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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- ARC and Effort Processing (FAC-1) - L511015a
- Postulate Processing (FAC-2) - L511015b



A lecture given on 15 October 1951 Foolproof, Effective Auditing

If you, at any time in your life, suddenly go in for crutches and say “Yep, that’s what I have to have — a new set of crutches. That’s just what I need — crutches.” you will get them.

Now, let’s say a preclear comes along, and he is just a “normal” person — on crutches, all bent over and so on — and you as an auditor start to run out a flock of engrams on him. You run engrams to the right and engrams to the left and you run effort and so on, and this preclear still keeps going around with these crutches. You just work yourself into a fine lather, and hours and hours go by.

You didn’t, somewhere along the line of your ardures, sweatings, fingersnappings, grittings of the teeth and other “auditing signs” ask this preclear “When did you decide to have crutches?”

He probably would have said, “Well, it was May 18, 1940. Hey — you know, that’s funny?” Then he would have gotten up off the couch and walked off and left you his crutches.

This is embarrassing to an auditor when it happens, because it is apparently an invalidation of his skill.

The point is that you may audit somebody and shake some of these postulates loose. Then he goes down the street and takes a Bromo Seltzer, and as he is sitting there drinking the Bromo Seltzer all of a sudden he figures this all out (because the Bromo Seltzer relaxes him and he can think for a moment), and he says, “Why did I take all that auditing? I am well, suddenly, and it must have been the Bromo Seltzer.” I am just pointing out reasons why you should know Postulate Processing. It is embarrassing not to know it, just as it is very embarrassing to me not to have thought of it before.

Now, I want to give you the shape and size of Dianetics as it is at this moment: the shape is a circle; the size is pretty big. That it is one circle in an infinity of circles should not particularly discourage us. It has taken man, accumulating information, some fifty thousand years to get this circle together. I hope the next one goes a little faster (ten thousand years, at least; I want to be around to see it happen).

There is an inductive-deductive circle of reasoning; it has been around for quite some time. You can draw this circle, and at the top is “nothing known”; just to one side is “one datum known” and immediately on the other side of “nothing known” is “everything known” Inductive reasoning proceeds around the circle from “one datum known” toward “everything known” and deductive reasoning goes from “everything known” back toward the single datum.

This circle can be applied to as small a thing as a razor blade or to as large a thing as the physical universe, and as large a thing as everything there is to know anyplace about anything anywhere. It can be big or it can be small. But for the purposes of our workout, let’s take this on the order of magnitude of the science of physics.Physics had to come along before Dianetics could be born, merely to get man’s distracted feeling about MEST resolved. This is something like the fellow who has a toothache and somebody keeps hitting him in the head: he can’t pay any attention to being hit in the head until he does something about the toothache, or vice versa. As long as he tries to pay attention to both of them, he gets nothing accomplished.

Theta, in its act of conquest of the physical universe, of course would be much more interested in the physical universe than in itself or any factor involved with itself.

The physical universe has been pretty well resolved. There is a lot to be known about it, but they have actually buttoned up one echelon very well. They are getting foggy now; they don’t quite know. That is because nobody has come along and told them what the next echelon is. That is the truth. They have atomic and molecular phenomena; they have fission. Nuclear fission and fusion are just on the borderline, and they step over into something else when they go a step higher than that.

Once upon a time, man’s whole activity of manufacture was assisted only by his own physical strength and the nimbleness of his fingers. He got to a point, finally, where he was good enough to whittle a stick. That was very good; that was one buttoned-up echelon. He could do something with the material of the physical universe without growing it or modifying it within his own body. That was a jump, and that made a circle.

The next circle which he accomplished had to do with breaking stone with stone, and so we had a Stone Age.

Somewhere along there, a circle of larger magnitude started and that was the circle of fire. What can you do with fire? Today we have a fire civilisation: everything that you wear, that you have and that you see, except human beings themselves and plain chaotic MEST, iS produced with the aid and assistance of fire.

