Thank you.
Well, let’s pick it up where we left it. What is the date?
Audience: August 29th.
August 29, AD 13.
Okay. Today I want to talk to you about service facsimiles. And this has a great deal to do with overrestimulation, the tone arm, the itsa line, all of this is a very neat package. And if you absorbed all of its various angles and all of its ramifications, boy, will you be able to audit! Wow!
Now, we’ve covered everything, actually. We’ve covered the itsa line and we’ve covered charge and restimulation, and we’ve covered all these various factors. And the last challenging statement I left you with was something on this order — was, if you couldn’t make a free needle Clear in a twenty-five-hour intensive using Prepchecks, then you must be dealing with a rightness-wrongness computation. Must be dealing with that computation, see? One of the data on this is the fact that if a Prepcheck turns on mass, you’ve got it. Your pc is sitting right on a service fac on that Prepcheck subject.
Now, when we say a service fac, we are dealing with old Advanced Procedures and Axioms, and actually we are adding to the definition an understanding of something we have had for a long time. So there isn’t any good sitting back and yawning and say, ”Well, I know all about service facsimiles,” because I’ll let you in on something: I knew they existed, but I myself did not know all about them. There was more to be known about a service facsimile.
It’s what the individual uses, according to the early definitions, to explain his Condition. That’s according to the early definition. What he uses to explain his Condition or get his way in the world, and so forth. There was ramifications to uses. That was why it was called a service facsimile, because it was of service to him.
Now, let’s extend this a little bit and understand exactly what this thing is. Because with that definition which you have just been given, it did not promptly surrender. You notice nothing in that definition gives you an open sesame to — how to attack this thing. How can you do anything with it?
Yes, we know this is true, but that is the end of it. So this guy has a service facsimile, of a bent head, you see? All right, what does he do with it? What does he do with this? Well, he makes — he explains how he is not getting along in life and explains all of his failures with it, and so forth, and we know this about this bent head, but you notice that doesn’t resolve any bent head.
Now, a new factor swings in on top of this and we also had the O/W mechanism and that might have ticked some corner of the service facsimile, but they don’t seem to be too closely associated. But in actual fact, the service facsimile manifestation is a blood brother to O/W. A blood brother. Because it’s how you make people guilty.
Now, a better understanding — a better understanding of this — many pieces of which we’ve already had and, I’m sure, thought about, opens the door wide open to cracking a case. So it took just this little bit more understanding. And that is, just this definition of a service facsimile: It is that condition which the individual uses to make himself right and others wrong. And the second we have defined a service facsimile as any condition or state which an individual uses to make himself right and others wrong, the second that we have done that, we open the door to a resolution of cases.
It’s terribly, terribly true. The only thing which blocks the door from opening all the way, is the fact that the line has been booby-trapped in GPMs with rightness and wrongness GPMs. There’s ”to be right”; there’s the right-wrong dichotomies in GPMs; there’s — these things are to be found on the track, and by using rightness and wrongness, we are liable to get the individual into them, particularly if we do not use a time factor. But the use of a time factor obviates much of that.
An individual has not had a GPM in this lifetime, so we say, ”In this lifetime, how have you been right or how has doing something or other made you right?” (Anybody got a fly swatter?
In other words, you can kick up charge with this. All you have to do is get the pc into the GPM of rightness and wrongness and then not run the GPM and zzzuh! Actually the GPM has only partially aberrated this thing. In other words, it’s not the reason for it. The GPM of rightness and wrongness, a goal to be wrong or the goal to be right or something like that, actually are not the reason for this situation. We’re dealing now with an upperscale rationale.
Now the remaining parts of this rationale will be of great interest to you. There’s survival. Now, once in awhile you run into the goal ”survive.” You run into this once in a while. There’s one about — the fifth galaxy over here, they start their Darwinian implant, and so forth, with ”to persist.” And you wonder where’s the rest of the GPM. Well, the trick is there isn’t any, and it isn’t — hasn’t even got an opposite side. It simply sits there as one lonely item at the beginning of the implant, ”to persist.” There’s — not very often on the track do you find this idea. But it’s mostly couched in the lines of ”persist,” or something like that. And frankly, at this moment, I do not know of a single GPM that contains the word ”survive” — at this moment. I’m prepared to be wrong and find one. But I don’t know of one. Which is quite interesting, as you look at it there on Dianetics — you had expected Dianetics to be mostly dramatization and things off the whole track and that sort of thing. The funny part of it is, it rather miraculously escapes these at all angles. And ”to survive” apparently does. Of course, I’m at any moment prepared to find one. But apparently this concept was not motivated by some bank mechanism.
”Survive,” you’ll find, except for ”to persist,” or something like that — you’ll find is a relatively free highway. You can use ”survive” in processing rather easily. Now it is the top scale of all of this. By the way, ”live” and ”alive” and other things like that, man, that’d — heh! Hah-hah-hah-hah-hah-the implanters never missed those, you know, ”That’s the trouble with you people, you are alive, you know! Oh, we got to do something about that!” Sound like the American Medical Association, you know. ”An operation a day keeps the doctor wealthy!” ”You might not feel good, but we can buy better Cadillacs!” You know? That kind of approach. I don’t — didn’t mean to make a snide remark. We should actually bow our heads and — in a moment of silent prayer over the poor AMA. Do you realize that the major insurance companies now have all of their money on the fact that the AMA will cease to exist, as a powerful entity, within five years. Why? Because they’re going to be socialized. Socialized medicine is the chip on which the big insurance company has put its money in the United States and of course that finishes the AMA.
The AMA is only there to keep the doctor wealthy and the moment the doctor is expropriated, the way these foreign governments are always taking over your assets, you know, well, the doctor gets expropriated within five years. Our strategy on this is very sound. All we have to do is hold the fort, keep ourselves in good shape, keep our Technical alive, keep the gun cocked and within five years there’s no opposition. It will have been taken out by another of our worst enemies. I think it’s marvelous! All we’ve got to do is hang on, hang on politely and sweetly, and so forth, over in the corner of the ring, not getting in the road of too many blows, and there’s two fighters out there in the ring right now, cutting each others’ eyes open, and bloodying each others’ noses, and so forth, because ”Democracy is going to bring medicine to the people.” Democratic governments have insisted that this is their right — to bring medicine to the people. We’re not quite sure why, but they’re going to bring medicine to the people. That’s democracy.
