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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Justice Policy Letters - Corrections (DIV1.DEP3.JUST-SYS) - P650331

Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Gen Non-Remimeo


The act of calling an Emergency Condition does not open the person, unit, section, department, org or Division to any transfer, demotion or dismissal or cause a reduction of pay. The subject of the Condition must put the Emergency Formula into prompt operation and it is expected in the case of an org or portion of an org such as a division, department or section that the executive staff member, after the stage of promotion is passed in the formula will request a Committee of Evidence be convened on the staff member under him whose non-compliance or actions caused the Emergency.

Pay reduction, demotions, transfers, fines or dismissal may only be done after a Committee of Evidence and on its recommendation. There is no other way to bring about transfer, demotion, dismissal from an org or fine or reduce the pay of a staff member.

When after calling an Emergency Condition there is no improvement during a reasonable time, a Committee of Evidence must be convened.

Emergency and all other Conditions are assigned only by the Office of L. Ron Hubbard, which is a part of each HCO.

The form of issue of any conditions including Emergency is a SECED.

A Condition is cancelled by a SECED.

SECEDs are only issued by the Office of L. Ron Hubbard under the “per pro” (by and for) of the HCO Secretary or LRH Communicator in any org.

Requests for an Emergency Condition should be made to the Director of Inspections, Dept 13, Distribution Div (4) who comments and forwards them to the Office of L. Ron Hubbard. The comment of the Director of Inspections can be a recommendation for or against with any data he or she has.

Emergency Conditions are given only on OIC statistics and not by rumour or opinion.

Emergency Conditions may be issued on anyone in any portion of an org including Divisions without permission from a senior org, but may only be issued as above for reasons of declining statistics.

However no Emergency Condition may be placed on a Secretary by the org itself. This may be done only by applying to the senior org to that org or to Saint Hill.


Only HCO’s Office of LRH may now convene a Committee of Evidence or a Civil Committee of Evidence (1 person satisfactory to both contestants used in disputes between Scientologists or portions of Scientology, the contestants abiding by the findings of the one person Committee).

The order to convene one is requested of the Director of Inspections (Div 4) who forwards it (or originates it) to HCO’s Office of L. Ron Hubbard with comments and any statistics. No statistics are actually demanded in such a request but any available evidence is forwarded. The Bill is prepared by Dept 13 for forwarding to HCO for authority to convene.

The Authority to convene is issued by the Office of LRH in HCO, per pro (“for and by”) the HCO Secretary or LRH Communicator.

The authority for a Committee of Evidence is issued by SECED. It is issued to the Director of Inspections who then handles all arrangements and actions from there up to the point of authorizing the findings. The complete record and papers, prepared, are sent to HCO’s Office of LRH for final action and publication. In cases where the machinery to Convene a Committee is missing, it is requested from a senior org on the same routing as above.

Publication of a Committee of Evidence findings is done by SECED of the same number that convened it. Publication is done by the Office of LRH.


The Condition of (Name of Condition in capitals) is declared upon
(Subject in capitals)

by reasons of:

1. (give specific reasons one after next)


3. etc.

(SECED Ending)

The form of a SECED (Secretarial Executive Director) for a Committee of Evidence is as follows below and with the usual SECED headings and designations:


At the request of ................... (title and org) (or By the Order of LRH) the Director of Inspections, Div 4, Department 13, is to convene and attend to the speedy conduct and conclusion of a Committee of Evidence.

(Names in Capitals) are to be named as Interested Parties.

The Committee is convened to look into and bring findings on a matter of a possible (give type, Misdemeanor, Crime, or High Crime) of (give exact charge or charges very briefly from the Justice Code) for which the maximum penalty is (give maximum penalty).

The Director of Inspections is to name the Chairman and Committee and compose and serve a Bill of Particulars on the Interested Parties. He is further instructed to provide the Committee and Interested Parties with copies of the Justice Codes. Further he is to charge the Committee to find facts and absolve the Interested Parties or prove them guilty beyond reasonable doubt, recommend any action and return all findings to HCO’s Office of LRH for acceptance of findings and their publication.

L. Ron Hubbard
per pro .............
LRH Communicator (or HCO Sec)