up all the diseases they read about. They go around with symptoms of angina pectoris and symptoms of irresponsibility and — if they read it in a book of diagnosis, they’ve got it, don’t you see? They hear that — they hear that rheumatic heart is accompanied by a certain curvature of the fingernail, and they’re looking there at the — and all of a sudden they look, by George, they’ve got that curve of the fingernail, don’t you see?

In other words, they’re on an addition. They’re on an additive line. Additive. In the direction of additive, then, we actually approach evil. And on the direction of subtractive we approach good. So what is the basic theory of Scientology processing? Scientology processing is based on subtractive actions and truth. It’s based on truth.

The isness of the thing is what we care about. We don’t care about the alter-isness except to the degree that the individual has alter-ised it, don’t you see? Now, once we’ve gotten down to this, there is — there is the isness of what really is there. What is in the mind? We don’t care why is it in the mind! The hell with that question. Let’s leave that to Hegel and Kant and some other boys that didn’t make it. Eh-heh! I shouldn’t — that just slipped out; I just wanted to point out to you they’re dead! Nobody noticed. They couldn’t have known so much about philosophy after all. Anyway, they pretended that it was a very difficult subject.

Now, the thing then that you must recognize is that cleaning a clean brings about the manifestations of evil. I know this is a very esoteric point I’m making here; I’m riding all over the plains and across several rivers to get back to it, but I wanted to show you exactly where this thing is, see? You clean a clean, you’re adding. Why? Because there’s not anything there to be cleaned. So therefore the pc’s got to put something there or the auditor’s got to put something there or somebody’s got to put something there before anything will happen!

Now, if there are just so many things in the mind, five, six general classes of things, whatever they are, I’ve just enumerated them, don’t bother to count them. They — you should know them in your sleep, they’re nothing to them. There’s just that many things and when there’s no more of that particular type of thing or that class of reaction in the mind, in order to do any more processing on that you have to put something there or pretend something is there, in order to run it out.

Now, there are these two points which are very, very clean-cut here.

One: there is — is a reactive bank. And it is composed of certain exact, definite elements. And there isn’t anything else. When you have disconnected the pc from that class of element, he has ceased to be an effect of it and all intents and purposes you can regard it as gone.

Now, it’s either temporarily disconnected or it is gone. The thing that won’t get gone until it’s all done is the R6 GPMs themselves, complete. And they are not going to disappear by somebody changing his postulates. Because they are the fanciest concatenation of postulates that anybody ever got tangled up with. Every postulate you could make is booby-trapped in it. Now therefore, nobody’s going to get through the R6 bank by changing his mind. But there wouldn’t be anything else in the mind if there weren’t an R6 bank there! There would be no other thing in the mind. The individual would be able to confront, be familiar, be this, be that, be the other thing, see? He’d do these things. But there would be no thing there. There’ll be no isness. You follow?

So you’ve got this other stuff built up on it. And here’s this R6 bank in its totality. And then on this R6 bank a guy gets kind of woggy and woozy on the subject of postulating because he learns not to do certain things and certain other things, and he learns to think carefully, and — so he gets his thetan block knocked off if he doesn’t. And he accumulates an R6EW series of locks on top of this. He has certain purposes, so he actually — along with the R6EW locks there’s another strata of actions which are goals.

His own goals pile up on this thing and get all stacked into it, too. Which is also an interesting phenomenon. But that we put in along the line of implants, you see? Here’s your next little grade up above this, and they last as a sort of an overlay, and they’re quite similar to the GPMs. And then you have now engrams, whole track variety engrams, which are mental image pictures spaced in certain times which have certain experiences contained in them, and they consist of energy and thought. And they’ve got some space connected with them, you see? Certainly some mass. Mental mass.

