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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- ARC Triangle and Associated Scales (17ACC-2) - L570226
- Parts of Man - Overt Acts and Motivators (17ACC-3) - L570226



Psychiatry is not supposed to make anybody well. Psychiatry treats the insane, toward no goal.

- We aren't treating the 1st Dynamic with Dianetics. Dianetics treats the first four Dynamics. You can take any Dynamic and split it up into more Dynamics. You can take the 1st Dynamic and split it down into these parts. When you have done so, you discover you were treating the 3rd Dynamic when you thought you were treating the 1st Dynamic.

In Book One, we talked about the awareness of awareness unit and the Dianetic Clear. We were trying to rub out all the engrams. Toward the end of 1951, if you read some of my papers of that time, you'll discover that the erasure of all the facsimiles of the whole track would have resulted in the demolishment of the body. All we assayed to do was erase these moments of pain and unconsciousness and leave the rest of the facsimiles. That would have made a relative Clear. We were treating in Book One, this lifetime.

The only trouble was, the awareness of awareness unit kept insisting on exteriorizing. When he felt weakly sort of outside and out of communication, he hadn't been stablized. He has invested into the body so many characteristics that he depends upon the body to have characteristics. He can just as easily invest himself with these characteristics. So the 1st Dynamic was the awareness of awareness unit, and this is covered in Book One. Then, we have the modifiers of the 1st Dynamic.

The first thing which modifies the 1st Dynamic is what we call machinery, the machines of the thetan. These are actually machines by which he has done things done for himself, with which he times his own activities, with which he pretends to go into communication. The machines of a thetan are very identifiable.

He's giving all the energy and he has surrounded himself with various barriers, barricades, traps, gimmicks, what-nots. He's got old clanking chains and pockets full of tin cans, all kinds of gadgets that do various mysterious things that he can't quite identify, but awfully interesting. To ask him to give up all these contraptions is an unkindness. Any child has his toys, any business executive has his foibles, any president has his bureaus.

So here is the awareness of awareness unit and here are the products, the possessions, the creations of the awareness of awareness unit. Every single one of these machines was made, hidden and forgotten by the thetan. He is the only one who sired them, nobody has given him a machine. Somebody could have given him an idea for a machine, but HE had to make it.

No energy will be fed into those machines except by the thetan himself. He cannot eat beefsteak and thus animate his machinery. But he may, for the sake of randomity, decide that he has to eat beefsteak to keep one of his machines running. This is just a consideration, just as it is a consideration that he has a machine there in the first place.

But added to that can be a multiple of considerations which make it possible for him to understand something from somebody else and thus add it into his own machinery, and thus blame somebody else for having "given him" a machine. He could consider that this had happened. The truth back of it is, while he was making the sign of the cross with his right hand, he had to get in there with his left had and represent a couple of horns.

This machinery is a fairly private affair. He's the fellow who makes it, he's the only one who can knock it to pieces, he's the only one that feeds it energy. This is the thetan and his machinery. It is intended to go on doing something to him or for him.

The thetan plus machinery, as it becomes more condensed and much more complex, with many vias and more forgettingness, joined from so many other quarters and gets so interlocked in all directions, that he finally was solid and becomes a body, a reactive mind, a somatic mind. These things are terrifically complex and awfully patterned. He's so solid he can be overtaken and controlled by another thetan plus machines.

Now we get into the manifestation of the machinery being actually controlled by other intelligences. The thetan himself being under control, we then have the manifestation of the reactive mind. Any part of it can be owned or controlled.

Machinery mustn't be confused with another function, another action or ability, of the thetan. He can actually create another thetan, just like that. He can duplicate himself. He can bring into being an entirely new different life unit. It can have a full personality, full determinism, it can do anything he can do and be as powerful as himself - or more powerful than himself - according to its endowment.

If he created something with this intention, "This is now more powerful than myself," he then would have to observe its independently taken actions and activities, and then modify and cut down his own so as to always have less power. But this is not the creation of a machine. There's an important thing. This is an ability of the thetan, but it is not a part of the thetan.

