This HCO Policy Letter has been revised and reissued: a) to give the full and complete list of High Crimes (Suppressive Acts), b) to clarify the rights and non-rights of a declared Suppressive Person and give the administrative handling of such persons in order to protect the Church and its organizations and individual Scientologists against Suppressive Acts, and c) to update the issue in order to reflect the organizational changes which require the sanction of senior Ethics and Justice terminals in the handling of Suppressive Persons or Groups.
Due to the extreme urgency of our mission I have worked to remove some of the fundamental barriers from our progress.
The chief stumbling block, huge above all others, is the upset we have with Potential Trouble Sources and their relationship to Suppressive Persons or Groups.
A Potential Trouble Source is defined as a person who while active in Scientology or a pc yet remains connected to a person or group that is a Suppressive Person or Group.
A Suppressive Person or Group is one that actively seeks to suppress or damage Scientology or a Scientologist by Suppressive Acts.
Suppressive Acts are acts calculated to impede or destroy Scientology or a Scientologist and which are listed at length in this policy letter.
A Scientologist caught in the situation of being in Scientology while still connected with a Suppressive Person or Group is given a Present Time Problem of sufficient magnitude to prevent case gain, as only a PTP can halt progress of a case. Only ARC Breaks worsen it. To the PTP is added ARC Breaks with the Suppressive Person or Group. The result is no-gain or deterioration of a case by reason of the suppressive connection in the environment. Any Scientologist, in his own experience, can probably recall some such cases and their subsequent upset.
Until the environment is handled, nothing beneficial can happen. Quite the contrary. In the most flagrant of such cases the Scientologist’s case worsened and the Suppressive Person or Group sent endless distorted or false reports to press, police, authorities and the public in general.
Unless the Potential Trouble Source, the preclear caught up in this, can be made to take action of an environmental nature to end the situation one has a pc or Scientologist who may cave in or squirrel because of no case gain and also a hostile environment for Scientology.
This policy letter gives the means and provides the policy for getting the above situation handled.
A Potential Trouble Source may receive no processing until the situation is handled.
Suppressive Persons or Groups relinquish their rights as Scientologists by their very actions and may not receive the benefits of the Codes of the Church.
The families and adherents of Suppressive Persons or Groups may not receive processing. It does not matter whether they are or are not Scientologists. If the families or adherents of Suppressive Persons or Groups are knowingly processed, any auditor doing so is guilty of a misdemeanor. (See HCO Policy Letter of 7 March 1965, Issue III, OFFENSES AND PENALTIES.)
A Potential Trouble Source knowingly permitting himself or herself or the Suppressive Person to be processed without advising the auditor or Scientology authorities is guilty of a crime. (See HCO Policy Letter of 7 March 1965, Issue III, OFFENSES AND PENALTIES.)
Suppressive Acts are defined as actions or omissions under- taken to knowingly suppress, reduce or impede Scientology or Scientologist.
Such Suppressive Acts include:
1. Any felony (such as murder, arson, etc.) against person or property.
2. Sexual or sexually perverted conduct contrary to the well being or good state of mind of a Scientologist in good standing or under the charge of Scientology such as a student or a preclear.
3. Blackmail of Scientologists or Scientology organizations threatened or accomplished — in which case the crime being used for blackmail purposes becomes fully outside the reach of Ethics and is absolved by the fact of blackmail unless repeated.
4. Using the trademarks and service marks of Dianetics and Scientology without express permission or license from the owner of the marks or its authorized licensee.
5. Falsifying records.
6. Testifying or giving data against Scientology falsely or in generalities or without personal knowledge of the matters to which one testifies.
7. Organizing splinter groups to diverge from Scientology practices still calling it Scientology or calling it something else.
8. Organizing a splinter group to use Scientology data or any part of it to distract people from standard Scientology.
9. Using Scientology (or perverted and alter-ised tech and calling it Scientology) harmfully so as to bring about disrepute to an org, group or Scientology itself.
10. Issuing alter-ised Scientology technical data or information or instructional or admin procedures calling it Scientology or calling it something else to confuse or deceive people as to the true Source, beliefs and practices of Scientology.