And then lying on top of those you get a strata of secondaries, which is to say, moments of misemotion. And the person became misemotional because he had moments of pain and unconsciousness in restimulation and that upset him. So he got upset and he misemoted. See? People mistake how many mis-emotional states there are. There are quite a few misemotional states. You find them in the Tone Scale and so forth. Anything below 2 or anything that’s ever been named below 2 we’re finding as turning up on Power Process secondaries. The pc will feel apathetic for two sessions. He gradually — all of a sudden he runs an apathetic secondary, you see, or he’s run this thing out. It’s the misemotional strata.

And now we get onto the whole subject of locks. And a lock is simply a restimulation of the engram-secondary package. In other words, it’ll be on this basis: A fellow sees two cars run together; he has himself an engram of two cars — he’s in one and he got hurt and he went unconscious, so he’s got an engram on the subject of cars running together — he sees two cars run together and he’s assaulted by the concussion and explosion and the screams of the maimed and dying. The main goal of the — I think, of the highway department and so forth is “no motorists,” the way they control things. Anyway, the final — he’ll get a secondary. See? He’ll experience a tremendous amount of fear when he sees these two cars go together. Now, he wasn’t touched, it didn’t threaten him, he didn’t own either car.

But you’ll find him crying about this. Now, if he had a friend in it, you’d have a real, honest-to-God, full-blown secondary! He’d feel terrible over this, see?

Now, your next stage up from this is he sees a picture of two cars. Or he sees a wrecked car in a junk yard. Not at the site of the wreck at all. He’s not connected with it any way, shape or form. There’s been no action, he has no experience whatsoever. He doesn’t even notice that he’s seen a wrecked car, but he comes away from there feeling blue. Yeah, he just isn’t quite up to snuff. He’s now got a lock.

And eventually he begins to record everything he ever sees, thinks or does. He is one walking concatenation of every instant of time is a lock. Because it’s connected somehow or another to some secondary or some engram someplace on the track. So he gets a full time track. There are no blanks. You can run this guy back through yesterday and it runs like an engram. But you can! You can run him through it and you can recover practically everything there is in yesterday. I think it’s fascinating! I used — I’ve done a lot of this, and it’s sort of a lost art these days because it’s not that significant. We’ve got the whole of Dianetics all wrapped up, you see? We can run an engram on anybody. He’s black, sees black all over his — you know, and — view, he never sees anything at all. No pictures. “Naw, there aren’t any such things as engrams.” Boy, you can take and get the duration of the incident that he’s looking at and it all opens up. And there he is, staring at the burning city. You got the idea? There he is!

So where we’ve got an individual occluded, even that today — we can turn off the occlusion, see? We can run him on the track. Now, what’s the setup here? It’s simply that when he finally became human, he had 100 percent track. Every moment is — his life was becoming time track. He was now going down scale at an accelerated rate. They’re all locks.

Mental image pictures. He couldn’t look at anything in the universe right now, without it hanging up on some experience he’s had that he didn’t like. You got it?

Male voice: Yeah.

Well, there is — there’s the bank. Now, the individual also happens to be surrounded by a thing called the physical universe. I don’t know if you’ve ever noticed it. But there it is, around. And this physical universe can generate such a thing as a problem. It’s him versus it. Or it versus him. And along with the physical universe there’s the other fellow’s universe. His fellow being has also got a bank, with a different experiential track than his, but based on the exact same R6 bank. They’re fundamentally, basically, the same bank, but this other fellow lived different. And he lived a different track, so they have, at first glance, different banks. But they don’t. Their basic bank is identical.

So you’ve got the other fellow’s universe and you got the physical universe. Now, the other fellow, in his universe, can cause you problems while communicating to you through the physical universe, and the physical universe itself can cause problems, and so we can get a thing called a present time problem that doesn’t have anything to do with a mental image picture. Doesn’t have anything to do with the reactive bank, but it can restimulate the reactive bank and make it harder to solve the present time problem. But a present time problem can actually exist. That’s one of the things that auditors don’t always notice.

