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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Method of Opening and Invoicing Mail (DIV1.DEP2.MAIL-TEL) - P570903

37 Fitzroy Street, London W.1
(Issued at Washington)
(This revises and replaces HCO Procedure Letter of May 15, 1957, Modified)
(Issued in accordance with Ad Comm recommendation of January 7, 1958. . .HCO)


All Mail goes only to Accountant.

The Accountant opens all mail from whatever source.

The Accountant's first interest in mail is whether or not it contains money. Therefore, he rapidly opens mail and places it in either of two baskets.

Basket No. 1 — Accountant to Dir of Registration. Receives all mail not containing money.

Basket No. 2 — Accountant to Invoice Clerk. Receives all mail and money (as further described).

Basket No. 3 — Invoice Clerk to Dir of Registration. Receives all mail as fast as invoiced.

Cash Box — Beside Invoice Clerk, receives all money.

The Accountant uses a stapler in fastening letters to envelopes. He staples all envelopes to their letters. He uses paper clips to fasten money and cheques to letters.

The Invoice Clerk never uses a stapler, always uses paper clips.

The Accountant does no further separation of mail than (1) mail with money or orders in it and (2) with no orders or money in it.

The mail with money or orders in it is placed by Accountant in Basket No. 2.

The Invoice Clerk only invoices. He does not otherwise process mail. He writes name and address very clearly. He marks the invoice number on the order letter and with a paper clip attaches the white and the yellow to the letter. He writes any special directions about the order on the invoice slip. He puts any money in the cash box. He handles each order letter one at a time. He takes order letter from Basket No. 2, writes invoice, verifies sum of money, notes any discrepancy on the invoice or any credit due or amount still owing, marks number of invoice on the letter, removes money from order letter and puts money in cash box, clips white and yellow to the order letter and places it in Basket No. 3 before he touches another order from No. 2.

When invoicing to more than one organization the money is invoiced to the organization giving the service, not necessarily the organization mentioned in the letter or on the cheque or money order. Such mis-naming on cheques or money orders by public is straightened out by Accountant at time he deposits by simply adding his pinks for any organization and taking that much money from Cash box and depositing it to that organization. Cheques can be cross-endorsed as needed to make this balance. It is balanced in cash, not at time of invoicing. Further, a split of a cheque where part is a payment for a book on one corporation and part is a processing payment on another is simply invoiced with the proper amount to each corporation and the cheque placed in cash box.

The moment the Accountant has finished with mail (he sets an hour such as noon for end of mail day and keeps all mail arriving after this hour to the next morning — thus invoicing only once a 24-hour day), he takes everything in Basket No. 1 to the Director of Registration.

The moment the Invoice Clerk is finished he takes everything in Basket No. 3 to the Director of Registration.

Neither the Accountant nor the Invoice Clerk distribute. Director of Registration distributes.

On Receipt of any mail, Accountant stamps it with receipt time. We only now consider it to be in the Comm lines of organization.

Director of Registration places the yellow and white Invoice slips only in –

1. Shipping (Books and Tapes)

2. Memberships (for membership payments)

3. Accountant (payment on bills and notes)

Director of Registration places no letters in these three baskets. Only white and yellow Invoice slips.

Dir of Registration detaches letters and places them in the indicated baskets.

All letters accompanying orders or other such letters not prospect or applicant go to Central Files in Charge who herself writes answers to them while CF Clerk carries on CF.

All applicant letters, meaning people who apply for training or processing, go to the Director of Registration.

All prospect letters, people who are merely interested maybe, go to the auditor to whom they are addressed or, in case of doubt, to Director of Registration.

Technical question letters go to Dir of Registration who tells them to come in for training.

Complaints go to Dir of Processing always.

Business letters go to Dir of Administration.

HCO letters or letters to LRH go to HCO.

Field operation letters go to Organization Secretary.

Non-classified letters go to CF in Charge for procurement purposes.

This bulletin is prompted by the following discoveries:

1. Everyone in an organization tries to act as a Comm Centre to some degree.

2. Comm Centre belongs to Reception.

3. Mail routing is not the business of the Accountant beyond finance.

I expect this procedure to be adhered to. If it needs clarification or change, tell me.


[Note: Para 10 of this Procedure Letter has been corrected per HCO Bulletin of 17 Sept. 1957 which deleted the sentence, "He does not stamp mail as received."]