Recruits and applicants to the SO via the Dianetics Course may not be paid or uniformed. Only regular SO bed and board may be furnished.
Upon completion of the HDG, the new SO member is then entitled to receive a 50% allowance until such time as he has passed his Sea training, etc. as laid down in FOs.
Once all his basic training is completed he is then entitled to full Sea Org privileges — NOT BEFORE.
It is called to attention that if the member fails to pass his DAC by examination and by excellent auditing and case gain he is promptly terminated as a recruit and advised to complete his DAC and auditing at a local org at his own expense. If he passes and becomes a creditable HDG he is of course accepted as a SO member.
[Note: This policy is modified by HCO P/L 13 January 1970, Org Personnel Recruitment {Revised), on page 93 of this Volume.]