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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Black Propaganda (OSA NWO-15) - P880218
- Willful False Reports (OSA NWO-19) - P880218

OSA NW ORDER 19 18 February 1988
OSA NW Execs Invest, Legal PR Staff Secret


(Originally written by LRH on 21 January 1975.
Issued as an OSA NW Order on 18 February 1988.)

In dealing with governments, one would usually go on the theory that the government has stupidly accepted false information into its files and is riding or leaning on one because of it. This would be a relatively sane interpretation.

However, one cannot rule out another possibility. The government could be willfully manufacturing false reports in order to get rid of somebody.

Thus one can see that a superficial DAing of each false report would wind up as perpetual motion as one is dealing with a lie factory.

The insane covertly execute hidden destructive intentions. By all standards modern governments are not sane.

Thus, somewhere at the bottom of the pile is some hidden intention.

In collecting government files and the various false reports in them, through the use of Freedom of Information Act, it is not enough to simply see they are false and DA them. This of course is a necessary action but is NOT _the_ basic action.

One needs to construct a data bank of all documents and cross-index to get _all_ documents in their possession - using one file to find things that will detect the existence of unrevealed additional documents.

This is not the final use of the data bank.

As in any insane being, one is looking for the basic intention that prompts the false reports factory to operate.

Somewhere at the bottom of the mess there will be found a being and an intention.

As one is dealing with the insane it probably won't be logical. It will be what it is.

Confrontation of a government agency and DAing cools them down and causes them to back down. This is an insane attribute - to fear disclosure and greatly value their rickety PR. So nothing in this should inhibit doing that.

But the end of this trail will be a blockbuster of a hidden order or intention.

It will have come from an insane individual with insane plans, with an insane idea that we could end it.

This is not it but a crude example: "they make people think, so my plans to get the whole country crushed might be detected." But that would be too sane.

More like: "they are really able to handle drugs so we would have to fire all our veterinaries."

Someone insane has been on this line.

It will be among the earliest dates and the craziest documents.

This is what the data bank, made up of documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, will eventually turn up if we carry right on through. And, documented and publicized, will blow the whole thing.

You have seen how far-fetched the lies are and how ineffective the effort really is.

Well, don't overlook that the false reports are willfully false and prompted by some basic intent we have not yet unmasked - but which we will.

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