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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Goodwill (EXEC-37, PR-48) - P830407

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Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Remimeo All Staff All PRs Div 6's Class IV Orgs Saint Hills AOs Missions Executive Series 37
PR Series 48



The amount of public demand for service and your future income are both largely dependent upon GOODWILL.

Goodwill is the reputation an organization has with its publics for integrity, good service, prompt bills paying, high quality delivery, friendliness, etc.

Excellent technical delivery is what generates a blaze of goodwill and PR that spreads by word of mouth like wildfire.

Events, open houses, tours, film or slide presentations — all such activities serve to generate public interest and goodwill.

Training and processing are commodities that are far, far more desirable than anything else this world has to offer. And when they are delivered with superlative technical application with the out-of-this-world gains that are possible, you would drum up so much public support that you would soon have an army of ardent supporters outside your door, no matter how much the psychs and press railed about us (even if they are still around to do so).


Good technical delivery makes it possible to have good “PR” (public relations). By definition, PR is the art of making good works well known. It is effective cause well demonstrated. When technical is creating miracles on a regular basis, it is simply a matter of making this broadly known. Your public will even do it for you on a “word of mouth” basis.


Almost all Scientology prospects come from people who have had service who are urging other people to have service or read books on the subject. That is called WORD OF MOUTH. Word of mouth comes from having numerous people in the field who are happy and cheerful and satisfied with their service and who are active in the fields of Dianetics and Scientology. There is where the bulk of your income comes from.

Word of mouth is a superior form of advertising to newspaper, radio and TV ads. People tend to believe their friends. They are skeptical of advertising. “It worked for Joe, it will probably work for me” is what people think. And in Scientology they are correct.

When word of mouth and PR have been in neglect, it will be because the org has not worked on the basis of goodwill and has let its tech go out (and is therefore costing itself a mint). This applies to all organizations and missions all the way up to the FSO and includes other units and networks as well.

The “word,” whether good or bad, spreads like wildfire. That’s why you’ll never see anything empty out quite as fast as an Academy that is run nonstandardly; or conversely, anything fill up as quickly as a tightly scheduled, smartly run, in-tech Academy.


Other factors also enter in where goodwill, word of mouth and PR are concerned. The public, in dealing with the business world, has grown to expect clean, pleasant quarters and smart, friendly service.

There is nothing as destructive of goodwill as dirty quarters, sloppy, “help yourself” service and an unfriendly staff.

Clean quarters, professional conduct, good service and above all, a friendly staff, all go a long way to promoting goodwill.

It is not only the job of the Public Relations Officer to secure goodwill. It is part of every staff member’s job to help build goodwill for the organization by doing those things that will cause the public to think well of it, and by refraining from doing those things that would result in bad PR for the organization.

Above all, it is every staff member’s primary concern that the organization is delivering the best tech quality possible. This point in is the source of goodwill.

YOU must take a hand in creating goodwill. It is your org!

Adopted as official Church policy by the