Thank you.
We’ve had preclears blow but I think I just saw a member of the audience blow. I … Just a gag. Just a gag. I’m over your heads today.
How are you today?
Audience: Fine.
What’s the date?
Audience: 14 April.
Fourteen April 1964, AD 14 and want to talk to you about something that is very, extremely important to auditors and preclears and so forth. Along about November the 26th released a policy letter that had to do with classification and it called for the classification of preclears and so forth, but at the same time this policy letter was not put into effect. It was merely proposed and it was expected that auditors around the world would answer up and give their opinions with regard to this classification program. They did so and it took a long time for everybody to get his answer in and lot of chitchat back and forth on straightening up these various answers. And finally we arrived at a new program — could no longer be called the classification program for the excellent reason that classification is confined to auditors. So, it becomes a Classification and Gradation Program. And perhaps a shorter, better name for it might be the Levels Program.
Now, the levels of Scientology became necessary when it was realized that no one was taking any pains to bring up the general public right. And they were picking them up and throwing them into the middle of a lion’s pit and saying, „Well, that’s it,“ and „All right, now, what’s your service facsimile? Oh, you don’t know what that is. I’m sorry. Well, I guess it’s a failed case. Next!“ Oh, it wasn’t quite as bad as this, but pretty near, pretty near.
Now, oddly enough that wasn’t what was giving the auditors trouble. I foresaw that that would give the pc trouble, but I didn’t really foresee what was giving the auditor trouble. And what was giving the auditor trouble was what I had just — well, I had proposed something that would relieve this trouble — what was giving the auditor trouble is the pc didn’t know from nothing and that was what was giving the auditor trouble.
Now, I recognized that it would have some bearing on cases and I recognized a lot of other things, but I didn’t realize the extent to which auditors were losing pcs not by throwing them in over their heads, but not throwing them in at all. And here pcs would sit yakking at each other in co — audits and talking to an auditor and the pc would get over his slight case of lumbosis and he’d say, „Well, I’ve been processed. Well, I guess — feel better now.“ And wander on off.
And oddly enough, accidentally put my fingers on why auditors were losing preclears. And it wasn’t — it wasn’t because the pc — this all — was all disclosed in correspondence and reviews of the situation and so on — and it wasn’t because the pc was being thrown in over his head, but because the pc wot-notted what he was being thrown into. He hadn’t a clue.
Now, well, let’s take up why he hadn’t a clue. Well, there’s been the Aesculapians, and the best thing they did was slip somebody some hellebore or something like that and the fellow had a dream, see? And a god came to him in the dream, and the god said to him, „Well, you’re all going to be copacetic now. Huh, pal?“ And then the fellow got well or he didn’t get well and mostly he didn’t, and that was mental treatment.
And then there’s — then there’s the — the psychoneurotic analyst and he let the fellow sit there for five years and talk his havingness out, you see?
And then there’s this other bunch of guys who have what’s called the destruction method of putting a guy in an electric shock machine while packing him with ersatz or something, and that — that blew his brains out.
And then in the Western world there’s not even a Tradition of philosophy. There’s no Tradition of — there is — they — you say — what — what equivalent Western word is there for a guru? There isn’t, and yet an Indian wouldn’t know how to go through his day without knowing this word, guru, somehow or another. You get the idea, see?
We did a survey. I’ll give you an idea of the state the public is in — we did a survey in Washington, DC about 1955 which was a very intriguing survey. Because I wanted to know — I thought these birds would realize that the psychiatrists were — let’s put it in a more elegant sense — let’s put it in a more elegant sense than it deserves, that the psychiatrists were cutting into their racket. So we got ahold of all the ministers in Washington, DC on the idea that they might have some sensibility with regard to all this and asked them if they thought this was the case. No, No. Any time one of their congregation showed the least signs of becoming nervous, they instantly rushed him to the electric shock machine. Seventeen hundred and eight ministers out of seventeen hundred and ten were wildly in favor of the mental hospital and the electric shock machine as soon as possible. Why, the poor dopes! They didn’t realize that that religious ecstasy was the only thing which kept them whizzing. If anybody had suddenly stood up in their congregation and said, „I embrace the Lord,“ or something like that, they would have said, „Dr. — Dr. Sparks, would you please send a wagon over right away, quick.“ See?
In other words, the whole field of religion had been eaten up in this particular direction which I thought was rather amazing.
And everywhere we looked, then, this member of the public — actually since time immemorial — has had failed help. Everywhere he looked he saw nothing but failed help. So he has no Tradition of any kind whatsoever of what is treatment, what is healing, what is ability, what is getting better, what are any of these things at all, and you put yourself up in the field of the human mind and what does he compare you with, see? Neurotic analysm, see? Electric shock machines; stick the guy full of needles, you know, and give him the old biochemical whiz — bang.
I’m using very technical terms as they undoubtedly use them in their private conferences. „Well, what’ll we feed the suckers this year?“ You know, I mean it’s not quite that crude, perhaps. They say, „What will we feed — what is — what is Latin for ‘sucker’?“
Now, your public has no Tradition. The Western world has no Tradition of self — betterment, and it isn’t that they’re suspicious of Scientology. They wouldn’t even know what it was. Our biggest task has been to define Scientology to them and every one of us — every one of us has at one time or another racked his brains into a total stupefaction trying to figure out how to communicate this thing to these people. Why?. Well, you’re not communicating against any worn or traveled road. You’re going right straight through the thorn bushes, see? There is no gradient there of any kind whatsoever. We’re putting in the gradient. There we are. And so there is, to begin with, no common communication ground already established. Since you cannot, of course, compare Scientology with all of these other things that the public thinks has something to do with mental treatment. It’s mental destruction, the whole lot of it. And — and it doesn’t compare so that they can’t get their wits wrapped around it.
That’s why they — well, you take — take outfits like the — like the AMA, the BMA and that sort of thing, their attacks are so crazy because they don’t even know what they’re attacking. You see, they’re in a total ignorance of what to attack so therefore their attacks are very stupid indeed. They’re actually not very hard to whip, because they’re too stupid. If you had a squad of soldiers out here that were fighting a giant who didn’t exist and you were sitting on the parapet there — you were sitting on the parapet, you see, as an entirely different type of being and they kept on fighting this nonexistent giant, why, after a while all you’d have to do is reach out a stave, put it between their legs and let them fall on their faces. They don’t even see you. They don’t even know what they’re attacking. They haven’t any idea whatsoever because they are lost, too, in this communicationless area. There’s no area of communication.