11. Unauthorized use of the materials of Dianetics and Scientology.
12. Holding, using, copying, printing or publishing confidential materials of Dianetics and Scientology without express permission or license from the author of the materials or his authorized licensee.
13. Falsely attributing or falsely representing oneself or others as Source of Scientology or Dianetics technology; or using any position gained with staff and/or public to falsely attribute non-Source material to Source or to falsely represent non-Source material as authorized Scientology or Dianetics technology.
14. Acts calculated to misuse, invalidate or alter-is legally or in any other way the trademarks and service marks of Dianetics and Scientology.
15. Intentional and unauthorized alteration of LRH technology, policy, issues or checksheets.
16. Developing and/or using squirrel processes and checksheets.
17. Knowingly giving false testimony to imperil a Scientologist which is false, a generality, or not based on personal knowledge.
18. Public disavowal of Scientology or Scientologists in good standing with Scientology Organizations.
19. Public statements against Scientology or Scientologists but not to Committees of Evidence duly convened.
20. Proposing, advising or voting for legislation or ordinances, rules or laws directed toward the Suppression of Scientology.
21. Pronouncing Scientologists guilty of the practice of standard Scientology.
22. Testifying hostilely before state or public inquires into Scientology to suppress it.
23. Reporting or threatening to report Scientology or Scientologists to civil authorities in an effort to suppress Scientology or Scientologists from practicing or receiving standard Scientology.
24. Bringing civil suit against any Scientology organization or Scientologist including the non-payment of bills or failure to refund without first calling the matter to the attention of the International Justice Chief and receiving a reply.
25. Demanding the return of any or all fees paid for standard training or processing actually received or received in part and still available but undelivered only because of departure of the person demanding (the fees must be refunded but this Policy Letter applies).
26. Writing anti-Scientology letters to the press or giving anti-Scientology or anti-Scientologist data to the press.
27. Continued membership in a divergent group.
28. Continued adherence to a person or group pronounced a Suppressive Person or Group by HCO.
29. Failure to handle or disavow and disconnect from a person demonstrably guilty of Suppressive Acts.
30. Being at the hire of anti-Scientology groups or persons.
31. Calling meetings of staffs or field auditors or the public to deliver Scientology into the hands of unauthorized persons or (persons) who will suppress it or alter it or who have no reputation for following standard lines and procedures.
32. Infiltrating a Scientology group or organization or staff to stir up discontent or protest at the instigation of hostile forces.
33. Mutiny.
34. Seeking to splinter off an area of Scientology and deny it properly constituted authority for personal profit, personal power or “to save the organization from the higher officers of Scientology”.
35. Engaging in malicious rumour-mongering to destroy the authority or repute of higher officers or the leading names of Scientology or to “safeguard” a position.
36. Delivering up the person of a Scientologist without justifiable defense or lawful protest to the demands of civil or criminal law.
37. Receiving money, favours or encouragement to suppress Scientology or Scientologists.
38. Using an org position or commline to build up a private practice which re-routes org students, pcs and/or staff off org lines.
39. Severe breach of ecclesiastical and/or fiduciary duty as an executive or corporate official of any Scientology or Dianetics organization which has resulted in severe harm, loss or disrepute for Scientology or the organization.
40. Using Scientology lines for personal profit in such a way as to cause disruption in the organization or to block the flow of public up the Bridge.
41. Using the mailing lists of Scientology or Dianetics organizations for personal profit or gain.
42. Employing org staff members to the detriment of the production or the establishment of the organization.
43. Providing an organization’s pc folders, ethics files, student files, accounts files, Central Files folders or Central Files lists or partial lists, or Addresso lists or partial lists to any individual, group, organization, mission or other unit or agency for any reason or purpose except those covered explicitly in existing Church policy; or to provide such files or lists to any individual, group, organization, mission or other unit or agency which is unauthorized by or in bad standing with the Mother Church.
44. Calculated efforts to disrupt Church services or the flow of public up the Bridge through the Churches.
45. Refusal to allow staff or public to progress up the Bridge or creating blocks on the bridge preventing such progression.
6. latant and willful obstruction of Church operations or interference with Church contractual and other obligations to the detriment of Church expansion or activities.