There is some electricity being made without the assistance of fire now. It has even come up to the point where electricity is being made without the assistance of fire to make the machinery with which the electricity is manufactured. That would mean that you would have electrical blast furnaces and so on. But again, we are into fire the second we melt down metal, so the Electrical Age, so called, is very dependent upon the Fire Age; one is merging into the other.

So we have today, actually, a second echelon aborning, which is the Electrical Age, and we have buttoned up with great thoroughness the Fire Age. So we have a circle of fire.

At the top of the circle of fire, at “nothing known” man didn’t even know there was such a thing as fire. And then one day, way off in the distance, he saw a forest fire set by lightning or something of the sort, and he knew that there was some kind of a phenomenon caused by the gods or animals or something, which made light at night when there wasn’t any sun. It must have been a very interesting observation.

The people who made this observation the first time were probably terrifically struck by it. And somebody came along who said, “Why, it’s obviously the product of the gods.” Then they went along for many, many generations, and one day somebody was standing around in the woods, saw the lightning strike (of course, everybody knew that the lightning was God), and saw a fire burst and begin where that lightning had struck. He had proven, as far as he was concerned, that this was the kind of thing it was and he made up a legend. One of the very, very late legends about fire is the legend of Prometheus. Anyway, man made up legends about this sort of thing and there was a big priesthood about it and it was wonderful.

It finally led around to a point where they could handle lead, bronze, then iron and finally steel — all with fire.

Everything used in World War I was actually a direct product of fire. Everything but one, of World War II, was a direct product of fire.

Elementary physics is actually material and energy forces in balance, and it circles around fire. Fire is its main center. Now the boys have jumped off into another echelon, but nevertheless that echelon rather refines down what we know as the physical universe.

It was very natural that theta should take all these steps and get the physical universe in very good shape, as far as the experience of individuals was concerned, before it began to show any concern about itself. It is not, evidently, an accident that this sort of thing happens. In the first place, it required the knowledge acquired in the science of physics, some of the knowledge which was acquired in atomic and molecular phenomena and certainly some knowledge of the mathematics involved in the science of physics (not much more, actually, than you get in high school) in order to turn around and find out what theta is, and the “how” of its operation.

Dianetics started out with the question “What is known about the phenomena of life, mind, energy?” By known, we mean what is known, what is really nailed down about this, without 180 exceptions, 18 question marks and 5 books on psychology thrown in. In other words, these terrific indefinitenesses existed with relationship to the field of the human mind. What is the dynamic urge with regard to life? We postulate that life has a mission of some sort. What is the mission? And how is life accomplishing it?

The first resume was survive; life is trying to survive. Does anything fall outside of this? No. And what are we dealing with here?

We found out at the end of the track on this circle that we were dealing with the “how” with the mind and body as a unit. In other words, we have buttoned up lambda. We have not buttoned up theta, we have buttoned up life organisms.

At this moment, we know very well the story of the structure of a life organism. It was not possible to know that until the circle had been made. But now we do know structure. We worked on function and we got more and more data on function. The moment function was at all buttoned up on survive — it is going to survive, and how it is going to do this — the moment we got around the circle on function, it went the rest of the way on structure.

We know the structure of the human anatomy, the structure of life organisms, and we have the science of structure and behavior of life organisms. That is buttoned up. We can still work on this for a long time and keep pulling scraps out of it, but believe me, they are scraps!

Structure: Where does what come from? What is the composition of the body? What is the reason for the various parts of the body? How did they get to be that way? All of these various questions have answers now in existence in Dianetics. All we had to do was take the Axioms, look them over for a while and figure out the statics and dynamics and then run a preclear back down the chain on various epicenters. The funny part of it is that you can sit there with the Axioms and say, “Well, it probably came into order in this fashion…” and then send a preclear back on the track and there it is — you are right. In other words, we have structure and we have function in living organisms.

It seems to be, genetically, that we are on a theta-facsimile track; there is a theta-facsimile track which runs right along with the genetic track. This is all very interesting — the interconnections between theta and the physical universe.