So we’re having to create not only a science, but a communication road in the society. We’re having to chop out the first path and the pc sits there in the midst of all of this Confusion getting processed. Well, what’s processing to him? And there is the biggest auditor failure. I’ve seen somebody after (quote) „two years in Scientology,“ still giving all the proper answers for psychoanalysis. I think some of you have seen them, too — giving all the proper answers for psychoanalysis, see. Try to run a repetitive process on this guy, you see? You say, „Well, now, re ‘ call a person you really felt some affinity for.“ Just one off the bat here, you see.
„Well, my id’s been ticking today.“
„Yes, what? Can you recall a person you felt some affinity . . .“
„Well, it’s my id, see. And I — I — I — I recognized in myself yesterday some symptoms of fetishism.“
You say, „Yes, but have you felt …“
Now, after a while the guy says, „Uh — huh,“ or something like this while still worrying about his fetishism that he has discovered in himself, you see. He’s still being psychoanalyzed, because that’s the only comparative understanding he has to Scientology. He has — he has never crossed the communication bridge to Scientology. It’s actually a bridge before the Bridge.
What’s expected of this fellow? Well, there is one of the largest data that fell out of the hamper in this survey and working this over, is that auditors were losing a large percentage of the people they were trying to process because they had never undertaken any real communication relationship on the subject of Scientology with this pc. In other words, the pc was completely untrained.
And if you think this percentage is slight, it’s not. It’s apparently 80 percent. There goes your forward progress. It’s just going up in smoke. Out of ten people, you reach two. Even though those — eight of those people might have entered into auditing of some kind or another, they vanish because they never entered into auditing. They entered into psychoanalysis or they entered into something else or they entered into something else and they had no idea what they were going into, and nobody ever told them what they were in so they just kept redefining it and they finally decided they didn’t like Christian Science, so they stopped being audited. Well, of course, that’s an irrational statement but this is the irrational frame of mind those pcs are in.
Well, this is one of the first things that fell out of the hamper. Next thing that fell out of the hamper, just getting on with this, was the auditor in the field being upset about his pc having to take a formal course. And auditors all over the place were taking down flintlock pistols and loading them up ready to blow their brains out over this particular aspect of the thing. So that was going too far in the other direction. So what was reached here was a workable compromise.
There is a route known as the pc, known as the preclear, but it’s a route by which the pc is educated. He does not have to be formally trained; he doesn’t need any certificates, but before he can get out of his grade, he has to pass certain training requirements taught to him by his auditor and which will all be furnished along with this as the exact texts that have to do with this which he’s supposed to be checked out on before he’s permitted to launch himself into the next series of processes.
In other words, a compromise was reached here so the field auditor can go on processing his individual preclear and all he need do as far as this — this pc doesn’t have to do any auditing — but as far — all he needs to do is make sure that the pc passes his training requirements and these are little booklets which are carried along for each level and they are very simply written and the pc studies them and the auditor has a question sheet which he checks the pc out on. Actually, in the logbook, which I’ll speak about in a moment, there is a little checksheet at the beginning of each level, and this checksheet has to be completely passed by the pc, you see, before he’s interrupted by this and that.
What kind of thing going into this checksheet, you see? Well, rather minor things, like, don’t have withholds from your auditor or you will get upset with him. Don’t you see? What is a withhold? A withhold is … Now, of course these things are filled with definitions of Scientology, metaphors, allegories, methods of communication to the individual as to what’s going on and what he is trying to do and so forth. And it brings the pc up to a point of where he suddenly starts to recognize there is something here and that does align with his goals. But these goals are so failed as far as he’s concerned that he would never even attempt to reach for them unless somebody revived them for him. That’s actually what’s happening. He’s long since — has stopped trying to get out of the slough of despond. He’s quit. He quit a long time ago, see? He’d like to get over his sporadic earache. See, that’s as close as he can get to freedom, is freedom from. That’s as close as he can get.
Well, you can bring him up through these various grades and you will achieve, of course, much faster auditing results as a reason for this. He can be taught, in other words, what is happening, what’s going on, without in the least bit evaluating for him or trying to fix him up so he’ll — case will run in an educated fashion. We’re not interested in his case running in an educated fashion, but we are very interested in having a preclear who is being audited by Scientology who doesn’t think he is in a psychoanalytic laboratory or a monkey cage or something else, don’t you see?
This is the Establishment of reality. Where is he going. What is happening What is going on? There are some points of life and so forth. Now the philosophy of life is also put into this zone or area like your ARC triangle and little bits and pieces of this particular character. Things he’s never thought about, you see?
Now, of course, this goes up to Level VI. This goes up to clay table work. This only becomes possible because of the late discoveries I have made at Level VI. It would not have been possible to have done this at all. A pc never would have gotten through if it had been necessary to actually get together his goals pattern. You won’t have to do that on the pc so it made possible for classification and gradation which is one of the points of slowdown, by the way. I had to be absolutely sure this was the case before we could adventure out on this.
So at Level VI this preclear actually would have to be trained on a clay table in nomenclature and so forth by his auditor and rather arduously as to what was a GPM and what was a this and that and really be able to snap and point and pop and so forth, and he — if he weren’t trained on a clay table as to exactly where was he going and so on, the auditor couldn’t really ask him any questions about anything, but if he is trained on a clay table the communication is inevitable. He sees the GPM down deep in his mind, of course, it’s not down deep in his mind — well, way out there he’s got these things, you see — and he’ll instinctively recognize the similarities between the things and he’ll be able to put it together and so forth and so he’ll be able to follow auditing commands and you’ll be able to take him on up the line.
Also you aren’t taking on up the line some ignorant being that’s going to fall on his head because he’s being taken up the line, because by the time he gets to Level VI we will have gotten to him on the basis of this is Scientology, this is what we’re trying to do and this is where we’re going to go. You get the idea. And even if a military organization was demanding that you train some OTs so they could spy on Russia — I’m sure this will come about, I can see it now — I can see one of you now being approached by Colonel Swivelbottom with a — with offend, „Why don’t you process some intelligence agents for us,“ don’t you see, and so forth. Well, you possibly even could process these intelligence agents providing you process them all the way from scratch and they had to pass all their pc’s requirements and he wouldn’t have any intelligence agents by the time they got to OT.