And on the other side of the fence, the medical doctor has decided that he is not going to be part of the government. And he lost that fight in Britain here a number of years ago. And actually, you go up and you kick the British Medical Association and push it and turn it over, look at its face, pry open its eyelids, turn it back over on its face again — it’s dead, it’s dead all right, but somebody forgot to bury it. And the only overt action it’s taken against Scientology, as far as I know, is an occasional letter to somebody who asked them about Scientology or something like that and he says we’re a bunch of quacks that hang out in Brighton. I think that’s their public line on this.
And that’s very interesting, because we don’t use quicksilver. You say, what has that got to do with it? That’s the meaning of the word ”quack.” It is one who cures with quicksilver. You used to see them around the county fairs of England all the time, with bichloride mercury, and they cured things with mercury and very often poisoned people, and so on, and had a bad time in general, and from ”quick” came the word ”quack.” And that is what a quack is, it is one who uses quicksilver. And you probably could win a suit against the AMA right this minute, by saying, proving conclusively that we do not use quicksilver! They tried to broaden the definition of this old English term. And of course, it is still itself and has no other genus.
All right, so much for that. The point we’re making here, is that we have a wide open road, all along the line, here, for clearing, and with clearing goes healing. The line is opening up to such a degree, that I would suspect that the HPA/HCA of tomorrow practiced a great deal of healing. In the past, as we realize, we have not really wanted anybody to go in for healing. I’ve told you many times it is nonsense to go in for healing, and I’m sure you’ve heard me. The world of healing, however — it was not something that we couldn’t do something about, we were actually being polite and courteous, and so forth, and didn’t try to invade that particular sphere. And we didn’t get paid for it. And they kept saying, ”Why are you healing people?” And we didn’t heal people and they’d say, ”You dogs, you’re healing people!” And so forth. And one court in Virginia they proved conclusively that Scientology was a healing science, because it cured things, and actually brought people into court to show that they had been cured of something by Scientology, which proved it was a healing science, and gave some — and I don’t even think though they had the nerve to call the auditor in and sentence him. I think he remains unsentenced to this day. It was just too much nonsense, you see.
In other words, they can go clear around the line. That proves we’re a healing subject, you see. Wild business. Look the length and breadth of the land, I don’t think they could have found anybody who’d been healed by anything on medicine. But they were proving our cases for us. I think it’s marvelous! But anyway, that restriction will be over. You today could heal in England. And as far as Australia is concerned, Australia is very closely associated with the United States with regard to its attitude toward medicine. And the Australian medical pattern is patterned directly after the AMA. But there is a great deal of pressure on, in Australia, to socialize medicine in Australia and I think that the next orders to Australia will be, ”Put all possible pressure behind socialization of medicine by the government.” Because it apparently totally paralyzes medical activities. It’s the greatest way to have no medicine that anybody ever invented.
”Socialized medicine is good for you!” You just get a — because there isn’t any healing involved with it. Doctors are supposed to have a certain number of patients and if they get a large number of patients then they draw certain fees and they can’t draw any more fees than that and that’s the end of that. And then they don’t have to see the patients in order to draw any fee, so they don’t have to work, so who cares?
You’ll find, however, they’re quite eager beaverish and do try to drum up a practice out beyond their socialized practice here in medicine. And you’ll find out this is — they’re quite active in this particular sphere.
Now these boys — these boys have a tough line and with their existing technology won’t make it. Because there’s always the plumbing trade. The broken leg has to be put back together again. The bits and pieces that get strewn over the highway have to be reassembled. There’s always the carpentry side of healing. It’s a sort of an artisan activity. Somebody’s — gets a fractured skull and that sort of thing and the bits of bone are around, and so on — well there’s always… They used to use barbers to do it and so on, and well, the barber sign today just shows, ”We bleed people.” Why don’t you startle some barber someday when you go in and say, ”All right, bleed me!” Because the barber pole twisting around is a trickle of blood running into a basin and that’s why that barber pole is striped that way. Phlebotomy was done by barbers.
Now, the medical doctor is straight up against it. Because the moment he comes out of the plumbing trade, he runs square in to the mechanics of the mind. He believes that structure monitors function. He believes this. He’s hung with this one. If you ever want to argue with a doctor and get him going in circles, start proving to him that function monitors structure or thought monitors structure. If a guy doesn’t want to walk, he isn’t going to. You can do a lot, but somehow or other he’ll always manage to fall down and not walk. No matter what you do. No matter what you do, medically. Now, you can go into the plumbing trade all you want to and still nothing happens, you see? These guys are up against this all the time. And when they get away from setting the broken bone and patching up the face and putting a new piece of skin on Mrs. Gotbucks’ nose and re-forming the ears and physical features of criminal B, and when they get off these various points of purely mechanical handling of matter, they’re lost.
Nobody on this planet knew anything about it till we came along. They had ideas. Psychology merely had the idea that it didn’t do any good to cure anybody. Not only would nobody ever change, but it didn’t do any good to try to cure anybody, because if you cured them of anything, they would get something else. And the psychologist has already commented upon that and so has more or less abandoned cure.
The medical doctor is infuriated by the use of the word ”cure,” so is the psychologist, so is the psychiatrist. They do not want to have anything to do with this word ”cure.” In fact there are twenty-five diseases in the state of California — I’m sure there are more than twenty-five diseases in the state of California — but there are twenty-five diseases out there which it is illegal to try to cure. If you say that you are trying to cure them or say that anything could cure them, you could be promptly arrested and slapped in the clink. This is how convinced they are that a cure is impossible.
However, twenty-two and a half percent of all the cases which come in front of you, you shouldn’t be proud of. Twenty-two and a half percent of your pcs should cause you no vast feeling of pride, if they suddenly grow wings and get well. Because that’s the expected percentage. If you fed them flour-and-water pills, if you patted them on the back, if you tapped them on the shoulder lightly and said, ”Your name is skunk,” it wouldn’t matter — they would get well of whatever they have. This is this suggestion group. There’s over twenty-two and a half percent or twenty-two and a half percent of the people of this planet are apparently in a constant hypnotic state. So almost anytime you tell them they’re well, they’re susceptible to becoming well. That doesn’t keep them from getting sick tomorrow. That’s something that you should realize. If a healing profession does not get more than twenty-two and a half percent, it is not doing anything. And if it gets less than twenty-two and a half percent cure, it is impeding it. Your expected figure, then, is twenty-two and a half percent. If you do a perfectly dreadful job and sock them on the head and depress their morale and kick them around and all of this sort of thing, why, you will get less than your twenty-two and a half percent. If you do something for them, you will get more than twenty-two and a half percent. That figure is going to stay there anyhow. If you’re a healer, you’ll get that many people getting well. Which is quite interesting to you.