47. Violation or neglect of any of the 10 points listed in HCO PL 7 Feb 65, Keeping Scientology Working.
48. Violations of any of the 10 points listed in HCO PL 17 June 1970RA, Urgent And Important, Technical Degrades.
49. Musical Chairs (transfers of persons around an org), the single most destructive action to an org’s stats. A stupid or suppressive person will tear up Div A to get personnel for Div B. (HCO PL 13 July 1974 II, Org Series 34, Working Installations.) These errors are of long duration, and they do more to destroy an org than any other action: A) Making a hole in one place to remedy a hole in another, B) Training a person for tech but not admin and putting him in admin, C) Using the Tech Divs as personnel pools from which to man other divs, D,) Rapid shifts of post, E) Leaving areas in an org unmanned. These personnel errors (or crimes) cause every staff member to suffer in terms of lowered income, lowered pay, lowered facilities, lowered success. (HCO PL 29 Aug 70 I, Personnel Series 1, Personnel Transfers Can Destroy An Org.)
50. Noise, session interruption. Loud sudden noises, loud bursts of laughter, shouting, whistling, noisy conversation in the area of sessions. As such noises are interruptive of processing, persons making such are to be reported to Ethics. The following penalties will automatically accrue; without recourse: One report will be a suspension of training for one week. Two reports will be declaration of the offender as a Suppressive Person. (HCO PL 31 May 1965, Noise, Session Interruption.)
51. Comm Cycle Additives. There are no additives permitted on the Auditing Comm Cycle. It is a serious matter to get a pc to “clarify his answer”. It is in fact an Ethics matter and if done habitually is a Suppressive Act, for it will wipe out all gain. (HCOB 23 May 1971 Iss X, Basic Auditing Series 9, Comm Cycle Additives.)
52. Withhold of Vital Information. Obstruction of vital technical or management information lines in such a way as to deny people tech data, prevent students and pcs moving up the Bridge; or obstructing the relay, disclosure or free distribution of vital information so as to prevent its arriving amongst the public and orgs in terms of results, is classed as a High Crime.
53. Informing fellow staff members and others that one is leaving staff is hereby properly labeled a Suppressive Act. Where a person is secretly planning to leave and making private preparations to do so without informing the proper terminals in an org and does leave (blow) and does not return within a reasonable length of time an automatic Declare is to be issued. Should any monies or organizational property be found to be missing in consequence, action is to be taken on criminal charges. (Ref: HCO PL 7 Dec 76, Leaving And Leaves.)
54. The following policy violation is the highest crime in Tech or Qual:
Tolerating the absence of, of not insisting upon star-rated check outs on all processes and their immediate technology and on relevant policy letters on HGC Internes or staff auditors in the Tech Div or staff auditors or internes in the Qual Div for the levels and actions they will use before permitting them to audit org pcs and on supervisors in Tech and Qual who instruct or examine or failing to insist upon this Policy or preventing this Policy from going into effect or minimizing the check outs or lists. (Ref: HCO PL 8 March 1966, Urgent, High Crime.)
55. Spreading false tales to invalidate Clears or spreading libelous and slanderous statements about the alleged behaviour of Clears is a High Crime. (Ref: HCO PL 4 August 1966, Clears, Invalidation of.)
56. It is a High Crime to cut the basic communication lines of Scientology. This includes instances where impedance or negligence denies adequate supply of technical materials to HGC or Qual Auditors and to Dianetics or Scientology students. (HCO PL 12 Feb 70RA, Rev. 3 Mar 80, LRH Comm And HCO Exec Sec Responsibility For Lines.)
57. Knowingly falsifying an auditing report in order to make oneself seem more competent than one is or to hide departures from the C/S or to omit vital data necessary to C/Sing, resulting in upsets to a case and time spent in investigation by seniors, is actionable by Comm Ev and if the matter is proven beyond reasonable doubt, a cancellation of all certificates and awards, a declare and expulsion order are mandatory. (Ref: HCOB 26 Oct 76 Iss I, C/S Series 97, Auditing Reports, Falsifying of.)