This — self — preventive mechanisms. Now, let’s get down to nomenclature here. Then what is a grade? A grade is something that a pc has. This, of course, fits in with his childhood schooling; it fits in with the colloquialism: make the grade; it fits in with a lot of things that will communicate, all of which have been rather carefully thought out.
So make the grade and there, of course is — there is no such thing, and actually, really, as a Grade 0. There is a Level 0 but there is no Grade 0 because who would grade somebody for being a man in the street? So actually the earliest grade is really Grade I and this is assigned to somebody after he has passed the Level 0 levels and he’s been checked out and so forth, you have a Grade I pc. And then, of course, these grades compare exactly with the various Levels of Scientology and as he’s passed up through these grades he has a checksheet for each grade and his instruction material and his auditor has to put him over the jumps on these things, you see?
And — horrible thought just occurred to me, only I can see this happening. Some auditor is too busy, you see, so his pc just has a harder time passing through the checksheet than some other pc that he’s got — wants to process now. You could almost adjust your schedule — a horrible thought occurred to me. I wouldn’t advise doing that, but be very honest in trying to get the pc through.
Well, the pc is not well disciplined, to begin with, at all. And I have found it very difficult to audit an off — the — street pc or even get him to answer a sensible question because you say one thing and his language difficulties and barriers relay this to — as something else, and he’s not quite sure which end of the stick he’s on or what’s happening to him and so forth. Well, by the time you get him up to Level II, this is pretty jolly well straightened out. By the time he’s a Grade II pc, he’s long since been a Release, see. That would probably — your level of Release.
Anyway, he goes on up through these various grades and each grade has an attainment of certain pc abilities and what we do is work it as an ability scale. He isn’t having trouble in certain departments of his life that he was having trouble in before. In other words, we make his conquest of the environment the index of his grade. That’s quite sensible. That’s — because that gives him finite points of advance. He used to get into a shaking fit every time he thought about all of the problems he has and now he doesn’t get into it. He can confront his own problems in life. That’s — that would be a sampling of what a grade accomplishment would be, see? He can confront his own problems in life. Well, that’s a very simple gain, but yet it is explicit and the individual says, „Well, what do you know. Yes, I can,“ and he’s now made this grade to that degree.
Now, you’ve got another one there — you’ve got another one there. He is relatively free or at least not worrying about his aches and pains. It’s another level. You see, there’s a difference between hurting and worrying about hurting. You get some people who are going around in circles afraid they will hurt, afraid they will get an ache or a pain. You perhaps have even run into somebody, although it’s probably been a long time since you’ve associated with such a person, who has a funny, buzzing feeling over his left ear or something and this tells him he’s going to be sick in a certain way in three days and that he had better promptly go take a hot pack for his skull and go to bed with a certain brand of hot toddy or something. It’s — he’s got it all worked out. His cure for this buzzing thing over his ear is practically a dramatization. And you’ve got him now to a point where — not where nothing buzzes over his ear; you’ve got him to a point where he doesn’t worry about something buzzing over his ear, see. This type of thing. Not unduly concerned about personal, physical upsets, you see? He’s just not unduly concerned about these things. That would be another type of level, don’t you see?
Another one is not always dwelling on things that have happened to him in the past. Now you’re getting up around III, you see — not always dwelling on things that have happened to him in the past. He’s not worrying all the time about the fact he didn’t get a chance to go to college or something or he isn’t spending 90 percent of his time grinding his teeth about his elder brother who did him in. You know he isn’t — he doesn’t have all these horrible feelings about the past and so forth which you can say: relative freedom from the past. It’s just relative — he just doesn’t spend 90 percent of his time worrying about it. That’s the gain, you see. You’d be surprised how many people are walking around doing just that, you see.
Another level is he’s stopped trying to make everybody wrong and himself right all the time, see. Of course, that’s recognizable as IV. Grade V — well just make that a catch — all because we actually have got the processes for Grade V, but we have skidded by them. It isn’t necessary really to run them in order to attain Grade VI which is implants and whole track engrams and so forth. These things are all put together. The technology’s all there. There’s no particular reason to go through that. So what you probably do is put the guy through an auditing dust — off at about that period so that he can really — he can really preclear. See, we fix him up so he can really preclear. You get it on your auditing checksheet at Class VI. Now, he really can preclear at about this point.
He perfectly — he feels perfectly free to be asked any question or to say anything about himself or his past, you see. He feels — he’s got a complete freedom in this department. He can receive an acknowledgment and so forth. He’s also got enough sense to realize the auditor is addressing his bank, not him, in assessment. You know, those little points that you’ve got. In other words, he’s a pretty accomplished pc. Now at this point it would be possible then, having come up through all these other levels to — for the individual to tackle, head — on, GPMs.
Now, if you’d taken this fellow right at the beginning and if you’d taken him and he’s come in off the street and he’s thinking all the time, „I — I — I wonder why she’s mad at me all the time. I — I just wonder why she’s mad at me all…“ This is all that goes through his head for one whole morning, you see. „I wonder why she’s mad at me all the time. I wonder why she’s mad at me. I haven’t really done anything. I’ve never done anything to her. I wonder why she’s mad at me all the time.“
This is what’s called stream of consciousness, see. This is life to this individual, see? And we say to this person — we say to this person, „Now, we’re going to count the number of GPMs in the series and find out where the series is truncated, you see.“ And what are you going to get back? You’re going to get back, „I wonder why she’s mad at me all the time. — wonder why she’s mad at me all the time.“ See.
In other words, you have to have a certain amount of control and confront of the mind. So if you considered this — these grades a gradient scale of confront of the environment composed also of the individual’s own mind, you recognize that this confrontingness can be improved by training and by processing. It’s basically improved by processing, but it nevertheless can also be improved by training. He has to get some realization of what he’s looking at and therefore he moves up on both of those tracks.
