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RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Секция Этики и Отдел Персонала (Серия ПЕРСОНАЛ 8) (ц) - И700916-1
- Этика и Персонал (Серия ПЕРСОНАЛ 8) - И700916
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Remimeo Personnel Hats Ethics Hats Personnel Series 8


(Applies to E/Os.)

Personnel can be harassed by utilization failures.

Demands for personnel are usually met by an inspection of the area (dept or div or activity) that is demanding the personnel.

A personnel demand received by Personnel is properly routed to the Ethics Officer with the following request:

“Dept (or activity) ____________ is asking for personnel.

“Please check these points.

“A. Are existing personnel there busy? ____________

“B. Have there been recent blows from that area? ____________

“C. Are their mest and comm lines in good condition? ____________

“D. Do the personnel in that area each have HATS, FULL CHECKSHEETS FOR POST AND AREA? ____________

“E. Does the senior officer of that area have and support a program for training and grooving in his personnel? ____________

“F. Have the personnel now on post been ill (PTS)? ____________

“G. Is there an SP in the area by meter check? ____________

“H. Is study and auditing time arranged for? ____________

“Please note by HCO PL 16 Sept 70, ETHICS AND PERSONNEL, that if D and E above are out and no vigorous action is in progress to get these two points in, a Comm Ev should be convened.

“Please let me have a report on this area so that I can expedite needful personnel or demand utilization of existing personnel.

Personnel I/C”


An area which does not make hats, checksheets and packs for its staff members and does not vigorously groove in and get personnel on purpose lines and knowledgeable will cause endless trouble for personnel recruitment officers and personnel control officers.

An area can get into this hideous cycle

It will just keep on and on and on.

The staff member who goofs is NOT the proper ethics target. The correct ethics target is the divisional officer or department head who does not hat, checksheet and pack and train on them and groove in on post every personnel he has.

In some areas this failure is not sloth or “no time” but a solid great big WON’T TRAIN.

As the area subjected to this is downtone and poor imaged and overloaded, the job of recruitment is made nearly impossible.


A breakthrough in the know-how of civilization is that a thetan evidently considers any beingness better than no beingness.

This would explain how people cling to an even painful existence and why even a slave or prisoner does not just drop a body.

Beingness is valuable.

A post or job is enormously valuable. Even the most minor post has a status value.

The only quality that is critical about a job is can it be held at all? By heavy overload and harassment a job can be made untenable. But a “blow” or departure is only occasioned by hope of a better one elsewhere in this same life. A workload can be heavy. But when it gets impossible, one gets a blow.

An overloaded division will empty.

The most common way to overload an area is to fail to hat, checksheet and pack the personnel and not train them. Then they work badly as a team with lots of friction as the jobs are not meshed with one another. Dev-T results. An apparency of hard work ends up in poor or little production.

Then personnel begin to make goofs which absorb the time of other personnel.


The secret of a turbulent society is contained in these facts.

A welfare state pays people not to work. It is paying to have people without purpose or hats. Therefore it gets crime. There is NO surer way to beget an insurgent society than to deny purpose and posts to its members.

Knowingly or unknowingly, welfare statism is aimed at disenfranchising citizens. From Rome on forward, every welfare state has eventually erupted in revolt and civil war. And every state which denied jobs or status has blown up in revolt. The French and Russian revolutions were fully concerned with breaking a monopoly of status.


Unhappiness, social misery, are not answered by denying in any way actual, useful jobs.

The sense of belonging and purpose in living can be strangled in many ways.

Whenever it is done, it is done by some mechanism (like the dole or relief or plain unemployment) which prevents participation.

Participation is only achieved by the worthwhileness of the activity, the factualness and understanding of the activity, explained purpose and an exact and trained-in set of duties.

Crime stems totally and entirely from lack of belonging and understanding that to which one belongs. The criminal or juvenile gang is a substitute for society. It is an outlaw pack at the throat of that which forced it not to belong.

Preventing youthful participation, permitting airy-fairy education, unreal values and lack of understanding turns youth against the state.

Politicians and financiers have been too deficient in imagination to provide real jobs, real training, real objectives. It is easier to toss contemptuous starvation handouts to the multitude. Or lock them out entirely.

The wages of such action are revolt and social decline.

There is work and thought needful in providing

A. A worthwhile cause

B. Valuable production

C. Jobs and status

D. Real education for the posts held

E. Perpetuation of a valuable activity.

Any businessman for various reasons tries to do this. He is usually overburdened by the state.

In Russia, where there is only the cynical state, police duress is all that holds the rickety framework together.

Thus there is a direct coordination between (a) social disorder and (b) no job or no hat or no training on it.


Wherever Ethics has to be heavy you find

1. No real hats

2. No checksheet or pack

3. No thorough grooving in.

Given a worthwhile cause, Personnel can be made a near impossible post by neglect of grooving in.

When a person is unable to wear a hat, processing can trace back the cycle of attaining status and losing it until the person can have a hat.

Personnel placement is far less important than on-the-job hats, checksheets and packs grooved in.

Promotion follows any good production in due course.This is how Ethics and Personnel work together or conflict.

If Ethics does not target those who fail to train rather than those who aren’t trained or processed and goof or commit crimes, Ethics and Personnel both will come a resounding cropper.

In support of what I say, Ethics can trace any trouble in an area back to a failure to recruit and fully, realistically train on posts.

And Personnel can trace any trouble in an area to past failures to recruit and fully, realistically train on posts.

You have here in an org what has been destroying all of Man’s civilizations— denying jobs and status, failing to groove in and train. Man has only had force and Cossacks to remedy these lacks when what he really needed was imagination, jobs and training.A full appreciation of this solves many riddles regarding social planning and societies.

In our own sphere we must use this understanding well and drive the social aberrations out of our orgs and keep them out by recruiting, hats, checksheets, packs and full training for every post and the sweeping removal of all blocks and barriers which prevent it.

A Man wants to belong. He can’t if he does not know the purpose of that to which he belongs and all the duties and actions of his post.

So make it so by recruiting, training and processing that he can belong and be valuable.

And by having upstat orgs make it so the public can come in, get service and also belong by membership.

If you understand this fully, we can triumph, for it is a know-how few other men have.


[See also HCO PL 10 February 1971, Issue III, Personnel Series 18, on page 242 which adds to the above Policy Letter.]