The most direct observation in an org (or a country) is statistics.
These tell of production. They measure what is done.
It cannot be said too often that management is best done by statistics.
Each division in an org has a GROSS DIVISIONAL STATISTIC. This is calculated to reflect the production of that division by all its divisional members.
An EXECUTIVE COUNCIL has all these GDSs available to it every week. This is done by the OIC system (Organization Information Centre). The stats are collected by each division and compiled by Dept 3 Div 1 Inspection and Reports into graphs. No matter how small an org, it has to have an OIC.
The EC as a Council runs the org by observation of the GDSs.
Conditions are assigned each Division by the EC each week according to these GDS stats.
The name of the secretary of the division is noted on the graph. EC names are also on their own graphs.
These graphs, the OIC, should be POSTED WHERE STAFF CAN SEE THEM, not hidden in some room or in only an Exec Sec’s office. They tell the rest of the org what the division is doing.
There is a lot to stat interpretation. It is covered in the Org Exec Course.
The Gross Income stat is not the most important in the org. It is modified by the expense of the org. An apparent high income can be wiped out by ignorant or unreal financial planning, which makes the org cost more than it makes.
If all other stats are up, the Gross Income will go up.
Individual staff members, secretaries and executive secretaries are commended, promoted, demoted or Comm Eved on the basis of their stats. A person with high stats has Ethics protection. A person with low stats not only has no Ethics protection but tends to be hounded.
Orgs are not well run by the old school tie, what professor one knew in the Ivy League University or who is shacked up with whom. Orgs run by other considerations than stats hurt the individual staff members. Orgs are well run when they are run by fairly and realistically designed stats for every staff member, division and the org.
Reasonableness is the great enemy in running an org. “Well, of course, the PES’s stat is down because there’s been a rail strike …” Nonsense.
The PES’s stat is down because of low production in the Public Divisions and that’s the whole and only reason.
Rumour can kill orgs and staff members. Whopping generalities like “People are ARC broken with Scientology” is just a Suppressive Person at work. Suppressives HATE anything that helps people. Listening to rumours instead of looking at stats or instead of just producing what one is supposed to produce in an org is playing straight into the hands of the bad hats.
Stats are a safe way to operate.
By raising individual stats we expand.
By expanding we gain strength and influence.
It may be a long road but it is a safe one.
Run only by statistics.