Well, that is the route of the pc. And any auditor can process a pc up to the class that auditor has. So it doesn’t matter where he’s gone. If he’s gone to Class VI, why, he could take the pc all the way through. If the auditor’s only a Class I, that’s as far as he can take the pc. That’s sensible, too.
Now, your routes are three in number and the pc is merely the first one of these. I frankly don’t think the route of the pc — I don’t think that pc’s going to get there nearly as fast as the other two routes but — he’s going to have more trouble and he’s going to have more upsets and he’s going to have more things he doesn’t understand, but he’ll get there. He’ll get there as long as his auditor is patient and everything holds out along the line, you see? So it is a feasible route expressed in these lines.
Your second route is the route of the co — auditor. Now, this is something brand — new to you auditors and simply falls into your nomenclature as you and Bill co — auditing, but more recently falls into your nomenclature of getting a bunch of people together and have them audit each other. Well, this is something brand — new. It — make it a noun. An individual who isn’t classified but has a certificate is a co — auditor. He may not charge for his processing. He cannot in any way call himself a professional. He is simply a co — auditor. What is he expected to do? Why, he’d probably run some processes on his friends, probably run some assists of one kind or another or even some high — level processes on one another. I’m not making nothing out of this. Probably audit a few of his business associates or something like this or use it — and he’s even got a certificate. And he’s been through the training courses and so forth, but at no time has he ever been classified and he can’t be classified without being classified all the way. That would only be fair to auditors.
Now, what is this fellow: a co — auditor? Now, we saw him originally — actually we’re going over our own evolutionary background. We saw the fellow who went to school for 30 days or 60 days or something like that and he got himself a certificate. And he didn’t know from nothing. Yet he knew more than the man out on the street. Yet he was actually somebody and he was better than — wasn’t he? And just because he’s attended something for a few weeks, a certificate was put in his hot hand and that was the end of that. We saw this fellow. It happens inevitably. Even though you had careful examiners and so forth, you would still have a few of these people around. The co — auditor is somebody who has a certificate but no classification.
Now, every once in a while — this plays into your hands very well to this degree. You are in lower South Amboy, have gotten yourself together about twenty people and you’ve got a co — audit running there and because they’re all running as pcs and very low — level co — audit, you see, don’t need any certificates or anything. You’ve gotten them trained. You haven’t made that mistake. You’ve educated them up to knowing what they are doing and so forth and then you get very enthused and you put them through an HQS Course. Well great, that gives them a certificate, doesn’t it?
Well, the number of these people that are going — that’s perfectly legitimate up to these point — but the number of people who are going to go for a classification examination over to Melbourne or Los Angeles or something like that, are very few indeed. So that, in essence, has stopped your Co — audit, hasn’t it? They can never be processed beyond this point.
Well, supposing you had these twenty people and they were going along with vast enthusiasm and so forth, and supposing your classification had gotten up to Class IV. You pushed your classification up to IV. Now, the point comes about, can you teach these people a course for certificate? Well, now there would be several ways you actually could do this. One is to get them to go to Los Angeles — these are all possible routes — or get some Instructor to come over from Los Angeles and teach them a course, making them sweat it out for a certain period of time and reach certain requirements, don’t you see, or get a special dispensation based on your own record to teach them a course yourself Do you see? You wouldn’t be able to charge them no money for this or cut corners in some other direction, you’d — it would have to be all very official and formal, but nevertheless this is rigged so that you get minimal stoppage of progress with minimal upset because of technical flubs.
Now, that’s the way the thing is adjudicated. Are we going to have a lot of people in lower South Amboy who all have HCA certificates, who can audit nobody and do nothing, don’t you see. And therefore this course that’s going to be taught in lower South Amboy under these cla — these — these determinations just won’t get taught, you see, because this might be very damaging. It might be very upsetting. Until some Arrangement can be made where somebody has guaranteed the fact that — that their — their training was good enough to get them across at that Level. That’s what’s being guaranteed here and that’s really the sole criterion in this.
Well, now these people could go all the way on up. Sooner or later they’re going to have to connect with or collide with some kind of a training course someplace, you see? But they can go on and they can get their certificates and so forth but if — they’re conspicuously blank in their lower left — hand corner. There’s nothing in that lower left — hand corner. This certificate is a certificate and all is fine but it is awful blank in that lower left — hand corner whereas a professional auditor certificate is very conspicuously classed in the lower left — hand corner. Got a great big class seal right there, bang, you see? And it says this is a professional auditor. And that is different.
Well, we’ve lived side by side with this — these types of auditors and these types of certificates all these years, and if all of my thirst for order has been unable to wipe out this particular line I don’t expect it’s going to get wiped out in the future. So you just might as well make up your mind that it exists. And what you should do to resolve this situation is just make sure that a competent auditor is harshly examined, harshly trained and is very recognizable. See what I mean by that, you see? So he’s a pro.
Now, this takes the certificate at HCA/HPA that has always hung there — for some reason or other in the Commonwealth and in the United States there’s different certificates — and puts them as both certificates in both countries. The one certificate the co — auditor does not have is HPA, Hubbard Professional Auditor. He does not have this certificate. He only has a Hubbard Certified Auditor. That’s the only certificate he can get at that level which he is, of course, at once separated out in the sheep from the goats at that level.
Now, somebody then who goes through an Academy and works straight on through and — or returns to the Academy for his classification examinations — study and examinations, as he goes straight on through to his classification examinations from HCO — he is given a Hubbard Professional Auditor Certificate. And that separates the sheep from the goats. But they don’t separate on up the line from that particular point except by designation.
And a classed auditor, then, is your third route. And your classed auditor is, of course, a professional auditor. And he has been trained formally and he has been examined thoroughly and he has been given his classification and he is permitted to charge for processing and he is responsible for pcs in his area and he is the one who occupies staff positions and he’s the one who operates field offices and he’s the one that does the business around the world. And that’s the way it is working out and so we’ve paralleled to that degree.
But now let’s take a look at the co — auditor as a route. This means that somebody can start co — auditing with Bessie Ann or Jane or somebody of the sort and can then, one way or another, at some degree of competence, the best that can be assured, move on up on a co — audit basis with another person or move on up on a co — audit basis with a group that is being conducted by a professional auditor. Numbers of plans are possible there, but this co — auditor is essentially paying for his auditing by giving auditing. He receives auditing and he pays for it by auditing. And he has a preclear logbook just like a preclear — and so does a professional auditor as far as that’s concerned. But it’s strictly a preclear — auditor swap — about, turnabout and that’s about all except for the assists he gives his boss and his mother — in — law, you know? This type of usage.