58. Permitting in a course room any of the six out-ethics activities listed in HCO PL 30 Oct 78R, Courses — Their Ideal Scene, is a Comm Ev offense and Supervisors, Ds of T, Tech Sees, Qual Sees or MAAs (Ethics Officers) so found guilty are subject to declare as a Suppressive Person. (Ref: HCO PL 30 Oct 78R, Courses — Their Ideal Scene.)
59. Any C/S C/Sing for a level for which he has not been trained is subject to the suspension of all certificates and deprivation of all bonuses as well as refund of all bonuses ever obtained while C/Sing as a C/S levels for which he has not been trained above or below his class. This does not limit the penalties which can be applied which can include declare and expulsion. (Ref: HCOB 28 Jan 79, C/S Qualifications.)
60. Any staff member who either verbally or by his actions threatens to crash, or deliberately crashes his stats in order to avoid a legal or on-policy order or ethics action is to be instantly declared.
61. It is a High Crime (Suppressive Act) for any staff member to knowingly or unknowingly waste org book stocks or cause them to be wasted or tampered with.
It is further a High Crime for a staff member, Bookstore Officer or executive to fail to take the necessary precautions for the protection and correct use of org bookstocks.
62. It is a High Crime to publicly depart Scientology.
63. Any repeated or continued violation of the five points of out-study tech listed in HCO PL 4 April 1972R, Ethics And Study Tech, after two Courts of Ethics for violation of these points, subjects the person to a Committee of Evidence on the charge of committing an act or omission undertaken to knowingly suppress, reduce or impede Scientology or Scientologists, and if found guilty beyond reasonable doubt, the person may be declared Suppressive and expelled with full penalties. (Ref: HCO PL 4 Apr 72R Iss III, Ethics And Study Tech.)
64. To alter and pervert tech or procedure to prevent discovery of withholds is classified as a Suppressive Act. This enters many areas: changing or losing issues, issuing issues in BTB or BPL form that contain incorrect and misleading data, posting known criminals or incompetents to training posts, verbal tech, or any action which would prevent tech from being known or correctly used. (Ref: HCO PL 17 Jan 79, A New Type of Crime.)
65. Where proven beyond reasonable doubt that funds and business have been diverted from an org to its detriment a declare order on those responsible is mandatory and possible criminal prosecution may be undertaken.
66. Admitting a famous person or notable writer to higher level processing who has not fully attained lower level processing shall be classified as a High Crime. This applies in particular to Power, Clearing Courses and OT Courses. (Ref: HCO PL 23 Feb 70, Ethics, Quality of Service.)
67. Failure to strenuously act to clean up an “ARC broken field” shall be deemed a High Crime for an Executive Council. (Ref: HCO PL 23 Feb 70, Ethics, Quality of Service.)
68. It is a High Crime to permit SP and PTS people in Pubs Orgs or Departments or in Dept 16 (Div 6, Advertising) as these will starve both the public and the org. (Ref: HCO PL 28 May 72, Important, Boom Data.)
69. Any executive issuing an order that certain HCO PLs or HCOBs are not to be followed, where this is proven beyond reasonable doubt, shall be considered as having committed a High Crime, and this can carry the assignment of the condition of Treason for both the person issuing the order and the person who receives and executes it. (Ref: HCO PL 18 Oct 67 Iss III, Policy and Hcob Alterations, High Crime.)
70. Any auditor seeing a Rock Slam on a pc and failing to mark it down and report it is guilty of a High Crime, as this injures society, the org and the person himself. (HCOB 1 Nov 74RA, Rev. 5 Sep 78, Rock Slams And Rock Slammers.)
71. When a pc has rollercoastered despite an F/N at session end and at Examiner’s and if neither Tech nor Qual makes any effort to remedy, then the matter becomes a High Crime. (Ref: HCO PL 13 Jan 71, Exam 24 Hour Rule.)
72. If Red Tags, per the Examiner’s 24-Hour Rule, continue unhandled by Tech or Qual, the matter becomes a High Crime. (Ref: HCO PL 13 Jan 71, Exam 24-Hour Rule.)
Additionally, a crime, if severe and of magnitude harmful to many and committed repeatedly, can be re-classed as a High Crime. (See HCO PL 7 March 1965 III, Offenses and Penalties, for those actions which classify as crimes.)