Here we have one little thetan and if he is very good at duplication and considers himself able, you have two little thetans, three, four, five little thetans. Simply overtly, knowingly, PANG, and another life form appears. Any one of those beings he created could, in its turn, do the same thing.

A thetan can get himself thoroughly haunted by living beings because he can duplicate himself. You recover an individual's knowingness, one of the first things you would recover is that he has occasionally multiplied himself. Now do you understand "valence" a little better?

But having done this often and many times, an individual has laid aside this ability and has begun to hang onto the "only one" computation, and is holding his ability to be himself closely to himself, and he's long since ceased to duplicate just by saying, "There is another being out there."

He is too involved in his own agreements. He thinks to create another being, he has to indulge in sex - and then he discovers he has not really created another being at all.

A thetan can create machinery but this is not life units he's creating, this is machinery just like you go buy a car. You don't expect it to breathe, and neither does he expect his machinery to have life of its own. But sometimes, he gets mixed up and he will endow machinery with life.

[dynamics use all of this? or just first 2 paragraphs?]

Sex is the super-condensed, many times viaed, activity of creating other life forms. The only thing which makes it more complex is the fact that it is considered to be more complex. Basically, without any system, the thetan can create another living being.

But it is the thetan, moving outward through the 2nd Dynamic of creation and duplication, into a 3rd Dynamic of becoming a group - and if the plans are sufficiently well-laid, a whole species, a 4th Dynamic.

Animals quite uniformly are simply the body plus the reactive somatic mind. We've just watched the condensation of a thetan plus machinery down into a rabbit. Again, we have gone through the 1-2-3-4 Dynamics and we can do the same thing in wolves.

There's a thetan and his machinery, he decided to achieve a similar entity, then he made a pattern out of the whole thing and we arrive at a point where we have a species, wolves. They're counter-opposed to rabbits. The same way with camels or rhinoceroses or anything else.

We watch a condensation of a thetan plus machinery down into a rabbit. The affairs of a rabbit are not at all interesting to control. A rabbit hops, eats, and mostly he runs and is frightened. I myself have tried to get interested in monitoring rabbits. It's a little more interesting to monitor a wolf.


The solution itself must be the problem exactly, to be a solution. If you were or duplicated any problem perfectly, there would be nothing left there but static - no mass, wavelength or position. That would be a zero. There would be qualities, thoughts or life potential. There could even be personality, but there would not be a big mass there.

It has enough truth left in it, enough ability, personality and awareness, to deserve attention. And that would be the awareness of awareness unit, which we call a thetan.

To obtain mass, you have to have problems, vias, all sorts of things. How dense is it tells you how many vias there are on the communication lines.

The impulse towards religion is to discover basic cause. This leads through these various vias and it's like walking this labyrinth. You don't find cause and effect that way. You find cause and effect by finding the highest level of freedom, assuming it and then knowing it. You will be cause and you are then capable of being an effect.

As we are better able to understand something, we are more able to control it. The more able we are to control something, the less need there is to process it so that it can be controlled. It is only necessary to knock out the factors you do not want to process because you do understand sufficiently to control.

The first of those that would go would be the reactive somatic mind. We can control it. If you don't believe this, read Book One, study the processes, run a few engrams. You can control that mind, you can knock it backwards and forwards and turn it wrong side out. You can lock scan and do all sorts of interesting things. But that is all in the interest of learning what it is all about. Once you know these things, you know its anatomy, there's no further sense in trying to knock it out of existence because we can assume control of it. So we're not going to process that.

It's of no use to process the body, so we'll just say body and reactive mind, process these? No. Well, how about the thetan's machinery? It's interesting to process long enough to where you can control it. This leaves us then with this sphere to process which can control the other three factors. Being able to do this, he can resolve all his own problems.

So the short way through is to separate the awareness of awareness unit from these other items, have him recognize his identity and his capability by putting him through various drills, and then having him do what he pleases about setting his own machinery to rights, the body and the somatic reactive mind to rights. If you do a good enough job, just thinking that they are right is enough to have them be right.