And he’s en route then, up through the line, on this understanding — that he is going all the way up through on a co — audit basis. Of course, in any person’s life on this planet there can be many vicissitudes. There will be a period there when he belongs to somebody or other’s co — audit and then another period when he and Joe have pulled off to the side someplace and they’re doing a swap — about and then that kind of blew up, don’t you see, and then he decided he’s going to have some training on a little more formal basis and Joe’s processing now looks pretty corny, so he now teams up with a fellow named Buster and you know, it’s — it’s — you know, it’s the way it goes.
But he nevertheless has some guarantee that he’s arriving. See, he’s going over certain lines and he’s got some guarantee that he’s arriving and then sooner or later he’s going to be able to get up within reach either of a professional Class VI Auditor, you see, that can do something with him and some others on an authorized basis or he’s actually going to connect with a Central Organization Class VI Course for a brief period of time and get his lines straight and so forth and go on up all the way. That’s the — that’s his route, and he can go all the way on that particular route on a co — audit basis.
This, by the way, is far less expensive than the preclear route and it doesn’t shut the door in anybody’s face if he wants to keep on going and studying and making the best of it and so on.
Then, of course, there’s the professional auditor route and we understand that route almost too well to say very much about. But let me add this — let me add this to that route. The professional auditor starts in and he gets his training one way or the other and he hangs on through this or that and he finally gets a classification and so on.
Well, the moment that this individual has actually got a classification seal, what happens to him? This means — this means that he has some kind of selectivity with regard to his co — auditing, doesn’t it? So, who’s going to audit him? Because he’s got a classification seal, he of course is more in demand and because he’s got a classification seal he probably audits with somebody with a classification seal. In other words, a professional auditor permitting himself to be audited by somebody who didn’t know very much about what he was doing, doesn’t happen too often because he recognizes it too clearly. It isn’t really that Scientologists are harder to process, they are less propitiative and more outspoken.
In other words, their recognition of what’s going on is so reaching … I wish I had had a tape many years ago of a couple of real old — time professional auditors coming in over an intercom listening system on their arguments with each other concerning exactly what the bulletin had said and they’d sit there and chew each other out on this basis and they were fumbling through a new series of techniques, you know. And brother, if you ever heard a pair of people that were lowering the boom on each other on the subject of exact adherence to the exact comma of exactly how it was supposed to be done, that pair certainly were. And neither one of them were going to go to pieces because it wasn’t done right.
Well, you get some professional auditor, that would be a different type of auditing team entirely than somebody who was a little bit hazy about it or thought somebody knew best, and certainly a different type of auditing team than some preclear being audited; very different indeed! Pc sits there and well, what the auditor does or says goes, don’t you see. Right or wrong, he doesn’t know anything about what’s going on, don’t you see, and therefore the professional auditor is likely to get far more precise processing and errors which occur in his processing are far more likely to be remedied rapidly. And he has, as I’ve already mentioned, a much better choice of auditors and he probably would make it the fastest. Furthermore, he also has a source of income if he cares to push it to work which pushes him through training courses if he works it well with his pcs.
And, by the way, the literature — you’ll be very happy with the literature at this particular field, because it points these things out to preclears: That the auditor should be of the class to audit them and if he isn’t, why, then you should find that auditor some more preclears so he can afford to get that class and this is very fine because he then goes — he can then drop in on the local Academy or something of the sort and get his upper — class training, get expert consultation on his cases and discuss all these things with his fellow professionals, don’t you see? And the pcs could help him out in this particular regard. In other words, it drops hints like you drop anvils, don’t you See? — It makes the way rather easier without having to explain all this and hint around, you see — put it right in the text, exactly what does go on.
Well, the professional, then, probably will make it the fastest and the quickest and the co — auditor will undoubtedly make it fairly rapidly, but with a few falls by the waysides and spins because somebody was trained but they somehow or another had slipped on their meter reading and they thought the needle should be rising on all assessments of service facsimiles and they took nothing but service facsimiles that drove the tone arm up and made the needle rise because a rise was a read and it said right there in the E — Meter manual … In other words, the very points which we have to clear up with pros coming in here will undoubtedly just become the order of the day with the co — auditor. You see, they make these mistakes.
Always — there’s a certain set of — I don’t know if you know it, but there’s a certain set of mistakes that have to be corrected with every auditor who sets foot on Saint Hill. I don’t care where he’s been trained or anything else. We just expect these things will be in error and they will be. There will be various points which are awry because they are the frail points in training — the points that are easily overlooked, the points that are easily forgotten and nobody has ever stressed them hard enough to keep them from being messed up, you see? So you just expect that in — there’s a certain list of things that one or another of one of these, certainly anybody coming in here is just going to have to have his head practically beaten off about before he gets the word, you see. We expect this.
Well, a lot of these people will have — those things will just be rife. So that will of course slow down their processing to that degree. It’ll throw a few more cars in the ditch you might say, but they’ll make it with a fair degree of certainty because they actually are operating on very precise information.
And the preclear — the preclear, of course, is the slowest and most expensive of the routes but the least demanding of the individual. And knowing man as he is at this particular time and with his tremendous Tradition of being able to sit back on an easy — in an easy chair and somebody else does it all for him — knowing this frame of mind, that will be a very extensively used route, very extensively. It will probably outnumber the other routes by fifty, sixty times. And we do what we can to keep the pc educated so he isn’t going it blind, at least on what he’s supposed to be performing and what he’s supposed to be gaining and steering him along the line and do what we can to straighten out any points that might come in his road; and beyond that we can’t do too much for him.
Now, the three routes altogether make the Classification and Gradation Program. And the classifications of the professional auditor are just the classifications which have been published. They’re already the same classifications, and they start in at Class I and wind up at Class VII. And the only other point I’d like to make here about this program is that that’s rougher than rough — those classifications. We’ve suddenly stiffened that up. We’ve stiffened that up like mad.
