Okay. Now, you’re probably quite interested in this subject of motion right now.
I noticed, walking in here a little while ago, you could hardly walk through the air for the wiggle-waggles and…
Now, there’s quite a lot to know on the subject of cases. And let’s look at the fundamentals with regard to cases — let’s look at the fundamentals in regard to cases. You have a person with a bank, and this person’s bank is composed of pictures, ridges, masses, somatics — various things. And basically the bank is a mental image picture of the physical universe and a record of experiences in the physical universe. This is of great interest to you because the bank is a picture of the physical universe. And the physical universe is the universe in which you are sitting, and the bank is a record of it, which is out of time or is in past time.
Now, this tells you, then, that the bank itself is composed of matter, energy, space and time. So just as you have seen people walking around in the physical universe, so you have a pc sort of walking around in his bank. You get the idea?
Now, there’s the old idea of the — I think they called it the macrocosm and microcosm, the large outer and the small inner. And the pc is basically a being without wavelength, mass, motion, location. He’s all these things, you see, but he hasn’t any mass himself natively in the bank, but he accumulates it He obsessively takes a record of experiences in the physical universe. And then, because the automatic characteristics of the physical universe are no longer holding his bank apart — they haven’t got it out you see — there’s no assistance, you might say, in the bank to hold out the space, don’t you see? But the bank has pictures in it of people who are assisting to hold out the space, who aren’t. And in view of the fact that he is, you might say, all alone in his bank and wasn’t all alone in the physical universe, the bank has, then, two things in it which are a lie — that somebody else is there and that other-determinism is being exerted against the predear. See, there’s a couple of lies involved here.
Now, you sort of mutually depend upon each other in present time to hold out the space and to hold up the matter, and so forth. In other words, the appearance of the physical universe itself is a regular, routine, agreed-upon progressive thing, and it’s other-populated, and so forth. Well, a bank isn’t; a bank isn’t otherwise populated except by some few postulates of the pc or something of this sort.
Now, therefore, the bank doesn’t unstretch or uncollapse to amount to anything in the absence of somebody else. Self-auditing is very good in some respects. You can do a Touch Assist for instance on a body and get remarkable recoveries.
Very interesting: An old Chinese was reported to me. He had cancer on his forehead. And he knows things like Scientology works because every day for about fifteen minutes, why, he’d do a Touch Assist on his forehead, and he’d get the communication going there, and the cancer all disappeared. Well, it’s quite workable.
Another Scientologist down in Texas was diagnosed as having cancer of the lungs or something of the sort, and did a bunch of Touch Assists on the chest and lungs and that was it Self-processing does work. You shouldn’t throw it out.
But as far as undoing a whole bank and attacking this whole thing flat out, self-processing is tremendously limited basically because there is no other-determinism in the bank, and the auditor furnishes it, don’t you see? So therefore the mechanics of the auditor are quite comprehensible from that basis. And there’s nobody in the bank holding out space except the pc, which tends rather to collapse the space, because he puts holding-out-space on automatic.
He says, “I need help in holding out the space.” Don’t you see?
Actually, the Christian motive and several other religious motives, and so forth, are totally based upon people’s belief that it’s necessary to have somebody else hold out the space. You get the idea? So they talk about God, they talk about idols and other things. And they’re all supposed to be keeping the physical universe here somehow or another. Don’t you see? Well, that’s just assistance in keeping it there.
Well, after the pc has taken a picture of it, he includes in this his consideration that it’s all being held out, and of course it isn’t — not in any way, shape or form — because it’s a privately viewed series of pictures.
This is the most elementary mechanic of auditing, is as long as the auditor is there, other-determinism is furnished and tends to as-is and run out some of the other-determinism on the bank just by the auditor sitting there. You can just go through the motions of auditing and something will happen to the case even if you run no process of any kind. This is something, perhaps, that you haven’t appreciated to the degree that you should appreciate the thing.