Another way to state this is that we have pretty well resolved the intricacies of intertwining of theta and the physical universe. We look at it, and all of a sudden we realize that although we thought we had buttoned up more, we haven’t. That is all we have buttoned up.

Now, the second echelon probably isn’t even “why”; there is probably an intermediate echelon. Probably “why” is the third or fifteenth or one hundred eightieth echelon on this. But there is something above this “how” and it has to do with the characteristics of theta, the possibility of other theta universes. It has to do with what I would like to refer to at this time as para-Dianetics. We can call it para-Dianetics until we suddenly resolve enough to call it Dianetics. In other words, let’s have Dianetics wrapped up — what we know we know — and Dianetics that we think may be, but we don’t know we know.

Exactly what data falls into which field is not a very hard problem. In the first place, the item of past death of the personality so that the personality itself is preserved is a borderline item. But it is definitely not in the field of para-Dianetics, and it is not quite in the field of Dianetics, though it is moving into the field of Dianetics. I told you about three bins of knowledge in an earlier lecture. That item is in the middle bin, of routes to knowledge, and is moving down to the third bin, of data known.

We start out with “how” and one datum, and we inductively extrapolate it. It is interesting that the whole thing was extrapolated inductively. We had the “how” and we had “survive” then we got “mind and body” and then we could say “This is the function and this is the result.” and it just fell together without any bridge built to it. That leaves one up in the first bin, unknown data, flying at the speed of light with no universe to land on. It is a very silly feeling, by the way.

Eight people that I know of have gone up on this one and spun temporarily. You find yourself all of a sudden with both feet off, in the full knowledge that you really can’t fly, but here you are flying. It is very disconcerting.

That is what happens when you get both feet into bin one. The trick is to get a foot back into bin three where you have known data, even by beating yourself up or something of the sort, and then gradually get some of this knowledge glued on to the remaining foot in bin one, pull it down through two and into bin three; that is what you would call building a bridge.

We have built a bridge to an awful lot of data now. There is a great big difference between a datum which is unproven, floating around and suspected to be in bin one, and a datum which has been pulled through bin two and is now in bin three, where you can make comparisons with the physical universe.

The very first extrapolation on Dianetics was worth about as much as an Egyptian priest’s mumbo jumbo or the deck of Tarot cards or anything like that. You could look at it and say, “I bet there’s some fascinating answers in here someplace?” And it still seems to have a little power.

I remember a fellow who came over to see me in 1938. He had been lying in bed facing the wall feeling all beat up and psychotic for a long time, and somehow or other the urge struck him to come over and see me one day. He got out of bed, much to everybody’s surprise, and came over to see me and talked to me for about ten minutes. I pointed out to him that evidently man was as efficient and as healthy as he felt dangerous to the environment, and if he didn’t feel any dangerousness to the environment at all he was sick. That was as near as I could figure at the time. This man looked at me and blinked, then went home and packed up his bags, went down to Portland and opened a big book distribution agency and started to take off with the speed of light. This was very interesting, as an isolated case.

The next man walks up and he says, “I’ve been awful bad off for a number of years” and you explain carefully that man is as healthy as he is dangerous to his environment. The fellow lets out a pale scream and gets twice as bad; he goes home, lies down and faces the wall.

You say to yourself, “You know, I bet there’s something here that I haven’t figured out yet?”

That is the first step, by the way, in getting from bin one to bin three — to find some humility.

Anyway, we do have a circle now. It starts out with “survive” the “how” of survival, the intertwining and mission of theta in the MEST universe, the operation of it, how it goes about making the various chemicals and subbeings necessary to make higher complex beings. It also includes what goes wrong with people, how to put them back together again — an enormous amount of data — and we have a codification on it.

Now, have you noticed that a circle is a static? It is a static, and we have achieved that static. It is nice to have achieved a static, but when you step all the way around this circle you are back at zero.