Suppressive Acts are clearly those covert or overt acts knowingly calculated to reduce or destroy the influence or activities of Scientology or prevent case gains or continued Scientology success and activity on the part of a Scientologist. As persons or groups that would do such a thing act out of self interest only to the detriment of all others, they cannot be granted the rights ordinarily accorded rational beings.
If a person or a group that has committed a Suppressive Act comes to his, her or their senses and recants, his, her or their only terminal is the International Justice Chief, via the Continental Justice Chief, who:
A. Tells the person or group to stop committing present time overts and to cease all attacks and suppressions so he, she or they can get a case gain;
B. Requires a public announcement to the effect that they realize their actions were ignorant and unfounded and stating where possible the influences or motivations which caused them to attempt to suppress or attack Scientology; gets it signed before witnesses andB(1). Requires that all debts owed to Scientology organizations or Missions are paid off;
B(2). May require that, subject to the approval of the International Justice Chief, an amends project suitable and commensurate with the severity and extent of the Suppressive Acts committed be completed before further A to E steps are undertaken.
Before any such amends project is begun, the person must submit an Amends Project Petition to the International Justice Chief, using full CSW and stating what he proposes to do as amends, and this must be approved by the International Justice Chief to be considered valid. (Ref: HCO PL 1 May 65, Staff Member Reports, and HCO PL 1 May 65 II, Order Board And Time Machine.) Evidence of genuine ethics change may be required before approval of the amends project is given. (Examples of such evidence might be, depending upon the High Crimes committed: the person has obtained an honest job; has paid off all debts owed to others; valid contributions have been made to the community; the person has totally ceased those actions for which he was declared, etc.)
It is also within the power of the International Justice Chief, when approving an Amends Project Petition, to require, as a protector of the Church and its tenets and membership, that such amends project be carried out entirely off any Scientology Organization, Mission or Network lines, and to require, before the amends project may be considered complete, extensive evidence over a protracted period of time that the person has, beyond any doubt, ceased his or her suppressive actions, has created no problems for the Church or any member of the Church in any way on any line, and has undertaken and completed an action which is clearly and undeniably of benefit to Mankind;
C. Requires training beginning at the lowest level of the Bridge at their expense if Executives in charge of training will have the person or the group members;
D. Makes a note of all the above matters with copies of the statement and files in the Ethics files of those concerned;
E. Informs the International Justice Chief and forwards a duplicate of the original statements which show signatures.
Any Potential Trouble Source owing money to any Scientology organization is handled the same as any other Scientologist. Failure to discharge a financial obligation becomes a civil matter after normal, within-org avenues of collection have been exhausted.
Any PTS who fails to either handle or disconnect from the SP who is making him or her a PTS is, by failing to do so, guilty of a Suppressive Act.
Civil Court action against SPs to effect collection of monies owed may be resorted to, as they are not entitled to Scientology Ethics procedures.
Until a Suppressive Person or Group is absolved or until permitted to actively engage in the training required in Point C, as duly authorized and published, his, her or their only Scientology terminal is the International Justice Chief via the Continental Justice Chief, or members of a duly authorized and convened Committee of Evidence.
A Suppressive Declare Order upon a person or group and all of the conditions inherent within it remain in force until the order has been officially cancelled by an authorized and published Church issue.
Also, until a Suppressive Person or Group is absolved, but not during the period when the person requests and has a Committee of Evidence, or an amnesty occurs, no Scientology Ethics other than this HCO Policy Letter applies to such person, no Committee of Evidence may be called on any Scientologist or person for any offenses of any kind against the Suppressive Person except for offenses which violate the laws of the land except to establish in cases of real dispute whether or not the person was suppressing either Scientology or the Scientologist.
Such persons are in the same category as those whose certificates have been cancelled, and persons whose certificates, classifications and awards have been cancelled are also in this category.
The imagination must not be stretched to place this label on a person. Errors, misdemeanors and crimes do not label a person as a Suppressive Person or Group. Only High Crimes do so.
A Committee of Evidence may be called by any Convening Authority who wishes more concrete evidence of efforts to suppress Scientology or Scientologists but if such a Committee’s findings, passed on, establish beyond reasonable doubt Suppressive Acts, this Policy Letter applies.