This goes so far as somebody sitting down and listening to somebody else’s troubles. Well that, we all know, has some efficacy all by itself, you see? But in view of the fact that the other person is furnishing no other-determinism except perhaps advice occasionally, why, of course very little else happens; it’s a highly limited procedure — sitting down and confessing or telling your troubles or something like that to somebody else.
Now, auditing furnishes a very precise — very precise repetitive, duplicative, authoritative, controllative other-determinism. And unless the pc is aware of the auditor and unless the pc has some idea of the auditor’s interest, unless the pc has some idea that the auditor knows what is going on in the bank, you don’t get the phenomenon of the bank building back into space, don’t you see? You don’t get an uncollapse of the bank, and you don’t get a motion of the pc on the track. You got that?
Auditor presence isn’t just something the Instructor is hipped on. Actually, it is vitally necessary — vitally necessary.
Well, for instance, I could get — I do occasionally… A lot of people have the idea that they’re perfectly happy to accept me as I ought to be, and they rarely grant me the freedom of being as I am. And I startle people once in a while by getting angry or something like this, you know? Well, I don’t know, I haven’t seen any parliamentary law that says, “Ron should not get angry,” or something like that.
But the thing that upsets me the most is when I suddenly realize, or I’m given to realize, that I’m holding up a tremendous amount of space in Scientology all by my lonesome. And I go wog and I’m liable to become somewhat misemotional on the subject because it’s a lot of space to hold up now.
Now of course, I suppose if I — when I get a little more processing, I’ll be able to hold up all the space by myself or mock up another identity over there to help it, but I don’t think it’s — I don’t think it’s entirely fair, to tell you the truth, and I get the idea that I’m not being helped.
For instance, some attack sails in from nowhere. My first reaction is, is why didn’t the Scientologists in that immediate vicinity, you know, why didn’t they wrap that up? How come it got all the way here, you know? That sort of thing.
Now, this is no more than the same kind of an ARC break that a pc experiences when he all of a sudden gets the idea, whether true or not, that the auditor isn’t there. You see? It’s sort of, how did this get all the way here without the auditor doing something about it, you know? This is the kind of a reaction. It’s an ARC break which, of course, goes into an ARC break with the environment.
Now, why does it go into an ARC break with the environment? It’s just this matter of space. The auditor apparently wasn’t doing his part in holding up the bank space. You got the idea? It’s as simple as that.
Now, all of the bank, even though it has tremendous significances, stems from the sixth dynamic. And what you normally read as dynamics on a case, on an E-Meter, are totally inversions from the first sixth dynamic. That is to say, if we had actually a pc in tremendously good condition, his dynamics would be all stretched out and compartmented, and he’d be able to look at these spheres very easily, and they’d be the actual dynamics.
But when you see somebody with a bank in a relatively aberrated condition, he’s not in the first echelon of dynamics; he’s in the second echelon of dynamics at least, and these are inverted out of the sixth.
So, basically, whatever your E-Meter shows when you ask about these things, what you are looking at is a pattern of reaction on the E-Meter which is registering an inverted sixth dynamic, which is again, of course, inverted to the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, seventh and eighth. But you never see a first, second, third, fourth, fifth, seventh and eighth in their pure state with anybody who has any bank at all. You just never see them because you’re looking at them via the sixth. The sixth dynamic, of course, contains matter, energy, space and time, location and form.
In view of the fact that it contains these elements, you could say with considerable truth that a pc is in a universe all by himself. That’s right He’s the lone inhabitant In spite of the Arab belief and the Christian belief in demons, devils and the need of exorcism, there’s nobody present but him.
Now to remedy this difficulty, he has aberratedly conceived of other beings and identities in his bank simply because, when he took pictures of experiences, he took pictures of other beings. But now they’re in his bank and they’re his pictures. They don’t have any thetans in their ’eads. You see this?
