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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- HCO WW Internal Comm Shedule (DIV1.DEP2.COM-SYS) - P600609

CONTENTS HCO WW INTERNAL COMM SCHEDULE Change of Mail and Despatch Delivery Comm Pick Up and Delivery Schedule HCO WW ATTENTION HCO SECS IN CENTRAL ORGS
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Central Orgs Sthil


(With notes for Central Orgs)

Change of Mail and Despatch Delivery

At 4.00 in the afternoon empty the Comm Centre, deliver all traffic and pick up all Out baskets on all stations. Redistribute in the Comm Centre baskets and stamp all final outgoing mail for 5.00 o'clock to Post Office.

At 9.00 a.m. take any cables and express letters only, add to Comm Centre baskets and at once distribute all contents of Comm Centre to staff stations. This should be done as close to your arrival as you can possibly make it to get traffic into people's In baskets as close to their arrival as you can. Do not pick up all Out baskets also on this first circuit. Do not deliver any morning mail on this first circuit, as it has not yet been opened.

Once the first circuit is completed, return to staff office and open all mail. Distribute into Comm Centre baskets. Clean out Comm Centre in carrying baskets and taking also your pick up basket make the full round again. This time leave all traffic and their mail and pick up any outgo. Redistribute outgo into Comm Centre. Do not re-deliver.

Immediately on your return from lunch 1.30 clean out Comm Centre and at once distribute the despatches to all stations. On the same circuit, pick up all contents of the out-baskets. Re-distribute these into the Comm Centre. Clean out the Comm Centre and make another circuit at once, putting the despatches into the In baskets. Do not further pick up on this last circuit.

Your next circuit is a delivery and pick up circuit at 4.00 when you re-distribute traffic in the Comm Centre and leave it. Do not re-deliver.


The precision and regularity of your pick-up and delivery of traffic is necessary to get people their despatches and mail at intervals they finally begin to expect and use. It may take a week or two to get the traffic smoothed out and people educated into expecting it.

Minimize all random deliveries. Hand deliver only items marked rush and cables and telexes. If Accounts desires a cheque signed at once it must be marked RUSH. If they want to send a telex or cable on a rush basis they can phone you, marking it rush. Rush means hand delivery or send it at once. A rush is placed in the middle of a person's desk conspicuously. Rush use should not be frequent.

Use your trug baskets, one for mail to be put in In baskets, one for the traffic in Out baskets. In is red, Out is green since it is going.

If your communication routine is precisely done, no matter whether traffic is great or small, you will do much to improve the tone of the office and its effectiveness. I am depending on you with a precise routine to put snap into the office.

Also please report to me any In baskets that remain full without the person inspecting and passing to their pending.

Comm Pick Up and Delivery Schedule HCO WW

4.00 p.m. contents of Comm Centre delivered to all stations. All traffic, particularly mail, picked up from all Out baskets on same trip.

9.00 a.m. contents of Comm Centre, cables and Express letters delivered to all In baskets. All traffic in Out baskets picked up on same trip.

1.30 p.m. traffic delivered to all stations. Pick up from all stations on same circuit. A second delivery to all stations immediately after.

4.00 p.m. trip as above.

Note 1 Mail containing money should be invoiced at once on receipt after 10.00. Invoiced mail, particularly for books, will be picked up from Accounts station at 1.30 and, on the routine trips above noted, should be on hand in the book section for order filling by 2.00 at the latest. Some of these orders, if not all, should be completed in time for the 4.00 o'clock pick up. Thus book and meter wrapping should be concentrated upon in the afternoon to get at least some out by the end of the day and the remainder out by the following day. Book letter writing and Admin work should then be done mainly in the mornings, wrapping and order filling for mail orders in the afternoon. No special trips for invoices or book packages should be necessary with the above schedule.

Note 2 Rush on a despatch indicates pick up and delivery. Cables and telexes which are rush should be sent by phone for the Communicator. A Rush can always be picked up and delivered by phoning the Communicator. Cheques needed for signature that day can also be designated Rush, the Communicator can be phoned and can get them signed and returned. However Rush should be held to a minimum as it indicates emergency which indicates also that somebody has dropped the ball somewhere. There are no other priority designations on HCO traffic lines.

Note 3 The Comm Centre should be labelled in order of stations on the route, not alphabetically or at random. Therefore the route should always be the same from station to station and the order of names on the Comm Centre should be in the station order. In that way the Comm Centre baskets can be laid into a flat carrying basket (gardeners' plastic trug baskets are good) with a handle and can be picked up out of the Comm Centre in reverse, laid in the basket and taken out and placed in the In baskets of stations with speed and accuracy. It does not matter what order the Out baskets are laid in to the Out carrying basket as it all has to be sorted anyway at the Comm Centre.

Note 4 Nothing in the above system prevents a staff member from delivering off time despatches in person to the Comm Centre or picking up off time his own Comm Centre basket. However random deliveries of despatches in person except within one's own dept or section is frowned upon since it creates complaints that it interrupts the work of others.

Note 5 The Communicator also has a station of his or her own independent of the Comm Centre. Communicators tend to forget their own station.


The Central Orgs in Washington, London and Melbourne and possibly Johannesburg are ready for Central Org Communicators.

This hat can be combined with Sec ED or with Assoc Sec's Secretary or Mail clerk. It has not been successfully combined with the Receptionist (London 1956).

If Central Orgs begin to use Communicator service the above write-up and schedule may be revised to fit local conditions and issued, after conference with the head of the Central Org, as a Sec ED entitled Central Organisation Internal Comm System.

HCO Continental and Area Offices have their own type of Internal Comm System already and do not need to follow the above.