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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Expectancy of 3D (SHSBC-094) - L611207
- Expectancy of 3D - Excerpt for CS course (SHSBC-094) - L611207



A lecture given on 7 December 1961 Excerpt for C/S course

Is there a heater on there? All right.

How are you today?

Audience: Fine.

Still getting in practice for the Washington congress? Now, what — what’s the date? Seventh?

Audience: Seventh.

It’s the seventh. All right. And I think you just had a sheet handed out here. Well, now, you’ve had an experimental sheet handed to you. There have never been any runs on this sheet. It is simply handed to you as a trick pattern of command structure. It has to be tested. Maybe one or two of you will be run on it. But there’s nothing very deadly about it. But let me point out to you here that you have an opportunity to clear with the pc, problem, situation, difficulty, confusion, MEST trouble (whatever it is), and what he considers the solution is — solve, made okay, cured, finished, ended, „that’s-that-ed“ or whatever he considers the thing is, you see.

And then you’ve got a thirty command which is fifteen bracket. Thirty commands with fifteen brackets, which is pretty good because it covers just about everything, and so on.

Now you’ll find that some pcs will hang up a little bit if you don’t have „others“ in the run and so forth. This is a very comprehensive coverage of this particular thing.

And I would say offhand that if you could run it with „confusion,“ it probably would run faster than with „problem“ on quite a few people. But this gives you an opportunity to clear it all up.

This is no — let me point out to you, this is no change. There isn’t any change here. This just gives you — this is all possible elements that you could run on 3D commands with all — all effective brackets. There’s even „you and you“ in there. There’s a bracket in there, „Tell me a problem you have had with you.“ That’s for those people amongst us who have valences.

All right. Well, that’s just a — it’s just a tricky command sheet. I handed it out to you more or less for your curiosity more than anything else. And yet we will run it, and probably do something with it. But possibly, it’ll be refined before it is generally issued. I thought you might like to be on the upper end of the assembly line for a moment. Okay?

Audience: Thank you.

Well, I’ve practiced enough for the Washington congress, so I’ll sit down.

This is 7 Dec., still a nautical month, and we have the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course, and we have some people who — that look wonderful and some people who look horrible.

I’m going to make to you just a few random comments today. I haven’t really very much to talk to you about. You’re all doing perfectly. There’s no possible improvement that could be made either on your cases or your auditing. You will recognize that. Except in a few instances. A few instances your auditing could be improved, and in a few instances your cases could be improved, you see. But on the whole you’re all perfect except „you.“

All right. You’re not getting — sitting in the — way down in the bull pit — you might say, with a pc, you’re not getting a broad view of the working of 3D, and I might tell you something about this.

You’re getting a one-pc view of it, and your coffee-shop comments. And that’s — that’s a little different. So what are the expectancies of the thing? And I’d better give you some idea of the expectancies of what would happen with a pc on 3D. And I’ll just take one through from start. Okay?

All right. These are broad expectancies, and these expectancies have been routinely borne out. When these are not borne out, there is — it’s nothing. It’s — the assessment is wrong or something is goofy. When you don’t run into the phenomena which I’m going to list to you here, why, something is wrong

All right. This person staggers in, see, and hits both sides of the door and sits down to get audited. And we put him on the E-Meter, and we say, „Well, what were — what did you have to eat for breakfast.“

And he says, „What breakfast?“

And you say, „This morning.“

He says, „What — what this morning?“ that sort of thing.

Well, he is not in a position to be audited with an assessment on 3D. You wouldn’t assess that person.

You ask this person various questions about life in general, and the person seems to have a tremendous amount of worry in present time. I’ve already told you that present time — an elephant stepping on your toe here and now, even your little toe, is far more important to you than an elephant who squashed your whole body a few million years ago. You — you recognize this, see.

A peanut which you are not able to procure right now is far more important than an empire which you failed to secure several trillenia ago. Let me point this out to you. The havingness — the further it goes back on the track, why, the more unlikely it seems. And the importances of a case must be concentrated, to some degree, at least over this lifetime, and can’t be concentrated in the last three minutes of life.

Now, if you find a case that the rudiments are very hard to keep in on, you’re finding a person whose life is a constant problem. Unless you can do something for this, it isn’t likely you will ever get his attention off this constant immediacy onto what might have caused the immediacy. He’s not so much interested in what caused him to go broke. He’s interested in the fact that he hasn’t got a sou.