The guy’s in jail! Well, you say, “Well, let’s run out all the locks and secondaries,” and so forth. That isn’t going to do him any good, he’s in jail! And actually he can’t get his attention on his bank. And if he does, he’ll just go back and run other times when he’s been in jail, millions and trillions of years ag — worth of locks on the thing, and he’ll just keep running this. And he won’t get any better because he’s running up against this unalterable fact: He’s in jail.

Now, if you could run him all the way down through and he could solo audit himself through the R6 bank, there wouldn’t be any jail that would hold him. But is his worry so great about being in jail at this particular moment that he can’t get his attention on his R6 bank? And if it is, he won’t make it. If you find a pc who was chased way down the track, he is probably there — or a pc who’s going mad with his problems or something — he’s probably way back down the track, but actually he’s being driven there by a problem with the physical environment and the others with whom he associates.

And that problem is so great that it’s the physical universe that is out of gear. And therefore we get a pc making no gain in the presence of a present time problem. Now, you can handle this present time problem, usually — usually on the simple basis that it’s a problem because he doesn’t think he can handle it. He’s entered a lie into it. He doesn’t think he can do anything about it, which is the lie that is entered into it. And so he doesn’t do anything about it, so it remains a problem. Do you understand?

So then if the auditor could audit around the fringes of this problem and get the person to take the problem apart, and confront its elements and get the lies out of the problem, then he could probably confront the problem and he would either have to do something about it or he wouldn’t have to do anything about it, because it ceased to be a problem. Do you understand?

But you get — your — you get caught in the idea that the problem is something totally dependent upon the individual’s mind. No. No, it really isn’t totally dependent on the individual’s mind. When you’ve got your hand caught in a clothes wringer, man, it has nothing to do with your backtrack! Your hand, you need it in your business… True, we could get over wanting to have hands. But this is the other element in processing.

Now, therefore, if an individual has tremendous present time problems, you’re not even going to get him to confront locks. And you’re at a very shallow level of no case gain or something happening to prevent the case from gaining. But there’s one just a little bit higher than that, and that’s an ARC break. An ARC break is a person who thought he was going to be helped, but felt he had been kicked in the teeth, but he’s not sure what kicked him in the teeth and he can’t isolate it and some lie, of apparent hostile nature, has been entered into his environment and he’s in restimulation but doesn’t know where. And he goes into a confusion and so forth, so he can’t concentrate on either the bank or present time or the auditor. So that would be the first thing you could get a person over. In actual auditing you have to get a person over an ARC break before you can audit him. I don’t care what process you’re running him on.

So it isn’t necessarily part of the bank, but it’s made up from lack — an ARC break is merely an incomplete cycle of some kind or another. That is all there is to an ARC break. ARC break is no more complex than that. It’s a lowering of affinity, reality and communication and so we call it an ARC break. It’s a sudden downcurve. It’s a highly technical term. It means exactly what it says, but its incept and so forth is an incomplete cycle of action. It couldn’t complete it because the guy died before he got there, don’t you see? Or it’s been lost, or somebody said it was everywhere and it was only Joe, and there’s some big lie entered into it probably, but nevertheless, however it was, he didn’t get a chance to do what he was trying to do. And that’s his main upset.

And he’s not auditable. He’s wondering “What-what-what fog?” You know, not “What wall?” but “What fog am I in? Wha-who is shooting at me?” You know? And you know a person can get so puzzled as to who is shooting at him, that he can’t put any attention on his bank or his environment and so forth.

Now, all of us as human beings have, to some slight degree, an under-the-gun existence. See, we’re never completely out from underneath the gun. There’s things called economics, there are well-meaning friends, there are shortages of the — of materiel, the lack of time. Things like this that make it hard to get along with the physical universe and others. But you can tolerate quite a bit of it. Unless you’re on a bit of a skid in the first place. Let’s say you’re tipped over somehow or another, and you’ve just had a bad shock of some kind or another. And then you’d be surprised how things that didn’t irritate you yesterday irritate you today. Well, similarly, a person can be processed under a certain amount of duress. That is to say, their environment can give them a certain amount of duress and they can still react well to processing.