Now, good-heartedly, he remedies this situation by interiorizing into these pictured identities, and that’s what you call a valence. The more he is convinced of the other-determinism of it all, or the other-determinism of a class of valences, the more he interiorizes into it to make up the difficulty.
It’s quite amusing to see somebody struggling like mad (or it was amusing to me once) — struggling like mad and striking out at the air around him. And you say, “What are you doing?”
And he says, “I am fighting it.”
“Yeah, well, what’s it?”
And he says, “It’s black spiders.”
“Well, where are the black spiders?” Now, you point out to him, you say, “There are no black spiders around here,” and you don’t get any case recovery.
Now, the other-determinism factor is, as I say, furnished by the auditor. And therefore, in the absence of auditor presence, you get very little movement on the part of the bank. The mechanics themselves will tend to overwhelm the whole thing and push it along — the mechanics of auditing will do something.
As a matter of fact, you could probably, if you get yourself by the nape of the neck, actually audit on a self-auto basis, Motion Help — Help O/W on motion — you possibly could do it You might feel spinny from time to time, and so forth, but you would be utterly fascinated that the ratio of action occurring between getting it audited and trying to do it yourself is so tremendously wide. I’m not saying you couldn’t do it, because if I told you consistendy that you couldn’t do it, just to give you auditors employment, I would be telling a he. I don’t know how many thousands and thousands of hours you would have to self-audit something like this, and how many spins you would get into and drag yourself out of, and how many horrible somatics you would turn on ten times worse, don’t you see, than they would if they were audited.
You, nevertheless, may sometime find yourself on Satellite 96, you know, sitting there, maybe stuck to the control knobs. Well, you should realize that it’s perfectly all right for you to run anything all by yourself that would free you off the control knobs. You get the idea? See, you can go ahead and do it, but it’s sort of heroic.
Self-auditing with earlier processes of Dianetics and Scientology was a much greater liability than with these later processes, in spite of the fact the later processes are more powerful. But this is why self-auditing doesn’t work very well — is because there’s nobody furnishing the other-determinism of the session; there’s no other-determinism in the bank of any kind whatsoever. That’s the one thing it is totally missing on.
You can get an interesting bank recovery if you could just figure out some way to run, “Invent another determinism.” Of course, that doesn’t run; it’s a totally unrunnable process. But, “Invent an other-determinism.” Now, if you’d figure out some way to run that, why, you possibly could self-audit, and that would be the self-auditing process. You could run on that It possibly would be totally negative like, “Name some other-determinisms that aren’t there,” or something of this sort.
Well, to give you an idea: I have seen self-audit turn on a hip somatic of such violence there might as well have been a surgeon standing there with his saw, and with exactly the same process, have seen the thing boosted right straight on up and cleaned up in the matter of about forty-five minutes. Whereas, the person who had turned on the somatic, was self-auditing, and so on, had been slaving and sweating over the thing for a matter of about fifteen hours. You get the difference? Well, in that particular case he’d quit; it had gotten too painful, and he’d quit hands down. So it has liabilities. But the basic liability is, is nobody is holding the space out.
This is a dual universe; this is a universe, the basic item of which is two. The most fundamental number of the physical universe is two, not one. Therefore thetans have a little difficulty in a universe.
And when this universe becomes totally subjective and they are interiorized into their own bank, which is after all just a copy of the physical universe, then the rule of that bank is violated — which is that it is a two-universe. But having pictures of a two-universe on a one-universe basis is a guaranteed louse up; that’s why your pc is aberrated.
Now, the other thing that goes wrong is that people have from time immemorial invented wrongnesses. Some religious sects and cults have invented wrongnesses for practically everything we now consider is right Well, the most extreme virtues have been at one time or another, by some religious cult or another — been the most extreme vices. I know it sounds a little bit of an extreme statement, but the truth of the matter is that — well, the thuggee for instance, he knew what to do with a friend. You were very friendly with him for a number of hours and got him all softened up, and then you strangled him. And that was a good action — that was a good action.