Outright or covert acts knowingly designed to impede or destroy Scientology or Scientologists is what is meant by Acts Suppressive of Scientology or Scientologists.
The greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics requires that actions destructive of the advance of the many, by Scientology means, overtly or covertly undertaken with the direct target of destroying Scientology as a whole, or a Scientologist in particular, be summarily handled due to the character of the reactive mind and the consequent impulses of the insane or near insane to ruin every chance of Mankind via Scientology.
A Scientologist connected by familial or other ties to a person who is guilty of Suppressive Acts is known as a Potential Trouble Source or Trouble Source. The history of Dianetics and Scientology is strewn with these. Confused by emotional, ties, dogged in refusing to give up Scientology, yet invalidated by a Suppressive Person at every turn they cannot, having a PTP, make case gains. If they would act with determination one way or the other — reform the Suppressive Person or otherwise standardly handle the situation, they could then make gains and recover their potential. If they make no determined move, they eventually succumb.
Therefore this Policy Letter extends to Suppressive non- Scientology wives and husbands and parents, or other family members or hostile groups or even close friends. So long as a wife or husband, father or mother or other family connection, who is attempting to suppress the Scientology spouse or child, or hostile group remains continuingly acknowledged or in communication with the Scientology spouse or child or member, then that Scientologist or preclear comes under the family or adherent clause and may not be processed or further trained until he or she has taken appropriate action to cease to be a Potential Trouble Source.
The validity of this policy is borne out by the fact that the US government raids and other troubles were instigated by wives, husbands or parents who were actively suppressing a Scientologist, or Scientology, or who were acting under the influences of persons or agencies who had deliberately misinformed them regarding Scientology. The suppressed Scientologist did not act in good time to avert the trouble by handling the antagonistic family member.
Any processing of the Potential Trouble Source is denied or illegal while the connection exists and a person not actively seeking to settle the matter may be subjected to a Committee of Evidence if processed meanwhile.
The subject and technology of “disconnection” is thoroughly covered in HCOB 10 September 1983, PTS-Ness And Disconnection, and in the basic technical materials referenced therein.
Unwarranted or threatened disconnection has the recourse of the person or group being disconnected from requesting a Committee of Evidence from the nearest Convening Authority (or HCO) and producing to the Committee any evidence of actual material assistance to Scientology without reservation or bad intent. The Committee must be convened if requested.
The real motives of Suppressive Persons have been traced to quite sordid hidden desires — in one case the wife wanted her husband’s death so she could get his money and fought Scientology because it was making the husband spiritually well. Without handling the wife or the connection with the woman the Scientologist, as family, drifted on with the situation and the wife was able to cause a near destruction of Scientology in that area by false testimony to the police and government and press. Therefore this is a serious thing — to tolerate or remain connected to a source of active suppression of a Scientologist or Scientology without standardly handling or acting to expose the true motives behind the hostility and reform the person. No money particularly may be accepted as fee or loan from a person who is “family” to a Suppressive Person and therefore a Potential Trouble Source. There is no source of trouble in Scientology’s history greater than this one for frequency and lack of attention.
Anyone absolved of Suppressive Acts by an amnesty or a Committee of Evidence ceases to be declared Suppressive. Anyone found guilty of Suppressive Acts by a Committee of Evidence and its Convening Authorities remains declared unless saved by an amnesty.
This Policy Letter is calculated to prevent future distractions of this nature as time goes on.
A truly Suppressive Person or Group has no rights of any kind as Scientologists.
However a person or group may be falsely labelled a Suppressive Person or Group. Should the person or group claim the label to be false, he, she or they may request a Committee of Evidence via their nearest Continental ‘Justice Chief. The executive with the power to convene a Committee of Evidence must do so if one is requested for recourse or redress of wrongs.
The person or representative of the group labelled Suppressive is named as an Interested Party to the Committee. They attend it where it convenes.
The Committee must pay attention to any actual evidences that the person or group that is accused of being Suppressive may produce particularly to the effect of having helped Scientology or Scientologists or a Scientologist and if this is seen to outweigh the accusations, proof or lack of it, the person is absolved.