Here's where you've got Christian Science's "right thoughts." They have a lot of limitations and curves and vias on what a right thought was. Right thoughts are a wonderful process, providing you have a Clear to begin with. A right thought would be a thought which would promote the optimum survival on the optimum number of Dynamics.

There's a magic button. It's a very neglected part of Dianetics. It is the overt-act/motivator phenomena. Here is the mechanical process by which a thetan becomes solid enough to be a body, surrounded by machinery solid enough to be called a reactive somatic mind. It is the mechanics of this solidifying process.

The mechanics are simply this. An overt act is a harmful act performed against another or others. It could be theoretically against oneself, remember that it is possible. It could be even more precise if you said it was a harmful act on any Dynamic. The stress and strain of life is made up between these two factors, the overt act and the motivator.

A motivator is an overt act against oneself by another. So it has something to do with viewpoint. You have to have the idea of SELF-determinism before you can have overt acts and motivators. PAN-determinism would clarify overt acts and motivators, he wouldn't be taking sides anymore.

If one receives a motivator, he may then consider himself licensed to perform an overt act against the person who harmed him. That is the basis of all licensing. When one commits an overt act without having received a motivator, he wasn't licensed. An overt act delivered in the absence of a motivator, we call an unmotivated act.

He attempts then to mock up or acquire a proper motivator, or justify his own harmful action. He has to believe this to have the license. A justifier is the mock-up or overt act demanded by a person guilty of an unmotivated act. The justifier we understand not to have happened, it's non-existent, as an effort to justify the fact that the fellow committed an unmotivated act.

We have unmotivated act and justifier going together, and we have motivator/overt-act. Actually, a motivator/overt-act sequence is perfectly all right. It will always balance out, it will be equal, nobody will become insane or upset or even hurt, if we are dealing with nothing but the motivator/overt-act phenomena.

If nothing but motivator/overt-act phenomena had been on the former track, we would not now be talking about aberration. This other one however, the unmotivated-act/justifier, is the villian of the piece. That person who harms another without just cause, without just reason, is doomed. He can never receive the motivator.

The overt-act/motivator sequence in life originally did not exist. It was preceded on the track by an unmotivated-act/justifier sequence. That is the exact reason we have a dwindling spiral.

His original primary action must always have been an unmotivated act, so much so that the overt-act/motivator sequence in life originally did not exist. It was preceded on the track by an unmotivated-act/justifier sequence.

A thetan can never be harmed, but he can consider that he is harmed. He can then act harmed and really be unhappy about the whole thing, and go right downstairs into the basement. Everything a preclear tells you is a search for a justifier. Remember that.

His endless search through his bank is only search for justifiers. When he starts searching for justifiers, he very rapidly wears out what few actual credible motivators he has. He doesn't have anywhere near enough motivators, so he must be guilty of unmotivated acts.

So everybody has to dream up how badly he is treated, what a terrible condition he is in. In order to live with his fellows at all, he has to be sick, he has to be wronged, he has to be betrayed. He is trying to mock up enough justifiers and pretends he is giving you motivators. Remember, a justifier isn't true.

There's only one trick you'd have to play on a thetan to get this into a dwindling spiral category, into the category of unmotivated acts and justifiers. And that was to define "harm" for him. Now we've moved into the field of consideration, good or evil. Things are bad, things are good, that's a consideration.

It only requires the consideration that harm can take place to then set off the chain fission reaction of unmotivated acts and justifiers. You have to be carefully taught that your actions can be harmful before any dwindling spiral will occur.

You could only be taught that these could occur if you yourself had invented it in the first place. We're again back to overt-act/motivator sequences in the field of consideration. A person intended to be destructive and was destructive, he intended this action to be a harmful action.

But he doesn't come into resenting harm until somebody else destroys some object or product which he himself has created. When this occurs, he has to define harm for the other fellow. But he had to do it himself first for the basic reason that he had to communicate first to be communicated to. Nobody would have known where he was to communicate to him unless he put up a signal.