Well, I’ll give you an idea. Right now I am totally aware of the fact that if the US makes just about one more mistake, why, we’ve had it. See, they’ve specialized in them lately. And they must have a textbook on how to make a mistake in three easy State Departments or something. They’re gorgeous at it. They just make mistakes. Making military mistakes, diplomatic mistakes, wrong target mistakes. Well, they can’t afford any! When you’re in a rough spot, don’t make a mistake. Don’t allow yourself the luxury of an error, in other words. Because it’ll worsen the situation all out of proportion.

For instance, your pc is all caved-in and hysterical. And the auditor makes the slight, tiny mistake. The pc just goes appetite over tin cup. Pc is feeling good, the auditor forgets to acknowledge, drops the E-Meter on the floor, it just doesn’t mean much to the pc. Do you get the idea? So the amount of duress that an individual is under is proportionate to the degree that he thinks it threatens his survival.

Now, I know that right now, the only reason I’d be vaguely interested in the United States alleged government — the only reason I’d be interested in that at all is because I’m an old hand at this sort of thing. I know how easy it is for some guy to make enough blunders to wind things up in a nice, juicy bunch of mushroom clouds. And I don’t want to grow any mushroom clouds, lately! I mean, we’ve got no use for them, they’re a waste of time. And fallout — we’re not interested in fallout. We might be interested in mocking up radiation, but not interested in somebody else’s fallout.

In other words we could get here to a point where World War III could catch up things and that’s the big bang, don’t you see? It’s — it would be too destructive. It isn’t — another type of war. And that could interrupt things. That operates as a present time problem. I never worry about it to amount to anything, unless I’m already getting my head kicked in close up on something else, don’t you see? Now, I’ll find myself all of a sudden in auditing or something of that sort, saying, “Well, how much time have I got? Really, we haven’t got enough time, don’t you see?” It’s pressure of time which makes a present time problem out of it.

So there’s always a certain amount of duress that the pc is under. See, there’s always a tiny bit. It’s what is their tolerance for that much duress at that particular moment that makes the difference. Do you follow?

Now, a pc who is more or less ARC broken with life, has tremendous present time problems, all of them unsolvable, and doesn’t even know he’s got a mind and is believing a bunch of erudite lies that have been told to him from all around the clock, through his education — in other words, a standard, better well-off human being today — this bird hasn’t got a chance! You try to process him first off the bat and you already are dealing with somebody who’s up against too many unknowns and too many ARC breaks, mmmll rrrlmmm mmmm ooh!

Now, you make much of a mistake with this bloke, few little, tiny errors, and they’re blown up out of all magnitude. Now, supposing — supposing you’d gotten this guy and by some miracle had gotten him over his present time problems, gotten him over his ARC break with the environment, show him he had a mind, showed him where he was going, showed him that he really could be headed someplace, and then — and then he made it! The ARC breaks with life are gone or you got rid of all of his present time problems, and the needle floated! You disconnected him, temporarily, from the remaining banks, don’t you see? And now, at this point, he could confront these ARC breaks with life, he can confront these problems with life, he sees exactly where he sits, he knows what’s bugging him — it’s been this mind. And you go on auditing ARC breaks. You go on auditing present time problems. Of course you’ve directly and immediately invalidated the individual, you are cleaning a clean. You’re adding things that weren’t there.

All you had to do was notice the needle floated, the guy now — let’s say you’ve gotten the problems mocked up and he was all set and his needle was floating on his life in general. You say, “Boy, that’s it! You’re okay now, that’s fine, that’s all. That’s it.” Well, he would have said, “Well, I think so!” and he would have stayed pretty doggone stable, from there on. You would’ve let him have his win, in other words.