You take a cult over in Pennsylvania at the present time called “The Dunkards,” and I swear they have a dictionary full of bad actions — enormous — just tremendous catalog of wrongnesses. And this catalog of wrongnesses all promotes what? It all promotes withholds, which promotes what?
Female voice. Overts.
Mm-hm. And masses. And masses.
Now, if you want to pin a thetan down in his ruddy ’ead, you just tell him there are certain masses, actions, doingnesses and energies he mustn’t get rid of and that are bad. And he’ll pull these all back into himself. And then, because he has pulled them back into himself, he will dramatize them as bad actions, which convinces him that he should really pull them back into himself. But this makes him dramatize them even harder, so this makes certain that he will pull them back into himself. And we’re almost building a body right where the thetan sits, regardless whether he’s sitting in a body or not, he’s certainly going to build other masses which will feel like body masses. These are these soft, gooey, lumpy masses — these ridges, these hard sheets and other things that are pulled in against the body. They are things which a person must not do or outflow; these are things he must withhold because they are agreed-upon wrongnesses. And the more agreed-upon wrongnesses that he has, of course, the more wrongnesses he will dramatize. These are things he mustn’t as-is or get rid of, he must withhold these things.
So therefore he builds up, right where he sits, a ridge which impinges upon the body — the physical universe body he’s already sitting in — and so pins him down in his body.
Now, anybody could exteriorize if he weren’t withholding all these wrongnesses. Anybody could be a saint if these wrongnesses weren’t so dose up to him that he had to dramatize them.
Therefore, probably the greatest religious activities of this universe from its inception until now — the most (quote) successful ones (unquote) — apparently had as their end goal pinning a thetan down in his ’ead, pinning him down in traps so that he couldn’t get rid of it.
Now, we’re blowing all this hard work. I don’t really think it’s an overt act.
But these invented wrongnesses, all of these various aspects which are being held in close to the person, are encountered by you, the auditor, in the pc feeling like he is rigid, stuck, grouped into some place. And he had to figure something was wrong before he could figure anything else was really wrong (early on the track), and that was motion. Motion had to be wrong. Too much motion.
If you were to raise yourself up to a total control of motion, just the fact that you existed and were totally able to control motion would probably keep all the atom bombs in the world from going off because, if they went off, that would be an overt act And you being in total control of motion would not, of course, do an overt act There’d be no sense in doing an overt act, don’t you see? They probably wouldn’t go off.
I would certainly be ready to laugh like mad with you at the puzzled faces of the physicists. After these governments have spent such fantastic sums of money to develop the things, supposing they didn’t explode?
The only reason that you are afraid of atomic fission in any way, is that it develops tremendous motioa If you were able to tolerate that motion, I can assure you that it wouldn’t even be able to touch you. If you weren’t completely completed on a motion process, you would probably have the idea after an atom bomb went off that somebody had sneezed.
The process you are running right at the particular moment heads immediately at what’s wrong with the world. A lot of philosophic considerations go along with this. If just one person in this class went up to total motion control, could an atomic war occur on Earth? Interesting philosophic consideratioa You ought to bat that around amongst yourselves because it’s quite, quite — quite fun.
Now, motion: The mechanics of it are that motion is the thing he is trying to escape — in other words, the doingness he must not do, which is wrong. He mustn’t do this doingness because it’s wrong. Well, the doingness, of course, is motion.
When you run a process on motion, you take responsibility for the doingness, and naturally these withholds start stripping off. There’s the intentional theory of it.
The mechanical theory is simply that the person has ducked back here because it’s so motional out here — and you get confusion and the stable datum. And the first look at it is, he appears to be — this isn’t entirely correct the first one I said is correct — that he appears to be sitting there crouched back because he can’t tolerate this motion. That’s the first thing it looks like. Therefore he’s holding on to something that he considers motionless in refuge from all the motion, and that is every stuck point on the entire time track — that’s every stuck point on the time track. There are no other rules. He appears to be doing this.
