A new issue type is hereby created.
It is called the SCIENTOLOGY POLICY DIRECTIVE. The issue will be black ink on blue paper.
Its purpose is to provide an issue type for policy for the Church of Scientology, and to distinguish from policy issued by LRH which is issued in HCO PL form.
Scientology Policy Directives are senior to all administrative issues except HCO PL's and any other issues or advices by LRH. Its distribution is all staff unless otherwise designated.
Examples of the need for such an issue type are policies by the Church concerning the sales and administration of a new technical breakthrough, or data concerning new Public Divisions courses, or specific policies concerning new magazines that the Church might develop.
While new policy, not written by LRH, is discouraged, it has been found that occasionally new policy is required. As the Founder has said concerning this subject “one cannot totally close the door on change.”
It is also important that issues not by LRH are very clearly distinguished from policy by LRH. For this reason HCO PL's that have been written by the Board of Directors, or the Watchdog Committee or ED Int are being cancelled as HCO PL's and will be reissued as Scientology Policy Directives, so that the HCO PL line remains an LRH line.
The approval line for these issues will be the Flag Network Coordination Council, all Exec Strata personnel, the Authority Verification and Correction Unit, the Executive Director International and the Watchdog Committee for all Scientology Policy Directives. This includes such issues in pilot form.
WDC will normally require the issue to have been based on a WDC approved eval and proven highly successful in pilot form in at least 3 different orgs in 3 different continents. (This might sometimes require several cycles of re-evaluation and re-piloting until proven totally successful.)
Anyone on the I/A lines for these issues must totally make sure that the issue is actually needed, and that it is not covered already by existing HCO PL's. It has often been found that due to the MU's of those concerned, “policy” has been issued that was not actually needed, and already much better covered in existing HCO PL's!
All Scientology Policy Directives must be reviewed annually in the month of December by a Special Project under the supervision of AVC and any issues found to be destructive, not effective, or in need of revision or update must be handled.
HCO PL 11 November 76 Issue II BPL APPEAL LINE also applies to Scientology Policy Directives.
In other words if a Scientology Policy Directive, “… on receipt in an org is perceived to be erroneous or potentially destructive, the matter must be drawn to the attention of the FR with CSW.”
The FR must verify the CSW, and if found correct must add his own observations on the issue, sending the completed package via his FR command channels to AVU
The issue is not activated in the org until its correction is received, or until AVU advises that the appeal is rejected.
“If the issue is activated and then found to be incorrect, the same procedure is followed.”
It would also be a Comm Ev offense (crime) to activate a Scientology Policy Directive when knowing it is destructive.
With this issue type, there now exists an issue for the issuance of Church policy by the Church, that is clearly identifiable as different from policy issued by LRH.
Use it wisely, so that only really proven successful data gets issued as policy, and we all win!