I don’t know what our figure is up to. I am unutterably cocky about this kind of thing. I myself have healed so many things, accidentally and otherwise and on purpose and not for pay, that it was quite obvious that weird things would happen if a Scientologist was ever turned loose in the healing professions. Healing something is relatively easy with Scientology. But the only thing which cuts your percentage back now — there are two things — is you can’t get in communication with the person — already dead, or something — in a coma or already dead and you can’t get in communication with him at all. See, you understand, that would cut you back. And the other one, is the service fac. That’s the other one that’ll get in your road.
Now, if we allow now, in our technology, for the fact that as far as present lifetime techniques are concerned, it takes a relatively short period of time to train an auditor into them, and don’t worry about making an auditor who can make an OT — let’s just keep him along in that other level — he doesn’t have to be a super, super, super expert to do a Prepcheck on this lifetime, let me assure you! You consider that amongst your more banal toss-away tools, you see. And if you turn somebody loose with an understanding of the service facsimile, an understanding of a repetitive process, an understanding of the itsa line, limited him to this lifetime, let him rely on the tone arm of the meter, there he’d be! He’d be practically sweeping the boards, as far as illness is concerned.
Now it’s all right to say somebody has a bad back because they have a facsimile. Got an incident or an engram. All right. Now that’s all right. But that’s too short a look at the situation. In the first place, the facsimile has to have been restimulated for the person to have had a bad back. Just the possession of a facsimile that can deliver a bad back — if that guaranteed that you would have a bad back — and this is, of course, the one thing that the healer of the past has never been able to sort out. This guy — one guy has an experience of some kind or another and gets well, another guy has the same experience and he doesn’t get well and therefore it’s all random. See? Now, the truth of the matter is that having an experience which is liable to give you a bad back, is not a guarantee that you will have a bad back. That’s no guarantee at all. Another factor has to enter in: Something has to restimulate that experience. Something has to bring it into being, kick it in and actually, to give you a real bad back, hold it in. You have to have a continuing restimulation of this thing to have a real bad back.
And that comes under the heading of restimulation. So not only do you have to have the incident — see, unrestimulated, this incident is going to be nothing — you also have to have a restimulation of the incident, in order to bring about a bad back. And that restimulation to keep the back bad, for a long period of time, has to be constantly restimulated. Constantly. For instance, part of the incident that’s being restimulated is a girl with green eyes. And the guy marries a girl with green eyes. He’s had it! Bad back!
All right. You get the mechanism by which a psychosomatic illness can occur. Now, add to that a mental aberration. Oh, there isn’t one of you that doesn’t have a beautifully polished, wonderfully grooved in, perfectly administered, by the best medical — I beg your pardon — by the best implanting agencies, some goal, like ”to be insane.” Well, why aren’t you all crazy?
I ran by one the other day, I’m afraid I wasn’t even interested in it. It didn’t go into restimulation. Wasn’t anything there. It just didn’t appeal to me, somehow or another. Wasn’t anything I was afraid of and it wasn’t anything I was going to attack and it wasn’t anything this way and it wasn’t anything that way. It was likely to remain quiet for a long time, don’t you see?
Well, the combination of circumstances and so forth didn’t include that particular one into the lineup — well, it just — it isn’t even the accident of restimulation. It’s what the individual feels might become restimulated. What he himself opposes. What he becomes afraid of when it is restimulated. Because to all this mechanical activity, which viewpoint we have gratuitously inherited from the Aesculapians from all of the ancient schools of healing. Just that it’s just going to be a mechanical fact, see. They’re so used to dealing with the broken leg, that they say, you hit a leg it breaks, when you set it it heals, see. They love life to be in that mechanical action. To that we have actually added the individual. Now this is something new and strange. This is something that is unheard of. Now, the medico says, well, some people want to get well and some people don’t want to get well, and sort of dismisses it. He hopes. If he ever enters into that field at all.
Did you ever stop and think that the experiential pattern of a being might itself make up an aberration? Regardless of the incident. Now, we see, we’re above the level of Scientology Two, Three. This guy has lived all of his life in the vicinity of very cold winds, storms, situations — cold. All of his life. Cold. He eventually gets a certain amount of knowingness on the subject of cold. He eventually learns how to take care of himself on the subject of cold. So one fine night you throw him out into the middle of the forty-below cold snow storm. Well, one of two things will happen. He either has somehow or another maintained his confidence in his ability to handle himself with regard to cold or that confidence has vanished with regard to it and he is afraid of being cold. So at the point we throw him out, he either freezes to death or lives. See, even though we’ve had a lifetime of Pavlovian slavering — excuse me, conditioning — even though he has had a lifetime of this conditioning, a lifetime of conditioned reflexes, of familiarization and so forth, we can’t count, at the final end of this line, whether or not he has learned to be afraid of what he is conditioned on or has become confident because of what he is conditioned on.
These factors have a lot to do with the individual. How he looks at something. You can take the same engram. Identically the same engram in A, in B, and C. You may get something on the order of, A will be terrified of it and fight it and try to get away from it and want nothing to do with it whatsoever. B won’t even look at it, just skips it. And C says, ”Oh! Phooph!” And that’s the end of it. Now what makes the difference between these three reactions? What makes that difference? And we curve right on back to the service facsimile.
How many ways, off hand, could you use a facsimile to be right and make others wrong? How many ways? Now this guy who is terrified of this facsimile, ha, ha! Obviously lying in back of this thing you’re liable to get lots of ways to be right by having this facsimile and make others wrong by having this facsimile. This guy B, who doesn’t have any reaction to it at all and just skips it, doesn’t have any use for it at all. Either to make himself right or to make others wrong. And this guy C, who just goes ”Phooph,” has got another method of making others wrong: By being competent, with regard to this type of facsimile.
See the ramifications of it? There’s only one of these three, then, that has no vested interest whatsoever in the rightness and wrongness of the situation. So that is always present, in any bank, in any pc, any place, it is always present that you have the rightness-wrongness possibility. Every person is slightly liable to this — greater or lesser degrees in one field or another field. Everyone is liable to this. Of the using certain kinds of injuries. Using certain kinds of actions. Using certain kinds of disabilities. Using certain kinds of inabilities. To make himself right, and make others wrong.