So, we have the thetan guilty of an infinity of unmotivated acts. A justifier is always a lie, and any solidity or departure from static is a lie. The way we depart from the absolute truth of static is via the lies of justifiers.

This is hallucination, this is black masses, this is the idea of being problems to himself, this is the idea of his difficulties with communication, his inability to be aesthetic, his inability to create. This is the course of the dwindling spiral, by the route of justifiers. Any justifier is a lie, any lie will eventually bring about a solidity. All solidities are made up of only lies.

This universe pretends to be a good universe but by its very existence, it must be a lie.

Part of the same package is he has an anxiety about creating an effect.

His highest effort in terms of 3rd Dynamic relations is to create an effect. If another thetan cannot receive a motivator, you're going to get somebody anxious after a while about creating an effect.

He knows no real effect can be created upon himself except as he considers it and agrees. A thetan can never be harmed, but he can consider that he is harmed. Therefore, he knows that he can create no effect on another thetan. So he must consider life units as solids. When he considers them thetans, he gets upset.

And thus, people turn away from Scientology because you make them face the idea of an exteriorized being.

So he's caught between trying to create an effect and the moment when he has apparently created an effect of then being guilty of an unmotivated act. So he counter-opposes his effort to create an effect against the fact that one must never indulge in unmotivated acts.

All he had to do was to discover that he was capable of harming others. When this good and evil was defined for him, he defined them for himself or he defined them for somebody else, you'd have him becoming more solid and departing further from truth because he's trying to justify his actions.

He never can justify them and this would result in a chaotic state. His whole past track would be composited almost entirely of hallucination. The amount of energy a person is packing around with him and his own state of sanity, beingness, are directly proportional.

A mocked up facsimile, a picture that didn't happen but a person thinks happened, is a justifier. It never occurred.

Unless you yourself have to some degree been controlled and pushed around, you will never be really willing in an auditing session to push somebody around. And once in a while, believe me, it is necessary to push somebody around.


Have him list things that all Dynamics have done to him. You've done to yourself, sexual partners have done to him, that groups and Mankind and other species have done to him, that space and energy have done to him, spirits and god. Have him mock these things up or list them and remedy that scarcity of justifiers. Having remedied his scarcity of justifiers, he will be well. This is the single most powerful process I know. R2-62.

Right next door to it is spot spots in space. Have him spot all the spots where himself or anyone else considered harm could be or had been done. R2-61.


If one receives a motivator, he may then consider himself licensed to perform an overt act against the person who harmed him. That is the basis of all licensing.

That is why a "boot" in a training camp in the Marine Corps is kicked around so thoroughly and why they call him a boot. He is commanded so thoroughly that he is given sufficient motivators to be the meanest soldier, to be thoroughly overt against people in his vicinity when he becomes a sergeant. Without that arduous course of training, he would not have enough motivators to carry him through his military career. And thus, the "big brother" policy and that great glorious institution, the United States Army.

"Pat poor little recruits on the head and make them very conscious of the fact that we're doing the best for them." This breeds you up Private 1st Class, Corporals and Sergeants, who will not make their orders felt. In battle, instead of barking out a command which people immediately obey, they hint that maybe somebody might fire his gun.

When the Army takes ground alongside a regiment of Marines, the Army doesn't take any ground but Marine ground. You never put an Army regiment alongside a Marine regiment. I've been in the Army, the Navy and the Marine Corps. I know which is best.

Although the Marine Corps has had to buy the entire Army policy on paper, they don't conduct their training camps the way they say they do. The training camp and Quanico is still carried on very much the way it has always been, and the people in Washington can write all the orders and regulations they want, but training must go on in Quanico. Paris Island, same way.

He has to be given enough motivators to last him his military career. The enemy will give him a lot of motivators and he is then licensed to fight. Unless he has been licensed to fight all the way up the line by motivators, he is not a good soldier.