Well, that he hasn’t got a sou is what’s worrying him, and that the causes of his decline and going broke are the least possible interest to him. The fact of the matter is he’s broke, and this is all he can concentrate on, you see. There he sits a mental bankrupt, and he hasn’t any — any margin on which to operate at all.

In other words, his mind cannot play even easily over this lifetime. You see, he sits there and he says, „Well, when I go home this is going to happen, and when I come back this is going to happen, and then — then I’ll go, and so on. I wonder what I’m going to do and-and-you know, it’s terrible, and isn’t life horrible right here and now?“

Well, you try to get him a split instant off of „now“ and of course, he has to at least have the idea of going „then“ somewhat before you can get an assessment, even though the assessment is in right here and now. You understand that?

He — he doesn’t, however, appreciate that the assessment is in here and now. He would much more easily have you take the elephant off of his little toe than to remove the empire off of his back, you see, because he’s not very aware of this empire that’s off — on his back. But he sure is aware of that elephant that’s stepping on his toe, you see? He’s very aware of that.

So, this person is not in an assessable state because his concentration is, well, on the Auditor: „Is this fellow going to do me in? Isn’t he going to do me in? I don’t know. I was audited by somebody out in California one time, and that’s enough for anybody. Uh… God, isn’t that terrible, and is he going to fix me up or isn’t he, or — or is he really? Or is he just in it for the money or is there anything to Scientology? We don’t know there is anything, and uh-yuhrr-uh-rrr“ — automaticity, automaticity, automaticity, automaticity.

And he’s saying, „Well, I don’t know whether I’ll go home or not or whether I’ve got any money and car fare or whether I should take the bus or whether I should take the car. I wonder if I should buy a car and… uh-nahnah-na and so on. Should I eat breakfast? Should I have steak for dinner? Or shouldn’t I? No, it’s very expensive. No, I shouldn’t have steak for dinner because I might have… Better have beans for dinner. Uh… so forth. I wonder what they’ll think if I do have beans for dinner. I wonder what bean…“ And that — that’s just somebody with the rudiments out, see.

Well, the process of getting rudiments in can be begun at that point. And if you regard it no more than just getting the rudiments in, you’ll see what we’re talking about, because it may take seventy-five hours to get the rudiments in.

All right. From that point of natter, natter, present time elephant on my toe, don’t know what I’m going to do — from that point for the next seventy-five hours he gradually gets back to a point where he can look at this lifetime, where he can sit in the auditing room, where he can look at the auditor, and keep his mouth shut while you’re reading a list to him.

Now, in other words, you’re — you’re into a condition here where the individual can be fairly relaxed in a session, and therefore you can get the information that you want for an assessment.

So that is the usual condition of a person as he moves into the perimeter of auditing. In other words, he doesn’t know, and it’s this way. And then gradually, over a period of time, particularly if you are doing something very effective, like Sec Checking, Problems Intensive, racking around one way or the other, curing up his bad memory, anything you can think of that makes him easier, gets the rudiments in, gets some of his overts off, gets him into communication with the auditor. During that whole period of time, you should be getting a more and more responsive meter.

Now if you read it always that the meter action should be loosening up, you are going to make a mistake. Because a meter action can get — get looser and tighter, and so forth, somewhat disassociated from the response of the pc’s mind on the meter.

There’s a difference there. The pc comes in feeling very relaxed and — physically — and feels very relaxed physically and actually does get a fairly decent dial drop, see. Feels pretty good. Well, actually, it doesn’t really not follow, and it doesn’t really follow that his mental response to your questions is better. It doesn’t immediately follow.

The response of the meter to the question is not necessarily independent of this other, but it is itself — it is itself. How much is the person reacting. Now, I’ll — let’s give you an idea. I might just have been auditing this person, and I straightened them up, and they feel fairly comfortable, and they’ve got a dial drop on the can squeeze, you see. And the following morning an HPA student from a Central Organization fumbles with the meter and asks him a few questions, and so on. He’ll get a dial drop. He won’t get any response. You get the difference here?

