This is a list of names and addresses of persons who have bought something from an Organization. This, in full, IS the ORG mailing list. Every person on this list has a separate file in CENTRAL FILES.
This list contains the names and addresses of people who have expressed an interest in Dianetics or Scientology.
A list of names and addresses of people who MIGHT be interested.
Just any mailing list.
A collection of files, one for every person who has ever bought something from an organization, gathered together in the one location in the organization.
The name and address of every person in Central Files collectively make up the ORG MAILING LIST. Conversely every person on the Org Mailing List has a folder in Central Files.
The purpose of Central Files is to collect and to hold all names, addresses, pertinent data about and correspondence to anyone from anyone who had ever bought anything from the Organization.
Central Files is NEVER split into active/inactive.
No CF folder may ever be retired from the files (P/L 8 April '65).
The CF folder is the folder of a person who has bought something from an Organization. In it is filed all the data concerning the person, any correspondence to or from the person to anyone in the Organization. Everything about a person, except his financial statements, actual training record, and test record is in CF, but data even on these such as a notice of certification, can be included. For instance a copy of every invoice is forwarded to CF via Reception and Addresso for filing.
"Hot Files" are those that have recently expressed a wish to be trained or processed. Nothing may be filed in a HOT PROSPECT FILE that has not already been answered by a Letter Registrar (P/L 8 April '65).
Hot Prospects are created by mailing to the entire Org list magazines, hard sell promotion and other broad mailings such as brochures and questionnaires. Such mailings always contain the invitation to write or call the Registrar and replies to these are routed to the Registrar.
Addresso is the name-status index of central files (HCOP/L 23 Sept '64).
The address files contain, ready for use in mailings, all the names in central files and ready reference designations about these people.
The addresses are normally stored in some sort of addressing equipment. Addresso plates are tabbed in such a way that they reflect CF exactly. As a person's grade or training level increases the tabbing is changed to reflect this. Copies of all invoices are routed via Reception and Addresso to CF so that addresses can be kept up to date and accurate. Copies of training and processing certificates are sent via Addresso to CF so that the tabbing is updated.
It is VITAL that address errors are corrected and address plates kept up to date and correctly tabbed.
Not to do so causes ARC Breaks, wastes money due to numerous mailings to the same persons under slightly different variations of the same name, and loses names as people move from one address to another.
Addresso is always ready to give any department or unit a complete card file complete with designations on persons in whom that function is interested.
Addresses cost a tremendous amount per address so never waste them.
The size not the quality of an Org's mailing list and the number of mailings and letters to it determines the gross income of an Org (P/L 30 July '68).
To promote you must have a full mailing list. Central Files and addresses must not be permitted to be shifted, dispersed, lost, destroyed or disrupted in any way.
All promotion depends upon your collecting mailing lists and exhuming any Dianetic or Scientology name you can find and mailing them data.
Where an Organization's mailing list does not contain the names of every person who has ever bought anything from that Organization, then these can and must be recompiled from old invoices, old roll books and other records of buyers. Book buyers, training and processing buyers, all had names on accounts invoices. By going through these an address list can be recompiled. Old roll books can be checked for names. Any Org record of past buyers should be dug up and the names gotten onto the mailing list.
With the new Hubbard Standard Dianetics Course about to be sent to all Orgs, even lists of old time Dianeticists will be found to be valuable. Dig out those lists and mail them data on the new "Standard Dianetics", and the Hubbard Standard Dianetics Course.
An Org's mailing list should never be left idle. A mailing list can be lost just by never mailing anything to it. Persons move on and their new address is lost as mail arrived too late to be forwarded. The whole of the Org's mailing list should receive broad mailings of magazines, hard sell promotion, fliers and other promotion.
[See also HCO P/Ls 30 July 1970, Registration Breakthrough, Vol. 2 — 301, 1 Dec. 1970 II Clarification-Registration Breakthrough, Vol. 6 — 65, 3 July 1971, New Names to C/F Change, Vol. 6 — 227; 3 July 1971R 13 June 1973, New Names to C/F Change, 18 Sept. 1971, AOLA Division 6 Defined; 26 Nov. 1971 II, Division 6 Public Reg Reinstated, Vol. 6 — 230; 10 Feb. 1972 III, Higher Org New Name to C/F Definitions, 10 Feb. 1972R 12 June 1973, Higher Org New Name to C/F Definitions; and 3 July 1971 R 13 June 1973, New Names to C/F Change.]