It changes the original issue to this degree. That an individual, it’s perfectly true, can go to an Academy for a certain number of weeks and get his certificate. Now — now he wants a seal on that certificate. Well, now he’s asking to join the club and we have to open up the file drawer and all those infractions he didn’t turn in that we were willing to forget about and all of this, that and that annoying habit he has of going into screaming peals of laughter when the pc says something which he thinks the pc means to be funny, these little points have got to go, man. Do you see? It’s same class. I mean it’s the same level. It’s the same level, but he’s really got to be there. You get the difference?
And this guarantees — this guarantees us a very high grade of performance at that level. Well, in view of the fact that others are going by without that, of course, it throws more bearing on the person who is classified. So, classification really starts meaning something.
Now classification, of course, isn’t promised anybody. A certificate, yeah, that’s promised people, but not a classification. That isn’t promised anybody. Now, what happens — this question will come up, speaking of general points now about these programs — what happens if Aloysius Q. Doakes of lower Cape Town all of a sudden — all of a sudden decides, having in his hands an HCS certificate, that he wants to become a professional auditor. Well, there he is, see? HCS. Well, he of course, is going to try to bull his way through on the basis that all he’s got to do is take a little brush — up and an examination and he can have his classification and move over. Well, that route is not that simple.
In fairness to everybody else who is classified — in fairness to everybody else who is classified, you take an HAS Class I, you will see that has to be shifted. That becomes a co — audit certificate. So that becomes merely an HAS Grade I. It’s HQS, Grade II and the „grade“ just simply refers to his pcing. What about this fellow? What about this fellow with his classification now? He’s up there at Level IV. No, he has to pass every classification examination right straight on up to Level IV. He has to pass them all to Level IV. In other words he’s got to go through just as much mischief as anybody else had to get his Class IV, otherwise there — this would become very sloppy and upsetting indeed and that it would be very unfair to those people who had been perfectly good all the way up. Which means quite a bit of training all in one fell swoop for this character. He would have to get down and grind.
Now, we see this here at Saint Hill. We see people coming in here and they some — nobody has ever — has ever really gotten tough on the subject of exact performance and that sort of thing and they’ve let them go away with this and get away with that and it very often takes us quite a while to straighten something like this out.
So it’s — classification, you might say is solely a matter of performance. And naturally, if somebody can’t perform all the way up the line on these various classes, there would be no point in giving him a higher level classification, because a higher level classification must always take into account the earlier level classifications.
Now with all — with all fairness to one and all and the least interruption of the things which auditors are trying to do and trying to run centers and private auditors with reputations and pcs and all that sort of thing, out of this classification and Gradation program, I think will come a great deal of order. What do you think? All right.
Well, I’ve tried to meet in all of this all the objections that have been forwarded through and I was quite astonished — quite astonished in doing this to get some other, disrelated data that I had not expected. I hadn’t expected any technical data to drop in my lap. There’s a reason for this, because this is strictly an administrative program. But the basic one was that pcs were failing because they weren’t taught. That was the first one that dropped out, whereas, I had assumed already that pcs were failing because they were being thrown too far. That was my first assumption on the matter. That was not the ease. It was they actually were not being taught anything and therefore were failing, so on.
That technical datum should give you pause when you suddenly get ahold of a pc and this pc doesn’t know from nothing. Well, yes, you can always pull off your first trick. This is what fools the auditor, you see? You can always pull off your first trick. Raw meat, fat with charge, that sort of thing you’re working with some altitude; you ask them to do this, this and this. See? And with great spectacularity they all of a sudden don’t have lumbosis or something of this sort. Now, you say, „All right, he’s an educated pc.“ Oh, hell no, man! He’s an impressed pc! You got this vast difference between these two beings.
He’ll tell you, „Yeah, that Scientology really works.“ What is he saying when he says, „Scientology“? He doesn’t know. He doesn’t really know what you’re doing; he doesn’t know anything beyond the horizon of that psychosomatic he got away from and your next try — effort to pull off a trick may not be quite so successful. It might be indeed quite catastrophic. And you might lose this pc merely because the pc got going in this direction and then you didn’t ever stop him and start him going in the right direction and he wound up in a horrible Confusion. And so you lost him as a pc and then you go around scratching your head saying, „Why did I lose him as a pc?“
Well, you never had a pc. That’s why you lost him as a pc. You had a — had him originally, probably, as the subject for a miracle. He actually would have done almost anything to have gotten rid of this lumbosis and you did almost anything and got rid of the lumbosis. And you never made a pc. And I think that, all by itself, will be found of considerable benefit because it’ll increase the extent and stability of the practice and activity of any professional auditor, just like that.
It’s interesting, I also have some data on pcs being trained that comes from way back, but we used to push into the hands of a pc in one HGC a copy of Scientology: Handbook for Preclears, and we just made them do the exercises. This is quite fascinating. The studiousness and seriousness and enthusiasm with which these pcs went to work doing those exercises is a datum which I am using at this particular time saying the pc should be trained.
Well, I will say this: That the data must be concise and it has to be very easily understood and it has to be something that is pretty confoundedly personal to the pc for him really to get it straight. And it is better taught out of a textbook which he has certain lessons to do in before his next session. It’s better taught that way than teaching him in a class. You don’t have then, really, pc classes; you have pc assignments.
Well, he’s finished it all up and you’ve handled this last PT problem he had with something or other and something or other and you end your session and then you take ahold of his textbook and you say, „Now you’ve got pages ten to eleven and a half there, now, we’ve got those two pages there, and I want you to cover those very, very thoroughly before the next session. Thank you very much,“ you see. After the guy — the guy’s picking up his hat — “Remember to cover those,“ you know. „I’ve just noticed there that — that you haven’t done your — your — your pamphlet on problems; I just noticed there you haven’t done your pamphlet on problems. And you realize that in another couple of intensives or something like that you’re going to be coming up for another grade and we don’t want that outstanding now. Get that done.“
Now it gives the pc something to work forward toward instead of the negative gain of his own case, which is also quite necessary, you’ll find, to keep a pc rolling.