He’ll — he’ll still get the dial drop, but he says, „This is different than what happened to me yesterday,“ and he’s, of course, got a present time problem. He — he says, „I don’t know,“ and „I — I’m not sure,“ and „What is this all about?“ And he’s thinking about this, and the meter response to the auditor is the factor there which doesn’t necessarily coordinate with the drop of the can squeeze. Do you follow that?

In other words, your meter might be responding if somebody were making it respond or if the pc accepted who was making it respond.

Now, your job in the first seventy-five hours is getting the pc to accept the meter responding, see? He — he accepts your communication. He feels that it’s better — it’s — it’s all right to be audited by you.

Now, this is a hard bridge for an auditor to cover during that particular period, and it’s something that you should put your mind to. This — this is something that you should know as — as an auditor.

Yes, you can goof up. Yes, you can make mistakes, but your auditing — even the worst auditor in this unit at the present moment, perhaps with one or two exceptions — is better than most of the auditors in — practically all the auditors in 1954. See, there’s — there’s — here’s a difference of auditing here.

We can’t go out on the basis entirely that it is quality of auditing. Let us assume that the auditor does a halfway interested, technically correct job on the pc.

All right. Now, let’s just take auditor A who is doing a halfway interested, technically correct, more or less, job on the pc, you see. He’s not doing a perfect job. He’s not doing an imperfect job.

All right. We have him, in rotation, audit fifteen pcs taken from different strata. This is the same auditor. And then without allowing those pcs — without allowing auditor A to do any advertising, without allowing him to tell them how he is a good auditor or any propagandizing at all — we take these pcs, and without permitting them to talk together, we get each one’s opinion of this auditor. We’re going to get fifteen different qualities. Going to get fifteen different opinions of the same auditor. And if these people are unaudited people by and large, you’re going to get fifteen bank expressions to something that had nothing to do with the auditor.

Auditor was wearing a yellow dress. All right. Very good. Pc number one likes yellow, so it’s a good auditor. Pc number two doesn’t like yellow, so it must be a bad auditor. And it’ll be something as oddball as that.

During the first seventy-five hours, you should actually not take to heart any opinion the pc has of your auditing. You should not take it to heart at all. Because it has nothing to do with observation. Nothing to do with it at all. It’s just his various reactivities reacting. And I’ve noticed you, as auditors, worrying far too much about what the pc thought of you in the early stages of your auditing of the pc. Well, the reason you’re worried about it is because your rudiments aren’t in.

Well, your rudiments wouldn’t be in. It wouldn’t matter what you did or if you had changed the color of your hair and wore a funny nose, you’d have the same opinion exactly on the part of the pc of your auditing. And if the pc… Well, let me give you a better example.

Did any of you ever have your parents get acquainted with you? No, you see. Well, this had very little to do with you, but had a great deal to do with your parents’ ability to observe. They didn’t observe very deeply, and so they didn’t know you very well. That’s about the way that adds up.

The pc’s ability to observe during that first seventy-five hours of getting straightened up is negligible. His powers of obnosis stink. He could go down the street, and you ask him — I’m not talking now about a strange off-color, neurotic personality. I am talking about Homo sap, average issue, school tie and the lot, see. And we have him walk down a street one block and then ask him at the end of the block, „What have we just seen?“ and you would be amazed. You have either seen nothing or you have seen something else, or the people you have passed have been entirely different people. His obnosis — the power of observing the obvious. The ability to observe the obvious. It just is not present.

So you actually should not feel bad or be influenced by this preclear’s opinion of you at all, up until the time you’ve got 3D levels about threequarters of the way run. Because, you see, he can’t observe. This — this is something you should keep in mind. It’s quite important, because I’ve seen a pc who was sort of bad off, curse and swear at one of the finest, smoothest auditing jobs I’ve ever seen. And I’ve seen a pc who was apparently in fairly good condition, and so forth, totally satisfied with one of the lousiest auditing jobs I was ever punished to witness. There’s just — the pc had nothing to do with this.

So what you do, you see, is you be satisfied with yourself. You see? „Am I turning in a representative auditing job? Is my interest in the case adequate, and is my technical accuracy, as I work with this case, is that adequate? Am I turning in a representative auditing job? Is my technical skill there?“ And that’s it. Now, if you have that confidence, you’ll never get rocked. Otherwise, you will continue to get rocked always because your job could be utterly perfect, and you would still get your eyes clawed out by some pcs, and your job could be horrible, and you would still be kissed on both cheeks by other pcs, you see. „Oh, my auditor’s a wonderful auditor. She gives me such good advice between the auditing commands.“ Could get pretty wild, couldn’t it?