But if you went on auditing him and auditing him some more, and auditing him for more problems, you’re sort of telling him at the same time that he can’t confront problems. He’s starting to have to dream up difficulty with problems in order to have a case to audit. You couldn’t audit on that strata anymore. You would’ve had to have audited now in a direction of Recall Processes. You would’ve had to have audited now in the direction of Recall Processes. I don’t ask you to be this precise about it because frankly we haven’t got any bank of experience on exactly who goes released on an Objective Process, exactly what process could you run him on next. I would much rather jump him from a free needle and take no question about it at all, up to next stage, Power Processing. Because we know those can be run on him.

There’s some possibility, for instance, that you could run some more of this or some more of that or something on the low-level processes. If there is, I haven’t made a close, delineated list of it. I’m really not that interested in it. Because you could probably — there’s some corners of it that you could go on and clean up. But I’m not that interested in it, because there is such a thing as Power Processing. It’s sort of like dabbling around with — it’d be almost cleaning a clean anyhow. See, what gain could he make on this basis? Well, he’d better make the gain — his next jump had better be on Power Processing. And then we’re fairly safe and we don’t have to teach people so many.

I don’t say then that there isn’t any other lower-grade process that won’t do anything for the pc. But certainly everything that you have handled on that pc up to the moment when he went free needle can no longer be run on that pc. And that I tell you for sure. Because you’re now cleaning a clean and you’re upsetting him. Because in essence that’s no longer bothering him. And you, by auditing it, are selling him the idea that he ought to be bothered by it.

Now, waiting for him, at the moment he went clean on locks, let us say — supposing you got rid of some locks. You ran some ARC Straightwire and you saw yourself sitting, looking at a floating needle. Uuh! My God, don’t even utter that next command, you know? What’s this professional thoroughness that has to utter two more auditing commands before you end the process? You just saw that needle float free. And you have just uttered the first of six commands. You say, ‘All right, you — you’ve been trying to say something there for a moment, what was that?”

“Well — oh, well, yeah, I feel pretty good! I feel quite remarkable and so forth. I had a cognition a few minutes ago.”

Well of course, to be a good fellow your immediate thought would be you should say — to be social you should say at that point, “Well, what was the cognition?” No, no, no, no, no, you don’t — that’s too much. You’ve gone too far. No, you don’t give him the second command, see? You don’t say, “Oh, well, what was that cognition that you had?” Leave it alone, man. The — this — that’s it. You say, “Well, we seem to have attained where we’re going here. So thank you, thank you, that’s it. I want you to go over and see the Examiner, and he…”

“Why? What’s happening? Did something happen?”

“Yes, something happened, now you go on over and see the Examiner and get your declare. Goodbye!” Don’t even let him stand around and talk about the session, you see? You’re a restimulator, the next little while. Because he’s used to obeying your auditing command. Anything you say to him is liable to be… The Examiner who opens his mouth three-eighths of an inch when he only has to open his mouth a quarter of an inch is a fool. If there’s something wrong with this pc, we should take a glimpse at the folder and see that the auditor has said this and see that it’s okay. And take a look at the pc and see if the indicators are in and move the pc over to declare, don’t you see?

If there’s something wrong with the folder, that sort of thing, send him over to Review. Let Review worry about it.

But one more command and you’d be cleaning a clean, man! Now, you’ve got to fish him out of the fact you’re running something that isn’t there any longer. Now, you see, it can turn straight over onto the negative side. You subtracted him from that class of aberration known as locks, let us say; he’s out of it. Now, this I haven’t been saying very hard about Release. They’re gone. There isn’t any more of that. See?

Now, you get — you get tripped up in this when I tell you, “Well, you pulled him out of the R6 bank.” Yes, you’ve pulled out the lock disconnectors — the lock connectors to the R6 bank. But they’re gone. He might have two or three more around that he’ll kick into it sooner or later, but leave him alone they’ll blow sooner or later. You’ll even find a Second Stage Release that has run through the first stage engram. See, the — and sometimes two or three days later they’ll stumble along and you have to give them another — you — the best thing to do is to give them the other punch. But they weren’t stopped on a free needle. They were stopped on the end phenomena, see? And somewhere in that series of commands, exactly following the end phenomena, the needle would have floated if it were carefully watched. You understand?