The horrible truth as far as theta is concerned is that, beyond the fact that it is a static, that it is an energy without wavelength, without weight, without mass and so forth as far as we are concerned here, all of which falls into this circle, we don’t know anything. I don’t know anywhere near what I knew two weeks ago. This is a good symptom. It means I have gotten the gumbo off my shoe in bin one and I have evidently got them both now in bin three. I think I am going to enjoy it for a while; it is very uncomfortable making that straddle all the time.

But now what universe do we move into? That is, what is the next circle? I haven’t got any idea. It is interesting not to have any idea on the subject; it is new, novel, healthy. I am thinking of going out duck hunting or something like that. I look at the problem and there is just a zero on known data as far as the theta universe is concerned — if there is a theta universe. Every time you get around the full circle, you get back to zero.

Now, the actual setup is apparently a full circle until you look very closely, and then you find that you have to go up a pole again and start over in a new circle. You get to “everything known” and just the moment you put it down and say “Now we know everything there is to know about that” you come up with another datum.

The bug is in ARC and obedience; there is a bug there, and this, in essence, is the pole. It is a very interesting thing: ARC is full obedience — complete, utter, slavish obedience — or it is very high-level cooperation. It is either complete self-determinism or complete slavery. That is what lies on the circle and that is what makes a circle out of it. You start working around the circle and all of the data say self-determinism, until you hit this one. It should be self-determinism, only it is not. It says complete, slavish obedience. At that moment, you drop this whole problem like an overwarm spud and get out of there and go duck hunting. I want to point out to you that that is the bug.

Without demonstrating ARC to a psychotic, a psychotic does not get well. In auditing, without the use of ARC your preclear does not get well. If you want to turn on ARC in an individual, you get the absolute agreement and march it back up through this mystical, magical level to where he has cooperative agreement. There is some difference between the two; I don’t know what it is.

We are at the point where life started out. I can run almost any preclear you give me right back into it. It is a very interesting experience. It is a photon converter, and fascinatingly enough, it wants no affinity, no agreement and no communication; it wants to give out no affinity, no agreement and no communication. It does not want to receive no- communication, it does not want to receive no-affinity and it does not want to receive no- agreement. Furthermore, it does not want to give out no-affinity, noagreement or no- communication, entheta or theta.”No transmission desired. Thank you!” And only at the moment of impingement of photons does it recognize that it can’t support this desirable setup, that it must surrender and agree to the laws of the physical universe. The second it does that, we start out on the evolutionary chain. That is another circle and we have one datum known.

That is, by the way, complete self-determinism uninfluenced by anything, then it is suddenly influenced by photons. And you can start off with that; you can find that in preclears It is at the beginning of the genetic line.

It is fascinating. You can take somebody who has never heard of Dianetics, or something of the sort, and say, “Let’s go back till you find some light.” You know about people running into a spot of light at conception. That spot of light isn’t at conception; that is why it would never reduce. It is back on the track about eighteen billion years.

Of course, it is in present time because theta isn’t any place else, being a static. But theta is not in present time either; it is no place. So right there we get into this tremendous question of just what it is and so on. But what happens when you back through this thing? You go up the pole. You evidently do back through it; you don’t achieve anything when you back through it, but you do achieve something when you back through it, and you are off into a whole hatful of new questions.

Now, the only reason I am covering this is so that nobody will say “But agreement is complete obedience. It is necessary and people don’t get along without it — they have to have it — but it’s complete obedience; and in order to turn on perceptics, you’ve got to run out enforced ARC in order to get free ARC.”

They think about this for a moment and they realize there is no such thing as free ARC — there can’t be. And they find out that from the earliest instant on the chain, the first moment of impingement upon the physical universe, we go out of valence. The physical universe impinges and the thing collapses; it says, “I can’t live in this form. I’ve got to align myself with other photon converters” or something of the sort, and — pop! — out of valence. It has then agreed with the physical universe to the effect that it builds something; it is beaten into building something that will withstand photon bombardment.