So this is not a selected thing, which simply goes home to one, two or three people. Now, to the healer — to the healer, this represents a very heavy barrier. Because a guy who is using ulcers to make himself right and make somebody else wrong, is not going to get well from the ulcers. Man, you can feed him full of barium meal. You can cut off his cigarettes. You can prescribe all kinds of things. You can put various type of amino acids in his diet. You can beef him up with types of refortification of his blood sugar or sovwaa! You know? And the guy will still go on having ulcers!
Sometimes if you’re really good and he isn’t watching, you get to him. See? You get to him sometimes. Even though he does have a rightness-wrongness possibility, so the occasional random cure among the rightness-wrongness things tends to set it aside as being the reason why, you see. He just wasn’t looking. You know, he kept taking the amino acids and kept taking the amino acids, and by God, one morning he woke and he didn’t have ulcers. I bet it worried him sick! Did, too! Very shortly after he has nightsweats.
Why? Well, you’ve taken away from him, you’ve taken away from him his rightness-wrongness service facsimile. It’s the most constant use. So what’s he got to do now? He’s got to get another one.
Now I told you something the other day, that wasn’t quite accidentally. I gave you a joke and you might have taken it as something that was something else. I said the guy who was picking bugs off of himself — I was telling you not to worry about getting them on you. That was the joke. In actual fact, if you were to sit there and pick bugs off yourself, you’d establish a communication line with the guy. That’s perfectly valid! And will furnish you enough cures of such characters as to establish you a considerable reputation! This bird’s sitting there — you sit there and you go… All of a sudden the guy’ll look at you and he’ll stop doing it. He’s somehow or another communicated it to somebody. He may take it as an itsa line. He also might take it as a mockery, he might also take it as an insult, he might take it a lot of other ways, but enough times you will have gotten through to him that you could at least talk to him.
So it’s quite valid to mimic in that particular line. That has a very low level of application in the field of psychotherapy. Now it’s interesting, it’s interesting. But a certain number of those cases will stop picking bugs off themselves and promptly look for snakes in inkwells. So you look for snakes in inkwells and they’ll stop looking for snakes in inkwells, don’t you see, and start looking for police in wastepaper baskets. And this goes ad nauseam. Now the second you would not have established the first communication line and the person would have done something else, you must recognize then, that the person has a vested rightness-wrongness interest in picking bugs off themselves. Insanity or craziness or distraction is a service facsimile. Aberrated behavior is a service facsimile.
Well, now, that blocks the line to more hopes of curing things than you could count. Because you can’t ever apparently, if you didn’t know about a service facsimile, you could never get a hundred percent series on any technique. Let’s take a hundred patients and you’re going to cure up and up along the line, and all of a sudden you have there thirty or forty of these characters standing there looking at you jut-jawed, not cured. Your first response to this sort of thing would be, ”Well, that technique did not work.” The wrong answer might be to find another technique. Of course it’s also possible the technique didn’t work, see? There’s always your random factors.
Was it because the technique wasn’t working? Or was it because those thirty or forty people had service facsimiles?
Now, if the technique is good, good enough, for God’s sakes, to work on sixty or seventy of those people… (whistles)! Look at how far that is above that twenty-two and a half! Look how far that is! This is how you evaluate techniques and processes, by the way, you should have some knowledge of that. Look, my God, you cured sixty or seventy out of that hundred! What were you entitled to? You were entitled to 22.5. I don’t know what you would do with a half-cured bloke, but there you are! Your statistics, then, are well in excess of the required 22.5 percent.
So actually, recognizing that, you would — should look elsewhere. You should look around elsewhere to find what happened to this thirty or forty. What happened to them? How come? And what you would find, if you investigated it very carefully is, being the way they were, made them right, and being the way they were or that type of were-ness, made another or others wrong. That computation sits there surrounding that service facsimile.
Now, this is apt to keep a lot of research workers running on a mad treadmill. Trying to find something that gets the hundred percent. And paying no attention whatsoever to the fact there might be something different.
Let me give you the difference of research. The medico sets up a series — he sets up usually a series of two, series of one. That’s right. You read their papers when they have conferences, you’d be amazed the biggest series they’ll show. ”It is incontrovertibly proven, that nitroglycerin is the very, very best thing to fix up bunions. On three consecutive cases with bunions, chosen at random, over a period of eight years, putting nitroglycerin capsules between the toes…” and do you know this is good enough to cause Parke and Davis and Lilly and the big drug companies and all these blokes of one kind or another to immediately turn out eighteen billion pills, sold at a vast figure, at a vast profit. Particularly to the AMA which apparently owns the major stock in the drug companies. And the FDA, of course, which somehow or another always seems to come out tops when they pass a drug. And it was a series of three.
Quite interesting. This is very careless research on which modern medicine is built. Very careless. Series of one, series of two, series of three. They’ll pass a whole operation on the basis that three people survived it. That’s not good enough. That’s not good enough research statistics. Because of what? Well, I don’t know, maybe they were — you haven’t outlawed the twenty-two and a half percent, don’t you see. What’d you have? What’d you have? Three volunteers? Well, how do you know these three volunteers weren’t part of the twenty-two and a half percent, and would have gotten well whether you’d done anything with them or not? How do you know that?
So it requires a long enough series to get around that factor. And when you’re demonstrating whether techniques work or not, it’s a series that has to be longer, than — so you can isolate the twenty-two and a half percent. Because the more people you use, the less likely it is that they are members of the twenty-two and a half percent, don’t you see? You got to outlaw that accidental fact, and we’ve very definitely outlawed it over a period of years, we’ve outlawed it and gone upstairs — I don’t know how many cases have responded along in this particular line.
But it wasn’t important to us, because we had no way to test whether or not the case was or wasn’t. And the way this problem got its back broken might interest you. The tone arm. The tone arm turned out to be a very reliable measure of case progress. The tone arm’s a measure of case progress. A consistent and continual, to get effort, to get results, here, there and elsewhere, on cases meant that you had to get tone arm action on those cases, and it was very carefully watched what was getting tone arm action on these cases and the negative result was the first one that turned up. The negative result. If you don’t get tone arm action on a case, restimulation is the only thing that occurs from auditing.
That’s a horrifying figure, you see, restimulation, destimulation or discharge. Those are the three things that are possible under auditing. And if there’s no destimulation, of course, there’s no tone arm action. If there’s no discharge, there’s no tone arm action. So when you get no tone arm action, you have restimulation. That’s all you’ve got left. Because something is going to occur in auditing. Why? Because the auditor is busy, the pc is busy — they’re trying to do something.