Any knowingly false testimony, forgeries or false witnesses introduced by the person or group accused of being suppressive can result in an immediate finding against the person or group.
Any effort to use copies of the testimony or findings of a Committee of Evidence called for this purpose or holding it to scorn in a civil court immediately reverses any favourable finding and automatically labels the person or group suppressive.
If the findings, as passed upon the Convening Authority and the International Justice Chief, demonstrate guilt, the person or group is so labelled as a Suppressive Person or Group.
Failing to prove guilt of Suppressive Acts, the Committee must recommend to absolve the person or group publicly.
When a person, by some circumstance, has been incorrectly declared, then after he has had a Committee of Evidence and the Suppressive Person Declare Order has been cancelled, he may, if he wishes, request a Board of Review who, upon full review of the matter, may if warranted ask for the return of lost pay or status the person may have experienced while incorrectly declared a Suppressive Person. (Ref: HCO PL 23 Feb 78, Board Of Review.)
A person labelled a Potential Trouble Source and so barred from receiving auditing, may request a Committee of Evidence of the nearest Continental Justice Chief via HCO as recourse if he or she contests the allegation.
The Committee of Evidence requested must be convened by the nearest Convening Authority.
If evidences of disconnection are given, the Committee of Evidence findings and recommendations and the Convening Authority, once the findings are duly approved, must remove the label of Potential Trouble Source from the Scientologist. If the alleged Suppressive Person or Group is clearly and beyond reasonable doubt shown not to be guilty of Suppressive Acts or is shown clearly to have reformed, the Committee of Evidence must recommend removal of the label Suppressive Person or Group from the suspected person or group. However, once a person or group has been declared Suppressive by an authorized, published order, the removal or lifting of the declare order or label must be approved by the International Justice Chief.
But should the former Potential Trouble Source’s state of case show no gain after reasonable time in processing, any executive of Division 4 (Training and Processing) may order a new Committee of Evidence in the matter and if it and its Convening Authority recommend to reverse the former findings, and if such findings are approved on International Justice lines, the labels are applied. But no auditor may be disciplined for auditing either during the period between the two findings.
An auditor disciplined for processing a Potential Trouble Source or a Suppressive Person or a member of a Suppressive Group, may request a Committee of Evidence if he can persuade the Potential Trouble Source and the Suppressive Person or a representative of the Suppressive Group to appear before it.
The auditor so requesting may also have named as an Interested Party or Parties with himself the person or persons who supplied the information or misinformation concerning his actions.
No damages or costs may be borne by or ordered by a Committee of Evidence in cases involving Potential Trouble Sources or Suppressive Persons or Groups.
When the Potential Trouble Source or Suppressive Person or Group representative fails to appear before a Committee of Evidence on a Bill of Particulars labelling persons as Potential Trouble Sources or Suppressive Persons or Groups at the published time of its convening, the Bill of Particulars stands as proven and the Convening Authority is bound so to declare.
Any HCO Secretary may receive evidences of disconnection or disavowal and, on finding them to be bona fide, must place copies of such evidences in the Ethics file and in the CF folders of all persons named in them.
The disconnecting person then ceases to be a Potential Trouble Source (once any additional PTS handling of a technical nature required by the Case Supervisor has been successfully completed).
The procedure for a recanting Suppressive Person or Group is outlined above.
It is wise for any Scientologist, HCO Secretary or Committee of Evidence in matters concerning Suppressive Acts to obtain valid documents, letters, testimonies duly signed and witnessed, affidavits duly sworn to and other matters and evidences which would have weight in a court of law. Momentary spite, slander suits, charges of Scientology separating families, etc. are then guarded against.
If matters concerning Suppressive Acts are given good and alert attention, properly enforced, they will greatly accelerate the growth of Scientology and bring a new calmness to its people and organizations and far better case gains where they have not heretofore been easy to achieve.
Preclears with present time problems, ARC broken with associated but Suppressive Persons will not obtain case gains but on the contrary, may experience great difficulty.
Observance of these facts and disciplines can help us all.
Nothing in this Policy Letter shall ever or under any circumstances justify any violation of the laws of the land or intentional legal wrongs. Any such offense shall subject the offender to penalties prescribed by law as well as to Ethics and Justice actions.