But this pc keeps coming in and taking up half of your session — while you’re trying to get it started, see — he keeps taking up half of your session with these horrible things that his wife is doing. This has been going on for some time. You’ve run several things. You can’t seem to trace this to anything. What in the name of common sense is happening here, you see? Well, maybe it’s some GPM at work or something like that or maybe it’s a service facsimile at work but you’re — you would make a horrible mistake trying to go into this because you’ve got a Grade II pc.
Well, what do you do? Well, at this level there are some good tips on handling his own life. You’re just tired of these PT problems, you see, about something or other. You’ve been handling them, but actually he’s not making any real progress because all you’re able to do, session by session by session, is just to itsa on these confounded problems, you see. And then this doesn’t tell him anything about how to solve his problem, but it simply tells him what a problem is and that an individual himself must be contributing in some fashion — this lays it down with a thud, see — to the problem. See? He must be himself contributing to it. And anytime he has a severe repercussion from a problem, it’s because he himself is unwilling to communicate to somebody about something that he has done with regard to this sort of thing. And we lay this down, you see? We just tell him the truth, see.
Now we expect the profe — a trained auditor — we expect this trained auditor — he’d know this. Hell, the pc, nobody ever bothers to tell him, see? He’d just go on and listen to his itsa and that sort of thing and nobody is saying, „Now listen, bud . . . „ You know. Because that would be auditor evaluation. Well, a book can evaluate without the auditor evaluating, can’t it? You say, „Why don’t you review Chapter 3?“ And he’d be very appreciative about the whole thing. He’ll come into the session next time and he’d say, „You know, I was thinking over about that thing, I was reading that, and you know there are some little things that I — I’ve — I’ve had some critical thoughts about that person. I think there are some things.“
And you say, „Yes, yes. You had some critical thoughts?“ „Well yes, there are some things that I don’t think I have ever confided to that person, such as the trip to Kansas City.“
Well, this gets to be a different situation all of a sudden. Why, you’re half the session occupied with a PT problem, that problem evaporates as far as you’re concerned without you having actually to do too much or jump up and down and scream, don’t you see?
Now, all training — now enough of that — all training and all courses depend on having valuable material or data. That’s number one requisite. You’ve got to have valuable material or data to impart. Well, you’ve got that in Scientology. And the next area of responsibility with regard to this, is that it be in a form or shape or Condition to impart and inform — to be imparted and to inform others. There’s a responsibility in any zone of knowledge of the communication of that knowledge. See, not only must you have valuable data, but also, if you’re going to train somebody or take that step, then that data must be in a state that can be communicated. Now, if that data is in the shape it can be communicated, you get to number three, which is it must be instructed. Because the Variation and variability of questions which arise as a result of stirring up somebody’s think — think on the subject will take a multiplicity of varied patterns and they will have certain questions which nobody could really guess at and which rise up and instruction, then, takes the zone of handling those things and showing the person where the correct answer to this is.
So there are actually three steps that have to do with training, whether it would be the training of a pc or the training of a professional auditor. One: you have to have valuable data to impart, two: it must be in a state or shape to impart and three: must be imparted on an instructional basis. Very possibly the modern university falls down mainly at level one — pardon me, not level one but part one there. See? Do they have valuable data to impart? See, that’s the thing. The books of Thomas Hardy, you know — what’s this? Which wall?
I told somebody who had taken a course like that that I’d read a lot of Thomas Hardy and he was very interested immediately and so forth and of course I gave him all of Thomas Hardy’s potboilers. Nobody who’s ever taken Thomas Hardy is really ever told that Thomas Hardy wrote mainly potboilers. They’re worse than any penny — a — liner stuff that anybody ever tried to grind out, see. Now, if there’s valuable data to impart there, I haven’t seen it. But it wastes a lot of time, keeps a lot of people from doing something else and you can get education boiled down to a point where it’s merely a restraint from being active. And sure enough, modern Kindergartens are conducted with that exact definition of why they are there — they are to keep the children from getting underfoot for a certain period of the day. And if you have all education starting out with a premise that we’re merely starting to keep somebody occupied, ha — ha, it’s liable to go rather adrift. And of course, sooner or later somebody will essay to teach a course on Thomas Hardy.
Now, the situation here is then that we in Scientology have now really two zones of responsibility. The valuable data is there to impart and one — about the only thing we share at that level now at the present time is just recognition that it’s valuable data and know that it’s there — know that it’s there. That’s about all that needs to be done at one. Because new codification of levels and so on gives certain basic auditing skills pocketa — pocketa — pocketa. And there are just — it’s just a handful that carries the whole load all the way forward. You don’t get this tremendous randomity that you had before, but you’re still conveying the entirety of the valuable data so far as an auditing result is concerned so long as you back it up with philosophical understandings. Well, these philosophical understandings of course can come along at the preclear training level. But there’s valuable data.
Now two — the two and three are where we sit, now. There’s our main interest. Now it — Level II — it of course has been very difficult for me to package up a level from one end to the other without a totality of a finished product, you see, at the other end, because at any time some new data might spring out at the upper end which clarified the lower end. And that is what a student is mostly victimized by: is this was perfectly true and it is still true and everything is just fine on this data of 1956, but now we happen to know that you don’t have to know all that. You see, we’ve got a simplification or a lower common denominator which of course alters the data of 1956. Well, this constant tumble makes the body of data studied by a student rather confusing and all of Scientology at the present moment is being recodified with great severity and with a tremendous attention to pattern and ease of communication of the data.
For instance, there are twelve basic headings of a bulletin — give you an idea of this — twelve basic headings of the bulletin and they give you everything you have to know about a process. And to examine that bulletin, all the Examiner does is convert the heading of any section simply into a question. In other words, „What does (name of process) do?“ That is one of its sections, see? It’s this elementary, see? „What does (name of process) do?“ is simply the Examiner’s question, because on the bulletin it says what (name of process) does. So there would never be any worry in a student’s mind about what he was going to be asked about this bulletin. It’s just that question that’s going to be asked, you see, and then you get the definitive words and so forth that follow on down inside one of these sections. He, of course, would be asked the definitions for those words, don’t you see, and he’d be asked the right answers for each one of these sections. In other words, this is a very finite zone of learning. It’s very sharp.