That’s the negative look. That’s the negative look at this situation. No tone arm action, you’re going to get restimulation. You audit without tone arm action and you’ll worsen the pc. About three sessions, he’s had it. Three sessions without tone arm action, and he will become one of the saddest characters you wanted to see for a long time. The margin is only about three sessions. At the end of the third session, he feels horrible. Don’t ask me how he feels at the end of the eighth. Because it would be proportionately greater, because there’s more and more restimulation occurring here.
It is overrestimulation which brings about the acute amount of discomfort that the pc ordinarily claims about. If a pc is being upset about auditing in any way, if the pc’s life is not running smoothly, if the pc’s ability to handle things is bad off, and so forth, that all slots in to the one slot, of overrestimulation. That covers the lot. You don’t have to worry about whether or not he’s got GPMs in restimulation or engrams. You don’t have to worry about whether or not he’s got ARC breaks in restimulation with the auditor. We don’t have to worry about anything except that. We know overrestimulation has and is occurring.
Which means more has been restimulated by life and auditing than is being discharged in the auditing session. All right, that was the first thing learned. And that’s a very, very important datum. It’s idiotically simple this datum, anybody can get ahold of that one. That’s easy.
What about the additional data? What happens with medium tone arm action? Which is to say, something that would add up to, well, something that would add up to fifteen to twenty divisions of tone arm action at session ends, of down tone arm. Quantitative, see? Supposing you took every single little twitch of the tone arm that occurred in the session. Every twitch down. Of course, it’s got to come back up too. But let’s just take every twitch down, that it makes, during the whole session. And let’s carefully mark those down in fractions of a division — no matter how tiny they are, don’t you see? Let’s mark every one down. At the end of the session let’s add all those up.
Good tone arm action, or excellent tone arm action, would be up around thirty — somewhere upstairs like that. Around thirty. Acceptable tone arm action will be around fifteen to twenty. And below that point, more restimulation is occurring than discharge. Oooh! That’s a lot more tone arm action than you thought, wasn’t it? Ugh! Horrible! My God, what are you doing to your pc? Hey, I better watch that. Stop worrying about it. You’d be surprised how rapidly fifteen to twenty divisions of action stack up, even when your pc is only getting little quarter of a division blowdowns. And if you want to really know, just pull that mathematical trick on the pc. The figures, actually, I’ve given you are just approximate. The estimation of how much is good, excellent, and so forth. That’s just approximation.
We’ll know more about this when we measure more pcs.
But that gives you how much tone arm action there was in the session. It isn’t really how much per twenty minutes — that gives you a small amount. But actually if you wanted to know how much there should be in the twenty minutes you should add up all of the moments — movements down during the twenty minutes and get that final figure. And little blowdowns of.2, little.2 blowdowns, well,.2,.2,.2,.2,.2, well look, we got a division! You’d be surprised how fast these things add up.
But there is a point where an apparency of tone arm motion exists, when in actual fact only restimulation is occurring. And that’s — you work on the guy and you work on the guy and it’s stuck, see, oh boy, it’s really there, it’s right there, 4.75, you see. And you work on him and you work on him and you work on him and you work on him and you work on him and you assess and you assess and you assess and you talk to him and you work on him and you work on him and finally he finds the little lock and you get your tone arm blowdown! Hah! Finally! I got all of that tone arm blowdown!
Well, in actual fact it was 1.75 divisions. And it starts going back upstairs again and it goes back upstairs again and it goes back upstairs again and you work on him and you work on him and you work on him and down toward the end of the session, somewhere down toward the end of the session, you get this tremendous blowdown from 4.5 to 3.75.
Well, that’s 1.75 plus.75 and that’s the total shift of the tone arm for a session. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! How does that — how does that agree, see, with this other figure I just gave you? Well, it doesn’t at all. It’s a dangerous amount. In other words, it’s just sitting there. Of course the one I’m talking about, a motionless tone arm, that just sits at 5.0, at 5.0, at 5.0, at 5.0, at 5.0, for three sessions, your pc is darn near going to blow his brains out, man!
But you see, this was apparent — you did get a couple of motions of the tone arm during the session. So you say, ”Oh, well, yes, there was tone arm-tone arm motion in the session!” No, there wasn’t tone arm motion in the session! Not enough to worry about, see. It was just 1.75 plus.75 and that was the totality of the whole session. Look, you restimulated more than that. Just making him look at his bank, you restimulated more than that. That’s for sure!
You’re — sure enough, you’re going to find at the next session he doesn’t sit at 4.75, but sits at 5.0. It’s gone up.25. More heavily charged. Now, we’re going to have less — less ease of getting those blowdowns. When we get this blowdown, it’s.2. Heh! And we get two.2 blowdowns in two and a half hours of auditing. Hmmmm! Now! Next time he comes into session, we’ve got it at 5.25 — it’s sitting next time he comes into session. And we audit him that whole session and we don’t get any blowdowns at all. And tone arm doesn’t move at all. Now, if you went on another session, after this, that needle’s going to start sticking and if you carried on a couple of more sessions after this, this thing is going to go through 7.0, backwards. And you’re going to have a low-tone-arm stuck-needle case. Now, if you carried on with this nonsense any further, you’d have a dead thetan. Tight stuck needle, pc at Clear read, going no place.
All this was very important data. Very, very, very important data. If that kind of thing can happen to the pc, we’d certainly better know all there is to know about a tone arm action and behavior. Well, one of the things of course that I went into and found out — I didn’t so much go into this. Mary Sue got the idea that she would — kept somebody adding up all the little blowdowns, all the little blowdowns, all the little blowdowns, any kind of motion, and so forth, and I think she wound up with what? Thirty…?
Female voice: Thirty-seven, that’s up and down.
Thirty-seven, up and down, which made an Aggregate of something on the order of about eighteen and a half down. And that tone arm, during the whole session, never moved more than about.25 divisions. But it did it so frequently, you see. It did it so often, and actively. And that’s what made the difference.
So, it is the total amount of blowdown, during the entirety of the session, all added together, that gives you what you call tone arm action. Now, I’m going to get a little pedometer one of these days, if I possibly can, every time you move the tone arm down, it cranks a little speedometer up at the top of the meter. Now, I don’t know who the devil will ever make this or when it’ll ever come out. But that is the — that’s the ne plus ultra, see? And you mark down on your report that the pc got that many tone arm divisions.