Now, if the needle floated, they’ve not only gotten rid of their engrams and secondaries, but they have also, you see, floated the needle. Do you follow? In other words, the two things took place. When those two things went together you haven’t got any more worries about it. But if the auditor missed the free needle and went on, even on — I’m — only reason I’m talking about Power Processing, I’m not trying to teach you how to run Power Processes, I’m just telling you even at this level and so forth it would just be one more command after that float. Honest, you’re liable to be auditing the pcs for days and days and days and wonder what in the name of common sense happened. Well, what happened, normally, was something floated the needle and it’s been missed by both the auditor and the pc. And boy, you talk about finding a needle in a haystack from there on out. A needle in a haystack is nothing because you at least have a visible needle and a visible haystack.

For the pc, you’re looking in the gone-ness for the what-went-ness. Through a mass of it-wasn’t-there-anyway-ness afterwards. That’s pretty hard to do. So these overruns and so forth are a very poor show.

Now, there would, theoretically, be precisely — be precisely, a sort of a — of an objective environment type of release. But it doesn’t show up, normally. Once in a blue moon somebody will be running the CCHs and accidentally, when the person’s feeling pretty good, put him on a meter and find out he’s got a floating needle. But normally it’s after somebody has run — I don’t know of many of these “Look around the room” and the needle goes free. I don’t know of any of those. So I just neglect this one as possible, because I — it — I think it would be a very freakish case and it would certainly be nothing with which you would classify something on.

The next one would be — he’d also run right away on Recall Processes, so why bother with it? Get your Recall Process, if you’re running Recall Processes, which is locks of some kind or another. If that needle went free — or Communication Processes or Recall Processes, same thing — needle went free and floated, that’s it. You just might as well wipe out all of the lower-grade processing from that point on. But you might have to go through Level 0 — and in most cases will — Level 0, Level I, Level II grade, Level III grade and Level IV grade, and finally they float off the launching pad on service facs. That you could normally count on making. Providing you didn’t overrun something and providing you flattened the processes that you were running and providing the D of Ping was good and the auditing was good and — you know. Why, he would make it.

That’s the way it was designed to go, and sure enough, we’ve had — we’ve had several go this way. See, just recently. But that’s a First Stage Release. So you just say, loosely, any time this happens below this particular state why, it’s a First Stage Release.

Well, what’s a First Stage Released OT? People ask that question. Well, he not only went free needle, he went free body, too. Now, it’s no more — no more complicated than that. How well can this fellow operate? Well, some of these guys can operate and some of them can’t operate, and some of them, they — truth of the matter is, they utter about two postulates in the humanoid world and so forth and they’re back in their head or fallen on their head or something of this sort. But if you don’t acknowledge the fact they did go out and take a look around and they do feel that they can do this, if this is not acknowledged in any way, shape or form, why, you sort of ARC break the guy. So you’ve got to tell him — you’ve got to — you’ve got to classify him as he is. In other words, he’s First Stage Released OT.

The fact that what — it’s merely — it says that he went free from his body as well as free on the meter. Do you follow? It doesn’t mean anything more significant than that. Now, your second — of course, that’s enough! Now, your second stage — your second stage, in actual facts, takes care of the secondaries and engrams. And you’re knocking out the bank on secondaries and engrams and fortunately we have the technology which does this. But it is terribly powerful technology, it is very easy to dish a pc with an overrun. It’s very delicate action. But the odd part of it is, is as you would suspect of a very powerful process, it runs in a great purity of delivery. In other words, this process has got to be delivered as itself, it can’t be alter-ised in any shape or form, because it is too close in to the truth, don’t you see? And you start adding things to it, you — it just goes unworkable on you. And you wonder why the pc is in there forever Well, somebody’s doing something else. Or the pc’s doing something else. Or he’s not — he’s not running with the very great purity of the process itself.