Now, I don’t think there are but about thirty different operations that comprise all levels of auditing — Wow, sounds fantastic that it’s that small. But Mary Sue and I were burning the midnight — dawn and the midnight — dawn express and we got together an exact, compact listing of the totality of technical material necessary for processing at all levels and it — it came out to about thirty operations. A very small number. And evolved this style and type of bulletin and so forth to carry forward this data. And the style of type of the bulletin. And of course, there’s the drill which we already have the style of — the TRs. And this is being sharpened up and brought right down the grades.
Now, what remains there? What remains there is number three. Now, of course, you contributed, knowingly or unknowingly, to the precision and conciseness with which this data is being put together because we can guess what questions will be asked about it and what’s being thrown wrong and what troubles people have had with it. But let’s get into number three, now — the instruction of this material — and that becomes the most random area. Naturally, because it is the degree that accuracy is demanded. In other words, the data is there and it’s all accurate and if applied works, why then, what variable comes in on the heels of it? Well, the variability that comes on the heels of it is simply and totally the degree of knowledge of it — the facility and skill of the practice of it that is being demanded of the individual studying it. And this becomes quite a random factor.
So that you could toss somebody this bulletin; he could read it through — oh yeah, this is very interesting and so forth. You say, all right, you’ve passed the bulletin. And then you take somebody else and he reads through the bulletin. You say, „All right, now what is this bulletin for?“ And he says, „Well, that’s for psychosomatics,“ and you say, „All right, very good. How is the thing run?“ „Well, you ask the fellow time and time again a certain command that’s given in there. That’s the way — that’s the way it’s run.“ You say, „All right.“ Not very much demanded of the person.
Now, we say, „All right, what is the basic — what is this process for? Yes, yes, yes, yes, anything else? You say nothing else. I’m sorry, that’s flunked. There is one other use this process has out of the 15 listed in that paragraph.“
Now, these are the materials of Scientology. Now, some of this falls into the preclear. These processes are being administered so certainly he gets wise to them to the degree that they’re being administered to him. He couldn’t do them in a thousand years, but he’s familiar with them in that he’s been run on them. But did you ever ask a pc what was run on him a month ago? That’s the surest way to draw a blank I ever knew. They’ll never tell you.
So we fill him in on the various basic philosophy of existence and the scope of the philosophy of life and so forth — it is Scientology and its definitions and that sort of thing. We can give him this philosophical background, but this doesn’t train him up very far, does it? But actually he’s being given, by being run on, and he’s being exposed to, by having been given some little lessons on the subject, the basic data of Scientology. It’s all there.
Now, let’s take the co — auditor. Well, sometimes he’s trained fast and sometimes he’s trained slowly and sometimes he — all the time he was on the course and so forth he was having a worry about his automobile or something and he couldn’t get his mind on his bulletins. He, of course, hasn’t got this — he’s got this data down so he can perform it. He might have to go and get hold of a bulletin and look at it occasionally to see exactly what it was. You see, that would be his level of command of the situation. Of course, he’s been run on it so he’s got a subjective reality on it. And he’s run people on it, so he’s got an objective reality on it. Now this is getting up to a higher level of precision, isn’t it?
All right, now let’s take the professional level of exactly this same data and this fellow, he’s got this down and he could be sitting there dead drunk or with a hangover or something like this and he could still dish out the auditing command that — necessary to fit that process. And he would put down, in spite of anything that was happening in the randomity of the situation, the amount of TA which was occurring as a result and would suddenly notice that his pc was not running as well as he had been running, and that there was some bypassed charge and this randomity probably came from another process which had not been complete or something on the pc. There was a bypassed charge over there. In other words, we’re entering judgment and practice into the situation. We’re adding very precise drill; we’re adding a snap and pop into the thing and a delivery of precision of — well, a precision of presentation and so forth.
Now, that — those are the things which mark the three different routes to OT — the amount of knowledge which goes along with them. It’s always the same body of knowledge. It’s the degree which it is understood, it’s the degree that it’s performed that makes the differences. And as long as we make sure that that is what makes the differences and as long as we carry forward our responsibility to that degree where it is supposed to be carried out — for instance, let’s take somebody in lower Amboy and he doesn’t give an exact, Saint Hill, Tone 40 „Start of Session.“ So let’s keep him in course for a year until he learns how to give an exact Tone 40 „Start of Session“ the way it is expected to be done. You get the idea? That becomes purely pedantic, doesn’t it? It becomes nonsense because this is not that important a point, don’t you see? So we look at this fellow and he gives a perfectly adequate — he does know enough to say „Start of Session“ — see, that’s good. He can carry on through — he knows he’s supposed to stay with it. He knows he’s not supposed to give up along the line someplace. He’s supposed to run a process until it’s flat; you get this sort of an approach. All right. Well, you’ve got an adequate co — auditor, haven’t you?
Now, because these differences exist then you’re going to have differences of speed and you’re going to have differences result of this but I think we have covered some of the basic problems which individuals have had moving through and improving in Scientology plus the one that preclears are very often yanked fast forward without having done anything at the beginning and gone over their heads. I think we’ve covered some of the basic problems that auditors and preclears have with this program and the only possible excuse that the program may have for existence is will it make better progress in Scientology, will it make better individuals and will it improve the results which are being obtained, will it continue a preclear further in his auditing, will it see more people moving on up the line — those are the only things that would say whether it was a good program or a bad program. And in my opinion the Classification and Gradation Program definitely will improve this and will bring a lot of order to areas that we have had here that have been pretty random in the past.
So, it’s been — it’s published, now, although it is being printed. The preclear’s logbook is being printed and the various papers connected with this are now being assembled on a basis of printing. We’re just making sure the logbook is at the state now of just making sure there isn’t anything else that needs to be in it before we send it out for estimates on its printing.
Is there anything else that should be in the logbook? We’ve got practically everything including the kitchen sink in there right now, you see? We’ve got the Auditor’s Code and we’ve got why he’s being processed and we’ve got definitions, we’ve got the section, we’ve got his checksheets, we’ve got — practically everything you could think of is in there, but somebody may see something we haven’t got in there yet.
So, that’s the state the thing is in, but other than that the program actually at this time and at this moment is in effect. And should be grooved in and followed wherever possible and should be published rapidly and some very shortcut rapid summaries of this should be released and will be released and available so that people can publish them and get things straight. And that’s the Classification and Gradation Program.
Thank you very much.