Only in that way would we know with great accuracy what is tone arm motion. See, and then we could carry it out and finish off the whole thing, as a thing, and we could give it to the decimal. And we’d say this exact figure. When you don’t get as much as that… Watch it, see? And if you get more than that, why fair, if you get more than that, that’s good. And this is an adequate discharge to permit us to run whole track. And then we’d set the auditor up that he’s got to clock off — he’s got to clock off, pretty regularly, with routine processes, he’s got to clock off enough TA action to permit him to run the whole track. And then of course, somebody’s going to free the needle and get none, by Prepchecking, and then, of course, never be able to go whole track because he hasn’t got enough tone arm action — ya-ya, I’m sorry! That’s a — I’m getting cynical, you’re making me cynical, you realize that?
Now, that’s — you got to have a certain amount of tone arm action in order to say that discharge is taking place and that you’re discharging or destimulating more than you are restimulating. This gets very important. Because it goes into this fact now: Why does the tone arm go up and stick? Why? Is it just the pressure of overrestimulation? Hm-mm. That’s it!
All right. In the presence of no tone arm action, why, why — if you have no tone arm action — why do you get restimulation? Well, that gets a bit stickier. Because you’re overwhelming the pc’s power of choice and therefore you’re throwing up mass. Restimulation is throwing up mass on this pc. You’re trying to get a discharge and the pc isn’t going to let it discharge and that’s what it amounts to.
Now, if you’re running something that isn’t restimulating the backtrack heavily, isn’t restimulating new stuff heavily, isn’t stepping all over the inert bank and throwing it into view, and your auditing, therefore — the type of auditing, would be present life or Prepcheck or 2H or something like that — is causing an increase in the height of that tone arm, without a consequent discharge, you therefore must be overthrowing the pc’s power of choice. And to prove this, he gets more and more ARC breaky, as this occurs.
Well, somewhere, in that thin, never-never land, of border between just pure charge — there’s no more significance to it at all, it’s the pc is simply overrestimulated, the tone arm sticks, see? That’s an easy one. Some place between that and then auditing him and not getting any further tone arm action, we move over from the simple fact of overrestimulation, over into this new field, service facsimile. And we move there, at that point, where, when we’re prepchecking the pc — you won’t always notice this, but it’s the thirddimensional pole that stuck out of the two-dimensional plane that indicated this whole thing to me and permitted it to be wrapped up.
There’s the mathematician’s story about the two-dimensional worm. Two-dimensional worm, of course, he lives on a two-dimensional plane. One day, walking along on this plane and he bumps into something. And he says, ”That shouldn’t be,” and looks kind of upset, his reality shattered, because how can you bump into something if there’s only two dimensions? You can’t bump into anything if there’s only two dimensions, because that requires a third dimension.
Another worm comes along, a long time later, he’s maybe heard from this first worm there might be something over there, and he goes along and he runs into this thing, clank! And he says, what’s that? And he gradually is able to lift his eyes for a moment off his two-dimensional plane and he sees this pole up above him. And he says, ”Hey! There’s a pole!” And he starts up the pole. And when he gets up the pole, he doesn’t know what the hell to do! That’s where we get our, ”Up the pole.” That’s where it came from. Somebody went up the pole. He’s up there, and he doesn’t know how — the devil it is and he doesn’t know where he is, he sure feels pretty wild and ecstatic sometimes. He’s discovered something, he doesn’t know what, has nothing to do with his reality. And you’ll see this occasionally.
Now, this is a mathematician’s — an old time mathematician’s effort to get somebody to understand the fourth dimension. So he puts it into the second dimension, you see, and then adds the third dimension and then it gets into everybody’s reality. The actual fact is, anything that has not been discovered operates sort of in that fashion. You find something that shouldn’t be there.
And the thing that shouldn’t be there is that when you are doing a Prepcheck on somebody who is a stuck or sticky tone arm case, the Prepcheck will turn on mass, or when you’re doing a Prepcheck on anybody and it turns on mass, you are looking at something that is perfectly idiotic. How can a Prepcheck turn on mass? It can’t! You’re asking somebody how does — has anything been suppressed? Anything he’s been careful of? Anything he’s failed to reveal? Anything been invalidated? Anything been suggested? Mistake been made? Anything been protested? Anything he’s anxious about, anything been decided? And you mean to tell me his coming up with answers to this situation, which are good, clear-cut answers, are going to turn on mass? How could it possibly turn on mass? It’s not possible!
And that’s the basic diagnosis of a service facsimile. Your Prepcheck buttons would easily get rid of it. But some other mechanism moves in back of it and asserts it. The pc is being right as long as he has it and is going to make somebody else wrong. And the main person who is being made wrong right there in the session, unfortunately, is you! And so, there turns on the mass! Pc is perfectly innocent of this thing.
Let’s say — let’s take a husband, you see, and we’re prepchecking him and we accidentally start prepchecking him on his marriage. And we begin to notice there is something very peculiar starts occurring here with the tone arm. We’d notice it with the tone arm. The tone arm seems to get less action. Doesn’t seem to be much action in this sphere. There’s a little action, but there’s not much. And then all of a sudden we notice he’s looking sort of crushed or strained or something. You say, ”What’s happening?”
”Well, something seems to be pulling in on me. Something seems to be frightening me.”
”Well, what happens there? Is — what — what am I asking about? That makes…?”
”Well, every time you mention my wife.”
Ah, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. What have we got here? Look, any mass for a thetan, is an assertion, that’s wrong, man! If a thetan’s wearing mass, why something’s weird going on, right away, now, anyhow, although you have to go to some lengths to do something about it. The fact that it turns on during the Prepcheck shows you rather quickly the fact that he ain’t going to let go of that, man! You’re confronted with this odd phenomena. You got a block of ice and a hose of hot water. Now, you know and I know that if you turn a hot water hose on a block of ice, the block of ice is going to melt and that is going to be the end of that block of ice, right? Well, you’re confronted with this thing, when mass turns on in a Prepcheck: You take a hot water hose and you take a block of ice and the longer you play the hot water hose on the block of ice, the more ice you’ve got.