It gets all set that way and then it starts to get the impacts of waves and rocks; and every time that it hits a step on the evolutionary line, it goes into obedience. But all of a sudden, out of this utter obedience to the MEST universe, we get affinity, reality and communication. And that cycle keeps golng.

If an organism doesn’t do well, it goes down in ARC, down in ARC, down in ARC, right to the bottom. And the bottom of ARC is complete, utter, slavish agreement; it is death. It is a complete static and it is everything that is wrong. But from that point it all of a sudden does this magical shift and it is up at the top of the tone scale again. It goes through another cycle of generations, it drifts down the tone scale in exact ratio that it gets beaten up by the physical universe, and it comes into complete agreement with the physical universe.

The next cycle of generations finds it first at the top, enjoying the physical universe and saying “Fine” But it was in complete obedience to it; now it starts to enjoy it, and from that point on it goes down, down, down, down, until all of a sudden it is in utter disagreement with the physical universe but has to agree with the physical universe completely. From a disagreement, it falls immediately off into a slavish agreement. And then again in the next cycle of generations, it is up at the top of the tone scale.

This has been going on, according to the theory of epicenters, evidently for billions of years on the genetic line. It poses a very nice bug in Dianetics. What do you do with your preclear? Is he up the tone scale or down the tone scale? And if you put him up the tone scale in this life, does that then mean that he won’t evolve? What is this all about?

The only thing you could be doing it to would be theta, so let us just worry about this generation. Now, it may seem very strange that I would go in along this line of approach. But I am trying to outline what seems to be the upper limit of Dianetics right now, and to show you what is in existence if you care to ask for it or look for it.

You have the Axioms. Within the physical universe, those are ring-tail snorters; they work like clockwork. They will extrapolate new phenomena which, when looked for, is found all over the place in complete abundance.

I got some phenomena the other day concerning the seashore. I will have to go down to the seashore someday and take a look. I know it is there, but I want to go look at it. I had never realized this about the seashore before. You can do a lot of interesting work like this.

But don’t let yourself get squirreled up in any degree on this ARC cycle. Just why this takes place, why you have to get into complete slavish agreement with the physical universe before you can be a master of the physical universe, is something I don’t quite know. But that is the upper echelon of our knowledge, and that is the cycle. And you have to know this; this cycle you have to know cold. You have to use it. And when I say you have to, that is not on an authoritarian level at all. I can explain it to you in a moment and you will see why: It is because when one goes down into complete obedience with the physical universe, that is death for the organism. It promptly goes out of valence into a new center of command.

You will find that the new center of command is at the top of the tone scale, and that it dwindles away toward the bottom of the tone scale. It stays in valence until it starts to get down around 2.0, starts to flip out of valence, and then you start to get disagreement, enturbulated affinity and a very bad kickback on communication.

This is the occluded case. He just happens to be latched up in some epicenter or is down the line on an old epicenter at the point where he is in the lower band of the tone scale. He just happens to be held at the point where he is busy stopping time with his epicenter. But he is about to skid into a new center.

Now, he can kick off — blow his brains out or something — and wake up in the next life with a high ARC, or he can get Dianetic processing. If he gets Dianetic processing, this is all right, because maybe all of this will be cleaned up all the way along the line.

I don’t think that we are in any degree really tampering with structural factors, for the good reason that the structural factors are too numerous, and there are too many pleasure moments and there is too much adaptation along this line. So we don’t have to worry about that too much. But you must know this mechanism of the genetic line because you are going to run into it with preclears

I will cover, as we go along, how you can resolve cases in a few hours on Effort Processing.

The line starts out with complete self-determinism. That is to say, the organism doesn’t want, doesn’t need and doesn’t have to have ARC — bad or good. Then it finally gets beaten to the bottom of the tone scale. It goes out of valence and is then at the top of the tone scale, and it drifts down the tone scale in the next cycle of forms and goes to the bottom and goes out of valence, and so on. It is an interesting cycle, and a beautiful one. You will find your preclear running back, and if he starts getting into periods when he is all of a sudden out of valence, that is just the end of that cycle.

