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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Strategic Info (OSA NWO-32) - P880405

OSA NW ORDER 32 5 April 1988


(Originally written by LRH on 6 March 1974. During this time period the strategy being operated on was to investigate and handle the spreading of false reports, harrassment and attempted genocide by government and police organizations against Scientology. These investigations led to the Rockefellers and disclosed their connections with intelligence, media, mental health, drug firms and banks, as well as their increasing activities to bring about a psych controlled police state type of society. Issued as an OSA NW Order on 5 April 1988.)

The following quote from The Shadow War, European Resistance 1939-1945 (written by Henry Michel, published by Harper & Row) is of value in handling the existing scene. Psychiatrists urged these measures on Hitler and carried them out.

David Rockefeller is priding himself on having reduced U.S. population to a decline and arrested the human population explosion by sterilization, abortion and other measures.

The Rockefellers financed the German beginnings of psychiatry.

Special attention is drawn to the last sentence in the quote as it confirms current strategic planning.

"It is almost inconceivable that human beings should be capable of the cold decision to exterminate, by a sort of metaphysical death sentence, millions of their fellow men without distinction of age or sex. In Poland, Lithuania and Russia the nazis collected the Jews into a number of ghettos, into which they also crowded Jews no longer living there and Jews brought in from other areas. Each ghetto formed a closed Jewish world, an isolated entity from both the human and the economic points of view. This might have been the initiation of a plan of total segregation, but in fact it was only one phase in a monstrous scheme.

"In two speeches early in 1942 Hitler announced that the Jews would be annihilated. Technical 'trials' in the USSR had proved the 'inadequacy' of existing methods - mass shootings, cremation of the bodies in furnaces and mobile gas chambers. But the German chemists now had a 'quick and clean' solution: they had produced a deadly gas named Zyklon B which, after encouraging trials, the 'specialists' considered full of promise.

"The method adopted was to construct gas chambers camouflaged as shower baths in certain camps in Poland - the main one was at Birkenau; to these were attached giant crematoria in which the bodies were burnt. The number of Jews rounded up all over Europe and carted to the 'death camps' is estimated at six million. At least as many others fell victim to the maltreatment meted out to them in the ghettos, the diseases which raged there and German action in suppressing revolts such as that in Warsaw.

"The death of the Jews was in no way necessary to ensure the victory of nazi Germany; this hideous crime was entirely gratuitous. Its gigantic proportions were only realised after the war, through the Polish Resistance had managed to contact certain deportees and pass information to its government in London. The warnings and threats issuing from the BBC made no difference to the murderers' determination. With hindsight, however, it is clear that in the eyes of European Resistance this massacre more than anything else legitimised, indeed sanctified, their action."

Adopted as official Church policy by CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY INTERNATIONAL LRH:CSI:jk