To facilitate the dissemination of Information several types and appearances of mimeos are hereby established.
There are 5 ways to jam a communication line. (See "How to Live -")
The main one is to flood it. Local HCOs, by failure to make my technical bulletins and policy letters distinctive in appearance (failure to follow the colour scheme of the received copy from HCO WW) have been
1. Jamming the lines by making it hard to tell the difference amongst mimeo issues and
2. Have been working themselves to death on a mimeo machine. Both are jamming the lines when they happen.
The highest speed priority is TECHNICAL (not as you might think, an emergency). When TECHNICAL breaks down, all else follows downhill. My priority line here is an HCO Bulletin.
That means TECHNICAL. If originated by me only it is on white paper with red ink. It must be copied by an HCO Office on white paper with red ink. No copies of it must be made with any other colour scheme. No other type of mimeo is permitted to use this colour scheme.
HCO Policy Letters are now my administrative policy line. They are received done in green ink on white paper. They must be copied by local HCOs using that exact colour scheme.
An HCO Information Letter is now to be issued by me only and is blue ink on white paper. This is not mandatory data. It's just news. I'd like to see gotten around. My MA (Magazine Article) material will be blue ink on white paper.
These three are the total of just my mimeograph line to HCOs, Central Orgs and Franchise Holders and the public as indicated.
To do these changes of colour you must have a proper mimeo machine. HCOs use only one kind of machine — the Roneo 500 or later Roneo model. If an HCO has another kind of machine it should turn it in, sell, and at once buy a used or new Roneo 500 or later model with the big colour ink cylinders. The Roneo changes ink colour in moments. Gestetner and all other brands are too slow to change colour on, so people don't do it. The Roneo is the thing.
A file for each one of all such coloured mimeos must be established in HCO and maintained and kept complete.
The Master Copy, received from HCO WW, is stamped as such and DO NOT REMOVE. The Master is fixed to the inside back of the folder for that issue. Lots of extra copies are then kept in that folder. New copies are issued from that folder. The master is never issued. The stencil of the Roneo is saved in a Roneo stencil cabinet and when a folder gets empty, more are done from the stencil and filed in the folder.
A second master file that nobody touches and isn't in the folder section is kept of all received master copies (HCOs get 2 or more masters). This is kept locked up. It is not "library". It is really Val Doc. It must be kept safe, never used or issued. Also marked Master Copy Do Not Issue.
If an HCO Communicator wants to know if he or she is doing the job well, the first question is, "Do I have my technical bulletin files straight." The hell with anything else if that's not done. That's HCO's prime function — my communications. This library makes my communication possible to issue.
We must get this in shape now as I am going to write up everything in sight shortly. Why do it if you can't keep or issue it later???
So get a Roneo 500 or better if you don't have one. Get a red, green, blue and black cylinder for it, or any one that's missing from that list. Get your folders in shape and the files rolling. Do the current files right. Catch up on the old files later. If you haven't got this set up you haven't got an HCO Office. You are only performing some of its functions.
A full tape and master copy book library must be available in HCO. And must not be stripped down by borrowings that aren't returned.
HCO is
1. A communications office
2. A Technical and Admin library that gives it something to communicate.
Here is a complete list of all types of HCO issues, their appearance, authorship and their handling.
HCO Bulletin (dated, date is not changed locally) distribution is indicated on it. By LRH.
Red ink on White paper. Copy on local Roneo at once and issue as indicated. File extra copies as above.
HCO Policy Letter (dated, never change date locally). Distribution is indicated on it. By LRH.
Green ink on White paper. Copy on Roneo at once and issue as indicated. File extra copies as above. An HCO Policy Letter has the force of law.
HCO Information Letter (dated, do not change date locally). Distribution is indicated on it. By LRH. Blue ink on White paper. Copying is optional on Roneo. It is done on one side of paper only so it can be posted on a "Bulletin board for staff or public. Two copies are sent by HCO WW. One copy must be retained in Master HCO Info Letter Master file. If it is useful for handout, recopy locally, make appropriate copies and issue and file as above. Ordinarily, it would be clip-boarded on a staff board or would be copied in a magazine or mimeoed for general hand out. Which is done is indicated on the copy received.
The following are not by LRH and are colour flashed and handled as follows:
HCO Technical Advice Letter (dated). Red ink on pale salmon paper. By any official of HCO WW. Is always TECHNICAL in nature, never administrative. May be copied as a mimeo or not according to its distribution designation. Copied or not it is to be conspicuously posted on the Staff Bulletin Board, preferably on a clip board. It is on one side of the paper only. Even if distributed into baskets of staff it would still be posted.