So it’s actually up to you to hold and maintain a standard of auditing. You have to know what is — what does a session look like? And what should it look like? And then just hold that standard, that’s all. As best you can, hold the standard. Just turn in a good job of work on the thing, one that you won’t be ashamed of, and one that you don’t think I’d be ashamed of, and you’ll — you’ll have it made, you see. That is what counts. It is your belief in your auditing job.

Now, that belief, of course, can be enormously influenced by the pc, providing you are not sure whether or not you’re turning in a technically perfect auditing job. As soon as you become sure of that, no pc in the world could shake you. It’s only when you are doubtful about what you can do, doubtful about your skill and doubtful about your technical accuracy that you can be shaken.

Now, you just go ahead and hold a standard. That’s very easy to do, and so on. Because the first long run here is not going to be done before a reliable judge: the pc. He is not a reliable judge.

In the first place, he’s — he’s even further introverted during a session than he would normally be. So he is frankly less capable of observing because you’re trying to make him observe himself. So his observation of you, of course, is very poor. So, don’t pay any attention to that. Do you hear me on this? Might practically save your bacon some day.

Maybe if I’d told some auditor this earlier, why maybe we’d had a few auditors who wouldn’t feel so bad about some of their failures or something like this. If somebody had ever told me that, I know I wouldn’t feel so bad about some of mine. So this is the way it goes because that first seventy-five hours may, if your technical accuracy is good and if you’re doing the things and using the tools the way you should — remember those tools are well put together. Don’t — don’t think those tools aren’t.

You’re going to see a little change in beginning and end rudiments adapted to Security Checking or adapted to 3D, you see? You’re going to see a little variation between those two Model Sessions, but the bulk and body of Model Session is unaltered. These things are not altered. Your Security Checks, they’re very set. Your Problems Intensive, that’s very well set. The packaged processes which you have, they’re very well set. These things are not variables. And you are not dealing with variables.

I could give you a table, and I will try to compile you a table, of what to do in almost any — with any type of pc — a very simple table, using exactly the tools you know how to use.

But those first seventy-five hours, well, you just do them.

Now we get up to a point where the pc has needle response. I don’t say that it takes seventy-five hours. And I don’t say that you, graduated from Saint Hill and really knowing your stuff, will not be able to get enough altitude over some pc who is sitting there kind of wide-eyed and overwhumped anyhow. And you say, „Give me your terminal,“ bang! You got it, you see. I mean… Crash, the meter goes. You get tremendous meter reads, you see, because you got altitude. Don’t count on other auditors you train having the same altitude, and don’t make the mistake that I continue to make. Please profit by my mistake. I make this mistake continually.

I can sit a pc down; I know my business. I have altitude with the pc. Even when I don’t have altitude with the pc and know my business, I can get command value over the pc very rapidly. I can really make a meter read. Can really make it read.

All right, so then I expect you to do the same thing. That’s not a proper — proper thing for me to do.

But over the years, over the years I have finally learned this fact: One, that I don’t know what a process will do until it is done out of my sight. See, I don’t know what a process will do. And the other one is — is that I have every reason to expect comparable-level auditing from everybody who audits. Oh, you thought I was going to say the reverse, didn’t you? No. You can audit like that because I found out I audit the same way you audit except I just know what I’m doing, and you don’t know what you’re doing. And that unconfidence that you sometimes display at those crucial points on the thing is your only fault. Now, all you’ve got to do is get that confidence, and you’ve got it made.

I’m not saying then that a pc, raw meat, could not be assessed on 3D. You’ve got tremendous altitude with this pc. And you sort of overwhump him, and you hold him like a frozen halibut in-session, and he responds. And he hasn’t any choice. I’m not saying you cannot do this. At the same time, I’m not advising you to do it. Not that you couldn’t get it. Not that it wouldn’t be fine. Not that the pc wouldn’t get tremendous gains. Not for those reasons. But because you’re not going to get that even a run of it. The bulk of the pcs which you sit down across from will not be in any shape to audit, and you’ll be wasting your time on Class II skills when you should be assessing. That’s all.