What you want to do to get your preclear in valence is get him back from his out-of- valenceness to the apathy of agreement. Don’t just tell him to get in valence; that is nonsense. You tell him, “Get your apathy of agreement” and he will feel this apathy and he can get back into it, and all of a sudden he goes to the bottom of the tone scale and you start him coming up again.

So the way to get your preclear into valence and up the tone scale is not by just erasing pain; you can do that till the well-known infernal regions have a deep freeze, and you won’t get very far. But if you find your preclear out of valence, he is partly en route to a new control center and he is really miserable with the one he has; he is in bad shape. What you want to do is get him back into his old control center where he is perfectly happy and able — very cheerful about the whole thing. The way you do this is to simply go back through the apathy strata — utter, slavish acceptance and agreement with the MEST universe.

This is not agreement with other organisms, you understand, but with the MEST universe. Of course, it may seem to him that he is accepting and agreeing with other organisms, but this is just the MEST part of those organisms.

So you send him through that area down at the bottom of the tone scale and you work this apathy out for a while, and then he will start up into disagreement, bad communication (you can expect some dub-in right-about there, by the way) and so on. He will go up the full cycle, and then when he gets up to about 2.0 the thing starts to cut in with some antagonism, and he will go further up the tone scale on this the more you run it. You will find him going right on up the tone scale till you have high ARC on this incident, and you will have to do that incident after incident after incident after incident.

That is a cycle in Effort Processing which — if you don’t understand it — will inhibit your achievement of good results.

I address that particularly to Foundation auditors, because I heard of one preclear being processed for two solid hours without the relief of a chronic somatic. That may be all right in the field, but it can’t be all right here. We want these thirty-minute knockouts. Let’s get this going at the speed it can go.

I am not kidding when I talk about speed. As soon as you get accustomed to what epicenters are and you try Effort Processing on an individual, he gets shot on his way very rapidly.

You will have to know, and you should study for yourself, what the evolutionary chain is, what the chains of epicenters are, and resolve in that fashion the chronic somatics from which your preclear is suffering, and resolve them on the earliest possible level. Get the first epicenter that you can possibly reach and get it into valence and up the tone scale, and get them all up the tone scale all the way up the line.

I think your preclear might go poof! at the end of it, but that is quite all right!

But seriously, the point is that at each turn back up the tone scale, there is apparently an immediate use by the new control center of the old control centers cooperatively. So there is almost a rational control throughout the body, which couldn’t exist in any other fashion. The control center since time immemorial has had to use bludgeons on the old center; the new center has used the old one’s death facsimiles on it. It has used pain facsimiles (I should say to those who don’t like the idea of deaths) on the old center in order to get it into utter obedience.

So you can trace these things. It is very easy. I could take a high-school boy and teach him to track back on this chain so that he would find out where the epicenters are.

This material takes us very much into structure. Before very long, you probably will know as an auditor exactly which level to start hitting to get the fastest results for the exact chronic somatic that you want to handle. What epicenter do you bring up the tone scale? It will be that easy.

There is even a gunshot method. There is a certain series of epicenters that you can hit almost anytime which will achieve fantastic results in your preclear.

Now, we are not talking about bringing preclears up to theta-MEST Clears, and we are not talking about tone 4.0; we are talking now about tone 40.0. When you tackle Effort Processing you don’t get a little two-bit gain, just creeping along so the preclear goes out and spits in his boss’s eye or something mild like that. When you start turning this stuff on, your preclear gets to be eleven feet tall. I am not kidding you. This is fast! And I am telling you how fast you should understand it to be so that you won’t be content with doing it slowly.

There is practically nothing you can do wrong with Effort Processing, and that is deceptive; that will permit an individual to be content with efforts he should never be content with. The preclear walks in and you say, “Well, give us the effort not to have affinity. Let’s get the effort not to have agreement. Get the effort not to communicate” and so on. You just gunshot into some epicenter and bring it up three or four points, the preclear feels good and you say, “Boy, I really did a session?” But you only brought him up to 4.0, 6.0 or 8.0 — the dickens with that!