You could run, for instance, Level 0 pretty sloppy. And you aren’t deep enough into the bank to affect anybody very hard. But if you would — ran a Power Process with no better than a Level 0 comm cycle — erk! Horrible! I mean, oof! There’s too much there, don’t you see? You’re pushing the case around too fast and furious and you got to be right on the ball. But what are you getting rid of there? You’re getting rid of the whole track secondaries and engrams, is actually what you’re getting rid of.

Now, there’s a Third Stage Rel — well, supposing that this Second Stage Release, while you were doing this you got the individual knock out the secondaries and engrams and so on and pulled the pin on that section of the bank. What if he also went free of his body at that particular time? Great! But you just designate him — you just put “OT” on the end of the thing. In other words your designation of Second Stage Release and Second Stage Released OT. Second Stage Release simply means he went free on the meter. And a Second Stage Released OT means he also went free of the body. Got that?

And now you get to your Third Stage Release. Well, actually there’s a process known as R6EW, which waits for him on the other side. And that’s fine. And R6EW is not part of a Third Stage Release. It can still be run on a Third Stage Release. But the Third Stage Release leads him through the physical environment contact with the bank. Let me be that — that esoteric. And ends up with cutting off the R6EW top. Going just — going off the top of those floating end words. You can get him — you can get him off of what pins him into those end words. You can just separate that.

And those are the — it’s a little series of four processes, they are very delicately run, they don’t take long on a Second Stage Release. But therein lies the hooker. It doesn’t take long, but it takes — it’s a shorter time as it is done delicately and correctly. I suppose you could go in for this and make a lifetime profession out of it, if you missed all of the free floating needles. And you run each one of those processes to a floating needle. And there’s four of them there. And you run them to a floating needle. Each one is — attains to a subject. One has to do with people and one has to do with where he’s been and so forth. Do you see? And so you get that. Well, you run each one of those things and then the needle is really floaty, man.

Now of course, he can dive off the shade of this and he’s got no protective coating now between him and the R6 bank. It stands there naked and raw. He’s got the R6EW spans that are lying in amongst the GPMs and so forth, boy, there they are! And he can run those like a shot. But it’s quite interesting. It’s quite interesting, that R6EW can run to a floating needle. So there actually is another state of Release before you go to Clear.

There actually is a Fourth Stage Release. It’s made on R6EW Fourth Stage Release. Then your Fifth Stage Release, I suppose that it can occur running the GPMs. But I’m also very sure that I’m not going to give it much attention, because it’s — my main worry in actually — in running GPMs, has been to hold on to the cans. Well, that’s a worry. You got to get it all straight, and it’s very complex and so forth, and it’s very tricky. It’s one of trickiest mental gymnastics anybody’s ever asked — been asked to do, from a subjective viewpoint of it all. But the truth of the matter is, is you could run that up and there probably are ways you could short-circuit it. In other words, you could probably run it in such a way as to detach yourself from the body and so forth, and you’d still have some fragments of R6 bank. Well, the end product of that would be a lot of bunk. Because you wouldn’t be able to sit there and hold on to your cans very well and get yourself in connection with what’s missing on the R6 bank until all of a sudden you just cease to mock it up. And somewhere up the line you had missed a whole span of these things and they keyed in again.

Well, the hell with that racket. Let’s do the job, don’t you see? So your last fear on the line of when you’re going to — what you would call, I suppose, Fifth Stage Release, which would then be Clear, would be: “Don’t get sent before you’re ready to went!” You see the dilemma? Because let me tell you, it’s awful hard to sit on cloud nine and run an E-Meter which is way down there on that shiny planet. I can do it, but it takes some doing sometimes.