So that you — you should have enough nerve, either yourself, to set up somebody you care about a great deal as a pc, to set them up perfectly for assessment and get the rudiments in, or turn them over to somebody to be set up one way or the other so that you can assess them. That’s what you ought to be doing with it.

All right. Now, what happens at this point of assessment? Well, you’ve got a needle response. Now, don’t expect the needle response to stay constantly good. You’ve got these rudiments in sort of on the basis of mounting a couple of toothpicks on the side of the Empire State Building, you see? And there’s a high wind, and toothpicks are frail, and they’re liable to fall off at any minute.

Don’t expect, because you have invested seventy-five hours, that they will stay in. All you’ve done is guarantee that you can get them in. That’s all you’ve guaranteed with all of this. Actually, the pc will feel better; he’ll live a better life; he’ll think things are wonderful. You’ve actually done something to change his way of existence; he’ll think this is fine; he’ll have more confidence in you. These are all factors. He’ll think these are gains. You, under your future experience, will learn these aren’t gains at all. They don’t amount to a hill of beans. But they amount to something to the pc. They’re more than the pc could get anywhere else from anybody else.

All right. And you’ve just brought him up to a point where you could get the rudiments in. That’s — that’s about all you could say.

You brought him up to a point where at the beginning of session you have some guarantee that you can get the rudiments in and that they will stay in, probably, maybe, throughout the session. See, probably, I guess. Mm-hm. Maybe, you see. But it’s no more positive than that.

Now, you couldn’t have gotten the rudiments in on him seventy-five hours before. See, so that’s the single gain that you can expect to have made: that you can get the rudiments in on the pc after the pc has been well prepared. It isn’t now that the rudiments will stay in on the pc. They won’t. But they will be much, much better, much easier to keep in. You won’t find yourself coming into session and having to take up two hours of the session with a present time problem. See, you can get the rudiment in as a rudiment.

You’ve got him to a position now where you can call — he tells you he has a present time problem, and then you say, „Well, what’s the prior confusion to it?“ Sec check it a little bit, and it blows, and you can get on with the session. Do you understand?

But every session — every few sessions you may find yourself confronted with some upheaval in his life which requires that you spend a whole session putting him in some kind of shape — every now and then, even though he’s been prepared.

You’ve just given yourself the fact that ordinarily you could get the rudiments in. That’s all you’ve done. After all that period of time.

All right. Now, we don’t care whether the pc feels much better, whether he thinks Scientology is wonderful or whether he thinks it’s now horrible. We care nothing about his opinion. We just hope that he is in a bit better communication with the auditor. That is all we hope for. This pc is going to keep telling you constantly, „Well, you know, my left eye still twitches. Hm-hm-hm-hm-hm-hm. My left eye still twitches. Hm-hm-hm-hm-hm. You know, when you ran that Problems Intensive it didn’t do my left eye a bit of good. Hm-hmhm-hm-hm.“ You can kind of touch the head of the arm so that it’ll play the next groove.*This refers to the old record players which sometimes — when the record was damaged — sprung always back into the “same” groove instead of going forward. But that’s about all you can do about it. Because I can tell you frankly his left eye twitching is buried in the middle in some kind of a wild Goals Problem situation that you couldn’t have got to with an oil-well rig, you see. So, just pat them on the back and say, „That’s fine.“

And they come in and they tell you, „It is so wonderful, so wonderful. I feel so free. I feel so marvelous. You know, my chest no longer hurts. All these years, my chest has been hurting. And my — chest doesn’t hurt very much. And I… Achmmmmm! It’s marvelous what you’ve done for me. I’m so happy about the whole thing.“

You say, „Thank you. Thank you very much,“ and get on with the game because you know very well his chest is going to turn on in full before it turns off again. See, you frankly haven’t — you — you haven’t done more than key a few things out.

All right. That’s fine. But, if you expect to do anything horrendous for him, you see, in five hours of Security Checking and so forth, disabuse yourself of the idea. You’re not. Whether he’s happier or unhappier, we couldn’t care less. It’s just whether or not we have to do that five hours of Security Checking while we’re assessing or do that five hours of Security Checking before we start assessing. And it’s always smarter to do it before we start assessing. That’s — that’s all there is to that.