This is something like suddenly being presented with the U.S. Treasury and going down and walking up to the teller and saying, “I now have the deed and bill of sale to the Treasury. Give me twenty-five cents” That is about what it amounts to. Almost anything you do with effort can produce results; it is almost impossible to go very wrong with it.

You can go on the basis of nonsurvival: all effort is nonsurvival because it is overcoming some earlier nonsurvival effort. You just go on that basis and you can pick up a dictionary and say, “All right, give us the effort to be mean to cats” The fellow will give it to you and you keep him at it for a few minutes. You don’t even have to run it out; it doesn’t stay in restimulation very much. All of a sudden he will get some kind of a picture from some past life of being eaten up by a cat or of some cat jumping on his chest when he was a baby or something. You don’t care what he gets; that is beside the point. All of a sudden he feels all right about cats.

So you go down the dictionary page and it says coats.”Well, how do you feel about coats?” “What’s your effort not to wear a coat?” or “ What’s your effort not to have coats?” And he will give it to you. You just work the fellow along like this and he feels wonderful — he just feels grand. He hasn’t felt like this in years. All of a sudden his left toenail that used to come off all the time doesn’t come off anymore, and you say, “Gee! I’m something!”

As far as auditing is concerned, this is something like the difference between Marshall Field’s department storer in Chicago and selling peanuts on the corner; it is just about that wide a margin. This is Effort Processing; we have had nothing like it before to show up the skill of an auditor. Fortunately, the skill is very codified and very easy to communicate.

There are many echelons of Effort Processing. It is pretty hard to do it wrong. You don’t even have to know very much about Dianetics. You just set somebody down in the chair and they say, “I have a dreadful headache.”

You say, “Give us the effort to have the headache.” And he mutters and growls and grumbles a while, so then you say, “All right, give us the effort not to have the headache.”

And he says, “Ow! Ow! Ow!” “Give us the effort not to have it.” and he gives it to you again.”Now, give us the effort to have it, again.” and “effort not to have it.” and so on. “Why, my headache is all gone! You’re wonderful. You’re wonderful. I love you.” So this is great — it turned up his ARC, too.

You can turn it up to a point, though, where he is your slave. This is not what you want.

Or you can do what one of the auditors did one morning. His little boy came in with a chest cold; he didn’t want to go to school. So the auditor said, “Well, what does your left foot think about it? And what does your right foot think about it?” Then, “Can you feel all alive in your right shoulder? And can you feel all alive in your left shoulder?”

And the little boy said, “Gee, this is a nice game. I feel alive, I feel alive. Yeah, I can feel alive there. Gee, it’s a nice game. I’m playing with Daddy and it doesn’t do me any harm. (Of course — sniff-sniff — my cold’s getting worse, but . . .” And then, a little later, “Yeah, I can feel here and — yeah, sure, sure. Yeah, that’s fine. Well, I think I’ll go to school now.” He didn’t remind the little boy that he just had a cold.

Now, that is probably the workability of it. It is pretty good; that is a game you can play with children and so on. All it does is distract his attention so the counter-effort comes in on him, and the counter-effort will come in on him and burn up. It will desensitize by your distracting his attention from holding it off. The counter-effort is posed there in present time, and you just distract his attention a little bit and it will hit him. He doesn’t really recognize it hits him, particularly in the presence of high ARC with Daddy, and then — boom! — you have knocked out the somatic.

That is another way to do it. You can play that one to death, by the way. That can make somebody sick sometimes, too, but that is all right — you can cure it.

The kind of processing which I would like you to know as auditors is not Effort Processing; I want you to know Effort Processing. Most anybody could accomplish this first one. I have paid a little attention around here lately, looking at the processing that has been happening, and I find out that people are doing this first one, when the second one is sitting there all ready to be done. This second one is the system of knocking out not only the facsimiles which keep down the fellow’s ARC along the track and give him chronic somatics but also knocking out the facsimiles which could give him trouble. It takes care of present and future.