HCO Administrative Letter (dated). Green ink on salmon paper. By members of HCO WW. Should be copied or not and distributed according to its distribution designation. Gives admin data and requests.
HCO Newsletter (dated). Blue ink on salmon paper. By any member of HCO WW. Gives data and news, technical, admin or personal of general interest. Usually not copied or mimeoed but clip-boarded on Staff Bulletin Board.
HCO Continental Technical Letter (dated). Red ink on yellow paper. By HCO Continental Secretary of any Continent. Distributed as designated on letter. Gives technical advices, orders and data. Not a copy of HCO Bulletins though these may be quoted.
HCO Continental Administrative Letter (dated). Green ink on yellow paper. By HCO Continental Secretary for any area. Distribute according to distribution data on letter. Gives admin data, orders and information.
HASI Assn Sec TECHNICAL ORDER (by number). Red ink on blue paper. By Assn Sec or Org Sec of any Central Organization. Issue as designated.
HASI Assn Sec Administrative Order (dated). Green ink on blue paper. By the Assn or Org Sec of any Central Organization. Distribute and copy as designated. Gives technical or admin data for services or personnel in a Central Organization. May be by the Assn Sec or a Dept Head but if by a Dept Head must be issued for the Assn Sec by the Dept Head only on Assn Sec's o.k.
Secretarial Executive Director (numbered). Green ink on blue paper. By LRH. Distribute as designated. This is in effect a reissue of Assn Secretary or HCO Continental orders after review by LRH. Designed to confirm, consolidate or end disputes or differences between HCO Continental or Area Sec and HASI Assn Secs.
All the above issues are issued by HCO clerical activity.
The following publications are of a public nature.
New Books as written and sold by HCO.
Professional Auditors Bulletins. A magazine issued by HCO WW to all International Members from HCO WW on receipt of the addresses of members on any continent from Central Orgs. Issued Monthly. Is mailed directly from HCO WW to members. Copies furnished to HCOs and Central Orgs for their own use.
National Magazine. Issued monthly under the title for the Continent, Certainty, Ability, etc. etc. Made up by HCO Continental of a continent. Printed and mailed by the largest Central Organization at its expense. Takes article material and ads from HCO Information Letter and other sources. Must be okayed by Assn Sec of Central Org and his Dept Heads before being printed to be sure their campaigns are forwarded and offerings brought to public notice. Intelligent use of this minimizes expensive special mailings. Sent to everyone in active CF files, whether members or not. Often used afterwards for literature for the individual public.
Brochure, a compact list and description of HASI Services and books issued by a Central Org. Must contain only standard services. No dated material. Describes each activity crisply and shows how to obtain these services.
Special Mailings. Issued from time to time to announce special events or offers to the public or pro auditors. At the discretion of the Assn Sec.
FORMS TECHNICAL — Red ink on white paper. As designated.
FORMS ADMIN — Green ink on red paper (pink paper). As designated.
Information Packages. Made up and mailed by the Letter Registrar for newly interested people whose names have been received.
Special Information Packages. Made up and mailed by the Letter Registrar to inform various sections of her mailing list on the next service they might be interested in, having already done something. There could be a Book Info Packet for a person who has just bought a book, a Test Info Packet for a person just tested, a PE Info Packet for the person who has just done a PE, etc. etc. In each case it offers the next service.
Please follow these colour flashes and designations to keep the pieces well identified for staff reference and filing and so to keep the line from being cut by too much volume.
Do mimeos on one side only of thin paper.
Three or more come from HCO WW. Master File one of everything you get. Folder Master File the second copy. Use the third for copy work or clipboard. Keep the data safe. Issue the data right. Be swift and keep them genned in.
LRH personally written issues are on WHITE paper, rough texture, good quality. WITH COLOURED INK.
HCO Continental issues are on YELLOW PAPER.
HASI issues are all on GREEN PAPER.
PUBLIC MATERIAL is all on white paper with black ink unless a coloured brochure is issued in which case it's a booklet, not a mimeo.
RED INK MEANS TECHNICAL throughout system.
If you look for the paper colour you will find it faster.
If you are looking for technical, whether a bulletin or form, it will always be in red ink. If you are looking for administration data, it will always be in green ink.
If you are looking for an information letter it will always be in blue ink.
If it's only public material, it will usually be in black ink unless it's fancifully printed with lots of art work, then it might be any colour, but it won't be in your bulletin folders.
None of the above alters the internal despatch paper colour system - salmon for HCO, green for HASI, red for Accounts, yellow for carbons, white for outside letters.
All this may look far too neat — until you have a hat full of scrambled bulletins and the pc seems to be gasping his last in the chair.