Now therefore, you have these various stages of Release and they all wind up in the state of Clear. But that was because we never before had the state of Clear. We didn’t have this state in view. People would consider Clear this and argued about Clear, and there must have been something wrong with the word Clear or we wouldn’t have argued about it to the degree that we argue about it for so many years. What we’ve meant all that time was Release.

Also people were arguing about what was a Release. About every few months you’d get a query, “What is a Release?” Well, it’s — you have, then, a series of gradual key-outs. Now, at any given one of those key-outs the individual detaches from the remainder of his reactive bank. But there is the next section that you could attach him to and get him to tackle. And you better had, sooner or later, because life’s going to connect it with him anyhow. Do you see? If you don’t, life will.

So what you do is like slicing a large cheese. You’re just cutting more of the cheese off. But the trouble is every time you cut a piece of the cheese off, the individual floats off and he hasn’t got any more worries about cheese. And you have to whistle him up, if — and say, “Well if you don’t — if you don’t watch it, in the next few years or the next few hours or the next few minutes, another — this — this cheese bank is going to show up again, so let’s take another slice of it off okay?”

And you have to bring him back and actually the first commands of the next stage — now remember it’s got to be the next stage — the extra command of the old stage that he’s finished it’s — it would find nothing, don’t you see? But this next stage, that first command, actually keys in the bank again. That keys in that next slice of cheese, see. And then you’ll finally move it down and find there isn’t any cheese.

And the individual says, “Is that what I’ve been worrying about all this time?”

“Yes, that’s what you’ve been worrying about.”

Those are the various states. I thought I had better give them to you rather graphically and try to explain to you exactly what we were doing. You get a false impression if you believe that the individual just sort of flies out of his bank and flies into it again. That’s an oversimplification of what happens. Actually it’s a certain strata of his bank disappears. It is, in actual fact, erased. It’s more than just release. Because what proves it is auditing him on it any further is just about as kind as blowing his head off with a shotgun. It’s the wrong thing to do!

So when a section of his bank or a type of his whole bank is gone, why, it’s gone, and you’ve to grab another handful of the bank in order to get it. The odd part of it is you can rehabilitate these stages. You can rehabilitate these stages by getting key-ins and getting key-outs and so forth. But I — there is one word of warning about rehabilitation. You can rehabilitate it, but actually in rehabilitation you’re already working on the next stage. Do you understand? And it has to be done very delicately, because rehabilitation processes are not designed to handle the next stage. So there’s a little — there’s really a limit by which you could rehabilitate one of these states.

The easiest way to rehabilitate a Clear is spot the thing, get rid of all the additive processing that was cleaning cleans, rehabilitate it to that degree, don’t you see? Just get rid of that and then get him into the next stage going on up. And that is the best and most sensible way to handle it, rather than just keep a program going for ”A rehabilitation a year keeps the bank away.” You know?

Well, I’ve given you some data on this I thought you could use in general and maybe give you a little clearer understanding of this thing of Release. I’ve been working with it hot and heavy here for many months and we’ve got lots of data on it now and it’s very predictable, it’s easy to do, and simultaneously with this all over the world right at this particular moment, why, there’s a stampede on. Starting up here, there and so forth, amongst old groups of Scientologists and so forth. And even someday it’ll hit the Dianeticists. Even someday, why, even though they’re off the communication lines and so forth here and there, why, they’ll suddenly start turning up and say, “You know, I think I was Clear.”

I got a letter the other day from an old-time Dianeticist, said, “Hey! Hey, I’ve been released! I’ve been released! And you know who did it? You did!” And I was giving him some processing one night, and I released the guy, I made him First Stage Released OT. And I remember definitely somebody processed him the next day, and you never saw anybody cave in so hard or go so low.

So no wonder he was so happy. After all these years, why, he’d gotten rehabilitated. His total number of hours in processing was, I think, fifteen minutes. I wouldn’t count on doing it that fast. But that was a record.

All right, and I hope the information will do you some good.

Thank you very much.