What is a statistic? A statistic is a number or amount compared to an earlier number or amount of the same thing. Statistics refer to the quantity of work done or the value of it in money.
A down statistic means that the current number is less than it was.
An up statistic means the current number is more than it was.
We operate on statistics. These show whether or not a staff member or group is working or not working as the work produces the statistic. If he doesn't work effectively the statistic inevitably goes down. If he works effectively the statistic goes up.
NEGATIVE STATISTICS — Some things go up in statistic when they are bad (like car accidents). However we are not using negative statistics. We only use things that mean good where they go up or mean bad where they go down.
One then is valued in the group because of the rise and fall of the statistics for which he is responsible.
The organization of the division is arranged to compare with the statistics of Scientology Orgs and their divisions.
There are seven divisions in a Scientology Org.
These are:
1. HCO Division.
2. HCO Dissemination Division.
3. Org Division.
4. Technical Division.
5. Qualification Division.
6. Distribution Division.
7. Executive Division.
For each one of these there is an International Executive Division Section.
These sections advise and supervise the comparable divisions all over the world as follows:
(a) The Advisory Council WW
(b) The LRH Communicator Advisor WW
(c) Office of LRH production activities and staffs, (Cine, book writing, magazine articles writing, photography, research, hats, policy writing, etc.)
(d) Estate Section
(e) Household Section
(f) Office of LRH Personal Secretary
(a) HCO Advisor WW
(b) Dissemination Advisor WW
(c) Secretarial Assistance for the HCO Exec Sec WW
(a) Organization Advisor WW
(b) Technical Advisor WW
(c) Qualifications Advisor WW
(d) Distribution Advisor WW
(e) Secretarial Assistance for the Org Exec Sec WW
All functions of the Int Exec Division are organized within the above framework.
It has its own org board independent of the Saint Hill Org which, to the Int Exec Div, is another organization.
STATISTICS — The statistic for the whole Int Exec Div is the gross income of all Scientology orgs in the world combined (but not all franchise holders or field auditors also).
The statistics for the Advisory Sections are:
HCO ADVISOR and SECTION — The two HCO gross divisional statistics of all HCO Divs in the world combined.
DISSEM ADVISOR and SECTION — The gross divisional statistics of all Dissem Divs in the world combined.
ORG ADVISOR and SECTION — The gross divisional statistics of all Org Divisions in the world combined.
TECHNICAL ADVISOR and SECTION — The gross divisional statistics of all Tech Divs in the world combined.
QUALIFICATIONS ADVISOR and SECTION — The gross divisional statistics of all Qual Divs in the world combined.
DISTRIBUTION ADVISOR and SECTION — The gross divisional statistics of all Dist Divs in the world combined.
EXECUTIVES — Each of the three Offices of the Int Exec Div is handled by a Co-ordinator instead of a director as in the case of divisional departments, comparable to Director rank.
The Advisors are Officers. Heads of units are "In Charge".
EXECUTIVE STATISTICS — The statistics of Advisors are named above.
There are statistics for all executives higher than advisors. These are:
LRH — Books and articles written, films, tapes, policy letters, HCO Bs, Sec Ads Items are given different numerical values.
These are combined into one figure weekly count. Statistics of the production section are similarly assigned.
HCO EXEC SEC WW — One figure, being the arbitrary add up of the four figures of the two Advisory Sections of that office (HCO & Dissem).
ORG SEC WW — One figure, being the arbitrary add up of the eight figures of the four Advisory Sections of that office.
LRH COMMUNICATOR WW — The gross income of the Int Exec Division itself irrespective of the gross income of other orgs.
THE CO-ORDINATOR OF THE OFFICE OF LRH — The combined statistic of the Office of LRH Sections.
THE CO-ORDINATOR OF THE OFFICE OF THE HCO EXEC SEC WW — A ratio of the number of staff in the division over the gross income of the division.
THE CO-ORDINATOR OF THE OFFICE OF THE ORG EXEC SEC — A ratio of the expenditures of the division over the income of the division.
THE OFFICE OF LRH PRODUCTION OFFICER — The numbered items as per LRH statistic actually handed over to Dissem Divisions or distributors to be published or issued.
THE HOUSEHOLD OFFICER — The LRH Statistic as above.
THE ESTATE MANAGER — A ratio between the materiel expenditures of all kinds, salaries and contracts in the section and the professionally estimated gross income of the Saint Hill organization.
Other staff members have statistics as set by their immediate superiors.
[Note: The last sentence in "Advisory Sections" has been amended from "Heads of units or 'In Charge'" to "Heads of units are 'In Charge'" per HCO P/L 8 February 1966.]