Can’t be! That’s how you define — there must be interference with people’s livingness on this particular planet. Because in actual fact, if people just lived long enough, if they just lived long enough, they would — the restimulation of life is not really adequate to keeping the whole bank restimulated. Life isn’t that dramatic. Just ordinary living, it isn’t that dramatic. Read all the detective stories you want to. About the only people that get kicked around in life — there are a few, there are a few activities in life which actually manage to furnish themselves enough restimulation, which on top of the interference with the thetan on this planet before he’s set here and all that type of implantation and all that sort of stuff, in addition to that, is almost enough to keep it going.
Newspaper reporter, he’s the leading contender. Every time there’s trouble, every time there is upset, every time there is anything, the newspaper reporter is there. And where do we normally find him? We find him at a case level 7. He’s only interested in his own opinions. He writes his story before he leaves the office and comes down to you to see if there’s anything he can furnish — you can furnish him that will confirm his opinion, which he got before he arrived and so forth. And you find this young man, he’s ordinarily all shook up, all the time, man, he’s in terrible condition. And you look him over some time. It’s very interesting. They only talk to you if you treat them like a case level 7. You salt your speech down with, ”Your opinion of this thing is obviously…” and then tell them what their opinion is and they just sit there… They’re — of course, they’re in a hypnotic trance to their own opinion, so anything you say must be their opinion, see?
Aw, you shouldn’t do things like this to people. ”Don’t cheer, boys, the poor devils are dying.” That sort of an attitude. It fits in this. There’s several other professions, there’s that of doctor, who’s always being pulled around, restimulated and whose suicide rate is higher than any other. The various activities of this kind almost furnish enough restimulation, if you start the person out with that much restimulation.
But, in actual fact, almost any other field, the bank just would go to sleep, if that was all there was. It’d just go to sleep! Give it a couple of hundred years, particularly, or three hundred years, it’d be damping out and things would be going inert with such rapidity, that the guy would get a lot better. Of course, this is all Potential to be kicked in at any moment, so therefore he’s in danger to that degree. But what do we have? What are we looking at here, when we’re looking at this mass increase? We’re looking at an impossibility. You mean auditing is going to make the guy worse? You mean mild auditing is going to make the guy worse? See, what we’ve asked him in essence, ”Now, is there anything you’ve decided about your wife?” Well, we know that that will deintensify mass, don’t you see? Naturally, because it pulls out little fixed attention points and having pulled those things out, the confusion and randomity surrounding them tends to ease away, see? Ah, so we pull out some of these little fixed points and he’s got more mass! Well, that’s because what you’re doing and what he is doing are in two different spheres of agreement.
He ain’t about to get rid of his attitude and opinions about his wife and you are trying to get rid of it and the disagreement in the session is enough to turn on that mass. His attention — his intention is to hold onto it for billy-o’s sake! And your intention is to get rid of it, so you and the pc are in completely divergent agreement with regard to this whole situation. He’s sitting down there, not to resolve his marriage. And you start addressing his marriage, he isn’t going to resolve his marriage. He’s not sitting there to resolve his marriage. He’s sitting there to make his wife wrong. That’s his only purpose. He has no other purpose. And don’t think for a moment that he does have! No matter what he says, he’s just trying to make somebody wrong. Now, it follows that any thetan that has been hit hard and consistently and continuously, has had loses continuously and who has tried to get back at and attack continuously any zone or sphere, will be unable to put in the itsa line on what is attacking him.
He can’t say what it is. And that’s actually all there is to this whole mechanism I’m talking to you about. Can’t put in the itsa line. He can’t say whether it’s bad, he can’t say whether it’s good, he can’t recognize it or something like that. Maybe it was emanating too much. He doesn’t feel he has the power to look back along that communication line or be at cause over that communication line, in any way.
Now, a thetan, to be sane at all and to have any reality at all, has got to be at — some degree at cause. Now when he goes down scale his final method of staying at cause — this is present all the way down scale, but remember it’s only when it becomes a final method that it becomes horrible — is to be right. And for the other person, to be wrong. And this goes on down the line to a point where he simply has to — to make them wrong — he simply has to hold the concept that they are wrong. And to be right, he simply has to realize that he is right. And the final effort of being right and wrong on the thing is just to have the idea or concept that one is right and the concept that the other person is wrong. And he is still being cause.
His target is a thousand light-years away and has been dead for trillennia. Don’t you see? He wouldn’t even know when it disappeared. That’s one of the laughable points of it is. He wouldn’t even know if he’d ever succeeded. Because he can’t observe it. It isn’t there to observe. So this particular mechanism hangs out in life as a sort of a side panel to it all, because it can never as-is. He never knows when they disappear. He never knows when they go away.
You could take some old lady and haunt her house for days and days and weeks and months, and so forth, and then not haunt her house. And she’s liable to go on for years, being sure the house is being haunted. You understand? You — you get how this mechanism comes in?
Well, it’s because she never saw anything that was haunting the house. And she couldn’t have gotten back at it in the first place, so there is no method of inspection of cessation. How do you inspect the end of everything? How does it end? How do we know it ends? Do you know there are Japanese soldiers left out in the Pacific, who still think that World War II is in progress. I’m absolutely sure of it. Because they were finding them years after World War II, up in caves and so forth, on South Pacific Islands and they just knew what would happen to them if they were ever captured and that sort of thing and the war had been over for ages! And there they were, up in the woods.
They were haunted by a nonexistent thing, in other words. Why were they? Well, because they didn’t have the communication line to ascertain a cessation. They couldn’t ascertain that it had ended. So if they couldn’t find out if it had ended, the right survival action is to assume that it is continuing. So, one answers the problem of survival best, in that particular category. There’s many a guy who has been missing the top of his head. Many a guy — top of his head went missing, because he assumed that the enemy over in the next gully had pulled out. So he looks. And there went the top of his head, you see?
Now, life can teach you this lesson — rather consistently and continually. So eventually, you develop a little more cautious frame of mind with regard to these things, you eventually come up with this solution to those problems. That if you cannot ascertain if anything is ended, you then assume it is continuing. And out of this you get this wrongness-rightness thing going on for trillennia.
In the first place, the guy went back into — through force and overts and other things — he went back into only being able to be right about this thing. He couldn’t do anything about it, you know. If you want to really start a cacophony, ask somebody in one of these modern socialistic countries, how they have been right about the government. You’re liable to get automaticities. But you say, these people don’t ever think about the government. I know they don’t ever think about the government. No, they don’t do anything to the government, no, they don’t have anything to do with the government. They’re supposed to vote once in a while, but less and less votes are being cast per capita. That’s the final thing they could be about the government, is right. That’s the final thing they could be about the government.
