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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Lines and Terminals - Routing (COM, DIV1.DEP1.ORGB) - P650710

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Линии и Терминалы, Направление (ц) - И650710

Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Remimeo All Exec Hats All Divisions


The most important things in an organization are its lines and terminals. Without these IN IN AN EXACT KNOWN PATTERN the organization cannot function at all.

An Executive putting in new lines and posts or making changes in old lines or terminals REQUIRES CLEARANCE FROM THE OFFICE OF LRH before the order can take effect.

Anyone following such an order, to alter lines and terminals in the org which are already established by policy who does not file a job endangerment ethics report (a statement that his or her job is being endangered by the illegal order of a senior) must share any penalty for such alteration.

People who haven’t a clue about the org pattern throw it into chaos by altering the established pattern. Then the org won’t work and goes broke quickly.

Therefore the most serious threat to the stability of an org is shifting lines with no understanding of what is supposed to happen.

The lines and terminals (hats) outlined in policy are based on long, hard experience. When they short-circuit the org ceases to function as an org and becomes a mad scramble.

When despatch and body routing charts laid down by policy are carefully followed, the org will function. When they are not, it won’t.

A serious fault in any executive or staff member is unawareness of the co-ordinated functions of terminals, or complete unawareness of other org hats and functions.

A D of T trying to wear an Ethics hat, a Qual Sec shifting his internal lines, a Registrar who seeks to assign the hours of auditing would be enough in any large org to throw it into a jumble where nothing works or flows.

There is more to an org than one person wearing all hats plus another person wearing all hats, etc. Such an org just won’t prosper.

The hardest job any top executive has is teaching the staff the lines and terminals and getting them followed. That is because green staff is unaware of the org itself, or its flow lines.

A lot of the time, when one sees a declining statistic, it is only that certain lines are out or being misrouted.

The lines will flow if they are all in and people wear their hats. If the body and despatch lines flow, the org will prosper. If they are disarranged, they won’t flow and won’t prosper.

No executive or staff member has any right to establish or alter terminals and lines without express written permission from the Office of LRH.

Believe it or not there will be people around in orgs who have no faintest concept of its pattern - or the existence of an org. And these will be the first to attempt large changes. And these are the first you should send to the staff training officer to get checked out on their posts.

It is an Ethics offence to issue orders altering lines without clearance from the Office of LRH.