Students will now have an opportunity to earn free Level Courses.
Any student who is presently on a Level Course and brings in 5 students for HAS or above may have his next Theory or Practical Course free.
He may do this as often as he likes.
This offer only applies to students actually on a Levels Course (HRS to HAA), now or in the future (in other words, this does not just apply to those presently on a course, but to future enrollees as well).
The award is given for actual people brought in who signed up and paid.
Five HAS courses sold should equal the cost of a Levels Course. If it does not in your Org, then change the number of people the student must bring in until it does.
If RAP finds a student who shows himself to be intelligent and responsible (up stat) or an untrained or partially trained staff member who has the same indicators, RAP may offer that person his or her Levels up to and including HAA free of charge in return for a one year contract.
The contract is specifically for auditing — we want trained and experienced auditors from this. We want them in the Tech division or in Qual.
The contract commences after the training has been completed.
Later, the staff member may be offered his Class VI or VII in return for a 2 1/2 year contract. This contract would include getting his Power free. This contract requires him to be Staff Status II.
Inter Org arrangements and agreements re awards will have to be made between those concerned. The outer Org would pay unless specifically awarded by the Guardian, or unless it fell in to some other award system.
These programs are designed to increase Org flow, speed movement upwards, expand staffs, and increase the number of trained auditors in the world. We are beginning to have much larger flows and must get trained staff quickly to handle it.
[This policy was cancelled by LRH in HCO P/L 27 September 1970, Issue II, Volume 3 — page 136 being in direct violation of HCO P/L 27 April 1965, Issue II, Price Engram, Volume 3 — page 91, which forbids cutatives in prices as damaging to expansion.]