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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Communication Breaks (Radio) - L510214



Radio broadcast on 14 February 1951 One Side of the ARC Triangle

I would like to tell you more about the triangle of affinity, communication and reality, of which I have spoken before. The last time we talked about communication we learned how a persons communication lines can be shut off and he cannot give out as many communications as he should, and what the consequences are of cutting off communication. The ultimate is physical death.

The matter of communication is a very serious one. People who are wearing glasses have a break in communication — the communication between the outside world and their minds. It is something which makes it hard for them to see. Myopic astigmatism, unless caused by an accident, is a psychosomatic affair caused by the mind. There is a communication break relating to sight. Those breaks culminate in glasses.

Statements in engrams like “You just can’t see anything” will cause the command power to shut off vision. Those people who have achieved optimum personality often drop off the need for glasses.

The relation to reality as represented by glasses also has to do with a person’s other abilities to communicate. It has to do with seeing things mentally, with seeing the world around him. There are other things such people are out of communication with. They will have some slight difficulty in talking. They have been pushed back by the people around them to the point where they are out of communication with them. For instance, the Japanese language is very difficult and subject to many misinterpretations. Glasses are very common in Japan.

Then there is the matter of hearing. Did you ever have a person around you who asked you to repeat? It is hard to get communication into them. They misunderstand what is told to them. People accuse them of willfully misunderstanding, and that makes the matter worse. People comment on them, and that makes it worse.

Then there is stuttering. Very few cases of stuttering are due to physical defects. The little boy who stutters has been checked in talking and takes up a speech impediment. He has engrams very early in his life which tell him not to talk. You find stammering in families where people often tell each other to shut up. When the child is three or four years of age people tell him to shut up and this causes these early moments of pain and discomfort to come in, and he is unable to talk.

One little boy was a potential stammerer, and there was another little boy in the neighborhood who did stammer. The first boy’s mother told him not to copy the other little boy’s stammering, and that shifted him into the little boy’s valence. We found some early engrams that told him not to talk and to shut up. This child was also unable to take in communication. He didn’t listen. He had an interrupted communication line. He had an undercurrent of resentments against life. He didn’t dare tell anybody. He didn’t feel any large affection toward anyone. His sense of reality was very poor. His stammering and his inability to love went right along with his concept of reality.

When we consider the tone scale we find that on this tone scale the communication shifts. A person high on the tone scale can talk satisfactorily and make himself understood. He understands other people. You can count on this person’s ability as far as liking people. He will have a good solid idea of what is real and what is unreal, what is true and what is false. He will be agreeable, not with irrational things, but about life in general. He feels good toward people. But as people come down on the tone scale you get shut-off.High on the tone scale you have the artist. He is communicating in the broadest way to the people around him. He also appreciates art. As you start dropping down into anger, you find communication starting to be shut off and perverted. An angry person seldom tells the truth. His communication is a lie. A chronically angry person will twist a communication. Someone will phone him and say, “Aunt Lizzie got off the train yesterday and is very ill.”

He will say, “Aunt Lizzie arrived yesterday, and Aunt Mamie made her sick.”

His concept of things is very bad. This person does not like people. He doesn’t have any concept of loving people. Lower on the scale you have a person who won’t talk. He won’t answer back. He is sullen. He isn’t doing much loving and hasn’t much in the way of reality.

This is all too frequent in our society. In the police state the communication is thoroughly cut and the result is a totalitarian state without affection.