Look at the fantastic things they would have to do, in order to have the government be wrong. Look, look at them, man! They’re legion! And they’d all be aberrated. Why? Since the government today represents fantastic force! Fantastic quantities of force are represented in the powers of government. So much so that the leading heads of government today tell you that no population can revolt. US — top gun in the US not very long ago was holding forth at great rate on the subject. I think it was Lodge, Henry Cabot Lodge, and he was holding forth at a great rate on how no modern population could revolt in the face of the weapons which were available today in the hands of the government.
What is he talking about? He’s talking about raw force, isn’t he? The more that force goes upstairs and the more — and less and less able that populace is, to ever reach back, in any way at the government or to be cause over that government, you see, the less, so forth, why, the more they have to go into aberrated rightness and wrongnesses with regard to the government. Until they finally get down to some of the wildest things you ever heard of!
And you’ll find people walking down the street, and they spit, on the street. And that’s their one channel of action against the government. Because it’s against the law. How could they be right about the government? They could spit. It’s irrational, see? It — listened to in that line, it becomes totally incomprehensible to the auditor. How this could, any way, shape or form, add up to a logical answer of rightness and wrongness. And that is why it is aberrated and that is why it turns on mass and that is why a Prepcheck won’t do anything with it. Because it’s totally irrational.
Now, how do you establish this? Well, actually you could establish it with the preliminary step of R3R. You could establish what they’re being right about; what they’re being wrong about. You could take your original listing steps of R2 — R2-12. Don’t do R2-12 on pcs, by the way, it’s dangerous. But you could take the original listing steps of R2. You can think of innumerable ways to establish this sort of thing. You can say, ”What have you been trying to solve in processing” This is another totally illogical approach. ”What have you been trying to resolve in your case in processing, Mr. Smith? Very good. Oh, you’ve been trying to resolve the fact that you have ringing in your ears? Thank you very much, Mr. Smith. Now, let’s see, how many hours of processing have you had ringing in the ears?”
”Well, let’s see, I had a twenty-five hour intensive in Washington, I had fifty hours in London. Then there was a private field auditor who gave me a hundred and seventy-five hours, and that didn’t do any good either, heh, heh, no, that didn’t do any good. And then we had numerous other processing and there was a lot of Group Processing and that sort of thing and I tried some ‘Subub’ too and that didn’t do any good either, and so forth. And I’ve been under a doctor’s care for some time now, with this ear ringing, and so forth, and just nothing does it any good.”
He has given you the whole song, bell, book and candle, so help me! He’s told you that the ringing in his ears is, or is associated with, a service facsimile. What is the rationale? It is a service facsimile because it didn’t surrender to processing. Didn’t surrender to mild processing, so it must be a service facsimile. I mean, the — you will be lead astray, in two directions; assuming that everything is a service facsimile and trying to run everything on rightness and wrongness and the other way is just assume that nothing is, because it is all so reasonable. Well, he’s got it all explained. Actually the first auditor he had over in Washington was mean to him. And the next half a dozen auditors he had, they didn’t understand him. That was obvious. And we didn’t have the technology at that particular time.
You see, you can be logical about this whole thing, you can go on and on and on. You can realize all of this. You can figure it all out. But all I ask you to do, is just look, head on, at that one fact: Has the guy been processed on it unsuccessfully? Or is it something he wanted to resolve in processing and never seemed to be able to resolve? And that is your total diagnosis of a service facsimile, from an auditing point of view.
Now, you can diagnose it in numerous other ways. You can use the medicos for a diagnosis. You say, ”What have the medicos treated you for, bud?”
”Uhh, kidneys — kidney trouble, ne — ho-ho. Didn’t make me any better, they operated and then they put in two new kidneys and then we have a couple inflatable life tubes now, back there, and so forth…”
You can use this, don’t you see? Now, you have to vary the wording of it, so that it makes sense, like — what is it, his health, sometimes it takes a broader word than ”kidneys,” you see, ”being sick,” ”being unable,” and so forth. One of the ways of doing this would — ”What would be a method of making others wrong” and he will sometimes give you on a list of what would be a method of making others wrong, he will sometimes give you the exact thing that he is making others wrong about and you turn the process around and find out how he is being right with it. Which is the missing side of it, don’t you see.
Now, I’m not pretending that — to give you at this particular moment a complete diagnostic system by which you could always determine the service facsimile. This includes other things such as the hidden Standard and other things of that character. I’m not trying to give you such a system at this moment. I’m simply pointing out to you the basic mechanics which underlie this thing.
The O/W sequence falls hand in glove with this, because of course, as I will tell you in another lecture, make-guilty is something we’ve known about for a very long time and which plays its role in this. But your right-wrong characteristics and factors involved on it are very useful and very usable.
These are survival mechanisms, whether they realize it or not. And, if you can just look at them as survival mechanisms, and not expect them to be sensible survival mechanisms, why you can crack almost any case. If you go around insisting that every survival mechanism be sensible, or workable, then you’re not going to crack a lot of cases. And you’re going to find that there’s some weird ones sitting around and they sit around on these buttons of rightness and wrongness. Fortunately, there are only these buttons that would really aberrate a human being, then.
There would be survival, domination, rightness and wrongness. And, if those buttons were not contaminated in any way, why life would be a dream for an auditor. But he, of course, has got to run — some broken field running in here, against the backtrack implants that contain the words ”right” and ”wrong.” And he’s got some other things to worry about — he could use time to get around these things. He’s got other mechanisms to use to get around these things. But it’s still a liability processing very directly on the thing.
So, at the moment I would reserve rightness and wrongness for the extreme case that doesn’t immediately surrender and go down toward fast tone arm action and good tone arm action on Prepcheck, and destimulate rapidly, then I would get very interested in what part of their case, or maintaining themselves in an aberrated condition, is a service facsimile and resolve that and get back to standard processing.
We’re not trying to ride a hobby horse here, whereby all processing becomes the service facsimile, you see that often — too often happens. What we are doing is simply giving you a weapon, whereby if a case gets difficult on you and you’re doing all of the usual things for the case, and so forth, and yet the tone arm does not come down and level out, then you had better go into an examination of this case from the viewpoint of a service facsimile, and you will find out, and the case will agree, that there are several reasons why he must not get well!
And when you crack through that, of course, your technology goes through it like hot butter and you get the remaining thirty or forty percent that you were looking for. Okay?
Thank you very much!