And if you can see — if you just get the idea of him sitting there ducked back from the motion and holding on to masses, and therefore not moving in time or in space or up to PT or freeing himself up from experiences and incidents, simply because he conceives himself to be totally surrounded or blocked by motion, you will then see him take control of the motion and move on the track.
And as you give him the command which takes over motion — “Help motion,” “Not-help motion” — as you give him this command, you can see him move on the time track on your meters; you can hear him move on the time track with his answers. He moves all over the time track. He keeps blowing himself out of these stuck places. He just keeps moving out of one stuck place after another stuck place, and so forth.
In view of the fact that each stuck place has its own bundle of aberrations, you’re probably running engrains — oh, I don’t know, there are probably no comparative figures. Knowing how many experiences thetans have and so forth, it’s probably — oh, I don’t know — several billion to one over Dianetics. It’s some huge figure of that kind — just to give you an order of magnitude. In other words, the number of incidents you are running relatively painlessly, now, are something like a billion to one over the same period of auditing time in Dianetics — running single incidents.
What’s actually wrong with him is the first one I said, which is to say, he has conceived that certain doingnesses are wrong, therefore he’s withholding everything that has anything to do with these doingnesses. As he takes responsibility for various doingnesses or motions, by running Help on a motion, then he is no longer withholding like mad in that particular zone. That is the correct explanation for it And if he doesn’t withhold in that area of space and time in the bank, he of course shifts and moves in that area of space and time in the bank, so he goes to other areas of space and time in the bank. He does this to the degree that you get in commands per unit of time.
It’s the number of commands you get in per unit of time when you’re running a process coupled with the amount of presence you give the pc, and that’s what gets auditing done. Those two things must be present.
In other words, the auditor has got to have good presence so the pc knows he’s there, and he has to get in numbers of commands per unit of time. And the more commands he gets in and executed per unit of time while still convincing the pc of his own presence, why, the faster he pulls out of the soup. Got it?
Now, the degree that the tone arm moves is an index of just what I said: commands per unit of time and presence of the auditor. And in absence of the auditor, you get no tone arm movement, no matter what process you run. Got the idea? He doesn’t have any awareness of the auditor at all, you’ll get no action. See that?
So don’t for a moment suppose that you’ve got a perfect system which will do it all for you, because a system won’t hold out his space, but you will.
Now, where you sit in front of the pc, the session will progress to the degree that you make it live and interesting, and that’s what you’re there for. So you can get rather fantastic gains with just presence alone.
Now when you couple that with great expertness and move it over into this zone — that it’s the number of commands per unit of time — you know, you’re letting him have it, see? You’re not sitting there saying, “Well, he’ll come up with it sooner or later.” This comes under the head, perhaps, of expecting an answer.
Jan was saying last night, “You expea answers. You’re the loudest answerer expeaer.”
But that’s what you do, you’re just not going through a routine. Now, you can do that very easily.
Your hopes of case level: I think, right now, you probably are well up the line on your first profile from where you were. I don’t know what you think about it, but looking at you I would say so. And I see some of you are really sitting in the middle of something right here at this moment. But you’ll even blow out of that But you’ll blow out of that as fast as you, as auditors, in auditing pcs, make your presence very much there and as you get in commands per unit of time.
Presessioning has moved some cases this morning which were pretty sticky, and so forth. And they wouldn’t move at all if it weren’t for auditor presence and auditor interest Don’t you see? So you must be doing fairly well on auditor presence or you wouldn’t have moved some of these cases. Okay?
Oh, I think you’re doing fine, and I’ve already put up my sights as to where you’re supposed to go in this class or how high you’re supposed to reach. I’ve just raised that I had Clear in mind before. I’ve scaled that up now. So it would be an overt act on your part to make me wrong, so you better get to work.
Thank you. Thank you.