Now, you can do a little gunshot job on this first kind of processing. You can take care of the past and present a little bit, but don’t think that another facsimile might not turn on, because it will.

I am talking, now, about how you swamp up a case from photon converter to streetcar motorman, and it shouldn’t take you very long to do so. Fifty hours should be a high estimate. Of course, I haven’t estimated how fast auditors work on this yet, but fifty hours ought to be a very high estimate. I know fifty hours would be out of sight with the processing that I have in mind.

I just got through “victimizing” a preclear a bit in running off some past deaths. There isn’t much sense in running off past deaths; they are pinned down too well. Why don’t you get the first agreements on the case? What is important in these past deaths is the postulates the individual made, and these are all hooked up with earlier postulates which are hooked up with earlier postulates which are hooked up with earlier postulates. The only thing in an engram that is really rough is the fellow’s own postulates. That is what he things — his self- determinism which has been hidden in the middle of the effort of the engram. Of course, we couldn’t reach it before, when we were just taking out somatics and perceptics. But all of a sudden now, postulates are turning up in the middle of these engrams. You had better go back and get the earliest postulate that you can possibly get.

By the way, I have been meaning to take a preclear and pick up this postulate: “the physical effort to agree to live; the physical effort to agree to be a photon converter” I don’t know what would happen to a preclear if he did that, but the point is that there is that kind of a postulate on the track.

You get some very early postulates on this and you get some interesting postulates. You will get them out of the genetic line at a level where the organism evidently is not thinking or talking. You wouldn’t think this level had any sense at all, but you will get some kind of a “felt” postulate about it.

I am not talking through my hat. I realize that very few of you have had anybody back on the track or have experienced this either as an auditor or a preclear. That is why I am giving this to you, because this can be done with great ease.

There are some things back on the track that you just never imagined could be that rough. You can take one of these “occluded” cases and practically blow his head off with this stuff. And of course, after you are done, these little somatics like getting guillotined in 1780 are just nothing.

A little somatic like getting in a car wreck with eight people dead and so forth in this life is just like playing tiddlywinks, and will blow just about on the order of an engram in which you are playing tiddlywinks once you get back on the effort track. You start getting out these earlier efforts and you will feel all the later ones start peeling off. The fellow, after you are through processing him, will sit there in a sort of stunned daze. You will think he is a “normal” or something, and you will keep going. He just sits there, and you say, “What’s the matter?” “Well, I don’t know, I’m just getting flicks of things; it isn’t very much.”

And you say, “Well, give me the moment you agreed to be processed.” and he gives it to you and this turns off. You let him go, then, till the next time, and get the rest of it.

What is happening is that you have started a chain concatenation on effort, and it will keep working so that engrams are blowing all the way up the track on that one effort. And, believe me, when you start to blow the agony out of a basic one-celled animal, which has its effort in common with nearly every other cell in the organism, you are really hitting basics. We are back awfully close to some of the material in the first book with this. You get the basic somatics out of that thing — its basic efforts to hold and its basic efforts to expand and so on — and you will get a responding concatenation on every other cell that it has ever sired since. And it really tears on up the line at a very fine rate of speed.

This is not Chain Scanning of engrams. You don’t have to do that. What you do is get out basic effort, and after that nothing else has anything to hang on to in the way of physical agony, so the physical agony of each successive pain on the thing says, “Well, wait a minute! Wait a minute! I was . . ?” and it is gone too.

I hate to invite your incredulity this way, but I do want you to get some concept of magnitude. It is like the rooster who came running back to the barnyard one day and said to about eight or nine hens, “Hey! Come on.” And he went running off and they followed him. He got into an ostrich farm and he showed them the big ostrich egg and he said, “I don’t mean to criticise, but I want to show you what is being done elsewhere.”

Regardless of that, I don’t want any auditors laying any eggs with this.